public void Process(MusigPubNonce aggregatedNonce)
            if (processed_nonce)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Nonce already processed");
            var agg_pk = this.SigningPubKey;

            MusigSessionCache session_cache = new MusigSessionCache();
            Span <byte>       fin_nonce     = stackalloc byte[32];

            Span <byte> agg_pk32     = stackalloc byte[32];
            Span <GEJ>  aggnonce_ptj = stackalloc GEJ[2];

            aggnonce_ptj[0] = aggregatedNonce.K1.Q.ToGroupElementJacobian();
            aggnonce_ptj[1] = aggregatedNonce.K2.Q.ToGroupElementJacobian();

            /* Add public adaptor to nonce */
            if (adaptor != null)
                aggnonce_ptj[0] = aggnonce_ptj[0].AddVariable(adaptor.Q);

            secp256k1_musig_nonce_process_internal(this.ctx.EcMultContext, out session_cache.FinalNonceParity, fin_nonce, out session_cache.NonceCoeff, aggnonce_ptj, agg_pk32, msg32);

            /* Compute messagehash and store in session cache */
            ECXOnlyPubKey.secp256k1_schnorrsig_challenge(out session_cache.Challenge, fin_nonce, msg32, agg_pk32);

            /* If there is a tweak then set `msghash` times `tweak` to the `s`-part of the sig template.*/
            session_cache.SPart = Scalar.Zero;
            if (is_tweaked)
                Scalar e_tmp = session_cache.Challenge;
                if (!ECPrivKey.secp256k1_eckey_privkey_tweak_mul(ref e_tmp, scalar_tweak))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Impossible to sign (secp256k1_eckey_privkey_tweak_mul is false)");
                if (pk_parity)
                    e_tmp = e_tmp.Negate();
                session_cache.SPart = session_cache.SPart.Add(e_tmp);
            SessionCache        = session_cache;
            processed_nonce     = true;
            this.aggregateNonce = aggregatedNonce;