Exemplo n.º 1
        private ECLib.ErrorCode setCPParams(ref ECLib.EccParams parameters, ref string file)
            ECLib.ErrorCode err        = ECLib.ErrorCode.ERR_NOERROR;
            int             structsize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ECLib.EccParam)); // size of a parameter

            file = ECLib.is_vmp4(infos.DeviceCode) ? "cp4.ecc" : "cp.ecc";

            // allocate N parameters in memory for the unmanaged call.
            parameters.len     = 16;
            parameters.pparams = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(parameters.len * structsize);

            ECLib.BL_DefineSglParameter("Current_step", 0.002f, 0, parameters.pparams + structsize * 0);                                 // {I0 (A)}
            ECLib.BL_DefineBoolParameter("vs_initial", false, 0, parameters.pparams + structsize * 1);                                   // {vs. init}
            ECLib.BL_DefineSglParameter("Duration_step", 0.1f, 0, parameters.pparams + structsize * 2);                                  //{Step duration (s)}
            //{Step #1}
            ECLib.BL_DefineSglParameter("Current_step", -0.001f, 1, parameters.pparams + structsize * 3);                                // {I1 (A)}
            ECLib.BL_DefineBoolParameter("vs_initial", false, 1, parameters.pparams + structsize * 4);                                   //  {scan to E1 s. init}
            ECLib.BL_DefineSglParameter("Duration_step", 0.2f, 1, parameters.pparams + structsize * 5);                                  //  {Step duration (s)
            //{Step #2}
            ECLib.BL_DefineSglParameter("Current_step", 0.004f, 2, parameters.pparams + structsize * 6);                                 //  {I2 (A)}
            ECLib.BL_DefineBoolParameter("vs_initial", false, 2, parameters.pparams + structsize * 7);                                   //  {vs. init}
            ECLib.BL_DefineSglParameter("Duration_step", 0.1f, 2, parameters.pparams + structsize * 8);                                  // {Step duration (s)}
            ECLib.BL_DefineIntParameter("Step_number", 2, 0, parameters.pparams + structsize * 9);                                       // {step number}
            ECLib.BL_DefineIntParameter("N_Cycles", 0, 0, parameters.pparams + structsize * 10);                                         // {cycle Nc time}
            ECLib.BL_DefineSglParameter("Record_every_dE", 0.1f, 0, parameters.pparams + structsize * 11);                               //  {record every dE (V)}
            ECLib.BL_DefineSglParameter("Record_every_dT", 0.01f, 0, parameters.pparams + structsize * 12);                              //  {or every dT (s)}
            ECLib.BL_DefineIntParameter("I_Range", (int)ECLib.IntensityRange.KBIO_IRANGE_10mA, 0, parameters.pparams + structsize * 13); // {I Range}
            ECLib.BL_DefineIntParameter("E_Range", (int)ECLib.VoltageRange.KBIO_ERANGE_AUTO, 0, parameters.pparams + structsize * 14);   //{E Range}
            ECLib.BL_DefineIntParameter("Bandwidth", (int)ECLib.Bandwidth.KBIO_BW_5, 0, parameters.pparams + structsize * 15);           //{bandwidth}

Exemplo n.º 2
 private void message_worker_task(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
     ECLib.ErrorCode err = ECLib.ErrorCode.ERR_NOERROR;
         BackgroundWorker bw   = sender as BackgroundWorker;
         ECLibThreadWork  work = e.Argument as ECLibThreadWork;
         int    msg_size       = 512;
         byte[] msg            = new byte[msg_size];
         while (!bw.CancellationPending)
             err = ECLib.BL_GetMessage(work.id, work.channel, msg, ref msg_size);
             if (err == ECLib.ErrorCode.ERR_NOERROR && msg[0] != '\0')
                 bw.ReportProgress(0, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(msg));
             else if (err != ECLib.ErrorCode.ERR_NOERROR)
             msg_size = 512;
         e.Result = err;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void connect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (ip_textbox.Text.Length == 0)

            ECLib.ErrorCode err = ECLib.BL_Connect(ip_textbox.Text, 3, ref conn_id, ref infos);
            if (err == ECLib.ErrorCode.ERR_NOERROR)
                // update the form
                connect_btn.Enabled     = false;
                disconnect_btn.Enabled  = true;
                information_btn.Enabled = true;
                connect_radio.Checked   = true;
                connect_radio.Text      = "Connected";
                log("Connected, id = " + conn_id + ".");
                MessageBox.Show("Couldn't connect to the device at address " + ip_textbox.Text + ": " + err.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 4
        private ECLib.ErrorCode setCAParams(ref ECLib.EccParams parameters, ref string file)
            ECLib.ErrorCode err        = ECLib.ErrorCode.ERR_NOERROR;
            int             structsize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ECLib.EccParam)); // size of a parameter

            file = ECLib.is_vmp4(infos.DeviceCode) ? "ca4.ecc" : "ca.ecc";

            // allocate parameters in memory for the unmanaged call.
            parameters.len     = 16;
            parameters.pparams = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(parameters.len * structsize);

            err |= ECLib.BL_DefineSglParameter("Voltage_step", 1.5f, 0, parameters.pparams + structsize * 0);                                   // E0 (V)
            err |= ECLib.BL_DefineBoolParameter("vs_initial", false, 0, parameters.pparams + structsize * 1);                                   // vs. init
            err |= ECLib.BL_DefineSglParameter("Duration_step", 0.1f, 0, parameters.pparams + structsize * 2);                                  // Step duration (s)
            // Step #1
            err |= ECLib.BL_DefineSglParameter("Voltage_step", -1.0f, 1, parameters.pparams + structsize * 3);                                  // E1 (V)
            err |= ECLib.BL_DefineBoolParameter("vs_initial", false, 1, parameters.pparams + structsize * 4);                                   // scan to E1 s. init
            err |= ECLib.BL_DefineSglParameter("Duration_step", 0.2f, 1, parameters.pparams + structsize * 5);                                  // Step duration (s)
            // Step #2
            err |= ECLib.BL_DefineSglParameter("Voltage_step", 2.0f, 2, parameters.pparams + structsize * 6);                                   // E2 (V)
            err |= ECLib.BL_DefineBoolParameter("vs_initial", false, 2, parameters.pparams + structsize * 7);                                   // vs. init
            err |= ECLib.BL_DefineSglParameter("Duration_step", 0.1f, 2, parameters.pparams + structsize * 8);                                  // Step duration (s)
            // others
            err |= ECLib.BL_DefineIntParameter("Step_number", 2, 0, parameters.pparams + structsize * 9);                                       // step number
            err |= ECLib.BL_DefineIntParameter("N_Cycles", 0, 0, parameters.pparams + structsize * 10);                                         // cycle Nc time
            err |= ECLib.BL_DefineSglParameter("Record_every_dI", 0.1f, 0, parameters.pparams + structsize * 11);                               // record every dI (A)
            err |= ECLib.BL_DefineSglParameter("Record_every_dT", 0.01f, 0, parameters.pparams + structsize * 12);                              // or every dT (s)
            err |= ECLib.BL_DefineIntParameter("I_Range", (int)ECLib.IntensityRange.KBIO_IRANGE_AUTO, 0, parameters.pparams + structsize * 13); // I Range
            err |= ECLib.BL_DefineIntParameter("E_Range", (int)ECLib.VoltageRange.KBIO_ERANGE_AUTO, 0, parameters.pparams + structsize * 14);   // E Range
            err |= ECLib.BL_DefineIntParameter("Bandwidth", (int)ECLib.Bandwidth.KBIO_BW_5, 0, parameters.pparams + structsize * 15);           // bandwidth

Exemplo n.º 5
        private void setupChannels()
            byte size = 15;

            int[]  results  = new int[size];
            byte[] channels = new byte[size];

            if (ECLib.BL_GetChannelsPlugged(conn_id, channels, size) == ECLib.ErrorCode.ERR_NOERROR)
                for (byte c = 0; c < size; c++)
                    if (channels[c] != 0)

                channel_combo.SelectedIndex = 0; // autoselect first channel available

                ECLib.ErrorCode status = ECLib.BL_LoadFirmware(conn_id, channels, results, size, true, reload_fw_check.Checked, null, null);
                if (status != ECLib.ErrorCode.ERR_NOERROR)
                    MessageBox.Show("Firmware load failed: " + status);
Exemplo n.º 6
 private void channel_values_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     ECLib.CurrentValues cv  = default(ECLib.CurrentValues);
     ECLib.ErrorCode     err = ECLib.BL_GetCurrentValues(conn_id, selected_channel, ref cv);
     if (err != ECLib.ErrorCode.ERR_NOERROR)
         MessageBox.Show("Get channel info failed: " + err.ToString());
         MessageBox.Show(struct_dump(cv, typeof(ECLib.CurrentValues)));
Exemplo n.º 7
 private void channel_info_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     ECLib.ChannelInfo ci  = default(ECLib.ChannelInfo);
     ECLib.ErrorCode   err = ECLib.BL_GetChannelInfos(conn_id, selected_channel, ref ci);
     if (err != ECLib.ErrorCode.ERR_NOERROR)
         MessageBox.Show("Get channel info failed: " + err.ToString());
         MessageBox.Show(struct_dump(ci, typeof(ECLib.ChannelInfo)));
Exemplo n.º 8
        private ECLib.ErrorCode loadTechnique()
            // This function is special: we have to manually marshal the parameters structure,
            // because C# doesn't know how to correctly do it through automatic marshalling.
            // See ECLib.EccParams definition in ECLib.cs .
            string file = "";
            string tech = technique_combo.SelectedItem.ToString();

            ECLib.ErrorCode err        = ECLib.ErrorCode.ERR_NOERROR;
            ECLib.EccParams parameters = default(ECLib.EccParams);

            switch (tech)
            case "OCV":                 err = setOCVParams(ref parameters, ref file); break;

            case "ChronoPotentiometry": err = setCPParams(ref parameters, ref file); break;

            case "ChronoAmperometry":   err = setCAParams(ref parameters, ref file); break;

            default: break;

            // call LoadTechnique with the parameters that has been allocated through manual marshalling
            if (selected_channel != 0xff &&
                parameters.len != 0 &&
                file.Length != 0 &&
                err == ECLib.ErrorCode.ERR_NOERROR)
                err = ECLib.BL_LoadTechnique(conn_id, selected_channel, file, parameters, true, true, show_params.Checked);
                MessageBox.Show("Error setting a parameter: " + err.ToString());

            // need to free the allocated memory
            if (parameters.pparams != null)

Exemplo n.º 9
        private ECLib.ErrorCode setOCVParams(ref ECLib.EccParams parameters, ref string file)
            ECLib.ErrorCode err        = ECLib.ErrorCode.ERR_NOERROR;
            int             structsize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ECLib.EccParam)); // size of a parameter

            file = ECLib.is_vmp4(infos.DeviceCode) ? "ocv4.ecc" : "ocv.ecc";

            // allocate N (=4 for OCV) parameters in memory for the unmanaged call.
            parameters.len     = 4;
            parameters.pparams = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(parameters.len * structsize);

            // BL_Define[sgl,bool,int]Parameter all take a pointer to a memory space equivalent to a ECLib.EccParam structure
            err = ECLib.BL_DefineSglParameter("Rest_time_T", 3.0f, 0, parameters.pparams + 0 * structsize);
            err = ECLib.BL_DefineSglParameter("Record_every_dE", 0.1f, 0, parameters.pparams + 1 * structsize);
            err = ECLib.BL_DefineSglParameter("Record_every_dT", 0.01f, 0, parameters.pparams + 2 * structsize);
            err = ECLib.BL_DefineIntParameter("E_Range", (int)ECLib.VoltageRange.KBIO_ERANGE_AUTO, 0, parameters.pparams + 3 * structsize);

Exemplo n.º 10
        private void data_worker_task(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            ECLib.ErrorCode err = ECLib.ErrorCode.ERR_NOERROR;
                BackgroundWorker bw   = sender as BackgroundWorker;
                ECLibThreadWork  work = e.Argument as ECLibThreadWork;

                bool                stop  = false;
                ECLib.DataInfos     infos = default(ECLib.DataInfos);
                ECLib.CurrentValues curr  = default(ECLib.CurrentValues);
                while (!bw.CancellationPending && !stop)
                    int[] buf = new int[1000]; // needed for each iteration
                    err = ECLib.BL_GetData(work.id, work.channel, buf, ref infos, ref curr);
                    if (err == ECLib.ErrorCode.ERR_NOERROR)
                        if (infos.NbRows != 0 && infos.NbCols != 0)
                            bw.ReportProgress(0, new ECLibData {
                                Infos = infos, Curr = curr, Buf = buf
                        if (curr.State != ECLib.ChannelState.KBIO_STATE_RUN)
                            stop = true;
                        stop = true;
                e.Result = err;
Exemplo n.º 11
        private void start_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ECLib.ErrorCode err = loadTechnique();
            if (err != ECLib.ErrorCode.ERR_NOERROR)
                MessageBox.Show("Error loading technique: " + err.ToString());
                err = ECLib.BL_StartChannel(conn_id, selected_channel);
                if (err == ECLib.ErrorCode.ERR_NOERROR)
                    ack_start_btn.Enabled   = false;
                    ack_stop_btn.Enabled    = true;
                    ack_state_radio.Checked = true;
                    ack_state_radio.Text    = "Started";

                    // reset finished indicator
                    // start threads
                    in_acquisition = true;
                    msg_worker.RunWorkerAsync(new ECLibThreadWork {
                        id = conn_id, channel = selected_channel
                    data_worker.RunWorkerAsync(new ECLibThreadWork {
                        id = conn_id, channel = selected_channel
                    MessageBox.Show("Couldn't start acquisition");