Exemplo n.º 1
 public IXAuthentication(ClientInfo clientInfo, IXProperties sessOpts, EAuthenticationType authType)
     this.loginResult            = new LoginResult();
     this.loginResult.clientInfo = clientInfo;
     this.loginResult.user       = new UserInfo();
     this.sessOpts      = sessOpts;
     this.encrPasswords = new IXProperties();
     this.authType      = authType;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public virtual IXConnection CreateFromTicket(ClientInfo ci)
            EAuthenticationType authType = EAuthenticationType.FROM_TICKET;

            IXAuthentication auth = new IXAuthentication_FromTicket(ci, sessOpts, authType);

            BSyncResult <IXConnection> asyncResult = new BSyncResult <IXConnection>();

            internalCreateConnection(auth, BAsyncResultHelper.ToDelegate(asyncResult));
Exemplo n.º 3
 internal IXAuthentication_RunAsFromTicket(
     ClientInfo clientInfo, IXProperties sessOpts, EAuthenticationType authType, String runAs)
     : base(clientInfo, sessOpts, authType)
     ciAdmin          = new ClientInfo();
     ciAdmin.ticket   = clientInfo.ticket;
     ciAdmin.language = clientInfo.language;
     ciAdmin.country  = clientInfo.country;
     ciAdmin.timeZone = clientInfo.timeZone;
     this.runAs       = runAs;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public virtual IXConnection Create(ClientInfo ciAdmin, String runAs)
            EAuthenticationType authType = EAuthenticationType.RUN_AS;

            IXAuthentication auth = new IXAuthentication_RunAsFromTicket(ciAdmin, sessOpts, authType, runAs);

            BSyncResult <IXConnection> asyncResult = new BSyncResult <IXConnection>();

            internalCreateConnection(auth, BAsyncResultHelper.ToDelegate(asyncResult));
Exemplo n.º 5
 internal IXAuthentication_NameOrRunAsReportAs(
     ClientInfo clientInfo, IXProperties sessOpts, EAuthenticationType authType,
     String userName, String userPwd, String computerName, String runAs, bool reportAs)
     : base(clientInfo, sessOpts, authType)
     this.userName     = userName;
     this.userPwd      = userPwd;
     this.computerName = computerName;
     this.runAs        = runAs;
     this.reportAs     = reportAs;
        public static string GetAuthenticationMethodName(EAuthenticationType type)
            switch (type)
            case EAuthenticationType.Plain:

            case EAuthenticationType.Login:
Exemplo n.º 7
        public virtual IXConnection CreateSso(ClientInfo ci, String computerName)
            if (ci == null)
                ci = MakeDefaultClientInfo();

            EAuthenticationType authType = EAuthenticationType.SSO;

            IXAuthentication auth = new IXAuthentication_SSO(ci, sessOpts, authType, computerName);

            BSyncResult <IXConnection> asyncResult = new BSyncResult <IXConnection>();

            internalCreateConnection(auth, BAsyncResultHelper.ToDelegate(asyncResult));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public virtual IXConnection CreateAdmin(ClientInfo ci, String userName, String userPwd, String computerName, String reportAs)
            if (ci == null)
                ci = MakeDefaultClientInfo();

            EAuthenticationType authType = EAuthenticationType.REPORT_AS;

            IXAuthentication auth = new IXAuthentication_NameOrRunAsReportAs(ci, sessOpts, authType,
                                                                             userName, userPwd, computerName, reportAs, true);

            BSyncResult <IXConnection> asyncResult = new BSyncResult <IXConnection>();

            internalCreateConnection(auth, BAsyncResultHelper.ToDelegate(asyncResult));
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Create aconnection for the given user.
        /// <param name="ci"> ClientInfo object with language, country and timezone</param>
        /// <param name="userName"> User name.</param>
        /// <param name="userPwd"> Plain text user password.</param>
        /// <param name="computerName"> Computer name.</param>
        /// <param name="runAs"> User name or ID if this should be a run-as connection.</param>
        /// <returns>IXConnection object.</returns>
        /// @throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        /// </summary>
        public virtual IXConnection Create(ClientInfo ci, String userName, String userPwd,
                                           String computerName, String runAs)
            if (ci == null)
                ci = MakeDefaultClientInfo();

            EAuthenticationType authType = runAs != null && runAs.Length != 0 ?
                                           EAuthenticationType.RUN_AS : EAuthenticationType.NAME_PASSWORD;

            IXAuthentication auth = new IXAuthentication_NameOrRunAsReportAs(ci, sessOpts, authType,
                                                                             userName, userPwd, computerName, runAs, false);

            BSyncResult <IXConnection> asyncResult = new BSyncResult <IXConnection>();

            internalCreateConnection(auth, BAsyncResultHelper.ToDelegate(asyncResult));
Exemplo n.º 10
 public SmtpClient(string host, ushort port, string smtpUser, string smtpPassword, EInteractionType interactionType, EAuthenticationType authenticationType)
     this.Init(host, port, smtpUser, smtpPassword, interactionType, authenticationType);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public SmtpClient(string host, ushort port, EInteractionType interactionType, EAuthenticationType authenticationType)
     this.Init(host, port, "", "", interactionType, authenticationType);
Exemplo n.º 12
 protected void Init(string host, ushort port, string smtpUser, string smtpPassword, EInteractionType interactionType, EAuthenticationType authenticationType)
     if (host == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("host");
     if (smtpUser == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("smtpUser");
     if (smtpPassword == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("smtpPassword");
     this._configurationProvider = new CodeConfigurationProvider(host, port, interactionType, authenticationType);
     this._connectionFactory     = new ConnectionFactory();
     this.Username  = smtpUser;
     this.Password  = smtpPassword;
     this.ProxyUser = "";
     this.State     = ESmtpClientState.Awaiting;
Exemplo n.º 13
        protected static ISmtpAction GetAuthenticationCommand(string user, string password, EAuthenticationType authenticationType, IEnumerable <SmtpResponseLine> serverExtensions)
            switch (authenticationType)
            case EAuthenticationType.Auto:
                foreach (SmtpResponseLine line in serverExtensions)
                    if (line.Comment.Contains("AUTH"))
                        if (line.Comment.Contains("PLAIN"))
                            return(new AUTHPlainCommand(user, password));
                        if (line.Comment.Contains("LOGIN"))
                            return(new AUTHLoginCommand(user, password));

            case EAuthenticationType.Plain:
                if (!IsAuthMethosSupported(serverExtensions, "PLAIN"))
                    throw new AuthenticationMethodNotSupportedException();
                return(new AUTHPlainCommand(user, password));

            case EAuthenticationType.Login:
                if (!IsAuthMethosSupported(serverExtensions, "LOGIN"))
                    throw new AuthenticationMethodNotSupportedException();
                return(new AUTHLoginCommand(user, password));

Exemplo n.º 14
 public Pop3Client(string accountName, string host, ushort port, string login, string password, EInteractionType interactionType, EAuthenticationType authenticationType)
     this.Init(accountName, host, port, login, password, interactionType, authenticationType);
 protected void Init(string host, ushort port, EInteractionType interactionType, EAuthenticationType authenticationType, int sendTimeOut, int receiveTimeOut)
     if (host == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("host");
     if (sendTimeOut < 0)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("sendTimeOut");
     if (receiveTimeOut < 0)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("receiveTimeOut");
     this.Host = host;
     this.Port = port;
     this.SSLInteractionType  = interactionType;
     this.AuthenticationType  = authenticationType;
     this.SendTimeOut         = sendTimeOut;
     this.ReceiveTimeOut      = receiveTimeOut;
     this.ProxyHost           = "";
     this.ProxyPort           = 0;
     this.ProxyType           = EProxyType.No;
     this.AttachmentDirectory = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path;
 public CodeConfigurationProvider(string host, ushort port, EInteractionType interactionType, EAuthenticationType authenticationType)
     this._proxyUser     = "";
     this._proxyPassword = "";
     this.Init(host, port, interactionType, authenticationType, 0x2710, 0x2710);
 public static BaseAUTHENTICATECommand CreateAuthenticateCommand(EAuthenticationType type, string username, string password)
     return(CreateAuthenticateCommand(GetAuthenticationMethodName(type), username, password));
Exemplo n.º 18
 internal IXAuthentication_SSO(ClientInfo clientInfo, IXProperties sessOpts, EAuthenticationType authType, String computerName)
     : base(clientInfo, sessOpts, authType)
     this.computerName = computerName;
Exemplo n.º 19
 internal IXAuthentication_FromTicket(
     ClientInfo clientInfo, IXProperties sessOpts, EAuthenticationType authType)
     : base(clientInfo, sessOpts, authType)
        private string SendWebDAVRequest(string url, string webdavRequest, string username, string password)
            HttpWebRequest  webRequest        = null;
            HttpWebResponse webResponse       = null;
            Stream          responseStream    = null;
            string          responseStreamXml = "";

                // Create the web request
                webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                // Configure HTTP headers
                webRequest.ContentType     = "text/xml; charset=\"UTF-8\"";
                webRequest.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version11;
                webRequest.KeepAlive       = false;
                webRequest.Method          = "PROPFIND";
                webRequest.Timeout         = 10000;
                webRequest.Headers.Add("Translate", "f");
                webRequest.Headers.Add("Depth", "0");
                webRequest.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(1);

                // Credentials
                NetworkCredential myCred  = new NetworkCredential(username, password);
                CredentialCache   myCache = new CredentialCache();
                if (username.Length > 0)
                    if (EAuthenticationType.BASIC == m_AuthType)
                        myCache.Add(new Uri(url), "Basic", myCred);
                    else if (EAuthenticationType.NTLM == m_AuthType)
                        return("<ntlm />");
                    else if (EAuthenticationType.NEGOTIATE == m_AuthType)
                        myCache.Add(new Uri(url), "Negotiate", (NetworkCredential)CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials);
                        myCache.Add(new Uri(url), "Digest", myCred);
                    webRequest.Credentials     = myCache;
                    webRequest.PreAuthenticate = true;

                // The body of the HTTP request contains the WebDAV request
                byte[] queryData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(webdavRequest);

                // Set the Content Length
                webRequest.ContentLength = queryData.Length;

                // Send the request
                Stream requestStream = webRequest.GetRequestStream();
                requestStream.Write(queryData, 0, queryData.Length);

                // Get the HTTP Web Response
                webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse();

                // Get the repsonse stream
                responseStream = webResponse.GetResponseStream();

                // Pipes response stream to a UTF-8 stream reader
                StreamReader readerResponseStream = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.UTF8);

                responseStreamXml = readerResponseStream.ReadToEnd();

                // Release the resources of the response
            catch (WebException e)
                responseStreamXml = "<error>" + e.Message + "</error>";
                if (e.Message.Contains("401"))
                    string authenticationHeader = e.Response.Headers["WWW-Authenticate"];
                    authenticationHeader = (null != authenticationHeader) ? (authenticationHeader.ToLower()) : ("");
                    if (("" == authenticationHeader) || authenticationHeader.StartsWith("basic"))
                        m_AuthType = EAuthenticationType.BASIC;
                    else if (authenticationHeader.StartsWith("ntlm"))
                        m_AuthType = EAuthenticationType.NTLM;
                    else if ("negotiate" == authenticationHeader)
                        m_AuthType = EAuthenticationType.NEGOTIATE;
            catch (Exception e)
                responseStreamXml = "<error>WebDAV error from Alfresco: " + e.Message + "</error>";
                if (webResponse != null)

                if (responseStream != null)

                if (webRequest != null)

Exemplo n.º 21
 public Pop3Client(IConfigurationProvider configurationProvider, string login, string password, EAuthenticationType authenticationType)
     if (configurationProvider == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("configurationProvider");
     if (login == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("login");
     if (password == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("password");
     this._configurationProvider = configurationProvider;
     this._connectionFactory     = new ConnectionFactory();
     this.Username           = login;
     this.Password           = password;
     this.ConnectionState    = EPop3ConnectionState.Disconnected;
     this.State              = EPop3ClientState.Awaiting;
     this.AuthenticationType = authenticationType;
 public CodeConfigurationProvider(string host, ushort port, EInteractionType interactionType, EAuthenticationType authenticationType, int sendTimeOut, int recieveTimeOut)
     this._proxyUser     = "";
     this._proxyPassword = "";
     this.Init(host, port, interactionType, authenticationType, sendTimeOut, recieveTimeOut);
Exemplo n.º 23
 protected virtual void Init(string accountName, string host, ushort port, string login, string password, EInteractionType interactionType, EAuthenticationType authenticationType)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountName))
         throw new ArgumentNullException("accountName");
     if (host == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("host");
     if (login == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("login");
     if (password == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("password");
     this._connectionFactory     = new ConnectionFactory();
     this._configurationProvider = new CodeConfigurationProvider(host, port, interactionType, authenticationType);
     this.AuthenticationType     = authenticationType;
     this.AccountName            = accountName;
     this.Username        = login;
     this.Password        = password;
     this.ConnectionState = EPop3ConnectionState.Disconnected;
     this.State           = EPop3ClientState.Awaiting;
Exemplo n.º 24
        private string SendWebDAVRequest(string url, string webdavRequest, string username, string password)
            HttpWebRequest webRequest = null;
             HttpWebResponse webResponse = null;
             Stream responseStream = null;
             string responseStreamXml = "";

            // Create the web request
            webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            // Configure HTTP headers
            webRequest.ContentType = "text/xml; charset=\"UTF-8\"";
            webRequest.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version11;
            webRequest.KeepAlive = false;
            webRequest.Method = "PROPFIND";
            webRequest.Timeout = 10000;
            webRequest.Headers.Add("Translate", "f");
            webRequest.Headers.Add("Depth", "0");
            webRequest.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(1);

            // Credentials
            NetworkCredential myCred = new NetworkCredential(username, password);
            CredentialCache myCache = new CredentialCache();
            if (username.Length > 0)
               if (EAuthenticationType.BASIC == m_AuthType)
                  myCache.Add(new Uri(url), "Basic", myCred);
               else if (EAuthenticationType.NTLM == m_AuthType)
                  return "<ntlm />";
               else if (EAuthenticationType.NEGOTIATE == m_AuthType)
                  myCache.Add(new Uri(url), "Negotiate", (NetworkCredential)CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials);
                  myCache.Add(new Uri(url), "Digest", myCred);
               webRequest.Credentials = myCache;
               webRequest.PreAuthenticate = true;

            // The body of the HTTP request contains the WebDAV request
            byte[] queryData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(webdavRequest);

            // Set the Content Length
            webRequest.ContentLength = queryData.Length;

            // Send the request
            Stream requestStream = webRequest.GetRequestStream();
            requestStream.Write(queryData, 0, queryData.Length);

            // Get the HTTP Web Response
            webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse();

            // Get the repsonse stream
            responseStream = webResponse.GetResponseStream();

            // Pipes response stream to a UTF-8 stream reader
            StreamReader readerResponseStream = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.UTF8);

            responseStreamXml = readerResponseStream.ReadToEnd();

            // Release the resources of the response
             catch (WebException e)
            responseStreamXml = "<error>" + e.Message + "</error>";
            if (e.Message.Contains("401"))
               string authenticationHeader = e.Response.Headers["WWW-Authenticate"];
               authenticationHeader = (null != authenticationHeader) ? (authenticationHeader.ToLower()) : ("");
               if (("" == authenticationHeader) || authenticationHeader.StartsWith("basic"))
                  m_AuthType = EAuthenticationType.BASIC;
               else if (authenticationHeader.StartsWith("ntlm"))
                  m_AuthType = EAuthenticationType.NTLM;
               else if ("negotiate" == authenticationHeader)
                  m_AuthType = EAuthenticationType.NEGOTIATE;
             catch (Exception e)
            responseStreamXml = "<error>WebDAV error from Alfresco: " + e.Message + "</error>";
            if (webResponse != null)

            if (responseStream != null)

            if (webRequest != null)

             return responseStreamXml;
Exemplo n.º 25
 public Pop3Client(string accountName, string host, ushort port, EInteractionType interactionType, EAuthenticationType authenticationType)
     this.Init(accountName, host, port, "", "", interactionType, authenticationType);