Exemplo n.º 1
		TypeSpec CreateType (MetaType type, TypeSpec declaringType, DynamicTypeReader dtype, bool canImportBaseType)
			TypeSpec spec;
			if (import_cache.TryGetValue (type, out spec)) {
				if (spec.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Object) {
					if (dtype.IsDynamicObject (this))
						return module.Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Dynamic;

					return spec;

				if (!spec.IsGeneric || type.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
					return spec;

				if (!dtype.HasDynamicAttribute (this))
					return spec;

				// We've found same object in the cache but this one has a dynamic custom attribute
				// and it's most likely dynamic version of same type IFoo<object> agains IFoo<dynamic>
				// Do type resolve process again in that case

				// TODO: Handle cases where they still unify

			if (IsMissingType (type)) {
				spec = new TypeSpec (MemberKind.MissingType, declaringType, new ImportedTypeDefinition (type, this), type, Modifiers.PUBLIC);
				spec.MemberCache = MemberCache.Empty;
				import_cache.Add (type, spec);
				return spec;

			if (type.IsGenericType && !type.IsGenericTypeDefinition) {
				var type_def = type.GetGenericTypeDefinition ();

				// Generic type definition can also be forwarded
				if (compiled_types.TryGetValue (type_def, out spec))
					return spec;

				var targs = CreateGenericArguments (0, type.GetGenericArguments (), dtype);
				if (declaringType == null) {
					// Simple case, no nesting
					spec = CreateType (type_def, null, new DynamicTypeReader (), canImportBaseType);
					spec = spec.MakeGenericType (module, targs);
				} else {
					// Nested type case, converting .NET types like
					// A`1.B`1.C`1<int, long, string> to typespec like
					// A<int>.B<long>.C<string>
					var nested_hierarchy = new List<TypeSpec> ();
					while (declaringType.IsNested) {
						nested_hierarchy.Add (declaringType);
						declaringType = declaringType.DeclaringType;

					int targs_pos = 0;
					if (declaringType.Arity > 0) {
						spec = declaringType.MakeGenericType (module, targs.Skip (targs_pos).Take (declaringType.Arity).ToArray ());
						targs_pos = spec.Arity;
					} else {
						spec = declaringType;

					for (int i = nested_hierarchy.Count; i != 0; --i) {
						var t = nested_hierarchy [i - 1];
						spec = MemberCache.FindNestedType (spec, t.Name, t.Arity);
						if (t.Arity > 0) {
							spec = spec.MakeGenericType (module, targs.Skip (targs_pos).Take (spec.Arity).ToArray ());
							targs_pos += t.Arity;

					string name = type.Name;
					int index = name.IndexOf ('`');
					if (index > 0)
						name = name.Substring (0, index);

					spec = MemberCache.FindNestedType (spec, name, targs.Length - targs_pos);
					if (spec == null)
						return null;

					if (spec.Arity > 0) {
						spec = spec.MakeGenericType (module, targs.Skip (targs_pos).ToArray ());

				// Don't add generic type with dynamic arguments, they can interfere with same type
				// using object type arguments
				if (!spec.HasDynamicElement) {

					// Add to reading cache to speed up reading
					if (!import_cache.ContainsKey (type))
						import_cache.Add (type, spec);

				return spec;

			Modifiers mod;
			MemberKind kind;

			var ma = type.Attributes;
			switch (ma & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) {
			case TypeAttributes.Public:
			case TypeAttributes.NestedPublic:
				mod = Modifiers.PUBLIC;
			case TypeAttributes.NestedPrivate:
				mod = Modifiers.PRIVATE;
			case TypeAttributes.NestedFamily:
				mod = Modifiers.PROTECTED;
			case TypeAttributes.NestedFamORAssem:
				mod = Modifiers.PROTECTED | Modifiers.INTERNAL;
				mod = Modifiers.INTERNAL;

			if ((ma & TypeAttributes.Interface) != 0) {
				kind = MemberKind.Interface;
			} else if (type.IsGenericParameter) {
				kind = MemberKind.TypeParameter;
			} else {
				var base_type = type.BaseType;
				if (base_type == null || (ma & TypeAttributes.Abstract) != 0) {
					kind = MemberKind.Class;
				} else {
					kind = DetermineKindFromBaseType (base_type);
					if (kind == MemberKind.Struct || kind == MemberKind.Delegate) {
						mod |= Modifiers.SEALED;

				if (kind == MemberKind.Class) {
					if ((ma & TypeAttributes.Sealed) != 0) {
						mod |= Modifiers.SEALED;
						if ((ma & TypeAttributes.Abstract) != 0)
							mod |= Modifiers.STATIC;
					} else if ((ma & TypeAttributes.Abstract) != 0) {
						mod |= Modifiers.ABSTRACT;

			var definition = new ImportedTypeDefinition (type, this);
			TypeSpec pt;

			if (kind == MemberKind.Enum) {
				const BindingFlags underlying_member = BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly |
					BindingFlags.Instance |
					BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic;

				var type_members = type.GetFields (underlying_member);
				foreach (var type_member in type_members) {
					spec = new EnumSpec (declaringType, definition, CreateType (type_member.FieldType), type, mod);

				if (spec == null)
					kind = MemberKind.Class;

			} else if (kind == MemberKind.TypeParameter) {
				spec = CreateTypeParameter (type, declaringType);
			} else if (type.IsGenericTypeDefinition) {
				definition.TypeParameters = CreateGenericParameters (type, declaringType);
			} else if (compiled_types.TryGetValue (type, out pt)) {
				// Same type was found in inside compiled types. It's
				// either build-in type or forward referenced typed
				// which point into just compiled assembly.
				spec = pt;
				BuiltinTypeSpec bts = pt as BuiltinTypeSpec;
				if (bts != null)
					bts.SetDefinition (definition, type, mod);

			if (spec == null)
				spec = new TypeSpec (kind, declaringType, definition, type, mod);

			import_cache.Add (type, spec);

			if (kind == MemberKind.TypeParameter) {
				if (canImportBaseType)
					ImportTypeParameterTypeConstraints ((TypeParameterSpec) spec, type);

				return spec;

			// Two stage setup as the base type can be inflated declaring type or
			// another nested type inside same declaring type which has not been
			// loaded, therefore we can import a base type of nested types once
			// the types have been imported
			if (canImportBaseType)
				ImportTypeBase (spec, type);

			return spec;
Exemplo n.º 2
		TypeSpec CreateType (MetaType type, DynamicTypeReader dtype, bool canImportBaseType)
			TypeSpec declaring_type;
			if (type.IsNested && !type.IsGenericParameter)
				declaring_type = CreateType (type.DeclaringType, new DynamicTypeReader (type.DeclaringType), true);
				declaring_type = null;

			return CreateType (type, declaring_type, dtype, canImportBaseType);
Exemplo n.º 3
		TypeSpec ImportType (MetaType type, DynamicTypeReader dtype)
			if (type.HasElementType) {
				var element = type.GetElementType ();
				var spec = ImportType (element, dtype);

				if (type.IsArray)
					return ArrayContainer.MakeType (module, spec, type.GetArrayRank ());
				if (type.IsByRef)
					return ReferenceContainer.MakeType (module, spec);
				if (type.IsPointer)
					return PointerContainer.MakeType (module, spec);

				throw new NotImplementedException ("Unknown element type " + type.ToString ());

			return CreateType (type, dtype, true);
Exemplo n.º 4
		TypeSpec[] CreateGenericArguments (int first, MetaType[] tparams, DynamicTypeReader dtype)

			var tspec = new TypeSpec [tparams.Length - first];
			for (int pos = first; pos < tparams.Length; ++pos) {
				var type = tparams[pos];
				int index = pos - first;

				TypeSpec spec;
				if (type.HasElementType) {
					var element = type.GetElementType ();
					spec = ImportType (element, dtype);

					if (!type.IsArray) {
						throw new NotImplementedException ("Unknown element type " + type.ToString ());

					spec = ArrayContainer.MakeType (module, spec, type.GetArrayRank ());
				} else {
					spec = CreateType (type, dtype, true);

					// We treat nested generic types as inflated internally where
					// reflection uses type definition
					// class A<T> {
					//    IFoo<A<T>> foo;	// A<T> is definition in this case
					// }
					// TODO: Is full logic from CreateType needed here as well?
					if (!IsMissingType (type) && type.IsGenericTypeDefinition) {
						var targs = CreateGenericArguments (0, type.GetGenericArguments (), dtype);
						spec = spec.MakeGenericType (module, targs);

				tspec[index] = spec;

			return tspec;
Exemplo n.º 5
		TypeSpec ImportType (MetaType type, DynamicTypeReader dtype)
			if (type.HasElementType) {
				var element = type.GetElementType ();
				var spec = ImportType (element, dtype);

				if (type.IsArray)
					return ArrayContainer.MakeType (module, spec, type.GetArrayRank ());
				if (type.IsByRef)
					return ReferenceContainer.MakeType (module, spec);
				if (type.IsPointer)
					return PointerContainer.MakeType (module, spec);

				throw new NotImplementedException ("Unknown element type " + type.ToString ());

			TypeSpec compiled_type;
			if (compiled_types.TryGetValue (type, out compiled_type)) {
				if (compiled_type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Object && dtype.IsDynamicObject ())
					return module.Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Dynamic;

				return compiled_type;

			return CreateType (type, dtype, true);