private async Task CreateItemVersion(string projectId, string folderId, string fileName, string storageId)
            FoldersApi foldersApi     = new FoldersApi();
            var        folderContents = await foldersApi.GetFolderContentsAsync(projectId, folderId);

            var folderData = new DynamicDictionaryItems(;

            string itemId = string.Empty;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, dynamic> item in folderData)
                if (item.Value.attributes.displayName == fileName)
                    itemId =; // this means a file with same name is already there, so we'll create a new version
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(itemId))
                // create a new item
                BaseAttributesExtensionObject        baseAttribute                   = new BaseAttributesExtensionObject(projectId.StartsWith("a.") ? "items:autodesk.core:File" : "items:autodesk.bim360:File", "1.0");
                CreateItemDataAttributes             createItemAttributes            = new CreateItemDataAttributes(fileName, baseAttribute);
                CreateItemDataRelationshipsTipData   createItemRelationshipsTipData  = new CreateItemDataRelationshipsTipData(CreateItemDataRelationshipsTipData.TypeEnum.Versions, CreateItemDataRelationshipsTipData.IdEnum._1);
                CreateItemDataRelationshipsTip       createItemRelationshipsTip      = new CreateItemDataRelationshipsTip(createItemRelationshipsTipData);
                StorageRelationshipsTargetData       storageTargetData               = new StorageRelationshipsTargetData(StorageRelationshipsTargetData.TypeEnum.Folders, folderId);
                CreateStorageDataRelationshipsTarget createStorageRelationshipTarget = new CreateStorageDataRelationshipsTarget(storageTargetData);
                CreateItemDataRelationships          createItemDataRelationhips      = new CreateItemDataRelationships(createItemRelationshipsTip, createStorageRelationshipTarget);
                CreateItemData createItemData = new CreateItemData(CreateItemData.TypeEnum.Items, createItemAttributes, createItemDataRelationhips);
                BaseAttributesExtensionObject      baseAttExtensionObj = new BaseAttributesExtensionObject(projectId.StartsWith("a.") ? "versions:autodesk.core:File" : "versions:autodesk.bim360:File", "1.0");
                CreateStorageDataAttributes        storageDataAtt      = new CreateStorageDataAttributes(fileName, baseAttExtensionObj);
                CreateItemRelationshipsStorageData createItemRelationshipsStorageData = new CreateItemRelationshipsStorageData(CreateItemRelationshipsStorageData.TypeEnum.Objects, storageId);
                CreateItemRelationshipsStorage     createItemRelationshipsStorage     = new CreateItemRelationshipsStorage(createItemRelationshipsStorageData);
                CreateItemRelationships            createItemRelationship             = new CreateItemRelationships(createItemRelationshipsStorage);
                CreateItemIncluded includedVersion = new CreateItemIncluded(CreateItemIncluded.TypeEnum.Versions, CreateItemIncluded.IdEnum._1, storageDataAtt, createItemRelationship);
                CreateItem         createItem      = new CreateItem(new JsonApiVersionJsonapi(JsonApiVersionJsonapi.VersionEnum._0), createItemData, new List <CreateItemIncluded>()

                ItemsApi itemsApi = new ItemsApi();
                var      newItem  = await itemsApi.PostItemAsync(projectId, createItem);
                // create a new version
                BaseAttributesExtensionObject          attExtensionObj              = new BaseAttributesExtensionObject(projectId.StartsWith("a.") ? "versions:autodesk.core:File" : "versions:autodesk.bim360:File", "1.0");
                CreateStorageDataAttributes            storageDataAtt               = new CreateStorageDataAttributes(fileName, attExtensionObj);
                CreateVersionDataRelationshipsItemData dataRelationshipsItemData    = new CreateVersionDataRelationshipsItemData(CreateVersionDataRelationshipsItemData.TypeEnum.Items, itemId);
                CreateVersionDataRelationshipsItem     dataRelationshipsItem        = new CreateVersionDataRelationshipsItem(dataRelationshipsItemData);
                CreateItemRelationshipsStorageData     itemRelationshipsStorageData = new CreateItemRelationshipsStorageData(CreateItemRelationshipsStorageData.TypeEnum.Objects, storageId);
                CreateItemRelationshipsStorage         itemRelationshipsStorage     = new CreateItemRelationshipsStorage(itemRelationshipsStorageData);
                CreateVersionDataRelationships         dataRelationships            = new CreateVersionDataRelationships(dataRelationshipsItem, itemRelationshipsStorage);
                CreateVersionData versionData    = new CreateVersionData(CreateVersionData.TypeEnum.Versions, storageDataAtt, dataRelationships);
                CreateVersion     newVersionData = new CreateVersion(new JsonApiVersionJsonapi(JsonApiVersionJsonapi.VersionEnum._0), versionData);

                VersionsApi versionsApis = new VersionsApi();
                dynamic     newVersion   = await versionsApis.PostVersionAsync(projectId, newVersionData);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task GetFolderContentsAsync(string userId, string hubId, string folderHref, int page, PerformContext context)
            Credentials credentials = await Credentials.FromDatabaseAsync(userId);

            // the API SDK
            FoldersApi folderApi = new FoldersApi();

            folderApi.Configuration.AccessToken = credentials.TokenInternal;

            // extract the projectId & folderId from the href
            string[] idParams  = folderHref.Split('/');
            string   folderUrn = idParams[idParams.Length - 1];
            string   projectId = idParams[idParams.Length - 3];

            BackgroundJobClient indexQueue = new BackgroundJobClient();
            IState state = new EnqueuedState("index");

                var folderContents = await folderApi.GetFolderContentsAsync(projectId, folderUrn, null, null, null, page, 100);

                if (folderContents.links.ToString().IndexOf("next") > 0)
                    indexQueue.Create(() => GetFolderContentsAsync(credentials.UserId, hubId, folderHref, page + 1, null), state);
                var folderData = new DynamicDictionaryItems(;

                // let's start iterating the FOLDER DATA
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, dynamic> folderContentItem in folderData)
                    if ((string)folderContentItem.Value.type == "folders")
                        // get subfolder...
                        string subFolderHref = folderContentItem.Value.links.self.href;
                        indexQueue.Create(() => GetFolderContentsAsync(credentials.UserId, hubId, subFolderHref, page, null), state);
                        // found an item!
                        await GetItemVersionsAsync(credentials, hubId, folderUrn, folderContentItem.Value.links.self.href, context);
            catch (Exception e)
        public async Task <dynamic> GetModelDetailPropertiesAsync(ModelDetails modelDetails)
            List <dynamic> results = new List <dynamic>();

            string key = "properties";

            if (_cacheManager.IsAdd(key))
                return(_cacheManager.Get <dynamic>(key));

                DerivativesApi derivativesApi =
                    GeneralTokenConfigurationSettings <IDerivativesApi> .SetToken(new DerivativesApi(),
                                                                                  await _authServiceAdapter.GetSecondaryTokenTask());

                dynamic detail = await GetModelDetailGuid(derivativesApi, modelDetails.urn);

                dynamic metadata =;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, dynamic> m in new DynamicDictionaryItems(metadata))
                    dynamic list = await derivativesApi.GetModelviewPropertiesAsync(modelDetails.urn, m.Value.guid);

                    dynamic collection =;

                    DynamicDictionaryItems items = new DynamicDictionaryItems(collection);

                    foreach (dynamic c in items)

                _cacheManager.Add(key, results, 60);

        public async Task <IActionResult> OnCallbackUpdategp([FromBody] dynamic body)
                dynamic oauth = await OAuthController.GetInternalAsync();

                JObject bodyJson     = JObject.Parse((string)body.ToString());
                var     parentFolder = (string)body.payload.parentFolderUrn;
                var     status       = (string)body.payload.state;
                var     user         = (string)body.payload.context.lineage.createUserName;
                var     project      = (string)body.hook.hookAttribute.projectName;
                var     projectId    = (string)body.hook.hookAttribute.projectId;
                var     fileName     = (string);
                var     hub          = (string)body.hook.hookAttribute.hubId;
                var     version      = (int)body.payload.version;
                var     rvt          = (string);
                var     urn          = (string)body.payload.lineageUrn;
                urn = urn.Split(":").Last();
                var folderApi = new FoldersApi();
                folderApi.Configuration.AccessToken = oauth.access_token;
                var content = await folderApi.GetFolderContentsAsync(projectId, parentFolder);

                var included  = new DynamicDictionaryItems(content.included);
                var _included = included.FirstOrDefault(x => (new KeyValuePair <string, dynamic>(x.Key, x.Value) as string).Contains(urn));
                var guid      = ((string)((dynamic)_included.Value)"/").Last();

                //var texto = bodyJson.ToString();
                var gp = await PostGoodPractices(project, version, hub, rvt, guid);

                // TODO: Enviar email si la respuesta es correcta.
                await SendEmail(user, fileName, project, version);
            catch { }

 private string GetName(DynamicDictionaryItems folderIncluded, KeyValuePair <string, dynamic> folderContentItem)
        private async Task <IList <jsTreeNode> > GetFolderContents(string href)
            IList <jsTreeNode> nodes = new List <jsTreeNode>();

            // the API SDK
            FoldersApi folderApi = new FoldersApi();

            folderApi.Configuration.AccessToken = Credentials.TokenInternal;

            // extract the projectId & folderId from the href
            string[] idParams  = href.Split('/');
            string   folderId  = idParams[idParams.Length - 1];
            string   projectId = idParams[idParams.Length - 3];

            // check if folder specifies visible types
            JArray  visibleTypes = null;
            dynamic folder       = (await folderApi.GetFolderAsync(projectId, folderId)).ToJson();

            if ( != null && != null && != null && !( is JArray) && != null)
                visibleTypes =;

            var folderContents = await folderApi.GetFolderContentsAsync(projectId, folderId);

            // the GET Folder Contents has 2 main properties: data & included (not always available)
            var folderData     = new DynamicDictionaryItems(;
            var folderIncluded = (folderContents.Dictionary.ContainsKey("included") ? new DynamicDictionaryItems(folderContents.included) : null);

            // let's start iterating the FOLDER DATA
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, dynamic> folderContentItem in folderData)
                // do we need to skip some items? based on the visibleTypes of this folder
                string extension = folderContentItem.Value.attributes.extension.type;
                if (extension.IndexOf("Folder") /*any folder*/ == -1 && visibleTypes != null && !visibleTypes.ToString().Contains(extension))

                // if the type is items:autodesk.bim360:Document we need some manipulation...
                if (extension.Equals("items:autodesk.bim360:Document"))
                    // as this is a DOCUMENT, lets interate the FOLDER INCLUDED to get the name (known issue)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, dynamic> includedItem in folderIncluded)
                        // check if the id match...
                        if ( != -1)
                            // found it! now we need to go back on the FOLDER DATA to get the respective FILE for this DOCUMENT
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, dynamic> folderContentItem1 in folderData)
                                if (folderContentItem1.Value.attributes.extension.type.IndexOf("File") == -1)
                                    continue;                                                                           // skip if type is NOT File
                                // check if the sourceFileName match...
                                if ( ==
                                    // ready!

                                    // let's return for the jsTree with a special id:
                                    // itemUrn|versionUrn|viewableId
                                    // itemUrn: used as target_urn to get document issues
                                    // versionUrn: used to launch the Viewer
                                    // viewableId: which viewable should be loaded on the Viewer
                                    // this information will be extracted when the user click on the tree node, see ForgeTree.js:136 (activate_node.jstree event handler)
                                    string treeId = string.Format("{0}|{1}|{2}",
                                                        ,                                       // item urn
                                                                  Base64Encode(, // version urn
                                                                   // viewableID
                                    nodes.Add(new jsTreeNode(treeId, WebUtility.UrlDecode(, "bim360documents", false));
                    // non-Plans folder items
                    nodes.Add(new jsTreeNode(folderContentItem.Value.links.self.href, folderContentItem.Value.attributes.displayName, (string)folderContentItem.Value.type, true));

        private async Task <IList <jsTreeNode> > GetFolderContents(string href, string qtype, string qtext)
            IList <jsTreeNode> nodes = new List <jsTreeNode>();

            // the API SDK
            FoldersApi folderApi = new FoldersApi();

            folderApi.Configuration.AccessToken = Credentials.TokenInternal;

            // extract the projectId & folderId from the href
            string[] idParams  = href.Split('/');
            string   folderId  = idParams[idParams.Length - 1];
            string   projectId = idParams[idParams.Length - 3];

            // check if folder specifies visible types
            JArray  visibleTypes = null;
            dynamic folder       = (await folderApi.GetFolderAsync(projectId, folderId)).ToJson();

            if ( != null && != null && != null && !( is JArray) && != null)
                visibleTypes =;

            var folderContents = await folderApi.GetFolderContentsAsync(projectId, folderId);

            // the GET Folder Contents has 2 main properties: data & included (not always available)
            var folderData     = new DynamicDictionaryItems(;
            var folderIncluded = (folderContents.Dictionary.ContainsKey("included") ? new DynamicDictionaryItems(folderContents.included) : null);

            // let's start iterating the FOLDER DATA
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, dynamic> folderContentItem in folderData)
                // do we need to skip some items? based on the visibleTypes of this folder
                string extension = folderContentItem.Value.attributes.extension.type;
                if (extension.IndexOf("Folder") /*any folder*/ == -1 && visibleTypes != null && !visibleTypes.ToString().Contains(extension))

                // if the type is items:autodesk.bim360:Document we need some manipulation...
                if (extension.Equals("items:autodesk.bim360:Document"))
                    // as this is a DOCUMENT, lets interate the FOLDER INCLUDED to get the name (known issue)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, dynamic> includedItem in folderIncluded)
                        // check if the id match...
                        if ( != -1)
                            // found it! now we need to go back on the FOLDER DATA to get the respective FILE for this DOCUMENT
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, dynamic> folderContentItem1 in folderData)
                                if (folderContentItem1.Value.attributes.extension.type.IndexOf("File") == -1)
                                    continue;                                                                           // skip if type is NOT File
                                // check if the sourceFileName match...
                                if ( ==
                                    // ready!

                                    // let's return for the jsTree with a special id:
                                    // itemUrn|versionUrn|viewableId
                                    // itemUrn: used as target_urn to get document issues
                                    // versionUrn: used to launch the Viewer
                                    // viewableId: which viewable should be loaded on the Viewer
                                    // this information will be extracted when the user click on the tree node, see ForgeTree.js:136 (activate_node.jstree event handler)
                                    string treeId = string.Format("{0}|{1}|{2}",
                                                        ,                                       // item urn
                                                                  Base64Encode(, // version urn
                                                                   // viewableID
                                    nodes.Add(new jsTreeNode(treeId, WebUtility.UrlDecode(, "bim360documents", false));
                else if (extension.Equals("folders:autodesk.bim360:Folder"))
                    //mb: , string qtype, string qtext
                    string   legend      = "";
                    string   permissions = "";
                    string   userId      = "";
                    string[] useremails  = null;
                    string[] companies   = null;
                    string[] roles       = null;

                    if (qtype.Equals("userId"))
                        //get user company and roles
                        userId = qtext.Trim();
                        string utoken  = Credentials.TokenInternal;
                        var    uclient = new RestClient("" + projectId.Substring(2) + "/users/" + userId);
                        uclient.Timeout = -1;
                        var urequest = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
                        urequest.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
                        urequest.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json");
                        urequest.AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + utoken);
                        IRestResponse uresponse = uclient.Execute(urequest);
                        JObject       ures      = JObject.Parse(uresponse.Content);
                        useremails = new string[] { ures["email"].ToString() };
                        companies  = new string[] { ures["companyId"].ToString() };
                        List <string> lroles = new List <string>();
                        foreach (var item in ures["roleIds"].Children())
                        roles = lroles.ToArray();
                    else if (qtype.Equals("by_emails_only"))
                        useremails = qtext.Split(new Char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    else if (qtype.Equals("companies"))
                        companies = qtext.Split(new Char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    else if (qtype.Equals("roles"))
                        roles = qtext.Split(new Char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    string token     = Credentials.TokenInternal;
                    string folderUrn = folderContentItem.Value.links.self.href.ToString();
                    folderUrn = folderUrn.Split("/folders/")[1].Split("/contents?")[0].Replace(":", "%3A");
                    var client = new RestClient("" + projectId.Substring(2) + "/folders/" + folderUrn + "/permissions");
                    client.Timeout = -1;
                    var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
                    request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/vnd.api+json");
                    request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.api+json");
                    request.AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);

                        bool   validresponse = false;
                        int    countvr       = 0;
                        int    maxvr         = 3;
                        JArray res           = null;
                        while (!validresponse)
                            IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
                                res           = JArray.Parse(response.Content);
                                validresponse = true;
                                if (countvr >= maxvr)

                        foreach (var item in res.Children())
                            dynamic data = JObject.Parse(item.ToString());
                            if (data["subjectType"].ToString().Equals("USER") && useremails != null)
                                int count = 0;
                                foreach (string useremail in useremails)
                                    if (data["email"].ToString().Equals(useremail.Trim()))
                                        permissions += " " + GetPermissionString(data, count, useremail);
                            else if (data["subjectType"].ToString().Equals("COMPANY") && companies != null)
                                int count = 3;
                                foreach (string company in companies)
                                    if (data["name"].ToString().Equals(company.Trim()) || data["subjectId"].ToString().Equals(company.Trim()))
                                        permissions += " " + GetPermissionString(data, count, "C:" + data["name"].ToString());
                            else if (data["subjectType"].ToString().Equals("ROLE") && roles != null)
                                int count = 6;
                                foreach (string role in roles)
                                    if (data["name"].ToString().Equals(role.Trim()) || data["subjectId"].ToString().Equals(role.Trim()))
                                        permissions += " " + GetPermissionString(data, count, "R:" + data["name"].ToString());
                    catch (Exception e) { permissions = e.Message + "###" + e.StackTrace; }

                    // non-Plans folder items
                    //if (folderContentItem.Value.attributes.hidden == true) continue;
                    nodes.Add(new jsTreeNode(folderContentItem.Value.links.self.href, folderContentItem.Value.attributes.displayName + permissions, (string)folderContentItem.Value.type, true));
            //nodes.Add(new jsTreeNode("", "long long text", "folders", false));