Exemplo n.º 1
 // New stuff for extra floor cell types
 public static void ApplyExtraFloorCellData(PrototypeDungeonRoomCellData cellData, CoreDamageTypes DamageType, FloorType FloorType, float DamageToPlayersPerTick = 0, float DamageToEnemiesPerTick = 0, float TickFrequency = 0, bool RespectsFlying = true, bool DoesDamage = false, bool IsPoison = false)
     cellData.doesDamage       = DoesDamage;
     cellData.damageDefinition = new CellDamageDefinition()
         damageTypes            = DamageType,
         damageToPlayersPerTick = DamageToPlayersPerTick,
         damageToEnemiesPerTick = DamageToEnemiesPerTick,
         tickFrequency          = TickFrequency,
         respectsFlying         = RespectsFlying,
         isPoison = IsPoison
     if (cellData.appearance == null)
         cellData.appearance = new PrototypeDungeonRoomCellAppearance()
             overrideDungeonMaterialIndex = -1,
             IsPhantomCarpet       = false,
             ForceDisallowGoop     = false,
             globalOverrideIndices = new PrototypeIndexOverrideData()
                 indices = new List <int>(0)
     if (DamageType == CoreDamageTypes.Poison)
         cellData.ForceTileNonDecorated = true;
         // cellData.appearance.OverrideFloorType = FloorType.Stone;
         cellData.damageDefinition.damageTypes = CoreDamageTypes.Poison;
     else if (DamageType == CoreDamageTypes.Fire)
         cellData.ForceTileNonDecorated = true;
         // cellData.appearance.OverrideFloorType = FloorType.Stone;
         cellData.damageDefinition.damageTypes = CoreDamageTypes.Fire;
     cellData.appearance.OverrideFloorType = FloorType;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void ApplyExtraFloorCellDataFromTexture2D(PrototypeDungeonRoom room, Texture2D sourceTexture)
            if (sourceTexture == null)
                ETGModConsole.Log("[ExpandTheGungeon] ApplyExtraFloorCellDataFromTexture2D: WARNING! Requested Texture for extra floor data is null!", ExpandSettings.debugMode);
                ETGModConsole.Log("[ExpandTheGungeon] Room: " + room.name + " will not have any extra floor data!", ExpandSettings.debugMode);

            int width       = room.Width;
            int height      = room.Height;
            int ArrayLength = (width * height);

            if (sourceTexture.GetPixels32().Length != ArrayLength)
                ETGModConsole.Log("[ExpandTheGungeon] ApplyExtraFloorCellDataFromTexture2D: WARNING! Image resolution doesn't match size of room!", ExpandSettings.debugMode);
                ETGModConsole.Log("[ExpandTheGungeon] Room: " + room.name + " will not have any extra floor data!", ExpandSettings.debugMode);

            Color WhitePixel = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255);         // Normal Floor

            Color RedPixel = new Color32(255, 0, 0, 255);               // Fire damage cell

            Color GreenPixel = new Color32(0, 255, 0, 255);             // Poison damage cell

            Color BlueHalfGreenPixel = new Color32(0, 127, 255, 255);   // Ice Override
            Color HalfBluePixel      = new Color32(0, 0, 127, 255);     // Water Override
            Color HalfRedPixel       = new Color32(0, 0, 127, 255);     // Carpet Override
            Color GreenHalfRBPixel   = new Color32(127, 255, 127, 255); // Grass Override
            Color HalfWhitePixel     = new Color32(127, 127, 127, 255); // Bone Override
            Color OrangePixel        = new Color32(255, 127, 0, 255);   // Flesh Override
            Color RedHalfGBPixel     = new Color32(255, 127, 127, 255); // ThickGoop Override

            for (int X = 0; X < width; X++)
                for (int Y = 0; Y < height; Y++)
                    int   ArrayPosition = (Y * width + X);
                    Color?m_Pixel       = sourceTexture.GetPixel(X, Y);
                    PrototypeDungeonRoomCellData cellData  = room.FullCellData[ArrayPosition];
                    float           DamageToPlayersPerTick = 0;
                    float           DamageToEnemiesPerTick = 0;
                    float           TickFrequency          = 0;
                    bool            RespectsFlying         = true;
                    bool            IsPoison        = false;
                    bool            isDamageCell    = false;
                    CoreDamageTypes DamageCellsType = CoreDamageTypes.None;
                    FloorType       floorType       = FloorType.Stone;
                    if (cellData != null && m_Pixel.HasValue && cellData.state == CellType.FLOOR)
                        if (m_Pixel.Value == RedPixel)
                            floorType       = FloorType.Stone;
                            DamageCellsType = CoreDamageTypes.Fire;
                        else if (m_Pixel.Value == BlueHalfGreenPixel)
                            floorType = FloorType.Ice;
                        else if (m_Pixel.Value == HalfBluePixel)
                            floorType = FloorType.Water;
                        else if (m_Pixel.Value == HalfRedPixel)
                            floorType = FloorType.Carpet;
                        else if (m_Pixel.Value == GreenHalfRBPixel)
                            floorType = FloorType.Grass;
                        else if (m_Pixel.Value == HalfWhitePixel)
                            floorType = FloorType.Bone;
                        else if (m_Pixel.Value == OrangePixel)
                            floorType = FloorType.Flesh;
                        else if (m_Pixel.Value == RedHalfGBPixel)
                            floorType = FloorType.ThickGoop;
                        if (DamageCellsType == CoreDamageTypes.Fire)
                            isDamageCell           = true;
                            DamageToPlayersPerTick = 0.5f;
                            TickFrequency          = 1;
                        else if (DamageCellsType == CoreDamageTypes.Poison)
                            IsPoison               = true;
                            isDamageCell           = true;
                            DamageToPlayersPerTick = 0.5f;
                            TickFrequency          = 1;
                        ApplyExtraFloorCellData(cellData, DamageCellsType, floorType, DamageToPlayersPerTick, DamageToEnemiesPerTick, TickFrequency, RespectsFlying, isDamageCell, IsPoison);