Exemplo n.º 1
 private bool ContainsQuestOfThatDungeon(Quest ToCheck, Dungeon reference, out Quest questinvolved)
     if (ToCheck.GetType() == typeof(CompoundQuest))
         CompoundQuest Q = ToCheck as CompoundQuest;
         foreach (Quest Sub in Q.SubQuests)
             if (ContainsQuestOfThatDungeon(Sub, reference, out questinvolved))
         questinvolved = null;
     else if (ToCheck.GetType() == typeof(DungeonQuest))
         DungeonQuest Qu = ToCheck as DungeonQuest;
         if (Qu.Target == reference)
             questinvolved = Qu;
             questinvolved = null;
         throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 2
    private void Start()
        var obj = GameObject.FindWithTag("Quest");

        if (obj != null)
            dungeonQuest = obj.GetComponent <DungeonQuest>();
Exemplo n.º 3
    void Start()
        anim = GetComponent <Animator>();
        dq   = questObj.GetComponent <DungeonQuest>();

        if (dq.quest != 0)
            GetComponent <Outline>().enabled = false;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override void LoadContent()
            XmlManager <Player> playerLoader = new XmlManager <Player>();

            player = playerLoader.Load("Load/Gameplay/Player.xml");

            XmlManager <SuspicionOverlay> suspLoader = new XmlManager <SuspicionOverlay>();

            suspicionOverlay       = suspLoader.Load("Load/Gameplay/Overlays/SuspicionOverlay.xml");
            suspicionOverlay.Alpha = 0.5f;
            //if loading from a GameState info....
            if (GameState.Instance.EnteringDungeon)
                if (GameState.Instance.PlayerExists)
                    player.Stats = GameState.Instance.PlayerStats;
                }//else the default value will be used as normal having not been overwritten

                map = DungeonCreator.CreateMap(3, GameState.Instance);
                map = DungeonCreator.CreateMap(3);

            AIMoveManager.Instance.StartNewFloor(map, NumOfEnemies);

            ContentManager content = new ContentManager(ScreenManager.Instance.Content.ServiceProvider, "Content");

            font = content.Load <SpriteFont>("Gameplay/Fonts/Font1");

            int tilesacross;

            if (ScreenManager.Instance.Dimensions.X % map.TileDimensions.X != 0)
                tilesacross = ((int)ScreenManager.Instance.Dimensions.X / (int)map.TileDimensions.X) + 1;
                tilesacross = ((int)ScreenManager.Instance.Dimensions.X / (int)map.TileDimensions.X);

            int tilesdown;

            if (ScreenManager.Instance.Dimensions.Y % map.TileDimensions.Y != 0)
                tilesdown = ((int)ScreenManager.Instance.Dimensions.Y / (int)map.TileDimensions.Y) + 1;
                tilesdown = ((int)ScreenManager.Instance.Dimensions.Y / (int)map.TileDimensions.Y);
            tilesOnScreen = new Vector2(tilesacross, tilesdown);

            player.LoadContent(map.TileDimensions, map.EntryLoc + new Vector2(0, 1), map);
            map.SpawnEnemies(NumOfEnemies, player.CurrentRoomIn);

            camera = new Camera(map.Size, tilesOnScreen, map.TileDimensions, player.TilePosition);

            XmlManager <HealthBar> HPBL = new XmlManager <HealthBar>();

            HPBar = HPBL.Load("Load/Gameplay/HealthBar.xml");

            XmlManager <SuspicionBar> SBL = new XmlManager <SuspicionBar>();

            suspicionBar = SBL.Load("Load/Gameplay/SuspicionBar.xml");

            TotalEnemies   = map.D.Next(10, 30);//will be overruled by Quests later though if necessary
            EnemiesAtATime = NumOfEnemies;
            //	TotalEnemies = 25;
            if (GameState.Instance.IsCreated)
                if (GameState.Instance.QuestForDungeon(GameState.Instance.CurrentDungeon, out Quest QuestIfAny))
                    if (QuestIfAny.GetType() == typeof(DungeonQuest))
                        DungeonQuest CurrentQ = QuestIfAny as DungeonQuest;
                        TotalEnemies = CurrentQ.TotalEnemies;
                        if (CurrentQ.CurrentEnemies > 0)
                            EnemiesAtATime = CurrentQ.CurrentEnemies;
                        CurrentQuest = QuestIfAny;

            GameState.Instance.EnteringDungeon = false;//resets in case of error elsewhere
            GameState.Instance.PlayerExists    = true;

            exiting = false;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static void DetectInput()
                if (ChatFolderDirectory.Count == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("There are no chat logs available");

                string OriginalContent = null;
                string fileContent     = null;

                Console.WriteLine("\r\nCreating media plug...");
                IWavePlayer     waveOutDevice = new WaveOut();
                AudioFileReader audioFileReader;
                Console.WriteLine("Created media plug successfully");

                File.Delete(ChatFolderDirectory[0] + "\\triviaRead.txt");
                File.Copy(ChatFolderDirectory[0] + "\\channel.txt", ChatFolderDirectory[0] + "\\triviaRead.txt");
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n\r\nCreated clone file successfully");
                using (StreamReader originalsr = new System.IO.StreamReader(ChatFolderDirectory[0] + "\\triviaRead.txt"))
                    OriginalContent = originalsr.ReadToEnd();
                Console.WriteLine("Read the clone file successfully");

                for (bool triviaStart = false; ;)  //We run this loop until we detect the !Trivia message, putting the thread to sleep at the end to save performance
                {                                  //This is pretty shit/old way of doing it, it should be changed to a method call from another class!!!
                    File.Delete(ChatFolderDirectory[0] + "\\triviaRead.txt");
                    File.Copy(ChatFolderDirectory[0] + "\\channel.txt", ChatFolderDirectory[0] + "\\triviaRead.txt");
                    using (StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(ChatFolderDirectory[0] + "\\triviaRead.txt"))
                        fileContent = sr.ReadToEnd();

                    //Check if there is new stuff
                    int    index     = fileContent.IndexOf(OriginalContent);
                    string cleanPath = (index < 0)
                        ? fileContent
                        : fileContent.Remove(index, OriginalContent.Length);

                    cleanPath = cleanPath.ToLower();

                    //Each line needs to perform '-' removal and [0] add to a list of users
                    //[1] is the users answer
                    List <string> ChatComment = new List <string>(cleanPath.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));

                    for (int i = 0; i < ChatComment.Count; i++) //This may need to be optimised in the future, it's pretty hefty on performance and it will run every 5seconds
                        var regex = new Regex("[<][^<]*[>]");   //Removing the timestamp
                        ChatComment[i] = (regex.Replace(ChatComment[i], String.Empty)).Trim();

                        if (!ChatComment[i].StartsWith(TeamspeakName))
                            //Time to get creative
                            if (ChatComment[i].Contains("!trivia"))
                                string s = ChatComment[i].Substring(ChatComment[i].IndexOf("!trivia"));
                                s = s.Substring(s.IndexOf(' ') + 1);
                                    QuestionAmount = Int32.Parse(s);
                                    if (QuestionAmount > 50 || QuestionAmount < 0)
                                        SendMessage("----Trivia Start: Cannot start a trivia game with that many or few questions (Maximum of 50)");
                                        SendMessage("----Trivia Start: Starting Trivia with " + s + " questions");
                                        triviaStart = true;
                                    if (s != "!trivia")
                                        SendMessage("----Trivia Start: Invalid amount of questions");
                                        QuestionAmount = 20;
                                        triviaStart    = true;
                            else if (ChatComment[i].Contains("!play <random"))                                             //NEED TO IMPLEMENT
                                List <string> ChannelFolder = new List <string>(Directory.GetDirectories(ServerLocation)); //Getting a list of every channels folder
                                List <string> allFiles      = new List <string>();

                                //For each channel folder, check for an .mp3, .wav or .wma - then store its location in a list, then pick one at random and add to the queue
                                foreach (string channel in ChannelFolder)
                                    if (Directory.Exists(channel + "\\GirthSounds"))
                                        List <string> channelFiles = new List <string>(Directory.GetFiles(channel + "\\GirthSounds"));
                                        foreach (string mediaFile in channelFiles)
                                            if (mediaFile.EndsWith(".mp3") || mediaFile.EndsWith(".wav") || mediaFile.EndsWith(".wma"))

                                Random r   = new Random();
                                int    num = r.Next(1, allFiles.Count + 1);
                                Queue.Add(allFiles[num - 1]);
                            else if (ChatComment[i].Contains("!play") && !ChatComment[i].Contains("!play <random")) //Pretty complicated, have to mess about with playstates & a list of what to play
                                string s = ChatComment[i].Substring(ChatComment[i].IndexOf("!play"));
                                s = s.Substring(s.IndexOf(' ') + 1);
                                if (s == "!play" || s == "")
                                    SendMessage("----Play: Invalid parameter, enter the name of the sound you want to play after '!play'");
                                    //We do a search algorithm on every folder in 'virtual_server' to find that file.
                                    if ((!s.EndsWith(".wav")) && (!s.EndsWith(".wma")))
                                        s = s + ".mp3";

                            else if (ChatComment[i].Contains("!help")) //Do a timer check for the below, so it cant be spammed
                                SendMessage("You can enter the following commands: ");
                                SendMessage("    !trivia <amount of questions> - Start a game of Trivia with a specific amount of questions, if no number is entered the default is 20");
                                SendMessage("    !play <file> - Plays the sound of the file's name uploaded to the channel's browser (default is mp3, add .wav or .wma to end to play those) - Using the ALL command you can play all media files in a folder, e.g. '!play fallout4 ALL' ----- If you add <random instead, it will play a random file from the server");
                                SendMessage("    !skip - Skips the current track being played");
                                SendMessage("    !queue - Displays the current tracks in the queue");
                                SendMessage("    !speak <global OR channel> - Set if the bot should speak globally or just in the current channel");
                                SendMessage("    !move <channel number> - Moves the bot to the given channel");
                                SendMessage("    !purge - Clears all songs from the playlist");
                                SendMessage("    !volume - Changes the volume of Girth on the next song");
                                SendMessage("    !roll - Rolls a dice, add a number at the end to specify how many sides to the die (default is 6)");
                                SendMessage("    !inspireme - Throws out an inspiring quote, perfect for starting off the day");
                                SendMessage("    !firstlast - (to be implemented), a random catagory is selected and players must take turns to give a word relating to that topic, that word must start with the last letter of the last answer given ");
                                SendMessage("    !anagram <topic> - a random word is chosen, it will be jumbled up and placed in chat - the first person to figure out the original word wins - use !anagram list - to list the topics available");
                                SendMessage("    !dungeon - (to be implemented)");
                            else if (ChatComment[i].Contains("!skip"))
                                if (waveOutDevice.PlaybackState.ToString() == "Playing")
                                    SendMessage("Skipping track..");
                            else if (ChatComment[i].Contains("!queue"))
                                if (Queue.Count > 0)
                                    for (int x = 0; x < Queue.Count; x++)
                                        int      y            = x + 1;
                                        string[] ArrayFile    = Queue[x].Split('\\');
                                        string   fluffRemoved = ArrayFile[ArrayFile.Length - 1];
                                        SendMessage("Track No: " + y + " - " + fluffRemoved);
                                    SendMessage("No songs in the queue");
                            else if (ChatComment[i].Contains("!speak"))
                                string s = ChatComment[i].Substring(ChatComment[i].IndexOf("!speak"));
                                s = (s.Substring(s.IndexOf(' ') + 1)).ToLower();

                                if (s == "global")
                                    targetmode = 3;
                                    SendMessage("----Speech target changed, Hello World");
                                else if (s == "channel")
                                    targetmode = 2;
                                    SendMessage("----Speech target changed, Hello World");
                                    SendMessage("----Speak: Invalid speech target");
                            else if (ChatComment[i].Contains("!move"))
                                string s = ChatComment[i].Substring(ChatComment[i].IndexOf("!move"));
                                s = (s.Substring(s.IndexOf(' ') + 1)).ToLower();

                                TcpClient client = new TcpClient();
                                client.Connect("localhost", 25639);
                                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(client.GetStream());
                                //StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(client.GetStream()); //testing response

                                    int cid = Int32.Parse(s);
                                    sw.WriteLine("clientmove cid=" + cid + " clid=" + clid);
                                    //string response = sr.ReadLine() + sr.ReadLine() + sr.ReadLine() + sr.ReadLine() + sr.ReadLine() + sr.ReadLine() + sr.ReadLine();
                                    SendMessage("Greetings young travellers");
                                catch { SendMessage("Invalid channel number"); }
                            else if (ChatComment[i].Contains("!purge"))
                                    SendMessage("As if I could forget. Listen, Ryan, there's something about the playlist you should know. Oh no. It's too late. These files have all been infected. They may look fine now, but it's a matter of time before they turn into shit.");
                                    SendMessage("This entire playlist must be purged.");
                                catch { Console.WriteLine("Possible trash occured in !purge - need to diagnose"); }
                            else if (ChatComment[i].Contains("!volume"))
                                string s = ChatComment[i].Substring(ChatComment[i].IndexOf("!volume"));
                                s = (s.Substring(s.IndexOf(' ') + 1)).ToLower();
                                    float input = float.Parse(s);
                                    if (input > 1.0 || input < 0.1)
                                        SendMessage("----VOLUME: Volume number supplied is too high or too low, ranges supported are: 0.1-1.0");
                                        Volume = input;
                                        SendMessage("Volume changed to: " + input + "(Note that volume is not changed on the fly)");
                                    SendMessage("----VOLUME: Invalid volume number, ranges supported: 0.1-1.0");
                            else if (ChatComment[i].Contains("!roll") || ChatComment[i].Contains("!random"))
                                string s = null;
                                if (ChatComment[i].Contains("!roll"))
                                    s = ChatComment[i].Substring(ChatComment[i].IndexOf("!roll"));
                                    s = ChatComment[i].Substring(ChatComment[i].IndexOf("!random"));
                                s = (s.Substring(s.IndexOf(' ') + 1)).ToLower();
                                Random r     = new Random();
                                int    dice  = 0;
                                int    sides = 7;
                                if (s != "!roll")
                                        sides = Int32.Parse(s);
                                        if (sides > 1 && sides < 10000000)
                                            dice = r.Next(1, sides);
                                            SendMessage("----ROLL: You rolled " + dice);
                                            SendMessage("----ROLL: Number is out of range, please enter a value from 2-9999999");
                                    catch { SendMessage("----ROLL: Invalid value"); }
                                    dice = r.Next(1, sides);
                                    if (dice == 1)
                                        SendMessage("----ROLL: You rolled a 1 ⚀");
                                    else if (dice == 2)
                                        SendMessage("----ROLL: You rolled a 2 ⚁");
                                    else if (dice == 3)
                                        SendMessage("----ROLL: You rolled a 3 ⚂");
                                    else if (dice == 4)
                                        SendMessage("----ROLL: You rolled a 4 ⚃");
                                    else if (dice == 5)
                                        SendMessage("----ROLL: You rolled a 5 ⚄");
                                    else if (dice == 6)
                                        SendMessage("----ROLL: You rolled a 6 ⚅");
                            else if (ChatComment[i].Contains("!anagram"))
                                Anagram anagram = new Anagram(ServerLocation, targetmode, ChatFolder, ChatComment[i]);

                            #region MEME_COMMANDS

                            else if (ChatComment[i].Contains("!wakemeup"))
                                SendMessage("((cant wake up))");
                            else if (ChatComment[i].Contains("!haribochallenge"))
                            else if (ChatComment[i].Contains("!diegirth") || ChatComment[i].Contains("!killgirth"))
                                string User = ChatComment[i].Split(':')[0].Trim();
                                SendMessage("I'm sorry, " + User + ". I'm afraid I can't do that.");
                            else if (ChatComment[i].Contains("!topkek"))
                            else if (ChatComment[i].Contains("!meme"))
                            else if (ChatComment[i].Contains("!killme"))
                            else if (ChatComment[i].Contains("!dita"))
                            else if (ChatComment[i].Contains("!dungeon"))
                                DungeonQuest dungeon = new DungeonQuest();
                            else if (ChatComment[i].Contains("!inspireme"))
                                Random r   = new Random();
                                int    num = r.Next(1, InspiringQuotes.Count + 1);

                        if (waveOutDevice.PlaybackState.ToString() == "Stopped" && Queue.Count > 0) //The music player has stopped and the list still contains stuff to play
                            string s = Queue[0];

                            audioFileReader        = new AudioFileReader(s);
                            audioFileReader.Volume = Volume;

                            //C:\--------\---------\---\-\ remover
                            string[] ArrayFile  = s.Split('\\');
                            string   TimeLength = audioFileReader.TotalTime.ToString(); //Format this (remember ':0' is an emote in teamspeak..)
                            TimeLength = TimeLength.Split('.')[0].Trim();               //Getting rid of the miliseconds..
                            TimeLength = TimeLength.Replace(':', ';');

                            s = "Location: " + ArrayFile[ArrayFile.Length - 1] + " // Time: " + TimeLength;
                            SendMessage("----Playing file... " + s);
                            Console.WriteLine("Playing file in directory: " + s);

                    catch (Exception e)
                        SendMessage("----ERROR: There was a problem with that audio file, the exception thrown is: " + e);
                        if (Queue.Count != 0)

                    if (triviaStart == true)
                    OriginalContent = fileContent;
            catch {
                Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong in the detection method");