Exemplo n.º 1
        private void InitializeTasks()
            long               a0 = CensusPackage.CertificateContext;
            X509Certificate    a1 = CensusPackage.CertificateObject;
            bool               a2 = CensusPackage.CheckSignatureOnLoad;
            string             a3 = CensusPackage.CheckpointFileName;
            DTSCheckpointUsage a4 = CensusPackage.CheckpointUsage;
            Configurations     a5 = CensusPackage.Configurations;
            DateTime           a6 = CensusPackage.CreationDate;
            string             a7 = CensusPackage.CreatorComputerName;
            string             a8 = CensusPackage.CreatorName;
            Connections        a9 = CensusPackage.Connections;
            IDTSEvents         b0 = CensusPackage.DesignEvents;
            string             b1 = CensusPackage.DesignTimeProperties;
            string             b2 = CensusPackage.DumpDescriptor;
            bool               b3 = CensusPackage.DumpOnAnyError;
            bool               b4 = CensusPackage.EnableConfigurations;
            bool               b5 = CensusPackage.EnableDump;
            bool               b6 = CensusPackage.EncryptCheckpoints;
            DtsErrors          b7 = CensusPackage.Errors;
            Executables        b8 = CensusPackage.Executables;
            ExtendedProperties b9 = CensusPackage.ExtendedProperties;
            bool               c0 = CensusPackage.FailPackageOnFailure;
            bool               c1 = CensusPackage.HasExpressions;
            bool               c2 = CensusPackage.IgnoreConfigurationsOnLoad;
            bool               c3 = CensusPackage.InteractiveMode;
            LogProviders       c4 = CensusPackage.LogProviders;
            int  c5 = CensusPackage.MaxConcurrentExecutables;
            bool c6 = CensusPackage.OfflineMode;

            //var c7 = CensusPackage.PackagePassword;
            DTSPriorityClass      c8 = CensusPackage.PackagePriorityClass;
            DTSPackageType        c9 = CensusPackage.PackageType;
            PackageUpgradeOptions d0 = CensusPackage.PackageUpgradeOptions;
            Parameters            d1 = CensusPackage.Parameters;
            PrecedenceConstraints d2 = CensusPackage.PrecedenceConstraints;
            IDTSProject100        d3 = CensusPackage.Project;
            DtsProperties         d4 = CensusPackage.Properties;
            DTSProtectionLevel    d5 = CensusPackage.ProtectionLevel;
            bool                 d6  = CensusPackage.SafeRecursiveProjectPackageExecution;
            bool                 d7  = CensusPackage.SaveCheckpoints;
            bool                 d8  = CensusPackage.SuppressConfigurationWarnings;
            bool                 d9  = CensusPackage.UpdateObjects;
            int                  e0  = CensusPackage.VersionBuild;
            string               e1  = CensusPackage.VersionComments;
            string               e2  = CensusPackage.VersionGUID;
            int                  e3  = CensusPackage.VersionMajor;
            int                  e4  = CensusPackage.VersionMinor;
            DtsWarnings          e5  = CensusPackage.Warnings;
            string               e6  = CensusPackage.CreationName;
            bool                 e7  = CensusPackage.DebugMode;
            bool                 e8  = CensusPackage.DelayValidation;
            string               e9  = CensusPackage.Description;
            bool                 f0  = CensusPackage.Disable;
            bool                 f1  = CensusPackage.DisableEventHandlers;
            DtsEventHandlers     f2  = CensusPackage.EventHandlers;
            EventInfos           f3  = CensusPackage.EventInfos;
            int                  f4  = CensusPackage.ExecutionDuration;
            DTSExecResult        f5  = CensusPackage.ExecutionResult;
            DTSExecStatus        f6  = CensusPackage.ExecutionStatus;
            bool                 f7  = CensusPackage.FailParentOnFailure;
            bool                 f8  = CensusPackage.FailParentOnFailure;
            Variables            f9  = CensusPackage.Variables;
            VariableDispenser    g0  = CensusPackage.VariableDispenser;
            DTSTransactionOption g1  = CensusPackage.TransactionOption;
            bool                 g2  = CensusPackage.SuspendRequired;
            DateTime             g3  = CensusPackage.StopTime;
            DateTime             g4  = CensusPackage.StartTime;
            ISite                g5  = CensusPackage.Site;
            DtsContainer         g6  = CensusPackage.Parent;
            string               g7  = CensusPackage.Name;
            int                  g8  = CensusPackage.MaximumErrorCount;
            LoggingOptions       g9  = CensusPackage.LoggingOptions;
            DTSLoggingMode       h0  = CensusPackage.LoggingMode;
            LogEntryInfos        h1  = CensusPackage.LogEntryInfos;
            int                  h2  = CensusPackage.LocaleID;
            IsolationLevel       h3  = CensusPackage.IsolationLevel;
            bool                 h4  = CensusPackage.IsDefaultLocaleID;
            string               h5  = CensusPackage.ID;
            object               h6  = CensusPackage.ForcedExecutionValue;
            bool                 h7  = CensusPackage.ForceExecutionValue;
            DTSForcedExecResult  h8  = CensusPackage.ForceExecutionResult;

 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the property associated with the specified name.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="properties">The <see cref="DtsProperties"/> collection to check.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the <see cref="DtsProperty"/> to find.</param>
 /// <param name="property">When this method returns, contains the <see cref="DtsProperty"/> associated with the specified name.
 /// The value will be null if the <see cref="DtsProperty"/> was not found. This parameter is passed uninitialized.</param>
 /// <returns><c>true</c> if the element was found, otherwise <c>false</c>.</returns>
 public static bool TryGetValue(this DtsProperties properties, string name, out DtsProperty property)
     property = properties.OfType <DtsProperty>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == name);
     return(property != null);