Exemplo n.º 1
    private Rect DrawEvents(Rect pos, Rect labelPos, SerializedProperty arrayEnter, string name)
        labelPos.y += DragHeight;
        DrawerHelper.BoldLabel(labelPos, name + " Events", boldStyle);

        if (arrayEnter.hasMultipleDifferentValues)
            labelPos.y += DragHeight;
            EditorGUI.HelpBox(labelPos, "Cannot edit with multiple different values.", MessageType.Info);
            labelPos.y += DragHeight;
            DrawEventArray(pos, arrayEnter, ref labelPos, boldStyle);
            GUI.Button(labelPos, "Drag event here to add to " + name + " event");
            if (labelPos.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
Exemplo n.º 2
    public override void OnGUI(Rect pos, SerializedProperty prop, GUIContent label)
        var actions = prop.FindPropertyRelative("Actions");

        var labelPos = pos;

        var labelStyle = GUI.skin.GetStyle("label");
        var alignment  = labelStyle.alignment;

        labelStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;;

        labelPos.height = 14;
        DrawerHelper.BoldLabel(labelPos, prop.FindPropertyRelative("Title").stringValue, labelStyle);

        for (int i = 0; i < actions.arraySize; ++i)
            var currentElement = actions.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i);
            labelPos.y     += LineHeight;
            labelPos.height = 20;
            InAudioBankLink bankLink = currentElement.FindPropertyRelative("Bank").objectReferenceValue as InAudioBankLink;
            if (bankLink != null)
                GUI.Label(labelPos, bankLink.GetName, labelStyle);
                GUI.Label(labelPos, "Missing event", labelStyle);

            Rect buttonPos = labelPos;
            buttonPos.x     = pos.width - 172; //Align to right side
            buttonPos.width = 70;
            var actionProp = currentElement.FindPropertyRelative("BankAction");
            actionProp.enumValueIndex = Convert.ToInt32(EditorGUI.EnumPopup(buttonPos, (BankHookActionType)actionProp.enumValueIndex));

            buttonPos.width = 50;

            buttonPos.x = pos.width - 100; //Align to right side
            if (bankLink == null)
                GUI.enabled = false;

            if (GUI.Button(buttonPos, "Find"))
                EditorWindow.GetWindow <AuxWindow>().FindBank(bankLink);
            GUI.enabled     = true;
            buttonPos.x     = pos.width - 44;
            buttonPos.width = 35;
            if (GUI.Button(buttonPos, "X"))
        labelPos.y              += DragHeight + 4;
        labelPos.height          = DragHeight;
        GUI.skin.label.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;

        GUI.Button(labelPos, "Drag bank here for " + prop.FindPropertyRelative("Title").stringValue);
        if (labelPos.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))

        labelStyle.alignment = alignment;