Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            if (CurrentBar < 20)

            lastBar = CurrentBar - 1;

            // Cnnvert Military Time to Ninja Time
            ninja_Start_Time  = startTime * 100;
            ninja_End_Time    = endTime * 100;
            ninja_IB_End_Time = IBendTime * 100;

            // find globex range
            if (ToTime(Time[0]) <= ninja_Start_Time || ToTime(Time[0]) >= ninja_End_Time)
                counter      = counter + 1;
                gxHigh       = MAX(High, counter)[0];
                gxLow        = MIN(Low, counter)[0];
                gxMid        = ((gxHigh - gxLow) / 2) + gxLow;
                gxMidBarsAgo = counter / 2;
            // Session Start
            if (ToTime(Time[1]) <= ninja_Start_Time && ToTime(Time[0]) >= ninja_Start_Time)
                counter       = 0;
                rthCounter    = 0;
                ibCounter     = 0;
                open_D        = Open[0];
                openingBarNum = CurrentBar;
            // Find RTH Range
            if (ToTime(Time[0]) >= ninja_Start_Time && ToTime(Time[0]) < ninja_End_Time)
                rthCounter = rthCounter + 1;
                todaysHigh = MAX(High, rthCounter)[0];
                todaysLow  = MIN(Low, rthCounter)[0];

            // Find IB Range
            if (ToTime(Time[0]) >= ninja_Start_Time && ToTime(Time[0]) < ninja_IB_End_Time)
                ibCounter = ibCounter + 1;
                ibHigh    = MAX(High, ibCounter)[0];
                ibLow     = MIN(Low, ibCounter)[0];
                ibMid     = ((ibHigh - ibLow) / 2) + ibLow;
                if (ibCounter > 2)
                    ibMidBarsAgo = ibCounter / 2;
                    ibMidBarsAgo = ibCounter;

            // Session End
            if (ToTime(Time[1]) <= ninja_End_Time && ToTime(Time[0]) >= ninja_End_Time)
                yHigh           = todaysHigh;
                yLow            = todaysLow;
                todaysClose     = Close[0];
                yMid            = ((yHigh - yLow) / 2) + yLow;
                openingGxBarNum = CurrentBar;

            // show prior day Hi and Low
            // RTH
            if (ToTime(Time[0]) >= ninja_Start_Time && ToTime(Time[0]) < ninja_End_Time)
                latestRTHbar = CurrentBar - openingBarNum;

                if (yLow != 0 && yMid != 0 && yHigh != 0)
                    RemoveDrawObject("RthBoxU" + lastBar);
                    RemoveDrawObject("RthBoxL" + lastBar);
                    Draw.Rectangle(this, "RthBoxU" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, latestRTHbar, yMid, 0, yHigh, Brushes.Transparent, Brushes.DarkBlue, 20);
                    Draw.Rectangle(this, "RthBoxL" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, latestRTHbar, yLow, 0, yMid, Brushes.Transparent, Brushes.DarkRed, 20);

            // plot globex
            if (ToTime(Time[0]) <= ninja_Start_Time || ToTime(Time[0]) >= ninja_End_Time)   //  Find GX Hi/Lo
                lastGxBar = CurrentBar - openingGxBarNum;
                RemoveDrawObject("GxBox" + lastBar);
                Draw.Rectangle(this, "GxBox" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, lastGxBar, gxLow, 0, gxHigh, Brushes.Goldenrod, Brushes.Goldenrod, 10);

            // Draw arrow from GX mid to OR mid
            if (ToTime(Time[0]) >= ninja_Start_Time && ToTime(Time[0]) < ninja_IB_End_Time)
                RemoveDrawObject("ibArrow" + lastBar);
                if (ibMid > gxMid)
                    Draw.ArrowLine(this, "ibArrow" + CurrentBar.ToString(), gxMidBarsAgo + rthCounter, gxMid, ibMidBarsAgo, ibMid, Brushes.DodgerBlue, DashStyleHelper.Solid, 6);
                    Draw.ArrowLine(this, "ibArrow" + CurrentBar.ToString(), gxMidBarsAgo + rthCounter, gxMid, ibMidBarsAgo, ibMid, Brushes.DarkRed, DashStyleHelper.Solid, 6);