Exemplo n.º 1
 // Instance CTOR
 public Dominion(string name, string text, DominionSet set, List <DominionCardType> types, int coinCost, bool costsAPotion = false)
     Name         = name;
     Text         = text;
     Set          = set;
     Types        = types;
     CoinCost     = coinCost;
     CostsAPotion = costsAPotion;
        public void ParseCSVFileToCardList()
            // Create object used to process .csv file.
            TextFieldParser parser = new TextFieldParser(@"../../../DominionCardList.csv");

            // Ensure fields enclosed by double-quotes are treated verbatim.
            // Commas may appear within card text, which will mess up a straight .Split() on commas.
            parser.HasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes = true;

            // Skip the first line, which contains column headers / titles.

            // Read the entire file.
            while (!parser.EndOfData)
                // Each line contains data for a single card.
                // Read a line and break it into separate pieces of info.
                string[] cardInfo = parser.ReadFields();

                // Column number - Description
                // 0 - Name
                // 1 - Set number
                // 2 - Set
                // 3 - Type
                // 4 - Cost (ex. $3, $2P)
                // 5 - QRankCat (ex. Cost 3, Potion)
                // 6 - 2012QRank1
                // 7 - 2012QRank2
                // 8 - 2013QRank
                // 9 - 2014QRank
                // 10 - Text

                // Card text contains extra delimiters to emulate the actual text on the physical cards.
                // Replace delimiters to get "pure" text.
                cardInfo[10] = cardInfo[10].Replace("\\n", ". ").Replace("\\d", ". ");

                List <DominionCardType> types = new List <DominionCardType>();

                // Individual card types separated by a hyphen.
                string[] cardTypes = cardInfo[3].Split('-');

                foreach (string type in cardTypes)
                        // Attempt to parse a card type from the string and add it to the list of types that define the card.
                        types.Add((DominionCardType)Enum.Parse(typeof(DominionCardType), type, ignoreCase: true));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.WriteLine("Error parsing card type for [" + cardInfo[0] + "] : " + ex.Message);

                DominionSet set = DominionSet.Base;

                    // Using slightly modified terminology from source data.
                    cardInfo[2] = cardInfo[2].Replace("Base Cards", "Supply");
                    cardInfo[2] = cardInfo[2].Replace("Dark Ages", "DarkAges");
                    cardInfo[2] = cardInfo[2].Replace("Dominion", "Base");

                    set = (DominionSet)Enum.Parse(typeof(DominionSet), cardInfo[2], ignoreCase: true);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error parsing card set for [" + cardInfo[0] + "] : " + ex.Message);

                // Extract the coin cost from one of the fields.
                int coinCost = 0;
                int.TryParse(new string(cardInfo[4].Where(c => char.IsDigit(c)).ToArray()), out coinCost);

                // Determine if the card costs a potion to buy.
                bool costsAPotion = cardInfo[5].Equals("Potion", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

                _cardList.Add(new Dominion(cardInfo[0],             // Card name
                                           cardInfo[10],            // Processed card text
                                           set,                     // Processed card set
                                           types,                   // Processed card types
                                           coinCost,                // Extracted coin cost
                                           costsAPotion));          // Does it cost a potion to buy?