Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Update(DomainComment domainComment)
            var comment = Mapper.Map <Comment>(domainComment);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <DomainComment> AddCommentAsync(DomainComment domainComment)
            ProjectEntity projectEntity = await _projectRepository.GetAsync(domainComment.ProjectId);

            CheckProject(projectEntity, domainComment.UserId);

            CommentEntity commentEntity = _mapper.Map <DomainComment, CommentEntity>(domainComment);
            await _commentRepository.AddAsync(commentEntity);

            return(CreateDomainComment(commentEntity, projectEntity.UserId));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Delete(string projectId, string commentId)
            var domainComment = new DomainComment
                Id        = commentId,
                ProjectId = projectId,
                UserId    = UserId

            await _commentService.DeleteCommentAsync(domainComment);

Exemplo n.º 4
        private DomainComment CreateDomainComment(CommentEntity commentEntity, string ownerId)
            var userEntity = new UserEntity
                Id    = commentEntity.UserId,
                Name  = _authenticator.GetUserName(),
                Email = _authenticator.GetUserEmail()

            DomainComment comment = _mapper.Map <Tuple <CommentEntity, UserEntity>, DomainComment>(
                new Tuple <CommentEntity, UserEntity>(commentEntity, userEntity));

            comment.OwnerId = ownerId;

Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Post(string projectId, CommentModel comment)
            var domainComment = new DomainComment
                ProjectId = projectId,
                UserId    = UserId,
                Body      = comment.Body,
                DateTime  = DateTime.UtcNow

            domainComment = await _commentService.AddCommentAsync(domainComment);

            var avatarUrl = _userAvatarProvider.GetAvatar(new DomainUser {
                Email = domainComment.UserEmail
            var responseComment = _mapper.Map <Tuple <DomainComment, string>, Comment>(
                new Tuple <DomainComment, string>(domainComment, avatarUrl));

            var project = await _projectService.GetAsync(new DomainProject
                Id     = domainComment.ProjectId,
                UserId = domainComment.OwnerId

            // Notify owner about video comments
            if (project.UserId != domainComment.UserId)
                var videoOwner = await _userService.GetAsync(project.UserId);

                // Checks whether video comments notification enabled
                if (videoOwner.NotifyOnVideoComments)
                    // Send notification e-mail
                        await _notificationService.SendVideoCommentNotificationAsync(videoOwner, project, domainComment);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Trace.TraceError("Failed to send video comment notification email to address {0} for user {1}: {2}", videoOwner.Email, videoOwner.Id, e);

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, responseComment));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public async Task DeleteCommentAsync(DomainComment domainComment)
            ProjectEntity projectEntity = await _projectRepository.GetAsync(domainComment.ProjectId);

            CheckProject(projectEntity, domainComment.UserId);

            CommentEntity commentEntity = await _commentRepository.GetAsync(domainComment.Id);

            if (commentEntity == null)
                throw new NotFoundException();
            if (commentEntity.UserId != domainComment.UserId)
                throw new ForbiddenException();

            await _commentRepository.DeleteAsync(commentEntity.Id);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Put(string projectId, string commentId, CommentModel comment)
            var domainComment = new DomainComment
                Id        = commentId,
                ProjectId = projectId,
                UserId    = UserId,
                Body      = comment.Body

            domainComment = await _commentService.EditCommentAsync(domainComment);

            var avatarUrl = _userAvatarProvider.GetAvatar(new DomainUser {
                Email = domainComment.UserEmail
            var responseComment = _mapper.Map <Tuple <DomainComment, string>, Comment>(
                new Tuple <DomainComment, string>(domainComment, avatarUrl));

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, responseComment));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public async Task <DomainComment> EditCommentAsync(DomainComment domainComment)
            ProjectEntity projectEntity = await _projectRepository.GetAsync(domainComment.ProjectId);

            CheckProject(projectEntity, domainComment.UserId);

            CommentEntity commentEntity = await _commentRepository.GetAsync(domainComment.Id);

            if (commentEntity == null)
                throw new NotFoundException();
            if (commentEntity.UserId != domainComment.UserId)
                throw new ForbiddenException();
            commentEntity.Body = domainComment.Body;

            await _commentRepository.UpdateAsync(commentEntity);

            return(CreateDomainComment(commentEntity, projectEntity.UserId));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void Create(DomainComment domainComment, int userId, string kind)
            domainComment.Date   = DateTime.Now;
            domainComment.UserId = userId;
            var comment = Mapper.Map <Comment>(domainComment);

            /*switch (kind)
             * {
             *  case "gift":
             *  {
             *      comment.WishListId = null;
             *      break;
             *  }
             *  case "wishList":
             *  {
             *      comment.GiftId = null;
             *      break;
             *  }
             * }*/

Exemplo n.º 10
        public Task SendVideoCommentNotificationAsync(DomainUser user, DomainProject project, DomainComment domainComment)
            var email = new SendEmailDomain
                Address     = _settings.EmailAddressInfo,
                DisplayName = Emails.SenderDisplayName,
                Emails      = new List <string> {
                Subject = Emails.SubjectVideoComment,
                UserId  = user.Id,
                Body    = string.Format(PortalResources.VideoCommentNotification,

            // Send email on user registration
Exemplo n.º 11
        public async Task <IEnumerable <ExampleProject> > GetSequenceAsync(DataQueryOptions filter)
            // Get example managers
            List <DomainUser> users = await _adminUserService.GetUsersInRoleAsync(DomainRoles.ExamplesManager);

            if (users.Count == 0)
                return(new List <ExampleProject>());

            // Get their projects
            IEnumerable <DomainProject> projects = await _projectService.GetProjectListByUsersAsync(users);

            // Only public videos
            projects = projects.Where(p => p.Access == ProjectAccess.Public);

            // Paging
            if (filter.Skip.HasValue)
                projects = projects.Skip(filter.Skip.Value);
            if (filter.Take.HasValue)
                projects = projects.Take(filter.Take.Value);

            // Sorting
            if (string.Compare(filter.OrderBy, NameOfHelper.PropertyName <ExampleProject>(x => x.Created),
                               StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                projects = filter.OrderByDirection == OrderByDirections.Asc
                    ? projects.OrderBy(p => p.Created)
                    : projects.OrderByDescending(p => p.Created);

            List <DomainProject> result = projects.ToList();

            // Aggregating project data
            List <Task <ExampleProject> > tasks = result.Select(GetProjectAsync).ToList();
            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

            List <ExampleProject> examples = tasks.Select(t => t.Result).ToList();

            // Post-processing

            // Get comments and total comment counts
            string[] projectIds = result.Select(p => p.Id).ToArray();
            Dictionary <string, int> commentsCounts = (await _commentRepository.GetCommentsCountByProjectsAsync(projectIds)).ToDictionary(c => c.ProjectId, c => c.CommentsCount);
            Dictionary <string, List <CommentEntity> > recentComments = await _commentRepository.GetRecentCommentsByProjectsAsync(projectIds, RecentCommentsLimit);

            // Get related users list
            var userIdsSet = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (var projectComment in recentComments)
                foreach (CommentEntity c in projectComment.Value)
                    if (userIdsSet.Contains(c.UserId))

            Dictionary <string, UserEntity> commentUsers = (await _userRepository.GetUsersByIdsAsync(userIdsSet.ToArray())).ToDictionary(u => u.Id);

            // Append comments data to exmaples
            foreach (ExampleProject example in examples)
                // comments total count
                example.Comments = commentsCounts.ContainsKey(example.Id) ? commentsCounts[example.Id] : 0;

                // comments list
                if (recentComments.ContainsKey(example.Id))
                    var exampleComments = new List <Comment>();
                    List <CommentEntity> projectComments = recentComments[example.Id];
                    foreach (CommentEntity projectComment in projectComments)
                        UserEntity    commentAuthor = commentUsers.ContainsKey(projectComment.UserId) ? commentUsers[projectComment.UserId] : null;
                        DomainComment domainComment = _mapper.Map <Tuple <CommentEntity, UserEntity>, DomainComment>(new Tuple <CommentEntity, UserEntity>(projectComment, commentAuthor));

                        Comment comment = _mapper.Map <DomainComment, Comment>(domainComment);
                        if (commentAuthor != null)
                            comment.AvatarUrl = _userAvatarProvider.GetAvatar(commentAuthor.Email);


                    example.CommentList = exampleComments;
                    example.CommentList = new List <Comment>();

Exemplo n.º 12
 public static string GetStreamName(this DomainComment comment) => $"{comment.QuestionId}-{comment.CommentId}";
Exemplo n.º 13
 public static string GetBucketName(this DomainComment comment) => Constants.COMMENT_BUCKET;
Exemplo n.º 14
        private Watch AggregateProject(ProjectEntity projectEntity, string userId, Dictionary <string, UserEntity> users, Dictionary <string, int> commentsCounts,
                                       Dictionary <string, List <CommentEntity> > comments)
            DomainProject project = _mapper.Map <ProjectEntity, DomainProject>(projectEntity);

            // 1. Aggregate Data

            UserEntity           projectUser     = users.ContainsKey(project.UserId) ? users[project.UserId] : null;
            int                  commentsCount   = commentsCounts.ContainsKey(project.Id) ? commentsCounts[project.Id] : 0;
            List <CommentEntity> projectComments = comments.ContainsKey(project.Id) ? comments[project.Id] : new List <CommentEntity>();

            // Processed Videos
            var watchVideos = new List <WatchVideo>();

                from @group in project.EncodedVideos.GroupBy(q => q.Width)
                select @group.ToList()
                into processedVideos
                where processedVideos.Count == 2
                from v in processedVideos
                select new WatchVideo
                ContentType = v.ContentType,
                Width       = v.Width,
                Height      = v.Height,
                Uri         = _uriProvider.CreateUri(v.FileId)

            // Processed Screenshots
            List <WatchScreenshot> watchScreenshots = project.EncodedScreenshots.Select(
                s => new WatchScreenshot
                ContentType = s.ContentType,
                Uri         = _uriProvider.CreateUri(s.FileId)

            // External Video
            ExternalVideo externalVideo = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(project.VideoSource)
                ? new ExternalVideo
                ProductName  = project.VideoSourceProductName,
                VideoUri     = project.VideoSource,
                AcsNamespace = _settings.AcsNamespace
                : null;

            // 2. Calculate Video State
            WatchState state;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(project.AvsxFileId) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(project.OriginalVideoFileId) && externalVideo == null))
                state = WatchState.Uploading;
            else if (externalVideo == null && watchVideos.Count == 0)
                state = WatchState.Encoding;
                state = WatchState.Ready;

            // 3. Map comments
            var watchComments = new List <Comment>();

            foreach (CommentEntity projectComment in projectComments)
                UserEntity    commentAuthor = users.ContainsKey(projectComment.UserId) ? users[projectComment.UserId] : null;
                DomainComment domainComment = _mapper.Map <Tuple <CommentEntity, UserEntity>, DomainComment>(new Tuple <CommentEntity, UserEntity>(projectComment, commentAuthor));

                Comment comment = _mapper.Map <DomainComment, Comment>(domainComment);
                if (commentAuthor != null)
                    comment.AvatarUrl = _userAvatarProvider.GetAvatar(commentAuthor.Email);


            // Result
            return(new Watch
                Name = project.Name,
                UserId = project.UserId,
                UserName = projectUser != null ? projectUser.Name : null,
                UserAvatarUrl = projectUser != null?_userAvatarProvider.GetAvatar(new DomainUser { Email = projectUser.Email }) : null,
                                    Description = project.Description,
                                    Created = project.Created,
                                    Avsx = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(project.AvsxFileId) ? _uriProvider.CreateUri(project.AvsxFileId) : null,
                                    Screenshots = watchScreenshots,
                                    Videos = watchVideos,
                                    PublicUrl = _projectUriProvider.GetUri(project.Id),
                                    Id = project.Id,
                                    Access = project.Access,
                                    IsEditable = project.UserId == userId,
                                    HitsCount = project.HitsCount,
                                    External = externalVideo,
                                    ScreenshotUrl = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(project.ScreenshotFileId) ? _uriProvider.CreateUri(project.ScreenshotFileId) : null,
                                    State = state,
                                    Generator = (int)project.ProductType,
                                    ProjectType = project.ProjectType,
                                    ProjectSubtype = project.ProjectSubtype,
                                    EnableComments = project.EnableComments,
                                    CommentsCount = commentsCount,
                                    LikesCount = project.LikesCount,
                                    DislikesCount = project.DislikesCount,
                                    Comments = watchComments