Exemplo n.º 1
        private void CreateDOMShapes(Dom.ShapeList domshapeslist, MSAGL.Core.Layout.GeometryGraph mg_graph, IVisio.Application app)
            var node_centerpoints = mg_graph.Nodes
                                    .Select(n => this.ToDocumentCoordinates(MsaglUtil.ToVAPoint(n.Center)))

            // Load up all the stencil docs
            var app_documents = app.Documents;
            var uds           = mg_graph.Nodes.Where(n => n.UserData != null).Select(n => (NodeUserData)n.UserData).ToList();
            var shapes        = uds.Where(ud => ud.Shape != null).Select(ud => ud.Shape).ToList();
            var stencilnames0 = shapes.Select(s => s.StencilName).ToList();
            var stencil_names = stencilnames0.Distinct().ToList();

            var compare = StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase;

            var stencil_map = new Dictionary <string, IVisio.Document>(compare);

            foreach (var stencil_name in stencil_names)
                if (!stencil_map.ContainsKey(stencil_name))
                    var stencil = app_documents.OpenStencil(stencil_name);
                    stencil_map[stencil_name] = stencil;

            var master_map = new Dictionary <string, IVisio.Master>(compare);

            foreach (var nv in shapes)
                var key = nv.StencilName + "+" + nv.MasterName;
                if (!master_map.ContainsKey(key))
                    var stencil = stencil_map[nv.StencilName];
                    var masters = stencil.Masters;
                    var master  = masters[nv.MasterName];
                    master_map[key] = master;

            // Create DOM Shapes for each AutoLayoutShape

            int count = 0;

            foreach (var layout_shape in shapes)
                var key        = layout_shape.StencilName.ToLower() + "+" + layout_shape.MasterName;
                var master     = master_map[key];
                var shape_node = new Dom.Shape(master, node_centerpoints[count]);
                layout_shape.DOMNode = shape_node;

            // FORMAT EACH SHAPE
            foreach (var n in mg_graph.Nodes)
                var ud           = (NodeUserData)n.UserData;
                var layout_shape = ud.Shape;
                if (layout_shape != null)
                    this.format_shape(layout_shape, layout_shape.DOMNode);
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal void RenderToVisio(Drawing drawing, IVisio.Page page)
            if (drawing == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(drawing));

            if (page == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(page));

            if (drawing.Root == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Tree has root node set to null", nameof(drawing));

            const double border_width = 0.5;

            // Construct a layout tree from the hierarchy
            var treenodes = GenTreeOps.Algorithms.CopyTree(
                n => n.Children,
                n => this.node_to_layout_node(n),
                (p, c) => p.AddChild(c));

            // Perform the layout
            var layout = new InternalTree.TreeLayout <object>();

            layout.Options.Direction         = this.map_direction2(this.LayoutOptions.Direction);
            layout.Options.LevelSeparation   = 1;
            layout.Options.SiblingSeparation = 0.25;
            layout.Options.SubtreeSeparation = 1;


            // Render the Document in Visio
            var bb = layout.GetBoundingBoxOfTree();

            var app                = page.Application;
            var documents          = app.Documents;
            var basic_stencil      = documents.OpenStencil(TreeLayout.basic_stencil_name);
            var connectors_stencil = documents.OpenStencil(TreeLayout.connectors_stencil_name);
            var basic_masters      = basic_stencil.Masters;
            var connectors_masters = connectors_stencil.Masters;

            var node_master      = basic_masters[this.rect_master_name];
            var connector_master = connectors_masters[this.dc_master_name];

            var page_node = new Dom.Page();

            var page_size = bb.Size.Add(border_width * 2, border_width * 2.0);

            // fixup the nodes so that they render on the page
            foreach (var i in treenodes)
                i.Position = i.Position.Add(border_width, border_width);

            var centerpoints = treenodes.Select(tn => tn.Rect.Center).ToList();
            var master_nodes = centerpoints.Select(cp => page_node.Shapes.Drop(node_master, cp)).ToList();

            // For each OrgChart object, attach the shape that corresponds to it
            foreach (int i in Enumerable.Range(0, treenodes.Count))
                var       tree_node   = (Node)treenodes[i].Data;
                Dom.Shape master_node = master_nodes[i];
                tree_node.DOMNode = master_node;

                if (tree_node.Cells != null)
                    master_node.Cells = tree_node.Cells.ShallowCopy();

                master_node.Cells.XFormWidth  = treenodes[i].Size.Width;
                master_node.Cells.XFormHeight = treenodes[i].Size.Height;
                master_node.Text = tree_node.Text;

            if (this.LayoutOptions.ConnectorType == ConnectorType.DynamicConnector)
                var orgchart_nodes = treenodes.Select(tn => tn.Data).Cast <Node>();

                foreach (var parent in orgchart_nodes)
                    foreach (var child in parent.Children)
                        var parent_shape = (Dom.BaseShape)parent.DOMNode;
                        var child_shape  = (Dom.BaseShape)child.DOMNode;
                        var connector    = page_node.Shapes.Connect(connector_master, parent_shape, child_shape);
                        connector.Cells = this.LayoutOptions.ConnectorCells;
            else if (this.LayoutOptions.ConnectorType == ConnectorType.CurvedBezier)
                foreach (var connection in layout.EnumConnections())
                    var bez   = layout.GetConnectionBezier(connection);
                    var shape = page_node.Shapes.DrawBezier(bez);
                    shape.Cells = this.LayoutOptions.ConnectorCells;
            else if (this.LayoutOptions.ConnectorType == ConnectorType.PolyLine)
                foreach (var connection in layout.EnumConnections())
                    var polyline = layout.GetConnectionPolyline(connection);
                    var shape    = page_node.Shapes.DrawPolyLine(polyline);
                    shape.Cells = this.LayoutOptions.ConnectorCells;
                string msg = "Unsupported Connector Type";
                throw new System.ArgumentException(msg);

            page_node.Size = page_size;

            // Attach all the orgchart nodes to the Visio shapes that were created
            foreach (int i in Enumerable.Range(0, treenodes.Count))
                var orgnode = (Node)treenodes[i].Data;
                var shape   = (Dom.BaseShape)orgnode.DOMNode;
                orgnode.VisioShape = shape.VisioShape;