Exemplo n.º 1
        public void GeneratesOdsTemplate()
            var asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

            using (var stream = asm.GetManifestResourceStream("TestProject.OdsContent.xml"))
                if (stream == null)
                var reader = new StreamReader(stream);
                _content = reader.ReadToEnd();

            _odtDocumentInformation = new DocumentInformation(
                new byte[0], _content,
                new OdfMetadata(typeof(object)));

            _xDocumentParserService.Setup(x => x.Parse(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(XDocument.Parse(_content));

            _sut.GenerateTemplate(_odtDocumentInformation, _xmlNamespaceService, _xDocumentParserService.Object);

            _xDocumentParserService.Verify(x => x.Parse(It.IsAny <string>()));
Exemplo n.º 2
 internal PdfDocument(ILog log,
                      IInputBytes inputBytes,
                      HeaderVersion version,
                      CrossReferenceTable crossReferenceTable,
                      bool isLenientParsing,
                      ParsingCachingProviders cachingProviders,
                      IPageFactory pageFactory,
                      Catalog catalog,
                      DocumentInformation information,
                      EncryptionDictionary encryptionDictionary,
                      IPdfTokenScanner pdfScanner,
                      IFilterProvider filterProvider,
                      AcroFormFactory acroFormFactory)
     this.log                  = log;
     this.inputBytes           = inputBytes;
     this.version              = version ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(version));
     this.isLenientParsing     = isLenientParsing;
     this.cachingProviders     = cachingProviders ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cachingProviders));
     this.encryptionDictionary = encryptionDictionary;
     this.pdfScanner           = pdfScanner ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pdfScanner));
     this.filterProvider       = filterProvider ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(filterProvider));
     Information               = information ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(information));
     pages        = new Pages(log, catalog, pageFactory, isLenientParsing, pdfScanner);
     Structure    = new Structure(catalog, crossReferenceTable, pdfScanner);
     documentForm = new Lazy <AcroForm>(() => acroFormFactory.GetAcroForm(catalog));
Exemplo n.º 3
 internal PdfDocument(ILog log,
                      IInputBytes inputBytes,
                      HeaderVersion version,
                      CrossReferenceTable crossReferenceTable,
                      ParsingCachingProviders cachingProviders,
                      IPageFactory pageFactory,
                      Catalog catalog,
                      DocumentInformation information,
                      EncryptionDictionary encryptionDictionary,
                      IPdfTokenScanner pdfScanner,
                      ILookupFilterProvider filterProvider,
                      AcroFormFactory acroFormFactory,
                      BookmarksProvider bookmarksProvider,
                      bool clipPaths)
     this.log                  = log;
     this.inputBytes           = inputBytes;
     this.version              = version ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(version));
     this.cachingProviders     = cachingProviders ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cachingProviders));
     this.encryptionDictionary = encryptionDictionary;
     this.pdfScanner           = pdfScanner ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pdfScanner));
     this.filterProvider       = filterProvider ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(filterProvider));
     this.bookmarksProvider    = bookmarksProvider ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bookmarksProvider));
     this.clipPaths            = clipPaths;
     Information               = information ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(information));
     pages        = new Pages(catalog, pageFactory, pdfScanner);
     Structure    = new Structure(catalog, crossReferenceTable, pdfScanner);
     Advanced     = new AdvancedPdfDocumentAccess(pdfScanner, filterProvider, catalog);
     documentForm = new Lazy <AcroForm>(() => acroFormFactory.GetAcroForm(catalog));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public DocumentInformation UploadDocument(DocumentInformation info)
            var doc = _dbContext.DocumentInformations.Where(a => a.Name == info.Name && a.SubmissionDate == info.SubmissionDate).Single();

Exemplo n.º 5
 private void SaveSettings()
     #region Document information
     DocumentInformation info = control.Document.Information;
     info.Author      = this.documentInformation1.Author;
     info.Title       = this.documentInformation1.Title;
     info.Description = this.documentInformation1.Description;
        private void ExecuteInformationCommand()
            var di = new DocumentInformation(_pdfComponent)
                Owner = _view.Window,

Exemplo n.º 7
 private void LoadData()
     #region Document information
     DocumentInformation info = control.Document.Information;
     this.documentInformation1.Author       = info.Author;
     this.documentInformation1.Title        = info.Title;
     this.documentInformation1.CreationDate = DateTime.Parse(info.CreationDate);
     this.documentInformation1.Description  = info.Description;
Exemplo n.º 8
        DocumentInformation GetDocumentInformation(Document doc)
            DocumentInformation docInfo = new DocumentInformation();

            docInfo.Name       = doc.ProjectInformation.Document.PathName;
            docInfo.Number     = doc.ProjectInformation.Number;
            docInfo.Status     = doc.ProjectInformation.Status;
            docInfo.Address    = doc.ProjectInformation.Address;
            docInfo.ClientName = doc.ProjectInformation.ClientName;

Exemplo n.º 9
        public async Task <IActionResult> UploadFileOnAzureBlob(IFormFile file, string connection)
            if (file != null)
                //Getting FileName
                var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);

                var obj = new DocumentInformation()
                    Name           = fileName,
                    FileType       = file.ContentType,
                    SubmissionDate = DateTime.Now

                DocumentInformation doc = _documentRepository.UploadDocument(obj);

                string blobstorageconnection = connection;

                byte[] dataFiles;

                // Retrieve storage account from connection string.
                CloudStorageAccount cloudStorageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(blobstorageconnection);

                // Create the blob client.
                CloudBlobClient cloudBlobClient = cloudStorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();

                // Retrieve a reference to a container.
                CloudBlobContainer cloudBlobContainer = cloudBlobClient.GetContainerReference("filescontainers");

                BlobContainerPermissions permissions = new BlobContainerPermissions
                    PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob

                string systemFileName = string.Format(file.FileName, doc.DocumentId);
                await cloudBlobContainer.SetPermissionsAsync(permissions);

                await using (var target = new MemoryStream())
                    dataFiles = target.ToArray();
                // This also does not make a service call; it only creates a local object.
                CloudBlockBlob cloudBlockBlob = cloudBlobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(systemFileName);
                await cloudBlockBlob.UploadFromByteArrayAsync(dataFiles, 0, dataFiles.Length);
            return(new OkResult());
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static async Task <List <DocumentInformation> > GetSharePointDocuments(string rootSiteUrl, string searchAPIUrl)
            List <DocumentInformation> documents = new List <DocumentInformation>();

            var accessToken = await GetAccessTokenForResource(rootSiteUrl);

            StringBuilder requestUri = new StringBuilder().Append(rootSiteUrl).Append(searchAPIUrl);

            HttpClient         client  = new HttpClient();
            HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, requestUri.ToString());

            request.Headers.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/xml"));
            request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken);
            HttpResponseMessage response = await client.SendAsync(request);

            string responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            XElement root = XElement.Parse(responseString);

            List <XElement> items = root.Descendants(d + "PrimaryQueryResult")
                                    .Elements(d + "RelevantResults")
                                    .Elements(d + "Table")
                                    .Elements(d + "Rows")
                                    .Elements(d + "element")

            foreach (var item in items)
                DocumentInformation document = new DocumentInformation();
                document.Title = item.Element(d + "Cells").Descendants(d + "Key").First(a => a.Value == "Title").Parent.Element(d + "Value").Value;
                // document.AuthorInformation.DisplayName = item.Element(d + "Cells").Descendants(d + "Key").First(a => a.Value == "Author").Parent.Element(d + "Value").Value;
                document.Url = item.Element(d + "Cells").Descendants(d + "Key").First(a => a.Value == "Path").Parent.Element(d + "Value").Value;
                DateTime modifiedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(item.Element(d + "Cells").Descendants(d + "Key").First(a => a.Value == "LastModifiedTime").Parent.Element(d + "Value").Value);
                document.ModifiedDate = modifiedDate;

                string docExtension = item.Element(d + "Cells").Descendants(d + "Key").First(a => a.Value == "FileExtension").Parent.Element(d + "Value").Value;
                document.IconUrl = docExtension.ToFileIconUrl();

                string originalpath = item.Element(d + "Cells").Descendants(d + "Key").First(a => a.Value == "OriginalPath").Parent.Element(d + "Value").Value;
                document.Url = originalpath;


Exemplo n.º 11
        /// Algo
        ///1. Document Information.
        ///2. List of Resource Information
        ///     2.a. String Information
        ///         2.a.i. Removal Information
        public List <DocumentInformation> GetAllEnglishStrings(EnglishStringPayload payload)
            m_payload = payload;
            List <DocumentInformation> documentInformationList = new List <DocumentInformation>();

                m_removalStringList = m_functionService.Udf_GetRemovedStrings(payload.BranchId.Value, payload.ModifiedDateUTC);
                foreach (var resourceId in payload.ResourceIds)
                    DocumentInformation documentInformation = new DocumentInformation
                        DocumentContent = m_functionService.GetDocumentContent(resourceId),
                        VoScriptIds     = m_dbContext.TVoscript
                                          .Where(x => x.BranchId == payload.BranchId)
                                          .Where(x => x.ParentResourceId == resourceId)
                                          .Where(x => x.IsActive)
                                          .Select(x => x.VoscriptId)

                    var resourceVersionIdList = new List <int> {

                    foreach (var resourceVersionId in resourceVersionIdList)
                        ParentResource parentResource = new ParentResource
                            LocalizationResourceId        = resourceId,       //parentResourceAttributes.ResourceID,
                            LocalizationResourceVersionId = resourceVersionId //resourceVersionId,
                        documentInformation.ResourceInformation.AddRange(GetTextInformation(resourceVersionId, parentResource));
            catch (Exception ex)

Exemplo n.º 12
 internal PdfDocument(ILog log, IRandomAccessRead reader, HeaderVersion version, CrossReferenceTable crossReferenceTable,
                      bool isLenientParsing,
                      ParsingCachingProviders cachingProviders,
                      IPageFactory pageFactory,
                      IPdfObjectParser pdfObjectParser,
                      Catalog catalog,
                      DocumentInformation information)
     this.log                 = log;
     this.reader              = reader ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(reader));
     this.version             = version ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(version));
     this.crossReferenceTable = crossReferenceTable ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(crossReferenceTable));
     this.isLenientParsing    = isLenientParsing;
     this.cachingProviders    = cachingProviders ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cachingProviders));
     Information              = information ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(information));
     Catalog = catalog ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(catalog));
     Pages   = new Pages(log, Catalog, pdfObjectParser, pageFactory, reader, isLenientParsing);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void processResponse(IInteraction queryResponse)
            DocumentDetailQueryResponse response = (DocumentDetailQueryResponse)queryResponse;

            var realmCodes = response.GetRealmCode();

            foreach (Realm realm in realmCodes)
                Console.WriteLine("Realm Code: " + realm.CodeValue);

            if (response.ControlActEvent.Subject != null)
                foreach (RefersTo <DocumentInformation> refersTo in response.ControlActEvent.Subject)
                    DocumentInformation documentInformation = refersTo.Act;
                    if (documentInformation != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Document title: " + documentInformation.Title);
                        Console.WriteLine("Document text follws. ");
                        byte[] data          = Convert.FromBase64String(documentInformation.Text.Content);
                        string decodedString = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(data);

                        CAABTranscribedReportsDocument encapsulatedDocument = (CAABTranscribedReportsDocument)this.ProcessDocumentXml(decodedString, SpecificationVersion.CDA_AB_SHR);
//                        Console.WriteLine(this.ConvertMessageObjectToXML(encapsulatedDocument, SpecificationVersion.CDA_AB_SHR));
                        if (encapsulatedDocument != null)
                            Console.WriteLine("Title from document: " + encapsulatedDocument.Title);

                            foreach (Author author in encapsulatedDocument.Author)
                                PersonName authorName = author.AssignedAuthor.AssignedPersonName;
                                Console.WriteLine("Document author: " + authorName.GivenName + " " + authorName.FamilyName);

Exemplo n.º 14
 internal PdfDocument(ILog log,
                      IInputBytes inputBytes,
                      HeaderVersion version,
                      CrossReferenceTable crossReferenceTable,
                      bool isLenientParsing,
                      ParsingCachingProviders cachingProviders,
                      IPageFactory pageFactory,
                      Catalog catalog,
                      DocumentInformation information, IPdfTokenScanner pdfScanner)
     this.log              = log;
     this.inputBytes       = inputBytes;
     this.version          = version ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(version));
     this.isLenientParsing = isLenientParsing;
     this.cachingProviders = cachingProviders ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cachingProviders));
     this.pdfScanner       = pdfScanner ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pdfScanner));
     Information           = information ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(information));
     pages     = new Pages(log, catalog, pageFactory, isLenientParsing, pdfScanner);
     Structure = new Structure(catalog, crossReferenceTable, pdfScanner);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public Message UpdateUserInformation(User user, HttpPostedFileBase httpPostedFileBase, bool updateImageOnly = false)
            Message message;

                using (var scope = new TransactionScope())

                    var isExist = _iUserRepository.Get(new User {
                        UserId = user.UserId
                    var  affectedRow = 0;
                    Guid guid;
                    guid = Guid.NewGuid();
                    HttpPostedFileBase file = httpPostedFileBase;
                    var target             = new MemoryStream();
                    var documentInformatio = new DocumentInformation();

                    if (isExist == null)
                        return(SetMessage.SetInformationMessage("User information not found."));
                    if (!updateImageOnly)
                        isExist.FirstName = user.FirstName;
                        isExist.LastName  = user.LastName;
                        isExist.MobileNo  = user.MobileNo;
                        affectedRow       = _iUserRepository.Update(isExist);
                        message           = affectedRow > 0
                      ? SetMessage.SetSuccessMessage("Information has been updated successfully.")
                      : SetMessage.SetInformationMessage("No data has been updated.");

                    if (httpPostedFileBase != null)

                    byte[] byteData     = target.ToArray();
                    var    imageUtility = new ImageUtility();

                    #region Insert Document Information

                    if (httpPostedFileBase != null)
                        var    size            = imageUtility.GetPreferredImageSize(ImageDimensions.Common);
                        byte[] byteAfterResize = imageUtility.EnforceResize(size.Width, size.Height, byteData, guid + Path.GetExtension(httpPostedFileBase.FileName));

                        documentInformatio.DocumentName = guid + Path.GetExtension(httpPostedFileBase.FileName);
                        documentInformatio.DocumentByte = byteAfterResize;
                        documentInformatio.DocumentSize = byteAfterResize.Length;

                        if (documentInformatio.GlobalId > 0)
                            if (updateImageOnly)
                                isExist.PhotoFileName = (guid + Path.GetExtension(httpPostedFileBase.FileName));
                                isExist.GlobalId      = documentInformatio.GlobalId > 0 ? documentInformatio.GlobalId : 0;
                                affectedRow           = _iUserRepository.Update(isExist);
                                user.PhotoFileName = (guid + Path.GetExtension(httpPostedFileBase.FileName));
                                user.GlobalId      = documentInformatio.GlobalId > 0 ? documentInformatio.GlobalId : 0;
                                affectedRow        = _iUserRepository.Update(user);

                        string folderPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(Constants.ImagePath.ImageFolderPath);

                        bool isUpload = imageUtility.ImageSaveToPath(folderPath, byteData, guid + Path.GetExtension(httpPostedFileBase.FileName), ImageDimensions.Common);

                    message = SetMessage.SetSuccessMessage("Information has been updated successfully.");

            catch (Exception exception)
Exemplo n.º 16
        public Message Register(User user, HttpPostedFileBase httpPostedFileBase)
            Message message;

                using (var scope = new TransactionScope())

                    var  isExist     = _iUserRepository.GetUser(user.Email);
                    var  affectedRow = 0;
                    Guid guid;
                    guid = Guid.NewGuid();
                    HttpPostedFileBase file = httpPostedFileBase;
                    var target             = new MemoryStream();
                    var documentInformatio = new DocumentInformation();
                    int loggedInUserId     = WebHelper.CurrentSession.Content.LoggedInUser != null ? WebHelper.CurrentSession.Content.LoggedInUser.UserId : 0;
                    if (isExist == null)
                        //User password encryption
                        user.Password = CryptographyHelper.Encrypt(user.Password);

                        //By default user will be active
                        user.IsActive = true;

                        // Registration time globalId 0
                        user.GlobalId = 0;

                        if (loggedInUserId > 0)
                            user.CreatedBy = loggedInUserId;
                            user.UserType  = user.UserType;
                            user.UserType = Convert.ToInt32(AppUsers.User);

                        affectedRow = _iUserRepository.InsertWithoutIdentity(user);

                        message = affectedRow > 0
                            ? SetMessage.SetSuccessMessage("Information has been saved successfully.")
                            : SetMessage.SetInformationMessage("No data has been saved.");
                        user.IsActive = true;
                        user.UserId   = isExist.UserId;
                        user.Password = isExist.Password;
                        affectedRow   = _iUserRepository.Update(user);

                        message = affectedRow > 0
                           ? SetMessage.SetSuccessMessage("Information has been updated successfully.")
                           : SetMessage.SetInformationMessage("No data has been updated.");

                    if (httpPostedFileBase != null)

                    byte[] byteData     = target.ToArray();
                    var    imageUtility = new ImageUtility();

                    #region Insert Document Information

                    if (httpPostedFileBase != null)
                        var    size            = imageUtility.GetPreferredImageSize(ImageDimensions.Common);
                        byte[] byteAfterResize = imageUtility.EnforceResize(size.Width, size.Height, byteData, guid + Path.GetExtension(httpPostedFileBase.FileName));

                        documentInformatio.DocumentName = guid + Path.GetExtension(httpPostedFileBase.FileName);
                        documentInformatio.DocumentByte = byteAfterResize;
                        documentInformatio.DocumentSize = byteAfterResize.Length;

                        if (documentInformatio.GlobalId > 0)
                            user.PhotoFileName = (httpPostedFileBase != null ? guid + Path.GetExtension(httpPostedFileBase.FileName) : null);
                            user.GlobalId      = documentInformatio.GlobalId > 0 ? documentInformatio.GlobalId : 0;
                            affectedRow        = _iUserRepository.Update(user);

                    #region Image Resize and Save To Path

                    string folderPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(Constants.ImagePath.ImageFolderPath);

                    if (httpPostedFileBase != null)
                        bool isUpload = imageUtility.ImageSaveToPath(folderPath, byteData, guid + Path.GetExtension(httpPostedFileBase.FileName), ImageDimensions.Common);

            catch (Exception exception)
        public ActionResult Index()
                DocumentInformation model = new DocumentInformation();
                model.Tokens = new List <string>();
                var spContext = SharePointContextProvider.Current.GetSharePointContext(HttpContext);

                using (var ctx = spContext.CreateUserClientContextForSPHost())
                    LogHelper.Log("ctx is null " + (ctx == null));
                    ListItem DocumentItem = null;
                    string   FileContent  = FileHelper.GetFileContent(
                        new Guid(HttpContext.Request.QueryString["SPListId"]),
                        out DocumentItem);

                    Dictionary <string, int> tokens = AutoTaggingHelper.Tokenize(FileContent);
                    var SortedTokens = tokens.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value);

                    foreach (var token in SortedTokens)
                        model.Tokens.Add(string.Concat(token.Key, " (", token.Value, " ) | "));
                    System.Text.StringBuilder locations     = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                    System.Text.StringBuilder organizations = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                    System.Text.StringBuilder persons       = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                    Dictionary <string, int>  entities      = NlpHelper.GetNamedEntititesForText(FileContent, false);
                    LogHelper.Log("entities : " + entities.Count);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> entity in entities)
                        switch (entity.Value)
                        case 1:
                            locations.AppendFormat("{0} - ", entity.Key);

                        case 2:
                            persons.AppendFormat("{0} - ", entity.Key);

                        case 3:
                            organizations.AppendFormat("{0} - ", entity.Key);
                    model.Locations     = locations.ToString();
                    model.Persons       = persons.ToString();
                    model.Organizations = organizations.ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogHelper.Log(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace, LogSeverity.Error);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public Message InsertOrUpdateWithoutIdentity(Test test, HttpPostedFileBase httpPostedFileBase)
            Message message;

                using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
                    if (test.NoOfQuestion != test.TestWiseQuestions.Count())
                        return(SetMessage.SetErrorMessage("No of question not match! Please select (" + test.NoOfQuestion + ")question from question list"));
                    var isExist            = _iTestRepository.Get(test);
                    var affectedRow        = 0;
                    var guid               = Guid.NewGuid();
                    var file               = httpPostedFileBase;
                    var target             = new MemoryStream();
                    var documentInformatio = new DocumentInformation();

                    if (isExist == null)
                        test.IsActive = true;
                        affectedRow   = _iTestRepository.InsertWithoutIdentity(test);
                        foreach (var testWiseQuestions in test.TestWiseQuestions)
                            testWiseQuestions.TestId = test.TestId;

                        message = affectedRow > 0
                            ? SetMessage.SetSuccessMessage("Information has been saved successfully.")
                            : SetMessage.SetInformationMessage("No data has been saved.");
                        affectedRow = _iTestRepository.Update(test);


                        foreach (var testWiseQuestions in test.TestWiseQuestions)
                            testWiseQuestions.TestId = test.TestId;
                        message = affectedRow > 0
                           ? SetMessage.SetSuccessMessage("Information has been updated successfully.")
                           : SetMessage.SetInformationMessage("No data has been updated.");

                    if (httpPostedFileBase != null)

                    byte[] byteData     = target.ToArray();
                    var    imageUtility = new ImageUtility();

                    #region Insert Document Information

                    if (httpPostedFileBase != null)
                        var    size            = imageUtility.GetPreferredImageSize(ImageDimensions.Common);
                        byte[] byteAfterResize = imageUtility.EnforceResize(size.Width, size.Height, byteData, guid + Path.GetExtension(httpPostedFileBase.FileName));

                        documentInformatio.DocumentName = guid + Path.GetExtension(httpPostedFileBase.FileName);
                        documentInformatio.DocumentByte = byteAfterResize;
                        documentInformatio.DocumentSize = byteAfterResize.Length;

                        if (documentInformatio.GlobalId > 0)
                            test.TestIconName = (httpPostedFileBase != null ? guid + Path.GetExtension(httpPostedFileBase.FileName) : null);
                            test.GlobalId     = documentInformatio.GlobalId > 0 ? documentInformatio.GlobalId : 0;
                            affectedRow       = _iTestRepository.Update(test);

                    #region Image Resize and Save To Path

                    string folderPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(Constants.ImagePath.ImageFolderPath);

                    if (httpPostedFileBase != null)
                        bool isUpload = imageUtility.ImageSaveToPath(folderPath, byteData, guid + Path.GetExtension(httpPostedFileBase.FileName), ImageDimensions.Common);


            catch (Exception exception)
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void TestNPC()
            ExcelDocsCreator ec  = new ExcelDocsCreator();
            ProjectCompany   pc0 = new ProjectCompany()
                Name = "ООО ЛЮКСОФТ ПРОФЕШОНАЛ", State = State.Domestic

            DocumentInformation di1 = new DocumentInformation()
                IssueDate = DateTime.Parse("05.05.1991"), IssuePlace = "г.Москва", SeriesAndNumber = "123 989 89 89 "
            DocumentInformation di2 = new DocumentInformation()
                IssueDate = DateTime.Parse("05.05.1992"), IssuePlace = "г.Москва", SeriesAndNumber = "456 989 89 89 "
            DocumentInformation di3 = new DocumentInformation()
                IssueDate = DateTime.Parse("05.05.1993"), IssuePlace = "г.Москва", SeriesAndNumber = "789 989 89 89 "
            DocumentInformation di4 = new DocumentInformation()
                IssueDate = DateTime.Parse("05.05.1994"), IssuePlace = "г.Москва", SeriesAndNumber = "0987 989 89 89 "
            IndividualCompany ic1 = new IndividualCompany()
                AppartamentNumber = "100", BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("05.05.1990"), BirthPlace = "город москва", BuildingNumber = "строение 1", CitizenshipCodeId = 1, City = "Москва", CityType = "город", ConfirmedPersonalityDocInfo = di1, INN = 09876543210, Name = "Василий", MiddleName = "Иванович", Surname = "Пупкин", GenderCodeId = 1, PostIndex = "495980", RegionCode = new RegionCode()
                    Id = 77
                }, District = "Московская", Street = "Ленина", HouseNumber = "10", VerifedPersonalityDocInfo = di4
            IndividualCompany ic2 = new IndividualCompany()
                AppartamentNumber = "200", BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("05.05.1980"), BirthPlace = "город москва", BuildingNumber = "строение 2", CitizenshipCodeId = 1, City = "Питер", CityType = "город", ConfirmedPersonalityDocInfo = di2, INN = 1234567890, Name = "Иван", MiddleName = "Петрович", Surname = "Сидоров", GenderCodeId = 1, PostIndex = "495980", RegionCode = new RegionCode()
                    Id = 47
                }, District = "Омская", Street = "Ленина", HouseNumber = "1000", VerifedPersonalityDocInfo = di3
            IndividualCompany ic3 = new IndividualCompany()
                AppartamentNumber = "300", BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("05.05.1970"), BirthPlace = "город москва", BuildingNumber = "строение 43", CitizenshipCodeId = 1, City = "Омск", CityType = "город", ConfirmedPersonalityDocInfo = di3, INN = 1334567890, Name = "Пётр", MiddleName = "Сидорович", Surname = "Иванов", GenderCodeId = 1, PostIndex = "495980", RegionCode = new RegionCode()
                    Id = 05
                }, District = "Омская", Street = "Ленина", HouseNumber = "10/4", VerifedPersonalityDocInfo = di2
            IndividualCompany ic4 = new IndividualCompany()
                AppartamentNumber = "400", BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("05.05.1960"), BirthPlace = "город москва", BuildingNumber = "строение 143", CitizenshipCodeId = 1, City = "Ленинград", CityType = "город", ConfirmedPersonalityDocInfo = di4, INN = 1134567890, Name = "Алексей", MiddleName = "Иванович", Surname = "Петров", GenderCodeId = 1, PostIndex = "495980", RegionCode = new RegionCode()
                    Id = 98
                }, District = "Ленинградская", Street = "Ленина", HouseNumber = "108", VerifedPersonalityDocInfo = di1

            ProjectCompany pc1 = new ProjectCompany()
                Name = "ООО ЛЮКСОФТ ПРОФЕШОНАЛ40", State = State.Individual, IndividualCompany = ic1
            ProjectCompany pc2 = new ProjectCompany()
                Name = "ООО ЛЮКСОФТ ПРОФЕШОНАЛ41", State = State.Individual, IndividualCompany = ic2
            ProjectCompany pc3 = new ProjectCompany()
                Name = "ООО ЛЮКСОФТ ПРОФЕШОНАЛ42", State = State.Individual, IndividualCompany = ic3
            ProjectCompany pc4 = new ProjectCompany()
                Name = "ООО ЛЮКСОФТ ПРОФЕШОНАЛ43", State = State.Individual, IndividualCompany = ic4

            ForeignCompany fc1 = new ForeignCompany()
                FullName = "ООО Иностранная компания 1", Name = "ИК1", Address = "г. Москва 1ый Волоколамский проезд дом 3", CountryCodeId = 1, TaxPayerCodeId = 1, RegistrationNumber = "123"
            ForeignCompany fc2 = new ForeignCompany()
                FullName = "ООО Иностранная компания 2", Name = "ИК2", Address = "г. Москва 2ый Волоколамский проезд дом 4", CountryCodeId = 1, TaxPayerCodeId = 1, RegistrationNumber = "21222223"
            ForeignCompany fc3 = new ForeignCompany()
                FullName = "ООО Иностранная компания 3", Name = "ИК3", Address = "г. Москва 3ий Волоколамский проезд дом 5", CountryCodeId = 5, TaxPayerCodeId = 1, RegistrationNumber = "31222243522223"
            ForeignCompany fc4 = new ForeignCompany()
                FullName = "ООО Иностранная компания 4", Name = "ИК4", Address = "г. Москва 4ый Волоколамский проезд дом 6", CountryCodeId = 5, TaxPayerCodeId = 1, RegistrationNumber = "421222243522223"

            ProjectCompany pc5 = new ProjectCompany()
                Name = "ООО ЛЮКСОФТ ПРОФЕШОНАЛ30", State = State.Foreign, ForeignCompany = fc1
            ProjectCompany pc6 = new ProjectCompany()
                Name = "ООО ЛЮКСОФТ ПРОФЕШОНАЛ31", State = State.Foreign, ForeignCompany = fc2
            ProjectCompany pc7 = new ProjectCompany()
                Name = "ООО ЛЮКСОФТ ПРОФЕШОНАЛ32", State = State.Foreign, ForeignCompany = fc3
            ProjectCompany pc8 = new ProjectCompany()
                Name = "ООО ЛЮКСОФТ ПРОФЕШОНАЛ33", State = State.Foreign, ForeignCompany = fc4

            ForeignLightCompany fcl1 = new ForeignLightCompany()
                EnglishName = "FOREGIN LIGHT COMPANY 1 FOREGIN LIGHT COMPANY 1 FOREGIN LIGHT COMPANY 1 FOREGIN LIGHT COMPANY 1", RussianName = "ООО Иностранная компания БОЮЛ 1", CountryCodeId = 5, FoundDate = DateTime.Parse("05.12.1997"), Number = "1423", ForeignOrganizationalFormCodeId = 4, RequisitesEng = "DESC NUM 3 DESC NUM 2 DESC NUM 1", RegNumber = "123123123", RequisitesRus = "Реквизит1, 2 ,3 ,5 10 реквизиты", OtherInfo = "Дополнительная информация 1"
            ForeignLightCompany fcl2 = new ForeignLightCompany()
                EnglishName = "FOREGIN LIGHT COMPANY 2", RussianName = "ООО Иностранная компания БОЮЛ 2", CountryCodeId = 5, FoundDate = DateTime.Parse("05.12.1998"), Number = "1234", ForeignOrganizationalFormCodeId = 3, RequisitesEng = "DESC NUM 3 DESC NUM 2 DESC NUM 1", RegNumber = "123123123", RequisitesRus = "Реквизит1, 2 ,3 ,5 10 реквизиты", OtherInfo = "Дополнительная информация 2"
            ForeignLightCompany fcl3 = new ForeignLightCompany()
                EnglishName = "FOREGIN LIGHT COMPANY 3", RussianName = "ООО Иностранная компания БОЮЛ 3", CountryCodeId = 6, FoundDate = DateTime.Parse("05.12.1999"), Number = "1235", ForeignOrganizationalFormCodeId = 2, RequisitesEng = "DESC NUM 3 DESC NUM 2 DESC NUM 1", RegNumber = "123123123", RequisitesRus = "Реквизит1, 2 ,3 ,5 10 реквизиты", OtherInfo = "Дополнительная информация 3 "
            ForeignLightCompany fcl4 = new ForeignLightCompany()
                EnglishName = "FOREGIN LIGHT COMPANY 4", RussianName = "ООО Иностранная компания БОЮЛ 4", CountryCodeId = 8, FoundDate = DateTime.Parse("05.12.2005"), Number = "1236", ForeignOrganizationalFormCodeId = 1, RequisitesEng = "DESC NUM 3 DESC NUM 2 DESC NUM 1", RegNumber = "123123123", RequisitesRus = "Реквизит1, 2 ,3 ,5 10 реквизиты", OtherInfo = "Дополнительная информация 4"

            ProjectCompany pc9 = new ProjectCompany()
                Name = "ООО ЛЮКСОФТ ПРОФЕШОНАЛ20", State = State.ForeignLight, ForeignLightCompany = fcl1
            ProjectCompany pc10 = new ProjectCompany()
                Name = "ООО ЛЮКСОФТ ПРОФЕШОНАЛ21", State = State.ForeignLight, ForeignLightCompany = fcl2
            ProjectCompany pc11 = new ProjectCompany()
                Name = "ООО ЛЮКСОФТ ПРОФЕШОНАЛ22", State = State.ForeignLight, ForeignLightCompany = fcl3
            ProjectCompany pc12 = new ProjectCompany()
                Name = "ООО ЛЮКСОФТ ПРОФЕШОНАЛ23", State = State.ForeignLight, ForeignLightCompany = fcl4

            ProjectCompanyShare share1 = new ProjectCompanyShare()
                OwnerProjectCompanyId = pc0.Id, DependentProjectCompanyId = pc1.Id, DependentProjectCompany = pc1, SharePart = 50.00, ShareType = ShareType.Direct, ShareStartDate = DateTime.Parse("05.12.2005")
            ProjectCompanyShare share2 = new ProjectCompanyShare()
                OwnerProjectCompanyId = pc0.Id, DependentProjectCompanyId = pc2.Id, DependentProjectCompany = pc2, SharePart = 20.00, ShareType = ShareType.Direct, ShareStartDate = DateTime.Parse("05.12.2005")
            ProjectCompanyShare share3 = new ProjectCompanyShare()
                OwnerProjectCompanyId = pc0.Id, DependentProjectCompanyId = pc3.Id, DependentProjectCompany = pc3, SharePart = 10.00, ShareType = ShareType.Direct, ShareStartDate = DateTime.Parse("05.12.2005")
            ProjectCompanyShare share4 = new ProjectCompanyShare()
                OwnerProjectCompanyId = pc0.Id, DependentProjectCompanyId = pc4.Id, DependentProjectCompany = pc4, SharePart = 5.00, ShareType = ShareType.Direct, ShareStartDate = DateTime.Parse("05.12.2005")

            ProjectCompanyShare share5 = new ProjectCompanyShare()
                OwnerProjectCompanyId = pc0.Id, DependentProjectCompanyId = pc5.Id, DependentProjectCompany = pc5, SharePart = 10.10, ShareType = ShareType.Direct, ShareStartDate = DateTime.Parse("05.12.2005")
            ProjectCompanyShare share6 = new ProjectCompanyShare()
                OwnerProjectCompanyId = pc0.Id, DependentProjectCompanyId = pc6.Id, DependentProjectCompany = pc6, SharePart = 10.03, ShareType = ShareType.Direct, ShareStartDate = DateTime.Parse("05.12.2005")
            ProjectCompanyShare share7 = new ProjectCompanyShare()
                OwnerProjectCompanyId = pc0.Id, DependentProjectCompanyId = pc7.Id, DependentProjectCompany = pc7, SharePart = 10.00, ShareType = ShareType.Direct, ShareStartDate = DateTime.Parse("05.12.2005")
            ProjectCompanyShare share8 = new ProjectCompanyShare()
                OwnerProjectCompanyId = pc0.Id, DependentProjectCompanyId = pc8.Id, DependentProjectCompany = pc8, SharePart = 10.00, ShareType = ShareType.Direct, ShareStartDate = DateTime.Parse("05.12.2005")

            ProjectCompanyShare share9 = new ProjectCompanyShare()
                OwnerProjectCompanyId = pc0.Id, DependentProjectCompanyId = pc9.Id, DependentProjectCompany = pc9, SharePart = 10.00, ShareType = ShareType.Direct, ShareStartDate = DateTime.Parse("05.12.2005")
            ProjectCompanyShare share10 = new ProjectCompanyShare()
                OwnerProjectCompanyId = pc0.Id, DependentProjectCompanyId = pc10.Id, DependentProjectCompany = pc10, SharePart = 10.00, ShareType = ShareType.Direct, ShareStartDate = DateTime.Parse("05.12.2005")
            ProjectCompanyShare share11 = new ProjectCompanyShare()
                OwnerProjectCompanyId = pc0.Id, DependentProjectCompanyId = pc11.Id, DependentProjectCompany = pc11, SharePart = 10.20, ShareType = ShareType.Direct, ShareStartDate = DateTime.Parse("05.12.2005")
            ProjectCompanyShare share12 = new ProjectCompanyShare()
                OwnerProjectCompanyId = pc0.Id, DependentProjectCompanyId = pc12.Id, DependentProjectCompany = pc12, SharePart = 10.13, ShareType = ShareType.Direct, ShareStartDate = DateTime.Parse("05.12.2005")

            ProjectCompanyShare share01 = new ProjectCompanyShare()
                OwnerProjectCompanyId = pc0.Id, DependentProjectCompanyId = pc1.Id, DependentProjectCompany = pc1, SharePart = 50.00, ShareType = ShareType.Direct, ShareStartDate = DateTime.Parse("05.12.2005")
            ProjectCompanyShare share02 = new ProjectCompanyShare()
                OwnerProjectCompanyId = pc0.Id, DependentProjectCompanyId = pc2.Id, DependentProjectCompany = pc2, SharePart = 20.00, ShareType = ShareType.Direct, ShareStartDate = DateTime.Parse("05.12.2005")
            ProjectCompanyShare share03 = new ProjectCompanyShare()
                OwnerProjectCompanyId = pc0.Id, DependentProjectCompanyId = pc3.Id, DependentProjectCompany = pc3, SharePart = 10.00, ShareType = ShareType.Direct, ShareStartDate = DateTime.Parse("05.12.2005")
            ProjectCompanyShare share04 = new ProjectCompanyShare()
                OwnerProjectCompanyId = pc0.Id, DependentProjectCompanyId = pc4.Id, DependentProjectCompany = pc4, SharePart = 5.00, ShareType = ShareType.Direct, ShareStartDate = DateTime.Parse("05.12.2005")

            //List<ProjectCompanyShare> fd = new List<ProjectCompanyShare> { share1, share2, share3, share4, share5, share6, share7, share8, share9, share10, share11, share12 };
            List <ProjectCompanyShare> fd = new List <ProjectCompanyShare> {
                share7, share11

            // List<ProjectCompanyShare> fdd = new List<ProjectCompanyShare> { share01, share02, share03, share04};

            //pc1.DependentProjectCompanyShares = new List<ProjectCompanyShare>{share1,share2,share3,share4,share5, share6, share7, share8, share9, share10,share11, share12};
            //pc1.OwnerProjectCompanyShares = new List<ProjectCompanyShare> { share1, share2, share3, share4, share5, share6, share7, share8, share9, share10, share11, share12 };

            FactShareCalculation fc = new FactShareCalculation();
            var smplList            = fc.GetFactShares(GetShares()).Where(s => s.ShareFactPart > 0);

            //var graphModel = new AdjacencyGraph<int, TaggedEdge<int, double>>();
            //IList<int> vecities = GetOrderedIds(smplList);
            //foreach (var v in vecities)
            //    graphModel.AddVertex(v);
            ////Ребра и Веса
            //foreach (var share in smplList)
            //    graphModel.AddEdge(new TaggedEdge<int, double>(share.DependentProjectCompanyId, share.OwnerProjectCompanyId, share.ShareFactPart));

            //var shareGraph = new BidirectionalGraph<int, Edge<int>>();
            ////Вершины(Vertices) Ребра(Edge) и Веса (a Tag)
            //foreach (var share in smplList)
            //    shareGraph.AddVerticesAndEdge(new TaggedEdge<int, double>(share.OwnerProjectCompanyId, share.DependentProjectCompanyId, share.ShareFactPart));
            //int Source = 1;
            //int Target = 2;
            ////Ограничение на кол-во путей
            //int pathCount = 10;
            //// e- edgesWeights
            //foreach (IEnumerable<Edge<int>> paths in shareGraph.RankedShortestPathHoffmanPavley(e => 0, Source, Target, pathCount))
            //    Console.WriteLine("Path Exmple:");
            //    foreach (TaggedEdge<int, double> path in paths)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine(path.Source + " >  " + path.Target + "Costs: " + path.Tag);
            //    }

            //var graphModel1 = new AdjacencyGraph<int, TaggedEdge<int, double>>();
            //foreach (var share in smplList)
            //    graphModel1.AddVerticesAndEdge(new TaggedEdge<int, double>(share.DependentProjectCompanyId, share.OwnerProjectCompanyId, share.ShareFactPart));

            //var edges = new SEdge<int>[] { new SEdge<int>(1, 2), new SEdge<int>(0, 1) };
            //var graph = edges.ToAdjacencyGraph<int, SEdge<int>>(true);

            //var factShareLsit = fc.GetFactShares(fd);

            //string path = @"C:\Users\FyodorSt\Source\Repos\WebKIK\KPMG.WebKik.DocumentProcessing\Templates\UU.xlsx";

            //var nn = ec.GetFilledNotificationOfParticipation(path, pc0, fd, factShareLsit.ToList());
            //nn.SaveAs("NN"+ pc0.Name+".xlsx");
Exemplo n.º 20
        private static PdfDocument OpenDocument(IInputBytes inputBytes, ISeekableTokenScanner scanner, ILog log, bool isLenientParsing,
                                                IReadOnlyList <string> passwords, bool clipPaths)
            var filterProvider = DefaultFilterProvider.Instance;

            CrossReferenceTable crossReferenceTable = null;

            var xrefValidator = new XrefOffsetValidator(log);

            // We're ok with this since our intent is to lazily load the cross reference table.
            // ReSharper disable once AccessToModifiedClosure
            var locationProvider = new ObjectLocationProvider(() => crossReferenceTable, inputBytes);
            var pdfScanner       = new PdfTokenScanner(inputBytes, locationProvider, filterProvider, NoOpEncryptionHandler.Instance);

            var crossReferenceStreamParser = new CrossReferenceStreamParser(filterProvider);
            var crossReferenceParser       = new CrossReferenceParser(log, xrefValidator, crossReferenceStreamParser);

            var version = FileHeaderParser.Parse(scanner, isLenientParsing, log);

            var crossReferenceOffset = FileTrailerParser.GetFirstCrossReferenceOffset(inputBytes, scanner,
                                                                                      isLenientParsing) + version.OffsetInFile;

            // TODO: make this use the scanner.
            var validator = new CrossReferenceOffsetValidator(xrefValidator);

            crossReferenceOffset = validator.Validate(crossReferenceOffset, scanner, inputBytes, isLenientParsing);

            crossReferenceTable = crossReferenceParser.Parse(inputBytes, isLenientParsing,

            var(rootReference, rootDictionary) = ParseTrailer(crossReferenceTable, isLenientParsing,
                                                              out var encryptionDictionary);

            var encryptionHandler = encryptionDictionary != null ?
                                    (IEncryptionHandler) new EncryptionHandler(encryptionDictionary, crossReferenceTable.Trailer, passwords)
                : NoOpEncryptionHandler.Instance;


            var cidFontFactory = new CidFontFactory(pdfScanner, filterProvider);
            var encodingReader = new EncodingReader(pdfScanner);

            var type1Handler = new Type1FontHandler(pdfScanner, filterProvider, encodingReader);

            var fontFactory = new FontFactory(log, new Type0FontHandler(cidFontFactory,
                                                                        filterProvider, pdfScanner),
                                              new TrueTypeFontHandler(log, pdfScanner, filterProvider, encodingReader, SystemFontFinder.Instance,
                                              new Type3FontHandler(pdfScanner, filterProvider, encodingReader));

            var resourceContainer = new ResourceStore(pdfScanner, fontFactory);

            DocumentInformation information = null;

                information = DocumentInformationFactory.Create(pdfScanner, crossReferenceTable.Trailer);

            var catalog = CatalogFactory.Create(rootReference, rootDictionary, pdfScanner, isLenientParsing);

            var pageFactory = new PageFactory(pdfScanner, resourceContainer, filterProvider,
                                              new PageContentParser(new ReflectionGraphicsStateOperationFactory()),

            var caching = new ParsingCachingProviders(resourceContainer);

            var acroFormFactory   = new AcroFormFactory(pdfScanner, filterProvider, crossReferenceTable);
            var bookmarksProvider = new BookmarksProvider(log, pdfScanner);

            return(new PdfDocument(log, inputBytes, version, crossReferenceTable, caching, pageFactory, catalog, information,
Exemplo n.º 21
        public IList <ProjectCompany> GetCompanies(IList <Project> projects)
            var p            = projects[0];
            var modifiedDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 06);

            var docInfo = new DocumentInformation {
                DocumentCodeId = 11, SeriesAndNumber = "4513105699", IssueDate = DateTime.UtcNow, IssuePlace = "УФМС России по гор.Москве по району Басманный"
            var ic = new IndividualCompany {
                INN = 1212121333, Surname = "Иванов", Name = "Иван", MiddleName = "Иванович", BirthDate = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1), GenderCodeId = 1, BirthPlace = "Москва", VerifedPersonalityDocInfo = docInfo, ConfirmedPersonalityDocInfo = docInfo, RussianLocationCodeId = 1, RegionCodeId = 77, PostIndex = "105094", District = "Басманный", City = "Москва", CityType = "", Street = "Госпитальная набережная", HouseNumber = "4", BuildingNumber = "1а", AppartamentNumber = "125", ForeignCountryCodeId = 185, ForeignAddress = ""

            var flc = new ForeignLightCompany {
                Number = "ИО4", ForeignOrganizationalFormCodeId = 5, EnglishName = "International company", RussianName = "Интернейшнл кампани", FoundDate = new DateTime(2010, 12, 12), RequisitesEng = "Regulation 45", RequisitesRus = "Устав 45", CountryCodeId = 39, RegNumber = "1212121", OtherInfo = "-"

            var dc1 = new DomesticCompany {
                Number = "РО1", FullName = "Управляющая компания", OGRN = 3333333333333, INN = 3333333333333, KPP = "333333333", IsPublic = false
            var dc2 = new DomesticCompany {
                Number = "РО2", FullName = "Публичное акционерное общество Группа компаний", OGRN = 22222222, INN = 222222222222, KPP = "222222222", IsPublic = true
            var dc3 = new DomesticCompany {
                Number = "РО3", FullName = "Торговая компания", OGRN = 3333333333, INN = 333333333, KPP = "333333333", IsPublic = false

            var fc1 = new ForeignCompany {
                CountryCodeId = 29, Number = "ИО1", Name = "Finance Company BVI", FullName = "Файненс Кампани БиВиАй", RegistrationNumber = "123456", Address = "BVI, Ridge Rd 340"
            var fc2 = new ForeignCompany {
                CountryCodeId = 57, Number = "ИО2", Name = "Cyprus Investments limited", FullName = "Сайпрус Инвестментс лимитед", RegistrationNumber = "55555555", Address = "Limassol, Odos Troyas 34"
            var fc3 = new ForeignCompany {
                CountryCodeId = 39, Number = "ИО3", Name = "Cayman company", FullName = "Каймаг Лоджистик кампани", RegistrationNumber = "122222", Address = "Cayman Iceland, Bodden town 61"

            return(new List <ProjectCompany>()
                new ProjectCompany {
                    Project = p, ModifiedDate = modifiedDate, Name = "Управляющая компания", State = State.Domestic, IsResident = true, IsControlCompany = true, IsKIKCompany = true, DomesticCompany = dc1
                new ProjectCompany {
                    Project = p, ModifiedDate = modifiedDate, Name = "Finance Company BVI", State = State.Foreign, IsResident = false, IsControlCompany = false, IsKIKCompany = true, ForeignCompany = fc1
                new ProjectCompany {
                    Project = p, ModifiedDate = modifiedDate, Name = "Cyprus Investments Ltd", State = State.Foreign, IsResident = false, IsControlCompany = false, IsKIKCompany = true, ForeignCompany = fc2
                new ProjectCompany {
                    Project = p, ModifiedDate = modifiedDate, Name = "Cayman Company", State = State.Foreign, IsResident = false, IsControlCompany = false, IsKIKCompany = true, ForeignCompany = fc3
                new ProjectCompany {
                    Project = p, ModifiedDate = modifiedDate, Name = "International company", State = State.ForeignLight, IsResident = false, IsControlCompany = false, IsKIKCompany = true, ForeignLightCompany = flc
                new ProjectCompany {
                    Project = p, ModifiedDate = modifiedDate, Name = "Иванов И.И.", State = State.Individual, IsResident = true, IsControlCompany = true, IsKIKCompany = true, IndividualCompany = ic
                new ProjectCompany {
                    Project = p, ModifiedDate = modifiedDate, Name = "ПАО ГК", State = State.Domestic, IsResident = true, IsControlCompany = true, IsKIKCompany = true, DomesticCompany = dc2
                new ProjectCompany {
                    Project = p, ModifiedDate = modifiedDate, Name = "Торговая компания", State = State.Domestic, IsResident = true, IsControlCompany = true, IsKIKCompany = true, DomesticCompany = dc3
Exemplo n.º 22
 public void TestInitialize()
     m_doc = new Document();
     m_doc.Pages.Add(new Page(PaperFormat.A4));
     m_docInfo = m_doc.DocumentInfo;
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void RestoreFromZippedFile(ZipArchive zipFile, Altaxo.Serialization.Xml.XmlStreamDeserializationInfo info)
            var errorText = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

            foreach (var zipEntry in zipFile.Entries)
                    if (zipEntry.FullName.StartsWith("Tables/"))
                        using (var zipinpstream = zipEntry.Open())
                            object readedobject = info.GetValue("Table", null);
                            if (readedobject is Altaxo.Data.DataTable)
                    else if (zipEntry.FullName.StartsWith("Graphs/"))
                        using (var zipinpstream = zipEntry.Open())
                            object readedobject = info.GetValue("Graph", null);
                            if (readedobject is Graph.Gdi.GraphDocument)
                    else if (zipEntry.FullName.StartsWith("Graphs3D/"))
                        using (var zipinpstream = zipEntry.Open())
                            object readedobject = info.GetValue("Graph", null);
                            if (readedobject is Graph.Graph3D.GraphDocument)
                    else if (zipEntry.FullName.StartsWith("Texts/"))
                        using (var zipinpstream = zipEntry.Open())
                            object readedobject = info.GetValue("Text", null);
                            if (readedobject is Text.TextDocument noteDoc)
                    else if (zipEntry.FullName.StartsWith("TableLayouts/"))
                        using (var zipinpstream = zipEntry.Open())
                            object readedobject = info.GetValue("WorksheetLayout", null);
                            if (readedobject is Altaxo.Worksheet.WorksheetLayout)
                    else if (zipEntry.FullName.StartsWith("FitFunctionScripts/"))
                        using (var zipinpstream = zipEntry.Open())
                            object readedobject = info.GetValue("FitFunctionScript", null);
                            if (readedobject is Altaxo.Scripting.FitFunctionScript)
                    else if (zipEntry.FullName.StartsWith("FolderProperties/"))
                        using (var zipinpstream = zipEntry.Open())
                            object readedobject = info.GetValue("FolderProperty", null);
                            if (readedobject is Altaxo.Main.Properties.ProjectFolderPropertyDocument)
                    else if (zipEntry.FullName == "DocumentInformation.xml")
                        using (var zipinpstream = zipEntry.Open())
                            object readedobject = info.GetValue("DocumentInformation", null);
                            if (readedobject is DocumentInformation)
                                _documentInformation = (DocumentInformation)readedobject;
                catch (Exception exc)
                    errorText.Append("Error deserializing ");
                    errorText.Append(", ");

                info.AnnounceDeserializationEnd(this, false);
            catch (Exception exc)

            if (errorText.Length != 0)
                throw new ApplicationException(errorText.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a PDF document from the current content of this builder and its pages.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The bytes of the resulting PDF document.</returns>
        public byte[] Build()
            var fontsWritten = new Dictionary <Guid, ObjectToken>();

            using (var memory = new MemoryStream())
                // Header
                WriteString("%PDF-1.7", memory);

                // Files with binary data should contain a 2nd comment line followed by 4 bytes with values > 127

                // Body
                foreach (var font in fonts)
                    var fontObj = font.Value.FontProgram.WriteFont(font.Value.FontKey.Name, memory, context);
                    fontsWritten.Add(font.Key, fontObj);

                foreach (var image in images)
                    var streamToken = new StreamToken(image.Value.StreamDictionary, image.Value.StreamData);

                    context.WriteObject(memory, streamToken, image.Value.ObjectNumber);

                var procSet = new List <NameToken>

                var resources = new Dictionary <NameToken, IToken>
                    { NameToken.ProcSet, new ArrayToken(procSet) }

                if (fontsWritten.Count > 0)
                    var fontsDictionary = new DictionaryToken(fontsWritten.Select(x => (fonts[x.Key].FontKey.Name, (IToken) new IndirectReferenceToken(x.Value.Number)))
                                                              .ToDictionary(x => x.Item1, x => x.Item2));

                    var fontsDictionaryRef = context.WriteObject(memory, fontsDictionary);

                    resources.Add(NameToken.Font, new IndirectReferenceToken(fontsDictionaryRef.Number));

                var reserved       = context.ReserveNumber();
                var parentIndirect = new IndirectReferenceToken(new IndirectReference(reserved, 0));

                var pageReferences = new List <IndirectReferenceToken>();
                foreach (var page in pages)
                    var individualResources = new Dictionary <NameToken, IToken>(resources);
                    var pageDictionary      = new Dictionary <NameToken, IToken>
                        { NameToken.Type, NameToken.Page },
                        { NameToken.MediaBox, RectangleToArray(page.Value.PageSize) },
                        { NameToken.Parent, parentIndirect }

                    if (page.Value.Resources.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var kvp in page.Value.Resources)
                            // TODO: combine resources if value is dictionary or array, otherwise overwrite.
                            individualResources[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;

                    pageDictionary[NameToken.Resources] = new DictionaryToken(individualResources);

                    if (page.Value.Operations.Count > 0)
                        var contentStream = WriteContentStream(page.Value.Operations);

                        var contentStreamObj = context.WriteObject(memory, contentStream);

                        pageDictionary[NameToken.Contents] = new IndirectReferenceToken(contentStreamObj.Number);

                    var pageRef = context.WriteObject(memory, new DictionaryToken(pageDictionary));

                    pageReferences.Add(new IndirectReferenceToken(pageRef.Number));

                var pagesDictionaryData = new Dictionary <NameToken, IToken>
                    { NameToken.Type, NameToken.Pages },
                    { NameToken.Kids, new ArrayToken(pageReferences) },
                    { NameToken.Count, new NumericToken(pageReferences.Count) }

                var pagesDictionary = new DictionaryToken(pagesDictionaryData);

                var pagesRef = context.WriteObject(memory, pagesDictionary, reserved);

                var catalogDictionary = new Dictionary <NameToken, IToken>
                    { NameToken.Type, NameToken.Catalog },
                    { NameToken.Pages, new IndirectReferenceToken(pagesRef.Number) }

                if (ArchiveStandard != PdfAStandard.None)
                    Func <IToken, ObjectToken> writerFunc = x => context.WriteObject(memory, x);

                    PdfABaselineRuleBuilder.Obey(catalogDictionary, writerFunc, DocumentInformation, ArchiveStandard);

                    switch (ArchiveStandard)
                    case PdfAStandard.A1A:

                    case PdfAStandard.A2B:

                    case PdfAStandard.A2A:

                var catalog = new DictionaryToken(catalogDictionary);

                var catalogRef = context.WriteObject(memory, catalog);

                var informationReference = default(IndirectReference?);
                if (IncludeDocumentInformation)
                    var informationDictionary = DocumentInformation.ToDictionary();
                    if (informationDictionary.Count > 0)
                        var dictionary = new DictionaryToken(informationDictionary);
                        informationReference = context.WriteObject(memory, dictionary).Number;

                TokenWriter.WriteCrossReferenceTable(context.ObjectOffsets, catalogRef, memory, informationReference);

Exemplo n.º 25
 ///Default constructor. Creates a new document and, hence, a new model with one default page and one default layer.
 public Document() {
   mModel = new Model();
   mInformation = new DocumentInformation();
Exemplo n.º 26
 ///Default constructor. Creates a new document and, hence, a new model with one default page and one default layer.
 public Document()
     mModel       = new Model();
     mInformation = new DocumentInformation();
Exemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a PDF document from the current content of this builder and its pages.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The bytes of the resulting PDF document.</returns>
        public byte[] Build()
            var context      = new BuilderContext();
            var fontsWritten = new Dictionary <Guid, ObjectToken>();

            using (var memory = new MemoryStream())
                // Header
                WriteString("%PDF-1.7", memory);

                // Files with binary data should contain a 2nd comment line followed by 4 bytes with values > 127

                // Body
                foreach (var font in fonts)
                    var fontObj = font.Value.FontProgram.WriteFont(font.Value.FontKey.Name, memory, context);
                    fontsWritten.Add(font.Key, fontObj);

                var resources = new Dictionary <NameToken, IToken>
                    { NameToken.ProcSet, new ArrayToken(new [] { NameToken.Create("PDF"), NameToken.Create("Text") }) }

                if (fontsWritten.Count > 0)
                    var fontsDictionary = new DictionaryToken(fontsWritten.Select(x => (fonts[x.Key].FontKey.Name, (IToken) new IndirectReferenceToken(x.Value.Number)))
                                                              .ToDictionary(x => x.Item1, x => x.Item2));

                    var fontsDictionaryRef = context.WriteObject(memory, fontsDictionary);

                    resources.Add(NameToken.Font, new IndirectReferenceToken(fontsDictionaryRef.Number));

                var reserved       = context.ReserveNumber();
                var parentIndirect = new IndirectReferenceToken(new IndirectReference(reserved, 0));

                var pageReferences = new List <IndirectReferenceToken>();
                foreach (var page in pages)
                    var pageDictionary = new Dictionary <NameToken, IToken>
                        { NameToken.Type, NameToken.Page },
                            new DictionaryToken(resources)
                        { NameToken.MediaBox, RectangleToArray(page.Value.PageSize) },
                        { NameToken.Parent, parentIndirect }

                    if (page.Value.Operations.Count > 0)
                        var contentStream = WriteContentStream(page.Value.Operations);

                        var contentStreamObj = context.WriteObject(memory, contentStream);

                        pageDictionary[NameToken.Contents] = new IndirectReferenceToken(contentStreamObj.Number);

                    var pageRef = context.WriteObject(memory, new DictionaryToken(pageDictionary));

                    pageReferences.Add(new IndirectReferenceToken(pageRef.Number));

                var pagesDictionary = new DictionaryToken(new Dictionary <NameToken, IToken>
                    { NameToken.Type, NameToken.Pages },
                    { NameToken.Kids, new ArrayToken(pageReferences) },
                    { NameToken.Count, new NumericToken(pageReferences.Count) }

                var pagesRef = context.WriteObject(memory, pagesDictionary, reserved);

                var catalog = new DictionaryToken(new Dictionary <NameToken, IToken>
                    { NameToken.Type, NameToken.Catalog },
                    { NameToken.Pages, new IndirectReferenceToken(pagesRef.Number) }

                var catalogRef = context.WriteObject(memory, catalog);

                var informationReference = default(IndirectReference?);
                if (IncludeDocumentInformation)
                    var informationDictionary = DocumentInformation.ToDictionary();
                    if (informationDictionary.Count > 0)
                        var dictionary = new DictionaryToken(informationDictionary);
                        informationReference = context.WriteObject(memory, dictionary).Number;

                TokenWriter.WriteCrossReferenceTable(context.ObjectOffsets, catalogRef, memory, informationReference);

Exemplo n.º 28
        public Message InsertOrUpdateWithoutIdentity(Question question, HttpPostedFileBase httpPostedFileBase)
            Message message;

                using (var scope = new TransactionScope())

                    var isExistQuestion = _iQuestionRepository.Get(question);
                    var affectedRow     = 0;
                    var guid            = Guid.NewGuid();

                    if (isExistQuestion == null)
                        affectedRow = _iQuestionRepository.InsertWithoutIdentity(question);

                        #region Question Answer Option - Insert

                        foreach (var answerOption in question.QuestionAnswerOptionList)
                            answerOption.QuestionId = question.QuestionId;


                        message = affectedRow > 0
                            ? SetMessage.SetSuccessMessage("Information has been saved successfully.")
                            : SetMessage.SetInformationMessage("No data has been saved.");
                        affectedRow = _iQuestionRepository.Update(question);

                        #region Question Answer Option - Update

                        foreach (var answerOption in question.QuestionAnswerOptionList)
                            answerOption.QuestionId = question.QuestionId;


                        message = affectedRow > 0
                           ? SetMessage.SetSuccessMessage("Information has been updated successfully.")
                           : SetMessage.SetInformationMessage("No data has been updated.");

                    #region Question Answer Image

                    if (httpPostedFileBase != null)
                        var file               = httpPostedFileBase;
                        var target             = new MemoryStream();
                        var documentInformatio = new DocumentInformation();


                        byte[]       byteData     = target.ToArray();
                        ImageUtility imageUtility = new ImageUtility();

                        if (isExistQuestion == null)
                            #region Insert Document Information

                            var    size            = imageUtility.GetPreferredImageSize(ImageDimensions.Common);
                            byte[] byteAfterResize = imageUtility.EnforceResize(size.Width, size.Height, byteData, guid + Path.GetExtension(httpPostedFileBase.FileName));

                            documentInformatio.DocumentName = guid + Path.GetExtension(httpPostedFileBase.FileName);
                            documentInformatio.DocumentByte = byteAfterResize;
                            documentInformatio.DocumentSize = byteAfterResize.Length;

                            #region Question - GlobalId Update

                            question.QuestionImageName = (httpPostedFileBase != null ? guid + Path.GetExtension(httpPostedFileBase.FileName) : null);
                            question.GlobalId          = documentInformatio.GlobalId > 0 ? documentInformatio.GlobalId : 0;
                            affectedRow = _iQuestionRepository.Update(question);


                            #region Update Document Information

                            var isExistDocumentInformatio = _iDocumentInformationRepository.Get(new DocumentInformation {
                                GlobalId = isExistQuestion.GlobalId

                            if (isExistDocumentInformatio != null)
                                var    size            = imageUtility.GetPreferredImageSize(ImageDimensions.Common);
                                byte[] byteAfterResize = imageUtility.EnforceResize(size.Width, size.Height, byteData, guid + Path.GetExtension(httpPostedFileBase.FileName));

                                isExistDocumentInformatio.DocumentName = guid + Path.GetExtension(httpPostedFileBase.FileName);
                                isExistDocumentInformatio.DocumentByte = byteAfterResize;
                                isExistDocumentInformatio.DocumentSize = byteAfterResize.Length;


                        #region Image Resize and Save To Path

                        string folderPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(Constants.ImagePath.ImageFolderPath);

                        if (httpPostedFileBase != null)
                            bool isUpload = imageUtility.ImageSaveToPath(folderPath, byteData, guid + Path.GetExtension(httpPostedFileBase.FileName), ImageDimensions.Common);



            catch (Exception exception)
        public static void SerializeDocumentInformation(DocumentInformation value, IFhirWriter writer)

            // Serialize element's localId attribute
            if (value.InternalId != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(value.InternalId.Contents))

            // Serialize element extension
            if (value.Extension != null && value.Extension.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in value.Extension)
                    ExtensionSerializer.SerializeExtension(item, writer);

            // Serialize element id
            if (value.Id != null)
                IdentifierSerializer.SerializeIdentifier(value.Id, writer);

            // Serialize element versionId
            if (value.VersionId != null)
                IdentifierSerializer.SerializeIdentifier(value.VersionId, writer);

            // Serialize element created
            if (value.Created != null)
                InstantSerializer.SerializeInstant(value.Created, writer);

            // Serialize element class
            if (value.Class != null)
                CodingSerializer.SerializeCoding(value.Class, writer);

            // Serialize element type
            if (value.Type != null)
                CodeableConceptSerializer.SerializeCodeableConcept(value.Type, writer);

            // Serialize element title
            if (value.Title != null)
                FhirStringSerializer.SerializeFhirString(value.Title, writer);

            // Serialize element confidentiality
            if (value.Confidentiality != null)
                CodingSerializer.SerializeCoding(value.Confidentiality, writer);

            // Serialize element subject
            if (value.Subject != null)
                ResourceReferenceSerializer.SerializeResourceReference(value.Subject, writer);

            // Serialize element author
            if (value.Author != null && value.Author.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in value.Author)
                    ResourceReferenceSerializer.SerializeResourceReference(item, writer);

            // Serialize element attester
            if (value.Attester != null && value.Attester.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in value.Attester)
                    DocumentInformationSerializer.SerializeDocumentInformationAttesterComponent(item, writer);

            // Serialize element custodian
            if (value.Custodian != null)
                ResourceReferenceSerializer.SerializeResourceReference(value.Custodian, writer);

            // Serialize element event
            if (value.Event != null)
                DocumentInformationSerializer.SerializeDocumentInformationEventComponent(value.Event, writer);

            // Serialize element encounter
            if (value.Encounter != null)
                ResourceReferenceSerializer.SerializeResourceReference(value.Encounter, writer);

            // Serialize element facilityType
            if (value.FacilityType != null)
                CodeableConceptSerializer.SerializeCodeableConcept(value.FacilityType, writer);

            // Serialize element practiceSetting
            if (value.PracticeSetting != null)
                CodeableConceptSerializer.SerializeCodeableConcept(value.PracticeSetting, writer);

        /// <summary>
        /// Parse DocumentInformation
        /// </summary>
        public static DocumentInformation ParseDocumentInformation(IFhirReader reader, ErrorList errors, DocumentInformation existingInstance = null)
            DocumentInformation result = existingInstance != null ? existingInstance : new DocumentInformation();

                string currentElementName = reader.CurrentElementName;

                while (reader.HasMoreElements())
                    // Parse element extension
                    if (ParserUtils.IsAtFhirElement(reader, "extension"))
                        result.Extension = new List <Extension>();

                        while (ParserUtils.IsAtArrayElement(reader, "extension"))
                            result.Extension.Add(ExtensionParser.ParseExtension(reader, errors));


                    // Parse element internalId
                    else if (reader.IsAtRefIdElement())
                        result.InternalId = Id.Parse(reader.ReadRefIdContents());

                    // Parse element id
                    else if (ParserUtils.IsAtFhirElement(reader, "id"))
                        result.Id = IdentifierParser.ParseIdentifier(reader, errors);

                    // Parse element versionId
                    else if (ParserUtils.IsAtFhirElement(reader, "versionId"))
                        result.VersionId = IdentifierParser.ParseIdentifier(reader, errors);

                    // Parse element created
                    else if (ParserUtils.IsAtFhirElement(reader, "created"))
                        result.Created = InstantParser.ParseInstant(reader, errors);

                    // Parse element class
                    else if (ParserUtils.IsAtFhirElement(reader, "class"))
                        result.Class = CodingParser.ParseCoding(reader, errors);

                    // Parse element type
                    else if (ParserUtils.IsAtFhirElement(reader, "type"))
                        result.Type = CodeableConceptParser.ParseCodeableConcept(reader, errors);

                    // Parse element title
                    else if (ParserUtils.IsAtFhirElement(reader, "title"))
                        result.Title = FhirStringParser.ParseFhirString(reader, errors);

                    // Parse element confidentiality
                    else if (ParserUtils.IsAtFhirElement(reader, "confidentiality"))
                        result.Confidentiality = CodingParser.ParseCoding(reader, errors);

                    // Parse element subject
                    else if (ParserUtils.IsAtFhirElement(reader, "subject"))
                        result.Subject = ResourceReferenceParser.ParseResourceReference(reader, errors);

                    // Parse element author
                    else if (ParserUtils.IsAtFhirElement(reader, "author"))
                        result.Author = new List <ResourceReference>();

                        while (ParserUtils.IsAtArrayElement(reader, "author"))
                            result.Author.Add(ResourceReferenceParser.ParseResourceReference(reader, errors));


                    // Parse element attester
                    else if (ParserUtils.IsAtFhirElement(reader, "attester"))
                        result.Attester = new List <DocumentInformation.DocumentInformationAttesterComponent>();

                        while (ParserUtils.IsAtArrayElement(reader, "attester"))
                            result.Attester.Add(DocumentInformationParser.ParseDocumentInformationAttesterComponent(reader, errors));


                    // Parse element custodian
                    else if (ParserUtils.IsAtFhirElement(reader, "custodian"))
                        result.Custodian = ResourceReferenceParser.ParseResourceReference(reader, errors);

                    // Parse element event
                    else if (ParserUtils.IsAtFhirElement(reader, "event"))
                        result.Event = DocumentInformationParser.ParseDocumentInformationEventComponent(reader, errors);

                    // Parse element encounter
                    else if (ParserUtils.IsAtFhirElement(reader, "encounter"))
                        result.Encounter = ResourceReferenceParser.ParseResourceReference(reader, errors);

                    // Parse element facilityType
                    else if (ParserUtils.IsAtFhirElement(reader, "facilityType"))
                        result.FacilityType = CodeableConceptParser.ParseCodeableConcept(reader, errors);

                    // Parse element practiceSetting
                    else if (ParserUtils.IsAtFhirElement(reader, "practiceSetting"))
                        result.PracticeSetting = CodeableConceptParser.ParseCodeableConcept(reader, errors);

                        errors.Add(String.Format("Encountered unknown element {0} while parsing {1}", reader.CurrentElementName, currentElementName), reader);
                        result = null;

            catch (Exception ex)
                errors.Add(ex.Message, reader);