Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Marks a line as having a build error
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="error"></param>
 public void RecordError(DocumentError error)
     if (DocumentErrors.Contains(error, new DocumentErrorComparer()) == false)
        // handle an error while processing the full picture here - the preview will be restarted automatically
        void IDocumentResultListener.OnPictureProcessingFailure(DocumentError error)
            var text = "Error scanning full document. ";
            var e    = error.ToString();

            if (e.Equals(DocumentScanView.DocumentError.DocumentNotSharp.ToString()))
                text += "Document is not sharp. Please hold the camera steadily and ensure the document is in focus.";
            if (e.Equals(DocumentScanView.DocumentError.DocumentSkewTooHigh.ToString()))
                text += "Document is skewed. Place the camera directly above the document.";
            if (e.Equals(DocumentScanView.DocumentError.DocumentOutlineNotFound.ToString()))
                text += "Could not detect document outline.";
            if (e.Equals(DocumentScanView.DocumentError.GlareDetected.ToString()))
                text += "Please remove the glare.";
            if (e.Equals(DocumentScanView.DocumentError.ImageTooDark.ToString()))
                text += "The image is too dark. Please ensure there is enough light.";
            if (e.Equals(DocumentScanView.DocumentError.Unknown.ToString()))
                text += "Unknown Failure.";

            _textView.Text = text;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private List <BuildDiffLine> GetDocumentLines(string file, CodeDocument document)
            file = Path.GetFileName(file);
            List <BuildDiffLine> lines                  = new List <BuildDiffLine>();
            List <DocumentError> fileErrors             = DocumentErrors.Where(d => d.FileName == file).ToList();
            List <int>           linesSurroundingErrors = new List <int>();

            if (document == null)

            //first pass: build up all lines that are near errors
            foreach (DocumentError error in fileErrors)
                for (int i = error.LineNumber - LineErrorMargin; i < error.LineNumber + LineErrorMargin; i++)
                    if (linesSurroundingErrors.Contains(i) == false)

            //second pass: connect lines with errors to error source and line content
            foreach (int lineNumber in linesSurroundingErrors)
                string        content = document.Lines.ElementAtOrDefault(lineNumber);
                DocumentError error   = fileErrors.Where(e => e.LineNumber == lineNumber).FirstOrDefault();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(content) == true)
                    content = "";
                if (error == null)
                    error = new DocumentError()
                        FileName   = file,
                        LineNumber = lineNumber,
                        Source     = DocumentErrorSource.None
                BuildDiffLine line = new BuildDiffLine()
                    Content = content,
                    Error   = error
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void HandleFailure(DocumentError error)
            Console.WriteLine($"Processing {error.Document} failed: {error.Exception.Message}");

            if (!(error.Document is FileSystemDocument document))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot move a document which did not originate from the file system.");

            // Move the document to the error box
            MoveFile(document, _errorBoxPath);

            // Write a log for the document indicating the failure.
            var logFile = Path.Combine(_errorBoxPath, $"{document.FilePath.Name}.log");

            Console.WriteLine($"Writing error log file to {logFile}");
            File.WriteAllText(logFile, error.Exception.Message);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private BuildDiffViewModel BuildViewModel(BuildEvent first, BuildEvent second, ExceptionEvent firstBuildException = null)
            BuildDiffViewModel vm   = new BuildDiffViewModel();
            diff_match_patch   diff = new diff_match_patch();

            //loop through each document in the first, original build
            foreach (BuildDocument doc in first.Documents)
                CodeDocument firstDoc  = doc.Document;
                CodeDocument secondDoc = second.Documents.Where(d => d.Document.FileName == doc.Document.FileName).Select(d => d.Document).FirstOrDefault();
                if (secondDoc == null)

                //compute the diff
                List <Diff>   diffs         = diff.diff_lineMode(firstDoc.Content, secondDoc.Content);
                StringBuilder firstBuilder  = new StringBuilder();
                StringBuilder secondBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                //loop through each piece in the return list of diffs.  Three possibilities:
                // EQUAL: the documents share the same code, so re-include in both
                // DELETE: The code existed in the original but not in the modified.  Add back to the original (first).
                // INSERT: The code exists in the modified, but not the original.  Add back to the modified (second).
                foreach (Diff d in diffs)
                    switch (d.operation)
                    case Operation.DELETE:

                        //encase the deleted code in a special token so that we can find it more easily later
                        firstBuilder.Append(string.Format("{0}{1}", BuildDiffViewModel.DIFF_ESCAPE, d.text));

                    case Operation.EQUAL:

                    case Operation.INSERT:

                        //encase the inserted code in a special token so that we can find it more easily later
                        secondBuilder.Append(string.Format("{0}{1}", BuildDiffViewModel.DIFF_ESCAPE, d.text));
                firstDoc.Content  = firstBuilder.ToString();
                secondDoc.Content = secondBuilder.ToString();

            //figure out what lines had build errors on them.
            foreach (BuildEventErrorListItem item in first.CriticalErrorItems)
                string        fileName = Path.GetFileName(item.ErrorListItem.File);
                DocumentError error    = new DocumentError()
                    FileName     = fileName,
                    LineNumber   = item.ErrorListItem.Line - 1, //adjust line number by 1 because c# arrays are 0-based
                    Source       = DocumentErrorSource.Build,
                    ErrorMessage = item.ErrorListItem.Description

            //now find the line on which any runtime exception occurred on
            if (firstBuildException != null)
                string        fileName = Path.GetFileName(firstBuildException.DocumentName);
                DocumentError error    = new DocumentError()
                    FileName     = fileName,
                    LineNumber   = firstBuildException.LineNumber - 1, //adjust line number by 1 because c# arrays are 0-based
                    Source       = DocumentErrorSource.Debug,
                    ErrorMessage = firstBuildException.ExceptionDescription

            vm.OriginalBuild = first;
            vm.ModifiedBuild = second;
 void IDocumentResultListener.OnPictureTransformError(DocumentError error)