Exemplo n.º 1
        public DnsHeader(Stream s)
            _ID = DnsDatagram.ReadUInt16NetworkOrder(s);

            int lB = s.ReadByte();

            _QR     = Convert.ToByte((lB & 0x80) >> 7);
            _OPCODE = (DnsOpcode)Convert.ToByte((lB & 0x78) >> 3);
            _AA     = Convert.ToByte((lB & 0x4) >> 2);
            _TC     = Convert.ToByte((lB & 0x2) >> 1);
            _RD     = Convert.ToByte(lB & 0x1);

            int rB = s.ReadByte();

            _RA    = Convert.ToByte((rB & 0x80) >> 7);
            _Z     = Convert.ToByte((rB & 0x40) >> 6);
            _AD    = Convert.ToByte((rB & 0x20) >> 5);
            _CD    = Convert.ToByte((rB & 0x10) >> 4);
            _RCODE = (DnsResponseCode)(rB & 0xf);

            _QDCOUNT = DnsDatagram.ReadUInt16NetworkOrder(s);
            _ANCOUNT = DnsDatagram.ReadUInt16NetworkOrder(s);
            _NSCOUNT = DnsDatagram.ReadUInt16NetworkOrder(s);
            _ARCOUNT = DnsDatagram.ReadUInt16NetworkOrder(s);
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs an instance out of the algorithm, inception, expiration, mode, error, key and other fields.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">
        /// Name of the algorithm in domain name syntax.
        /// The algorithm determines how the secret keying material agreed to using the TKEY RR is actually used to derive the algorithm specific key.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="inception">
        /// Number of seconds since the beginning of 1 January 1970 GMT ignoring leap seconds treated as modulo 2**32 using ring arithmetic.
        /// In messages between a DNS resolver and a DNS server where this field is meaningful,
        /// it is either the requested validity interval start for the keying material asked for or
        /// specify the validity interval start of keying material provided.
        /// To avoid different interpretations of the inception time in TKEY RRs,
        /// resolvers and servers exchanging them must have the same idea of what time it is.
        /// One way of doing this is with the NTP protocol [RFC 2030] but that or any other time synchronization used for this purpose must be done securely.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="expiration">
        /// Number of seconds since the beginning of 1 January 1970 GMT ignoring leap seconds treated as modulo 2**32 using ring arithmetic.
        /// In messages between a DNS resolver and a DNS server where this field is meaningful,
        /// it is either the requested validity interval end for the keying material asked for or
        /// specify the validity interval end of keying material provided.
        /// To avoid different interpretations of the expiration time in TKEY RRs,
        /// resolvers and servers exchanging them must have the same idea of what time it is.
        /// One way of doing this is with the NTP protocol [RFC 2030] but that or any other time synchronization used for this purpose must be done securely.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="mode">
        /// Specifies the general scheme for key agreement or the purpose of the TKEY DNS message.
        /// Servers and resolvers supporting this specification must implement the Diffie-Hellman key agreement mode and the key deletion mode for queries.
        /// All other modes are optional.
        /// A server supporting TKEY that receives a TKEY request with a mode it does not support returns the BADMODE error.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="error">
        /// When the TKEY Error Field is non-zero in a response to a TKEY query, the DNS header RCODE field indicates no error.
        /// However, it is possible if a TKEY is spontaneously included in a response the TKEY RR and DNS header error field
        /// could have unrelated non-zero error codes.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="key">The key exchange data. The meaning of this data depends on the mode.</param>
        /// <param name="other">May be used in future extensions.</param>
        public DnsResourceDataTransactionKey(DnsDomainName algorithm, SerialNumber32 inception, SerialNumber32 expiration, DnsTransactionKeyMode mode,
                                             DnsResponseCode error, DataSegment key, DataSegment other)
            if (key == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
            if (other == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("other");

            if (key.Length > ushort.MaxValue)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("key", key.Length,
                                                      string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Cannot be longer than {0}", ushort.MaxValue));
            if (other.Length > ushort.MaxValue)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("other", other.Length,
                                                      string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Cannot be longer than {0}", ushort.MaxValue));

            Algorithm  = algorithm;
            Inception  = inception;
            Expiration = expiration;
            Mode       = mode;
            Error      = error;
            Key        = key;
            Other      = other;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs an instance out of the algorithm time signed, fudge, message authentication code, original ID, error and other fields.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Name of the algorithm in domain name syntax.</param>
        /// <param name="timeSigned">Seconds since 1-Jan-70 UTC.</param>
        /// <param name="fudge">Seconds of error permitted in Time Signed.</param>
        /// <param name="messageAuthenticationCode">Defined by Algorithm Name.</param>
        /// <param name="originalId">Original message ID.</param>
        /// <param name="error">RCODE covering TSIG processing.</param>
        /// <param name="other">Empty unless Error == BADTIME.</param>
        public DnsResourceDataTransactionSignature(DnsDomainName algorithm, UInt48 timeSigned, ushort fudge, DataSegment messageAuthenticationCode,
                                                   ushort originalId, DnsResponseCode error, DataSegment other)
            if (messageAuthenticationCode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("messageAuthenticationCode");
            if (other == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("other");

            if (messageAuthenticationCode.Length > ushort.MaxValue)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("messageAuthenticationCode", messageAuthenticationCode.Length,
                                                      string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Cannot be longer than {0}", ushort.MaxValue));
            if (other.Length > ushort.MaxValue)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("other", other.Length,
                                                      string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Cannot be longer than {0}", ushort.MaxValue));

            Algorithm  = algorithm;
            TimeSigned = timeSigned;
            Fudge      = fudge;
            MessageAuthenticationCode = messageAuthenticationCode;
            OriginalId = originalId;
            Error      = error;
            Other      = other;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public DnsHeader(dynamic jsonResponse)
            _QR     = 1; //is response
            _OPCODE = DnsOpcode.StandardQuery;

            _TC    = (byte)(jsonResponse.TC.Value ? 1 : 0);
            _RD    = (byte)(jsonResponse.RD.Value ? 1 : 0);
            _RA    = (byte)(jsonResponse.RA.Value ? 1 : 0);
            _AD    = (byte)(jsonResponse.AD.Value ? 1 : 0);
            _CD    = (byte)(jsonResponse.CD.Value ? 1 : 0);
            _RCODE = (DnsResponseCode)jsonResponse.Status;

            _QDCOUNT = Convert.ToUInt16(jsonResponse.Question.Count);

            if (jsonResponse.Answer != null)
                _ANCOUNT = Convert.ToUInt16(jsonResponse.Answer.Count);

            if (jsonResponse.Authority != null)
                _NSCOUNT = Convert.ToUInt16(jsonResponse.Authority.Count);

            if (jsonResponse.Additional != null)
                _ARCOUNT = Convert.ToUInt16(jsonResponse.Additional.Count);
Exemplo n.º 5
            public CacheNode(DnsResponseCode responseCode, DnsRecordType recordType,
                             ICollection <DnsRecord> records, CacheNodeSource source)
                Guard.NotNull(records, "records");

                _records = records;
                _source  = source;
        public void ctor_should_set_message_and_response_code()
            string                 message      = "message";
            DnsResponseCode        responseCode = DnsResponseCode.NameError;
            DnsResolutionException exc          = new DnsResolutionException(message, responseCode);

            Assert.AreSame(exc.Message, message);
            Assert.AreEqual(exc.ResponseCode, responseCode);
 public DnsResponse(DnsResponseCode responseCode, DnsRecordType queryType, string queryName, DnsResourceRecord[] answerRecords, DnsResourceRecord[] authorityRecords, DnsResourceRecord[] additionalInformationRecords)
     this.ResponseCode                 = responseCode;
     this.QueryType                    = queryType;
     this.QueryName                    = queryName;
     this.AnswerRecords                = answerRecords;
     this.AuthorityRecords             = authorityRecords;
     this.AdditionalInformationRecords = additionalInformationRecords;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static string GetErrorText(DnsResponseCode code)
            if (!errors.ContainsKey(code))

Exemplo n.º 9
 public DnsResponse(DnsResponseCode responseCode, DnsRecordType queryType, string queryName, DnsResourceRecord[] answerRecords, DnsResourceRecord[] authorityRecords, DnsResourceRecord[] additionalInformationRecords)
     this.ResponseCode = responseCode;
     this.QueryType = queryType;
     this.QueryName = queryName;
     this.AnswerRecords = answerRecords;
     this.AuthorityRecords = authorityRecords;
     this.AdditionalInformationRecords = additionalInformationRecords;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public DnsHeader(ushort ID, bool isResponse, DnsOpcode OPCODE, bool authoritativeAnswer, bool truncation, bool recursionDesired, bool recursionAvailable, bool authenticData, bool checkingDisabled, DnsResponseCode RCODE, ushort QDCOUNT, ushort ANCOUNT, ushort NSCOUNT, ushort ARCOUNT)
            _ID = ID;

            if (_ID == 0)
                byte[] buffer = new byte[2];

                _ID = BitConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, 0);

            if (isResponse)
                _QR = 1;

            _OPCODE = OPCODE;

            if (authoritativeAnswer)
                _AA = 1;

            if (truncation)
                _TC = 1;

            if (recursionDesired)
                _RD = 1;

            if (recursionAvailable)
                _RA = 1;

            if (authenticData)
                _AD = 1;

            if (checkingDisabled)
                _CD = 1;

            _RCODE = RCODE;

            _QDCOUNT = QDCOUNT;
            _ANCOUNT = ANCOUNT;
            _NSCOUNT = NSCOUNT;
            _ARCOUNT = ARCOUNT;
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Intitialises a new instance of the <see cref="DnsCacheResult2"/> type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="responseCode">The cache response code.</param>
        /// <param name="records">The records returned by the operation.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
        /// Thrown when <paramref name="records"/> is <see langword="null"/>.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
        /// Thrown when <paramref name="records"/> is not readonly.
        /// </exception>
        public DnsCacheResult2(DnsResponseCode responseCode,
                               ICollection <DnsRecord> records)
            Guard.NotNull(records, "records");
            if (!records.IsReadOnly)
                throw Guard.CollectionMustBeReadonly("records");

            _responseCode = responseCode;
            _records      = records;
            _isEmpty      = false;
        internal override DnsResourceData CreateInstance(DnsDatagram dns, int offsetInDns, int length)
            if (length < ConstantPartLength + DnsDomainName.RootLength)

            DnsDomainName algorithm;
            int           algorithmLength;

            if (!DnsDomainName.TryParse(dns, offsetInDns, length - ConstantPartLength, out algorithm, out algorithmLength))
            offsetInDns += algorithmLength;
            length      -= algorithmLength;

            if (length < ConstantPartLength)

            uint inception              = dns.ReadUInt(offsetInDns + OffsetAfterAlgorithm.Inception, Endianity.Big);
            uint expiration             = dns.ReadUInt(offsetInDns + OffsetAfterAlgorithm.Expiration, Endianity.Big);
            DnsTransactionKeyMode mode  = (DnsTransactionKeyMode)dns.ReadUShort(offsetInDns + OffsetAfterAlgorithm.Mode, Endianity.Big);
            DnsResponseCode       error = (DnsResponseCode)dns.ReadUShort(offsetInDns + OffsetAfterAlgorithm.Error, Endianity.Big);

            int keySize = dns.ReadUShort(offsetInDns + OffsetAfterAlgorithm.KeySize, Endianity.Big);

            if (length < ConstantPartLength + keySize)
            DataSegment key = dns.Subsegment(offsetInDns + OffsetAfterAlgorithm.KeyData, keySize);

            int totalReadAfterAlgorithm = OffsetAfterAlgorithm.KeyData + keySize;

            offsetInDns += totalReadAfterAlgorithm;
            length      -= totalReadAfterAlgorithm;
            int otherSize = dns.ReadUShort(offsetInDns, Endianity.Big);

            if (length != sizeof(ushort) + otherSize)
            DataSegment other = dns.Subsegment(offsetInDns + sizeof(ushort), otherSize);

            return(new DnsResourceDataTransactionKey(algorithm, inception, expiration, mode, error, key, other));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public DnsHeader(ushort ID, bool isResponse, DnsOpcode OPCODE, bool authoritativeAnswer, bool truncation, bool recursionDesired, bool recursionAvailable, bool authenticData, bool checkingDisabled, DnsResponseCode RCODE, ushort QDCOUNT, ushort ANCOUNT, ushort NSCOUNT, ushort ARCOUNT)
            _ID = ID;

            if (isResponse)
                _QR = 1;

            _OPCODE = OPCODE;

            if (authoritativeAnswer)
                _AA = 1;

            if (truncation)
                _TC = 1;

            if (recursionDesired)
                _RD = 1;

            if (recursionAvailable)
                _RA = 1;

            if (authenticData)
                _AD = 1;

            if (checkingDisabled)
                _CD = 1;

            _RCODE = RCODE;

            _QDCOUNT = QDCOUNT;
            _ANCOUNT = ANCOUNT;
            _NSCOUNT = NSCOUNT;
            _ARCOUNT = ARCOUNT;
        internal override DnsResourceData CreateInstance(DnsDatagram dns, int offsetInDns, int length)
            if (length < ConstantPartLength + DnsDomainName.RootLength)

            DnsDomainName algorithm;
            int           algorithmLength;

            if (!DnsDomainName.TryParse(dns, offsetInDns, length - ConstantPartLength, out algorithm, out algorithmLength))
            offsetInDns += algorithmLength;
            length      -= algorithmLength;

            if (length < ConstantPartLength)

            UInt48 timeSigned = dns.ReadUInt48(offsetInDns + OffsetAfterAlgorithm.TimeSigned, Endianity.Big);
            ushort fudge      = dns.ReadUShort(offsetInDns + OffsetAfterAlgorithm.Fudge, Endianity.Big);
            int    messageAuthenticationCodeLength = dns.ReadUShort(offsetInDns + OffsetAfterAlgorithm.MessageAuthenticationCodeSize, Endianity.Big);

            if (length < ConstantPartLength + messageAuthenticationCodeLength)
            DataSegment messageAuthenticationCode = dns.Subsegment(offsetInDns + OffsetAfterAlgorithm.MessageAuthenticationCode, messageAuthenticationCodeLength);
            int         totalReadAfterAlgorithm   = OffsetAfterAlgorithm.MessageAuthenticationCode + messageAuthenticationCodeLength;

            offsetInDns += totalReadAfterAlgorithm;
            length      -= totalReadAfterAlgorithm;

            ushort          originalId  = dns.ReadUShort(offsetInDns + OffsetAfterMessageAuthenticationCode.OriginalId, Endianity.Big);
            DnsResponseCode error       = (DnsResponseCode)dns.ReadUShort(offsetInDns + OffsetAfterMessageAuthenticationCode.Error, Endianity.Big);
            int             otherLength = dns.ReadUShort(offsetInDns + OffsetAfterMessageAuthenticationCode.OtherLength, Endianity.Big);

            if (length != OffsetAfterMessageAuthenticationCode.OtherData + otherLength)
            DataSegment other = dns.Subsegment(offsetInDns + OffsetAfterMessageAuthenticationCode.OtherData, otherLength);

            return(new DnsResourceDataTransactionSignature(algorithm, timeSigned, fudge, messageAuthenticationCode, originalId, error, other));
Exemplo n.º 15
        public IDnsResponse Decode(T sender, T recipient, IByteBuffer buffer)
            int id    = buffer.ReadUnsignedShort();
            int flags = buffer.ReadUnsignedShort();

            if (flags >> 15 == 0)
                throw new CorruptedFrameException("not a response");

            IDnsResponse response = NewResponse(
                new DnsOpCode((byte)(flags >> 11 & 0xf)), DnsResponseCode.From((flags & 0xf)));

            response.IsRecursionDesired    = (flags >> 8 & 1) == 1;
            response.IsAuthoritativeAnswer = (flags >> 10 & 1) == 1;
            response.IsTruncated           = (flags >> 9 & 1) == 1;
            response.IsRecursionAvailable  = (flags >> 7 & 1) == 1;
            response.Z = flags >> 4 & 0x7;

            bool success = false;

                int questionCount         = buffer.ReadUnsignedShort();
                int answerCount           = buffer.ReadUnsignedShort();
                int authorityRecordCount  = buffer.ReadUnsignedShort();
                int additionalRecordCount = buffer.ReadUnsignedShort();

                DecodeQuestions(response, buffer, questionCount);
                DecodeRecords(response, DnsSection.ANSWER, buffer, answerCount);
                DecodeRecords(response, DnsSection.AUTHORITY, buffer, authorityRecordCount);
                DecodeRecords(response, DnsSection.ADDITIONAL, buffer, additionalRecordCount);
                success = true;
                if (!success)
Exemplo n.º 16
        internal override DnsResourceData CreateInstance(DnsDatagram dns, int offsetInDns, int length)
            if (length < 17)
            DnsDomainName domainName;
            int           numBytesRead;

            if (!DnsDomainName.TryParse(dns, offsetInDns, length - 16, out domainName, out numBytesRead))
            offsetInDns += numBytesRead;
            length      -= numBytesRead;
            if (length < 16)
            UInt48 timeSigned = dns.ReadUInt48(offsetInDns, Endianity.Big);
            ushort fudge      = dns.ReadUShort(offsetInDns + 6, Endianity.Big);
            int    length1    = (int)dns.ReadUShort(offsetInDns + 8, Endianity.Big);

            if (length < 16 + length1)
            DataSegment messageAuthenticationCode = dns.Subsegment(offsetInDns + 10, length1);
            int         num = 10 + length1;

            offsetInDns += num;
            length      -= num;
            ushort          originalId = dns.ReadUShort(offsetInDns, Endianity.Big);
            DnsResponseCode error      = (DnsResponseCode)dns.ReadUShort(offsetInDns + 2, Endianity.Big);
            int             length2    = (int)dns.ReadUShort(offsetInDns + 4, Endianity.Big);

            if (length != 6 + length2)
            DataSegment other = dns.Subsegment(offsetInDns + 6, length2);

            return((DnsResourceData) new DnsResourceDataTransactionSignature(domainName, timeSigned, fudge, messageAuthenticationCode, originalId, error, other));
Exemplo n.º 17
        internal override DnsResourceData CreateInstance(DnsDatagram dns, int offsetInDns, int length)
            if (length < 17)
            DnsDomainName domainName;
            int           numBytesRead;

            if (!DnsDomainName.TryParse(dns, offsetInDns, length - 16, out domainName, out numBytesRead))
            offsetInDns += numBytesRead;
            length      -= numBytesRead;
            if (length < 16)
            uint num1 = dns.ReadUInt(offsetInDns, Endianity.Big);
            uint num2 = dns.ReadUInt(offsetInDns + 4, Endianity.Big);
            DnsTransactionKeyMode mode  = (DnsTransactionKeyMode)dns.ReadUShort(offsetInDns + 8, Endianity.Big);
            DnsResponseCode       error = (DnsResponseCode)dns.ReadUShort(offsetInDns + 10, Endianity.Big);
            int length1 = (int)dns.ReadUShort(offsetInDns + 12, Endianity.Big);

            if (length < 16 + length1)
            DataSegment key  = dns.Subsegment(offsetInDns + 14, length1);
            int         num3 = 14 + length1;

            offsetInDns += num3;
            length      -= num3;
            int length2 = (int)dns.ReadUShort(offsetInDns, Endianity.Big);

            if (length != 2 + length2)
            DataSegment other = dns.Subsegment(offsetInDns + 2, length2);

            return((DnsResourceData) new DnsResourceDataTransactionKey(domainName, (SerialNumber32)num1, (SerialNumber32)num2, mode, error, key, other));
        private static IDnsResponse NewResponse(DatagramPacket packet, IByteBuffer buffer)
            int id    = buffer.ReadUnsignedShort();
            int flags = buffer.ReadUnsignedShort();

            if (flags >> 15 == 0)
                throw new CorruptedFrameException("not a response");

            IDnsResponse response = new DatagramDnsResponse(
                DnsOpCode.From((byte)(flags >> 1 & 0xf)),
                DnsResponseCode.From((byte)(flags & 0xf)));

Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new object initialized with all the log entry parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rowNumber">The row number of the entry in the selected data set.</param>
        /// <param name="timestamp">The time stamp of the log entry.</param>
        /// <param name="clientIpAddress">The client IP address of the request.</param>
        /// <param name="protocol">The DNS transport protocol of the request.</param>
        /// <param name="responseType">The type of response sent by the DNS server.</param>
        /// <param name="rcode">The response code sent by the DNS server.</param>
        /// <param name="question">The question section in the request.</param>
        /// <param name="answer">The answer in text format sent by the DNS server.</param>
        public DnsLogEntry(long rowNumber, DateTime timestamp, IPAddress clientIpAddress, DnsTransportProtocol protocol, DnsServerResponseType responseType, DnsResponseCode rcode, DnsQuestionRecord question, string answer)
            _rowNumber       = rowNumber;
            _timestamp       = timestamp;
            _clientIpAddress = clientIpAddress;
            _protocol        = protocol;
            _responseType    = responseType;
            _rcode           = rcode;
            _question        = question;
            _answer          = answer;

            switch (_timestamp.Kind)
            case DateTimeKind.Local:
                _timestamp = _timestamp.ToUniversalTime();

            case DateTimeKind.Unspecified:
                _timestamp = DateTime.SpecifyKind(_timestamp, DateTimeKind.Utc);
Exemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialises a new instance of the <see cref="DnsResolutionException"/> class
 /// and specifies a message describing the error and the
 /// <see cref="AK.Net.Dns.DnsResponseCode"/> that has caused this exception to
 /// be thrown.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="message">A message describing the error.</param>
 /// <param name="responseCode">The response code.</param>
 public DnsResolutionException(string message, DnsResponseCode responseCode)
     : base(message)
     this.ResponseCode = responseCode;
Exemplo n.º 21
 public void AuditEdnsOpt(short udpSize, byte version, DnsResponseCode responseCodeEx)
     // TODO: flags
     _auditWriter.AppendLine($"; EDNS: version: {version}, flags:; udp: {udpSize}");
Exemplo n.º 22
 public void AuditResponseError(DnsResponseCode responseCode)
     _auditWriter.AppendLine($";; ERROR: {DnsResponseCodeText.GetErrorText(responseCode)}");
Exemplo n.º 23
 public DnsFailureRecord(DnsResponseCode rcode)
     _rcode = rcode;
Exemplo n.º 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DnsResponseException"/> class
 /// with a custom <paramref name="message"/> and the given <paramref name="code"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public DnsResponseException(DnsResponseCode code, string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException)
     Code     = code;
     DnsError = DnsResponseCodeText.GetErrorText(Code);
Exemplo n.º 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DnsResponseException"/> class
 /// with the standard error text for the given <paramref name="code"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public DnsResponseException(DnsResponseCode code) : base(DnsResponseCodeText.GetErrorText(code))
     Code     = code;
     DnsError = DnsResponseCodeText.GetErrorText(Code);
Exemplo n.º 26
 protected virtual IDnsResponse NewResponse(T sender, T recipient, int id,
                                            DnsOpCode opCode, DnsResponseCode responseCode) => new DefaultDnsResponse(id, opCode, responseCode);
Exemplo n.º 27
 public DnsClientTsigRequestFailedException(DnsResponseCode rCode, DnsTsigError error)
     : base("TSIG Request failed (Server RCODE=" + rCode.ToString() + ", Server TSIG Error=" + error.ToString() + ").")
     _rCode = rCode;
     _error = error;
        bool RetrieveDnsResponse(UdpSocket socket, UInt16 transactionID, out DnsResponse dnsResponse, Int64 timeoutInMachineTicks)
            byte[] dnsFrameBuffer = new byte[DNS_FRAME_BUFFER_LENGTH];
            while (timeoutInMachineTicks > Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.Utility.GetMachineTime().Ticks)
                Int32 bytesReceived = socket.Receive(dnsFrameBuffer, 0, dnsFrameBuffer.Length, 0, timeoutInMachineTicks);

                if (bytesReceived == 0) // timeout

                /* parse our DNS response */
                Int32 bufferIndex = 0;
                // verify that the transaction ID matches
                UInt16 verifyTransactionID = (UInt16)(
                    (UInt16)(dnsFrameBuffer[bufferIndex++] << 8) +
                if (transactionID != verifyTransactionID)
                    continue; /* filter out this DHCP frame */
                // Flags
                UInt16 flags = (UInt16)(
                    (UInt16)(dnsFrameBuffer[bufferIndex++] << 8) +
                DnsResponseCode responseCode = (DnsResponseCode)(flags & 0x0F);
                // Query Count
                UInt16 queryCount = (UInt16)(
                    (UInt16)(dnsFrameBuffer[bufferIndex++] << 8) +
                // Answer Record Count
                UInt16 answerRecordCount = (UInt16)(
                    (UInt16)(dnsFrameBuffer[bufferIndex++] << 8) +
                // Authority Record Count
                UInt16 authorityRecordCount = (UInt16)(
                    (UInt16)(dnsFrameBuffer[bufferIndex++] << 8) +
                // Additional Information Record Count
                UInt16 additionalInformationRecordCount = (UInt16)(
                    (UInt16)(dnsFrameBuffer[bufferIndex++] << 8) +

                /* parse our query records */
                string        queryName = "";
                DnsRecordType queryType = (DnsRecordType)0;
                for (int iRecord = 0; iRecord < queryCount; iRecord++)
                    // Query Name
                    bufferIndex += ParseDnsName(dnsFrameBuffer, bufferIndex, out queryName);
                    queryType    = (DnsRecordType)(
                        (UInt16)(dnsFrameBuffer[bufferIndex++] << 8) +
                    UInt16 queryClass = (UInt16)(
                        (UInt16)(dnsFrameBuffer[bufferIndex++] << 8) +
                    if (queryClass != DNS_RECORD_CLASS_INTERNET)
                        continue; /* filter out the current query */

                /* parse our answer records */
                DnsResourceRecord[] answerRecords = new DnsResourceRecord[answerRecordCount];
                for (int iRecord = 0; iRecord < answerRecordCount; iRecord++)
                    // store answer record
                    bufferIndex += ParseResourceRecord(dnsFrameBuffer, bufferIndex, out answerRecords[iRecord]);

                /* parse our authority records */
                DnsResourceRecord[] authorityRecords = new DnsResourceRecord[authorityRecordCount];
                for (int iRecord = 0; iRecord < authorityRecordCount; iRecord++)
                    // store authority record
                    bufferIndex += ParseResourceRecord(dnsFrameBuffer, bufferIndex, out authorityRecords[iRecord]);

                /* parse our authority records */
                DnsResourceRecord[] additionalInformationRecords = new DnsResourceRecord[additionalInformationRecordCount];
                for (int iRecord = 0; iRecord < additionalInformationRecordCount; iRecord++)
                    // store authority record
                    bufferIndex += ParseResourceRecord(dnsFrameBuffer, bufferIndex, out additionalInformationRecords[iRecord]);

                dnsResponse = new DnsResponse(responseCode, queryType, queryName, answerRecords, authorityRecords, additionalInformationRecords);

            // if we did not receive a message before timeout, return false.
            dnsResponse = null;
Exemplo n.º 29
 public Response(ushort id, DnsResponseCode responseCode, IEnumerable <DnsDataResourceRecord> resData, IpV4Address source, IpV4Address target, IpV4Protocol protocol, IEnumerable <DnsResourceRecord> queries) : base(id, source, target, protocol, queries)
     ResponseCode = responseCode;
     ResponseData = resData;
Exemplo n.º 30
        public DnsDatagram Query(DnsDatagram request, bool isRecursionAllowed)
            AuthZone zone = _root.FindZone(request.Question[0].Name, out AuthZone delegation, out AuthZone authZone, out bool hasSubDomains);

            if ((authZone == null) || !authZone.IsActive) //no authority for requested zone
                return(new DnsDatagram(request.Identifier, true, DnsOpcode.StandardQuery, false, false, request.RecursionDesired, isRecursionAllowed, false, false, DnsResponseCode.Refused, request.Question));

            if ((delegation != null) && delegation.IsActive)
                return(GetReferralResponse(request, delegation, isRecursionAllowed));

            if ((zone == null) || !zone.IsActive)
                //zone not found
                if (authZone is StubZone)
                    return(GetReferralResponse(request, authZone, isRecursionAllowed));
                else if (authZone is ForwarderZone)
                    return(GetForwarderResponse(request, null, authZone, isRecursionAllowed));

                DnsResponseCode rCode = DnsResponseCode.NoError;
                IReadOnlyList <DnsResourceRecord> authority = authZone.QueryRecords(DnsResourceRecordType.APP);
                if (authority.Count == 0)
                    if (!hasSubDomains)
                        rCode = DnsResponseCode.NxDomain;

                    authority = authZone.GetRecords(DnsResourceRecordType.SOA);

                return(new DnsDatagram(request.Identifier, true, DnsOpcode.StandardQuery, true, false, request.RecursionDesired, isRecursionAllowed, false, false, rCode, request.Question, null, authority));
                //zone found
                IReadOnlyList <DnsResourceRecord> authority;
                IReadOnlyList <DnsResourceRecord> additional;

                IReadOnlyList <DnsResourceRecord> answers = zone.QueryRecords(request.Question[0].Type);
                if (answers.Count == 0)
                    //record type not found
                    if (authZone is StubZone)
                        return(GetReferralResponse(request, authZone, isRecursionAllowed));
                    else if (authZone is ForwarderZone)
                        return(GetForwarderResponse(request, zone, authZone, isRecursionAllowed));

                    authority = zone.QueryRecords(DnsResourceRecordType.APP);
                    if (authority.Count == 0)
                        authority = authZone.QueryRecords(DnsResourceRecordType.APP);
                        if (authority.Count == 0)
                            authority = authZone.GetRecords(DnsResourceRecordType.SOA);

                    additional = null;
                    //record type found
                    if (zone.Name.Contains("*"))
                        //wildcard zone; generate new answer records
                        DnsResourceRecord[] wildcardAnswers = new DnsResourceRecord[answers.Count];

                        for (int i = 0; i < answers.Count; i++)
                            wildcardAnswers[i] = new DnsResourceRecord(request.Question[0].Name, answers[i].Type, answers[i].Class, answers[i].TtlValue, answers[i].RDATA)
                                Tag = answers[i].Tag

                        answers = wildcardAnswers;

                    switch (request.Question[0].Type)
                    case DnsResourceRecordType.NS:
                    case DnsResourceRecordType.MX:
                    case DnsResourceRecordType.SRV:
                        authority  = null;
                        additional = GetAdditionalRecords(answers);

                    case DnsResourceRecordType.ANY:
                        authority  = null;
                        additional = null;

                        authority  = authZone.QueryRecords(DnsResourceRecordType.NS);
                        additional = GetAdditionalRecords(authority);

                return(new DnsDatagram(request.Identifier, true, DnsOpcode.StandardQuery, true, false, request.RecursionDesired, isRecursionAllowed, false, false, DnsResponseCode.NoError, request.Question, answers, authority, additional));
Exemplo n.º 31
 public DnsClientTsigRequestFailedException(DnsResponseCode rCode, DnsTsigError error, string message, Exception innerException)
     : base(message, innerException)
     _rCode = rCode;
     _error = error;