Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override void EncryptRecord(DisposeContext d, IBufferOffsetSize input)
            ICryptoTransform cipher;

            if (!Cipher.HasFixedIV)
                cipher = d.Add(EncryptionAlgorithm.CreateEncryptor());
                cipher = encryptionCipher;

            if (!Cipher.HasFixedIV)
                Buffer.BlockCopy(EncryptionAlgorithm.IV, 0, input.Buffer, input.Offset, BlockSize);

            var ret = cipher.TransformBlock(input.Buffer, input.Offset + HeaderSize, input.Size - HeaderSize, input.Buffer, input.Offset + HeaderSize);

            if (ret <= 0 || ret != input.Size - HeaderSize)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            if (Cipher.HasFixedIV)
                var IV = new byte [BlockSize];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(input.Buffer, input.Offset + input.Size - BlockSize, IV, 0, BlockSize);
                EncryptionAlgorithm.IV = IV;
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override int DecryptRecord(DisposeContext d, IBufferOffsetSize input, IBufferOffsetSize output)
            if ((input.Size % BlockSize) != 0)

            int ivSize;
            ICryptoTransform cipher;

            if (!Cipher.HasFixedIV)
                var IV = new byte [BlockSize];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(input.Buffer, input.Offset, IV, 0, BlockSize);
                ivSize = BlockSize;

                DecryptionAlgorithm.IV = IV;
                cipher = d.Add(DecryptionAlgorithm.CreateDecryptor());
                ivSize = 0;
                cipher = decryptionCipher;

            var ret = cipher.TransformBlock(input.Buffer, input.Offset + ivSize, input.Size - ivSize, output.Buffer, output.Offset);

            if (ret <= 0 || ret != input.Size - ivSize)

Exemplo n.º 3
		protected SecureBuffer Expand (DisposeContext d, HMac hmac, string label, SecureBuffer seed, int length)
			var blockSize = hmac.MacSize;
			var iterations = (int)(length / blockSize);
			if ((length % blockSize) > 0)

			var resMacs = d.CreateBuffer (length);
			var resOff = 0;

			var tempBuf = d.CreateBuffer (blockSize);

			var labelBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (label);

			for (int i = 1; i <= iterations; i++) {
				hmac.Reset ();
				if (i == 1) {
					hmac.TransformBlock (labelBytes, 0, labelBytes.Length);
					hmac.TransformBlock (seed.Buffer, 0, seed.Size);
				} else {
					hmac.TransformBlock (tempBuf.Buffer, 0, blockSize);
				hmac.TransformFinalBlock (tempBuf.Buffer, 0, blockSize);

				hmac.Reset ();
				hmac.TransformBlock (tempBuf.Buffer, 0, blockSize);
				hmac.TransformBlock (labelBytes, 0, labelBytes.Length);
				hmac.TransformBlock (seed.Buffer, 0, seed.Size);
				hmac.TransformFinalBlock (resMacs.Buffer, resOff, Min (length - resOff, blockSize));
				resOff += blockSize;

			return new SecureBuffer (resMacs.StealBuffer ());
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static bool VerifySignature(SignatureAndHashAlgorithm type, SecureBuffer data, AsymmetricAlgorithm key, SecureBuffer signature)
     using (var d = new DisposeContext()) {
         var algorithm = d.Add((HashAlgorithm)GetAlgorithm(type.Hash));
         algorithm.TransformFinalBlock(data.Buffer, 0, data.Size);
         return(VerifySignature(type, algorithm, d.Add(algorithm.Hash), key, signature));
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an integer from a string.
 /// </summary>
 public GmpInteger(string initialValue)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(initialValue))
         throw new ArgumentException("initialValue");
     Interop.mpz_set_str(ref _Storage, initialValue, 10);
Exemplo n.º 6
        protected override int Decrypt(DisposeContext d, ContentType contentType, IBufferOffsetSize input, IBufferOffsetSize output)
            var implicitNonce = IsClient ? ServerWriteIV : ClientWriteIV;
            var writeKey      = IsClient ? ServerWriteKey : ClientWriteKey;

                        #if DEBUG_FULL
            if (Cipher.EnableDebugging)
                DebugHelper.WriteLine("FIXED IV", implicitNonce);
                DebugHelper.WriteLine("WRITE KEY", writeKey);
                DebugHelper.WriteLine("SEQUENCE: {0}", ReadSequenceNumber);

            var length = input.Size - ExplicitNonceSize;

            var aad = new TlsBuffer(13);
            aad.Write((short)(length - MacSize));

                        #if DEBUG_FULL
            if (Cipher.EnableDebugging)
                DebugHelper.WriteFull("TAG", aad);

            var gcm = new GcmBlockCipher(new AesEngine());
            var key = new KeyParameter(writeKey.Buffer);

            var nonce = d.CreateBuffer(ImplicitNonceSize + ExplicitNonceSize);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(implicitNonce.Buffer, 0, nonce.Buffer, 0, ImplicitNonceSize);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(input.Buffer, input.Offset, nonce.Buffer, ImplicitNonceSize, ExplicitNonceSize);

                        #if DEBUG_FULL
            if (Cipher.EnableDebugging)
                DebugHelper.WriteLine("NONCE", nonce);

            var parameters = new AeadParameters(key, 128, nonce.Buffer, aad.Buffer);
            gcm.Init(false, parameters);

            int ret;
            try {
                ret = gcm.ProcessBytes(input.Buffer, input.Offset + ExplicitNonceSize, length, output.Buffer, output.Offset);

                ret += gcm.DoFinal(output.Buffer, output.Offset + ret);
            } catch (CryptoException ex) {
                throw new TlsException(AlertDescription.BadRecordMAC, ex.Message);

Exemplo n.º 7
		static byte[] CreateHash (HashAlgorithmType type, SecureBuffer data)
			if (!HashAlgorithmProvider.IsAlgorithmSupported (type))
				throw new TlsException (AlertDescription.IlegalParameter);
			using (var d = new DisposeContext ()) {
				var algorithm = d.Add (HashAlgorithmProvider.CreateAlgorithm (type));
				algorithm.TransformBlock (data.Buffer, 0, data.Size);
				return algorithm.GetRunningHash ();
Exemplo n.º 8
		void ComputeMasterSecret (DisposeContext d, TlsContext ctx, SecureBuffer preMasterSecret)
			// Compute ClientRandom + ServerRandom
			int clen = ctx.HandshakeParameters.ClientRandom.Size;
			int slen = ctx.HandshakeParameters.ServerRandom.Size;
			int rlen = clen + slen;
			var cs = d.CreateBuffer (rlen);
			Buffer.BlockCopy (ctx.HandshakeParameters.ClientRandom.Buffer, 0, cs.Buffer, 0, clen);
			Buffer.BlockCopy (ctx.HandshakeParameters.ServerRandom.Buffer, 0, cs.Buffer, clen, slen);

			// Server Random + Client Random
			var sc = d.CreateBuffer (rlen);
			Buffer.BlockCopy (ctx.HandshakeParameters.ServerRandom.Buffer, 0, sc.Buffer, 0, slen);
			Buffer.BlockCopy (ctx.HandshakeParameters.ClientRandom.Buffer, 0, sc.Buffer, slen, clen);

			// Create master secret
			var crypto = ctx.Session.PendingCrypto;
			crypto.MasterSecret = crypto.Cipher.PRF.ComputeMasterSecret (preMasterSecret, cs);

			if (ctx.EnableDebugging) {
				DebugHelper.WriteLine ("CS", cs);
				DebugHelper.WriteLine ("SC", sc);
				DebugHelper.WriteLine ("PRE-MASTER", preMasterSecret);
				DebugHelper.WriteLine ("MASTER SECRET", crypto.MasterSecret.Buffer);

			var keyBlock = crypto.Cipher.PRF.ComputeKeyExpansion (d, crypto.MasterSecret, sc, crypto.Cipher.KeyBlockSize);

			if (ctx.EnableDebugging) {
				DebugHelper.WriteLine ("KEY BLOCK SIZE: {0}", crypto.Cipher.KeyBlockSize);
				DebugHelper.WriteLine ("KEY BLOCK", keyBlock.Buffer);

			crypto.ClientWriteMac = keyBlock.ReadSecureBuffer (crypto.Cipher.HashSize);
			crypto.ServerWriteMac = keyBlock.ReadSecureBuffer (crypto.Cipher.HashSize);
			crypto.ClientWriteKey = keyBlock.ReadSecureBuffer (crypto.Cipher.KeyMaterialSize);
			crypto.ServerWriteKey = keyBlock.ReadSecureBuffer (crypto.Cipher.KeyMaterialSize);

			if (crypto.Cipher.HasFixedIV) {
				crypto.ClientWriteIV = keyBlock.ReadSecureBuffer (crypto.Cipher.FixedIvSize);
				crypto.ServerWriteIV = keyBlock.ReadSecureBuffer (crypto.Cipher.FixedIvSize);

				#if DEBUG_FULL
				if (ctx.EnableDebugging) {
					DebugHelper.WriteLine ("CLIENT IV", crypto.ClientWriteIV.Buffer);
					DebugHelper.WriteLine ("SERVER IV", crypto.ServerWriteIV.Buffer);
Exemplo n.º 9
 static byte[] CreateHash(HashAlgorithmType type, SecureBuffer data)
     if (!HashAlgorithmProvider.IsAlgorithmSupported(type))
         throw new TlsException(AlertDescription.IlegalParameter);
     using (var d = new DisposeContext()) {
         var algorithm = d.Add(HashAlgorithmProvider.CreateAlgorithm(type));
         algorithm.TransformBlock(data.Buffer, 0, data.Size);
Exemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new integer, importing it from an array of input values and setting the sign.
 /// The most significant byte is given first.
 /// This option is here for saving and loading the integer.
 /// The sign is specified seperately because GMP uses magnitude/sign format.
 /// </summary>
 public GmpInteger(byte[] initialValue, bool isNegative = false)
     if (initialValue == null)
         throw new ArgumentException("initialValue");
     Interop.mpz_import(ref _Storage, initialValue.Length, 1, 1, 0, 0, initialValue);
     if (isNegative)
         mpz_t negStorage = new mpz_t();
         Interop.mpz_neg(ref negStorage, ref _Storage);
         Interop.mpz_clear(ref _Storage);
         _Storage = negStorage;
Exemplo n.º 11
        protected override SecureBuffer PRF(DisposeContext d, SecureBuffer secret, string label, SecureBuffer data, int length)
            /* Secret Length calc exmplain from the RFC2246. Section 5
             * S1 and S2 are the two halves of the secret and each is the same
             * length. S1 is taken from the first half of the secret, S2 from the
             * second half. Their length is created by rounding up the length of the
             * overall secret divided by two; thus, if the original secret is an odd
             * number of bytes long, the last byte of S1 will be the same as the
             * first byte of S2.

            // split secret in 2
            int secretLen = secret.Size >> 1;

            // rounding up
            if ((secret.Size & 0x1) == 0x1)

            // Secret 1
            var secret1 = d.CreateBuffer(secretLen);

            Buffer.BlockCopy(secret.Buffer, 0, secret1.Buffer, 0, secretLen);

            // Secret2
            var secret2 = d.CreateBuffer(secretLen);

            Buffer.BlockCopy(secret.Buffer, (secret.Size - secretLen), secret2.Buffer, 0, secretLen);

            // Secret 1 processing
            var p_md5 = d.Add(Expand(d, HMac.Create(HashAlgorithmType.Md5, secret1), label, data, length));

            // Secret 2 processing
            var p_sha = d.Add(Expand(d, HMac.Create(HashAlgorithmType.Sha1, secret2), label, data, length));

            // Perfor XOR of both results
            var masterSecret = new SecureBuffer(length);

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                masterSecret.Buffer[i] = (byte)(p_md5.Buffer[i] ^ p_sha.Buffer[i]);

Exemplo n.º 12
        // Protected Methods (1) 

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <see cref="SyncDisposableBase.OnDispose(DisposeContext)" />
        protected override void OnDispose(DisposeContext context)

            // dies zu allerletzt machen
                var funcLogger = this.InnerFunctionLogger;
                if (funcLogger != null)

                var aggLogger = this.Logger;
                if (aggLogger != null)
Exemplo n.º 13
        protected override int Encrypt(DisposeContext d, ContentType contentType, IBufferOffsetSize input, IBufferOffsetSize output)
            // Calculate message MAC
            byte[] mac = null;
            if (IsServer)
                mac = ComputeServerRecordMAC(contentType, input);
                mac = ComputeClientRecordMAC(contentType, input);

                        #if DEBUG_FULL
            if (Cipher.EnableDebugging)
                DebugHelper.WriteLine("RECORD MAC", mac);

            int  plen;
            byte padLen;
            int  totalLength = GetEncryptedSize(input.Size, out plen, out padLen);

            var totalOutput  = new BufferOffsetSize(output.Buffer, output.Offset, totalLength);
            var outputWriter = new TlsBuffer(totalOutput);

            outputWriter.Position += HeaderSize;

            outputWriter.Write(input.Buffer, input.Offset, input.Size);

            for (int i = 0; i <= padLen; i++)

            // Encrypt the message
            EncryptRecord(d, totalOutput);
Exemplo n.º 14
        protected override void EncryptRecord(DisposeContext d, IBufferOffsetSize buffer)
            ICryptoTransform cipher;

            if (!Cipher.HasFixedIV)
                cipher = d.Add(EncryptionAlgorithm.CreateEncryptor());
                cipher = encryptionCipher;

            if (!Cipher.HasFixedIV)
                Buffer.BlockCopy(EncryptionAlgorithm.IV, 0, buffer.Buffer, buffer.Offset, BlockSize);

            cipher.TransformBlock(buffer.Buffer, buffer.Offset + HeaderSize, buffer.Size - HeaderSize, buffer.Buffer, buffer.Offset + HeaderSize);
		protected override SecureBuffer PRF (DisposeContext d, SecureBuffer secret, string label, SecureBuffer data, int length)
			/* Secret Length calc exmplain from the RFC2246. Section 5
			 * S1 and S2 are the two halves of the secret and each is the same
			 * length. S1 is taken from the first half of the secret, S2 from the
			 * second half. Their length is created by rounding up the length of the
			 * overall secret divided by two; thus, if the original secret is an odd
			 * number of bytes long, the last byte of S1 will be the same as the
			 * first byte of S2.

			// split secret in 2
			int secretLen = secret.Size >> 1;
			// rounding up
			if ((secret.Size & 0x1) == 0x1)

			// Secret 1
			var secret1 = d.CreateBuffer (secretLen);
			Buffer.BlockCopy (secret.Buffer, 0, secret1.Buffer, 0, secretLen);

			// Secret2
			var secret2 = d.CreateBuffer (secretLen);
			Buffer.BlockCopy (secret.Buffer, (secret.Size - secretLen), secret2.Buffer, 0, secretLen);

			// Secret 1 processing
			var p_md5 = d.Add (Expand (d, HMac.Create (HashAlgorithmType.Md5, secret1), label, data, length));

			// Secret 2 processing
			var p_sha = d.Add (Expand (d, HMac.Create (HashAlgorithmType.Sha1, secret2), label, data, length));

			// Perfor XOR of both results
			var masterSecret = new SecureBuffer (length);
			for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
				masterSecret.Buffer[i] = (byte)(p_md5.Buffer[i] ^ p_sha.Buffer[i]);

			return masterSecret;
Exemplo n.º 16
        // Private Methods (1) 

        private void Dispose(DisposeContext context)
            lock (this._SYNC_ROOT)
                if (context == DisposeContext.DisposeMethod)
                    if (this.IsDisposed)



                if (context == DisposeContext.DisposeMethod)
                    this.IsDisposed = true;
Exemplo n.º 17
        public int Decrypt(ContentType contentType, IBufferOffsetSize input, IBufferOffsetSize output)
            if (output == null || output == input || output.Buffer == input.Buffer)
                throw new TlsException(AlertDescription.InternalError, "In-place decryption is not supported.");
            if (output.Size < input.Size)
                throw new TlsException(AlertDescription.InternalError, "Output buffer overflow.");

            using (var d = new DisposeContext()) {
                var ret = Decrypt(d, contentType, input, output);

                // Update sequence number

                if (ret < 0)
                    throw new TlsException(AlertDescription.BadRecordMAC);
Exemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize a zero valued integer.
 /// </summary>
 public GmpInteger()
     Interop.mpz_init(ref _Storage);
Exemplo n.º 19
 protected abstract SecureBuffer PRF(DisposeContext d, SecureBuffer secret, string label, SecureBuffer data, int length);
Exemplo n.º 20
 public SecureBuffer PRF(SecureBuffer secret, string label, SecureBuffer data, int length)
     using (var d = new DisposeContext())
         return(PRF(d, secret, label, data, length));
Exemplo n.º 21
        public TlsBuffer ComputeKeyExpansion(DisposeContext d, SecureBuffer masterSecret, SecureBuffer sc, int size)
            var buffer = d.Add(PRF(d, masterSecret, "key expansion", sc, size));

            return(new TlsBuffer(buffer.Buffer));
Exemplo n.º 22
 protected abstract void EncryptRecord(DisposeContext d, IBufferOffsetSize buffer);
Exemplo n.º 23
        // Protected Methods (3) 

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <see cref="SyncDisposableBase.OnDispose(DisposeContext)"/>
        protected override void OnDispose(DisposeContext context)

Exemplo n.º 24
		protected abstract SecureBuffer PRF (DisposeContext d, SecureBuffer secret, string label, SecureBuffer data, int length);
Exemplo n.º 25
		public SecureBuffer PRF (SecureBuffer secret, string label, SecureBuffer data, int length)
			using (var d = new DisposeContext ())
				return PRF (d, secret, label, data, length);
Exemplo n.º 26
 protected abstract int DecryptRecord(DisposeContext d, IBufferOffsetSize input, IBufferOffsetSize output);
Exemplo n.º 27
		protected override int DecryptRecord (DisposeContext d, IBufferOffsetSize input, IBufferOffsetSize output)
			if ((input.Size % BlockSize) != 0)
				return -1;

			int ivSize;
			ICryptoTransform cipher;
			if (!Cipher.HasFixedIV) {
				var IV = new byte [BlockSize];
				Buffer.BlockCopy (input.Buffer, input.Offset, IV, 0, BlockSize);
				ivSize = BlockSize;

				DecryptionAlgorithm.IV = IV;
				cipher = d.Add (DecryptionAlgorithm.CreateDecryptor ());
			} else {
				ivSize = 0;
				cipher = decryptionCipher;

			var ret = cipher.TransformBlock (input.Buffer, input.Offset + ivSize, input.Size - ivSize, output.Buffer, output.Offset);
			if (ret <= 0 || ret != input.Size - ivSize)
				return -1;

			if (Cipher.HasFixedIV) {
				var IV = new byte [BlockSize];
				Buffer.BlockCopy (input.Buffer, input.Offset + input.Size - BlockSize, IV, 0, BlockSize);
				DecryptionAlgorithm.IV = IV;

			return ret;
Exemplo n.º 28
		protected override void EncryptRecord (DisposeContext d, IBufferOffsetSize input)
			ICryptoTransform cipher;
			if (!Cipher.HasFixedIV) {
				EncryptionAlgorithm.GenerateIV ();
				cipher = d.Add (EncryptionAlgorithm.CreateEncryptor ());
			} else {
				cipher = encryptionCipher;

			if (!Cipher.HasFixedIV)
				Buffer.BlockCopy (EncryptionAlgorithm.IV, 0, input.Buffer, input.Offset, BlockSize);

			var ret = cipher.TransformBlock (input.Buffer, input.Offset + HeaderSize, input.Size - HeaderSize, input.Buffer, input.Offset + HeaderSize);
			if (ret <= 0 || ret != input.Size - HeaderSize)
				throw new InvalidOperationException ();

			if (Cipher.HasFixedIV) {
				var IV = new byte [BlockSize];
				Buffer.BlockCopy (input.Buffer, input.Offset + input.Size - BlockSize, IV, 0, BlockSize);
				EncryptionAlgorithm.IV = IV;
Exemplo n.º 29
    public static Path FindBestPath(this GameField gameField, Point @from, ushort[] cost, Map <float> cost2, int length, int realStart = 0, int realLen = 0)
        var closedList    = GetClosedList(gameField);
        var openProcessed = GetOpenProcessedList(gameField);

        var cameFrom = new Dictionary <Point, Breadcrump>();
        var bStart   = new Breadcrump(@from, 0, 0, 0);
        var openList = GetOpenList();


        var rowLen = gameField.Width;
        var colLen = gameField.Height;

        closedList[from.ToIdx(rowLen)] = true;

        var filter = ScoreClosure(gameField, openProcessed);

        using var disCx = new DisposeContext();
        disCx.Disposed += () =>
            foreach (var bc in cameFrom)
        disCx.Disposed += () =>
            foreach (var bc in openList)

        while (openList.Count > 0)
            var src    = openList.FindMax(filter);
            var srcPos = src.Pos;
            var srcIdx = srcPos.Y * rowLen + srcPos.X;
            if (openProcessed[srcIdx])
            openProcessed[srcIdx] = true;

            // openList.Remove(src);

            if (src.Hops >= length)
                return(ReconstructPath(cameFrom, srcPos, src.HScore));

            var anyAdj = false;
            for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                var adj = new Point(srcPos.X + ColNum[i], srcPos.Y + RowNum[i]);
                Warp(ref adj, rowLen, colLen);
                if (!IsValid(adj, rowLen, colLen))

                var mapFlags = gameField.GetFlags(adj);
                if (mapFlags.CHasFlag(CellFlags.Wall))

                var adjIdx = adj.Y * rowLen + adj.X;
                if (closedList[adjIdx])
                closedList[adjIdx] = true;

                anyAdj = true;

                var adjValue = Balance.GetCellValue(mapFlags);

                /*if (mapFlags.CHasFlag(CellFlags.GemPellet)
                 *  && src.Hops < 3
                 *  && !src.Flags.CHasFlag(CellFlags.MyPac) && !src.Flags.CHasFlag(CellFlags.EnemyPac))
                 * adjValue = 0f;*/

                // inverse heuristic to make sum minimal
                var cellScore = realLen > 0
          ? adjValue * (1 - (realStart + src.Hops + 1) / (float)realLen)
          : adjValue;
                var hScore = src.HScore + cellScore;
                var gScore = cost[adjIdx] + (cost2?[adj] ?? 0);

                cameFrom[adj] = _breadcrumps.Take().Set(srcPos, src.Hops + 1, hScore, gScore, src.Flags | mapFlags);
                openList.Add(_breadcrumps.Take().Set(adj, src.Hops + 1, hScore, gScore, src.Flags | mapFlags));

            if (!anyAdj)
                return(ReconstructPath(cameFrom, srcPos, src.HScore));

        // if (lastBest.HasValue)
        // return ReconstructPath(cameFrom, lastBest.Value.Pos, Math.Abs(lastBest.Value.HScore/maxValue));
        // todo add path to last node?
        Player.Print($"path not found {from} {length}");
Exemplo n.º 30
		public int Decrypt (ContentType contentType, IBufferOffsetSize input, IBufferOffsetSize output)
			if (output == null || output == input || output.Buffer == input.Buffer)
				throw new TlsException (AlertDescription.InternalError, "In-place decryption is not supported.");
			if (output.Size < input.Size)
				throw new TlsException (AlertDescription.InternalError, "Output buffer overflow.");

			using (var d = new DisposeContext ()) {
				var ret = Decrypt (d, contentType, input, output);

				// Update sequence number

				if (ret < 0)
					throw new TlsException (AlertDescription.BadRecordMAC);
				return ret;
Exemplo n.º 31
		protected SecureBuffer Expand (DisposeContext d, HMac hmac, string label, SecureBuffer seed, int length)
			var blockSize = hmac.MacSize;
			var iterations = (int)(length / blockSize);
			if ((length % blockSize) > 0)

			var resMacs = d.CreateBuffer (length);
			var resOff = 0;

			var tempBuf = d.CreateBuffer (blockSize);

			var labelBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (label);

			for (int i = 1; i <= iterations; i++) {
				hmac.Reset ();
				if (i == 1) {
					hmac.TransformBlock (labelBytes, 0, labelBytes.Length);
					hmac.TransformBlock (seed.Buffer, 0, seed.Size);
				} else {
					hmac.TransformBlock (tempBuf.Buffer, 0, blockSize);
				hmac.TransformFinalBlock (tempBuf.Buffer, 0, blockSize);

				hmac.Reset ();
				hmac.TransformBlock (tempBuf.Buffer, 0, blockSize);
				hmac.TransformBlock (labelBytes, 0, labelBytes.Length);
				hmac.TransformBlock (seed.Buffer, 0, seed.Size);
				hmac.TransformFinalBlock (resMacs.Buffer, resOff, Min (length - resOff, blockSize));
				resOff += blockSize;

			return new SecureBuffer (resMacs.StealBuffer ());
Exemplo n.º 32
		public TlsBuffer ComputeKeyExpansion (DisposeContext d, SecureBuffer masterSecret, SecureBuffer sc, int size)
			var buffer = d.Add (PRF (d, masterSecret, "key expansion", sc, size));
			return new TlsBuffer (buffer.Buffer);
Exemplo n.º 33
 protected void ComputeMasterSecret(TlsContext ctx, SecureBuffer preMasterSecret)
     using (var d = new DisposeContext())
         ComputeMasterSecret(d, ctx, preMasterSecret);
Exemplo n.º 34
        protected override int Decrypt(DisposeContext d, ContentType contentType, IBufferOffsetSize input, IBufferOffsetSize output)
            if ((input.Size % BlockSize) != 0)
            if (input.Size < MinExtraEncryptedBytes)

            var plen = DecryptRecord(d, input, output);

            if (plen <= 0)

            var padlen = output.Buffer [output.Offset + plen - 1];

                        #if DEBUG_FULL
            if (Cipher.EnableDebugging)
                DebugHelper.WriteLine("DECRYPT: {0} {1} {2}", input.Size, plen, padlen);
                DebugHelper.WriteBuffer("DECRYPTED", output.Buffer, output.Offset, plen);

             * VERY IMPORTANT:
             * The Compiler and JIT *** MUST NOT *** optimize the following block of code.
             * It is essential that the dummy checks and dummy calls be kept in place.
             * Also do not put any debugging code into that region as it would mess up with
             * the timing.

            #region The following block of code *** MUST NOT *** be optimized in any way

            if (MacSize + padlen + 1 > plen)
                // Invalid padding: plaintext is not long enough.

                // First run a loop as if there were 256 bytes of padding, with a dummy check.
                int ok = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                    if (output.Buffer [i % output.Size] != padlen)

                // Now assume there's no padding, compute the MAC over the entire buffer.
                var first      = new BufferOffsetSize(output.Buffer, output.Offset, plen - MacSize);
                var invalidMac = ComputeRecordMAC(contentType, first);

                // Constant-time compare - this will always fail, TlsBuffer.ConstantTimeCompare() will return a negative value on error.
                ok += TlsBuffer.ConstantTimeCompare(invalidMac, 0, invalidMac.Length, output.Buffer, output.Offset + plen - MacSize, MacSize);
                int ok           = 0;
                var resultLength = plen - padlen - MacSize - 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < padlen; i++)
                    if (output.Buffer [output.Offset + resultLength + MacSize + i] != padlen)

                var dummyOk  = ok;
                var dummyLen = 256 - padlen - 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < dummyLen; i++)
                    if (output.Buffer [i % output.Size] != padlen)

                if (ok < 0)
                    // Now assume there's no padding, compute the MAC over the entire buffer.
                    var first      = new BufferOffsetSize(output.Buffer, output.Offset, plen - MacSize);
                    var invalidMac = ComputeRecordMAC(contentType, first);

                    // Constant-time compare - this will always fail, TlsBuffer.ConstantTimeCompare() will return a negative value on error.
                    ok += TlsBuffer.ConstantTimeCompare(invalidMac, 0, invalidMac.Length, output.Buffer, output.Offset + plen - MacSize, MacSize);
                    var first    = new BufferOffsetSize(output.Buffer, output.Offset, resultLength);
                    var checkMac = ComputeRecordMAC(contentType, first);

                    var L1 = 13 + plen - MacSize;
                    var L2 = 13 + plen - padlen - 1 - MacSize;

                    var additional = ((L1 - 55) / 64) - ((L2 - 55) / 64);
                    if (additional > 0)
                        var algorithm = HMac.CreateHash(Cipher.HashAlgorithmType);
                        for (int i = 0; i < additional; i++)
                            algorithm.TransformBlock(input.Buffer, input.Offset, BlockSize, null, 0);

                    ok += TlsBuffer.ConstantTimeCompare(checkMac, 0, checkMac.Length, output.Buffer, output.Offset + resultLength, MacSize);
                    if (ok == 0)
                        ok = resultLength;

		protected override SecureBuffer PRF (DisposeContext d, SecureBuffer secret, string label, SecureBuffer data, int length)
			return Expand (d, HMac.Create (HandshakeHashType, secret), label, data, length);
Exemplo n.º 36
		protected abstract int Decrypt (DisposeContext d, ContentType contentType, IBufferOffsetSize input, IBufferOffsetSize output);
Exemplo n.º 37
        // Protected Methods (3) 

        /// <summary>
        /// Die Logik für die <see cref="SyncDisposableBase.Dispose()" />-Methode
        /// sowie des Destruktors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Der Kontext.</param>
        protected virtual void OnDispose(DisposeContext context)
            // dummy
Exemplo n.º 38
 protected override SecureBuffer PRF(DisposeContext d, SecureBuffer secret, string label, SecureBuffer data, int length)
     return(Expand(d, HMac.Create(HandshakeHashType, secret), label, data, length));
Exemplo n.º 39
		protected abstract void EncryptRecord (DisposeContext d, IBufferOffsetSize buffer);
Exemplo n.º 40
		protected override int Decrypt (DisposeContext d, ContentType contentType, IBufferOffsetSize input, IBufferOffsetSize output)
			var implicitNonce = IsClient ? ServerWriteIV : ClientWriteIV;
			var writeKey = IsClient ? ServerWriteKey : ClientWriteKey;

			if (Cipher.EnableDebugging) {
				DebugHelper.WriteLine ("FIXED IV", implicitNonce);
				DebugHelper.WriteLine ("WRITE KEY", writeKey);
				DebugHelper.WriteLine ("SEQUENCE: {0}", ReadSequenceNumber);

			var length = input.Size - ExplicitNonceSize;

			var aad = new TlsBuffer (13);
			aad.Write (ReadSequenceNumber);
			aad.Write ((byte)contentType);
			aad.Write ((short)Protocol);
			aad.Write ((short)(length - MacSize));

			if (Cipher.EnableDebugging)
				DebugHelper.WriteFull ("TAG", aad);

			var gcm = new GcmBlockCipher (new AesEngine ());
			var key = new KeyParameter (writeKey.Buffer);

			var nonce = d.CreateBuffer (ImplicitNonceSize + ExplicitNonceSize);
			Buffer.BlockCopy (implicitNonce.Buffer, 0, nonce.Buffer, 0, ImplicitNonceSize);
			Buffer.BlockCopy (input.Buffer, input.Offset, nonce.Buffer, ImplicitNonceSize, ExplicitNonceSize);

			if (Cipher.EnableDebugging)
				DebugHelper.WriteLine ("NONCE", nonce);

			var parameters = new AeadParameters (key, 128, nonce.Buffer, aad.Buffer);
			gcm.Init (false, parameters);

			int ret;
			try {
				ret = gcm.ProcessBytes (input.Buffer, input.Offset + ExplicitNonceSize, length, output.Buffer, output.Offset);

				ret += gcm.DoFinal (output.Buffer, output.Offset + ret);
			} catch (CryptoException ex) {
				throw new TlsException (AlertDescription.BadRecordMAC, ex.Message);

			return ret;
Exemplo n.º 41
		protected abstract int DecryptRecord (DisposeContext d, IBufferOffsetSize input, IBufferOffsetSize output);
Exemplo n.º 42
		protected override int Encrypt (DisposeContext d, ContentType contentType, IBufferOffsetSize input, IBufferOffsetSize output)
			// Calculate message MAC
			byte[] mac = null;
			if (IsServer)
				mac = ComputeServerRecordMAC (contentType, input);
				mac = ComputeClientRecordMAC (contentType, input);

			if (Cipher.EnableDebugging)
				DebugHelper.WriteLine ("RECORD MAC", mac);

			int plen;
			byte padLen;
			int totalLength = GetEncryptedSize (input.Size, out plen, out padLen);

			var totalOutput = new BufferOffsetSize (output.Buffer, output.Offset, totalLength);
			var outputWriter = new TlsBuffer (totalOutput);

			outputWriter.Position += HeaderSize;

			outputWriter.Write (input.Buffer, input.Offset, input.Size);
			outputWriter.Write (mac);

			for (int i = 0; i <= padLen; i++)
				outputWriter.Write (padLen);

			// Encrypt the message
			EncryptRecord (d, totalOutput);
			return totalLength;
Exemplo n.º 43
 protected abstract int Decrypt(DisposeContext d, ContentType contentType, IBufferOffsetSize input, IBufferOffsetSize output);
Exemplo n.º 44
		protected override int Decrypt (DisposeContext d, ContentType contentType, IBufferOffsetSize input, IBufferOffsetSize output)
			if ((input.Size % BlockSize) != 0)
				return -1;
			if (input.Size < MinExtraEncryptedBytes)
				return -1;

			var plen = DecryptRecord (d, input, output);
			if (plen <= 0)
				return -1;

			var padlen = output.Buffer [output.Offset + plen - 1];
			if (Cipher.EnableDebugging) {
				DebugHelper.WriteLine ("DECRYPT: {0} {1} {2}", input.Size, plen, padlen);
				DebugHelper.WriteBuffer ("DECRYPTED", output.Buffer, output.Offset, plen);

			 * The Compiler and JIT *** MUST NOT *** optimize the following block of code.
			 * It is essential that the dummy checks and dummy calls be kept in place.
			 * Also do not put any debugging code into that region as it would mess up with
			 * the timing.

			#region The following block of code *** MUST NOT *** be optimized in any way

			if (MacSize + padlen + 1 > plen) {
				// Invalid padding: plaintext is not long enough.

				// First run a loop as if there were 256 bytes of padding, with a dummy check.
				int ok = -1;
				for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
					if (output.Buffer [i % output.Size] != padlen)

				// Now assume there's no padding, compute the MAC over the entire buffer.
				var first = new BufferOffsetSize (output.Buffer, output.Offset, plen - MacSize);
				var invalidMac = ComputeRecordMAC (contentType, first);

				// Constant-time compare - this will always fail, TlsBuffer.ConstantTimeCompare() will return a negative value on error.
				ok += TlsBuffer.ConstantTimeCompare (invalidMac, 0, invalidMac.Length, output.Buffer, output.Offset + plen - MacSize, MacSize);
				return ok;
			} else {
				int ok = 0;
				var resultLength = plen - padlen - MacSize - 1;
				for (int i = 0; i < padlen; i++) {
					if (output.Buffer [output.Offset + resultLength + MacSize + i] != padlen)

				var dummyOk = ok;
				var dummyLen = 256 - padlen - 1;
				for (int i = 0; i < dummyLen; i++) {
					if (output.Buffer [i % output.Size] != padlen)

				if (ok < 0) {
					// Now assume there's no padding, compute the MAC over the entire buffer.
					var first = new BufferOffsetSize (output.Buffer, output.Offset, plen - MacSize);
					var invalidMac = ComputeRecordMAC (contentType, first);

					// Constant-time compare - this will always fail, TlsBuffer.ConstantTimeCompare() will return a negative value on error.
					ok += TlsBuffer.ConstantTimeCompare (invalidMac, 0, invalidMac.Length, output.Buffer, output.Offset + plen - MacSize, MacSize);
					return ok;
				} else {
					var first = new BufferOffsetSize (output.Buffer, output.Offset, resultLength);
					var checkMac = ComputeRecordMAC (contentType, first);

					var L1 = 13 + plen - MacSize;
					var L2 = 13 + plen - padlen - 1 - MacSize;

					var additional = ((L1 - 55) / 64) - ((L2 - 55) / 64);
					if (additional > 0) {
						var algorithm = HMac.CreateHash (Cipher.HashAlgorithmType);
						for (int i = 0; i < additional; i++)
							algorithm.TransformBlock (input.Buffer, input.Offset, BlockSize, null, 0);

					ok += TlsBuffer.ConstantTimeCompare (checkMac, 0, checkMac.Length, output.Buffer, output.Offset + resultLength, MacSize);
					if (ok == 0)
						ok = resultLength;
					return ok;

Exemplo n.º 45
        void ComputeMasterSecret(DisposeContext d, TlsContext ctx, SecureBuffer preMasterSecret)
            // Compute ClientRandom + ServerRandom
            int clen = ctx.HandshakeParameters.ClientRandom.Size;
            int slen = ctx.HandshakeParameters.ServerRandom.Size;
            int rlen = clen + slen;
            var cs   = d.CreateBuffer(rlen);

            Buffer.BlockCopy(ctx.HandshakeParameters.ClientRandom.Buffer, 0, cs.Buffer, 0, clen);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(ctx.HandshakeParameters.ServerRandom.Buffer, 0, cs.Buffer, clen, slen);

            // Server Random + Client Random
            var sc = d.CreateBuffer(rlen);

            Buffer.BlockCopy(ctx.HandshakeParameters.ServerRandom.Buffer, 0, sc.Buffer, 0, slen);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(ctx.HandshakeParameters.ClientRandom.Buffer, 0, sc.Buffer, slen, clen);

            // Create master secret
            var crypto = ctx.Session.PendingCrypto;

            crypto.MasterSecret = crypto.Cipher.PRF.ComputeMasterSecret(preMasterSecret, cs);

                        #if DEBUG_FULL
            if (ctx.EnableDebugging)
                DebugHelper.WriteLine("CS", cs);
                DebugHelper.WriteLine("SC", sc);
                DebugHelper.WriteLine("PRE-MASTER", preMasterSecret);
                DebugHelper.WriteLine("MASTER SECRET", crypto.MasterSecret.Buffer);

            var keyBlock = crypto.Cipher.PRF.ComputeKeyExpansion(d, crypto.MasterSecret, sc, crypto.Cipher.KeyBlockSize);

                        #if DEBUG_FULL
            if (ctx.EnableDebugging)
                DebugHelper.WriteLine("KEY BLOCK SIZE: {0}", crypto.Cipher.KeyBlockSize);
                DebugHelper.WriteLine("KEY BLOCK", keyBlock.Buffer);

            crypto.ClientWriteMac = keyBlock.ReadSecureBuffer(crypto.Cipher.HashSize);
            crypto.ServerWriteMac = keyBlock.ReadSecureBuffer(crypto.Cipher.HashSize);
            crypto.ClientWriteKey = keyBlock.ReadSecureBuffer(crypto.Cipher.KeyMaterialSize);
            crypto.ServerWriteKey = keyBlock.ReadSecureBuffer(crypto.Cipher.KeyMaterialSize);

            if (crypto.Cipher.HasFixedIV)
                crypto.ClientWriteIV = keyBlock.ReadSecureBuffer(crypto.Cipher.FixedIvSize);
                crypto.ServerWriteIV = keyBlock.ReadSecureBuffer(crypto.Cipher.FixedIvSize);

                                #if DEBUG_FULL
                if (ctx.EnableDebugging)
                    DebugHelper.WriteLine("CLIENT IV", crypto.ClientWriteIV.Buffer);
                    DebugHelper.WriteLine("SERVER IV", crypto.ServerWriteIV.Buffer);
Exemplo n.º 46
		protected void ComputeMasterSecret (TlsContext ctx, SecureBuffer preMasterSecret)
			using (var d = new DisposeContext ())
				ComputeMasterSecret (d, ctx, preMasterSecret);