public void TestDiscreteKalmanFilter()
            // Test constants
            double r = 30.0;  // Measurement covariance
            double T = 20.0;  // Time interval between measurements
            double q = 0.1;   // Plant noise constant
            double tol = 0.0001;  // Accuracy tolerance

            // Reference values to test against (generated from a known filter)
            // Reference Measurements
            double[] zs = { 290.16851039,654.55633793,968.97141280,1325.09197161,1636.35947675,1974.39053148,2260.80770553,2574.36119750,2901.32285462,3259.14709098};
            // Expected position estimates (predictions)
            double[] posp = {1018.94416547,1237.00029618,1754.97092716,1855.62596430,2400.27521403,2446.47067625,2978.94381631,3173.63724675};
            // Expected velocity estimates (predictions)
            double[] velp = { 18.21939138,13.38351136,21.52280841,10.92729947,21.32868461,9.24370334,20.26482836,13.59419761 };
            // Expected position estimates (after measurement update)
            double[] posu = { 969.33006892,1324.51475894,1637.07997492,1973.70152187,2261.59660945,2573.64724909,2901.75329465,3258.67447647 };
            // Expected velocity estimates (after measurement update)
            double[] velu = { 13.38351136,21.52280841,10.92729947,21.32868461,9.24370334,20.26482836,13.59419761,20.93270702 };

            // Initial estimate based on two point differencing
            double z0 = zs[0];
            double z1 = zs[1];
            Matrix<double> x0 = Matrix<double>.Build.Dense(2, 1, new[] { z1, (z1 - z0)/T });
            Matrix<double> P0 = Matrix<double>.Build.Dense(2, 2, new[] { r, r/T, r/T, 2*r/(T*T) });
            // Setup a DiscreteKalmanFilter to filter
            DiscreteKalmanFilter dkf = new DiscreteKalmanFilter(x0, P0);
            Matrix<double> F = Matrix<double>.Build.Dense(2, 2, new[] { 1d, 0d, T, 1 });   // State transition matrix
            Matrix<double> G = Matrix<double>.Build.Dense(2, 1, new[] { (T * T) / 2d, T });   // Plant noise matrix
            Matrix<double> Q = Matrix<double>.Build.Dense(1, 1, new[] { q }); // Plant noise variance
            Matrix<double> R = Matrix<double>.Build.Dense(1, 1, new[] { r }); // Measurement variance matrix
            Matrix<double> H = Matrix<double>.Build.Dense(1, 2, new[] { 1d, 0d }); // Measurement matrix

            // Test the performance of this filter against the stored data from a proven
            // Kalman Filter of a one dimenional tracker.
            for (int i = 2; i < zs.Length; i++)
                // Perform the prediction
                dkf.Predict(F, G, Q);
                // Test against the prediction state/covariance
                Assert.IsTrue(dkf.State[0,0].AlmostEqual(posp[i-2], tol), "State Prediction (" + i + ")");
                Assert.IsTrue(dkf.State[1, 0].AlmostEqual(velp[i-2], tol), "Covariance Prediction (" + i + ")");
                // Perform the update
                Matrix<double> z = Matrix<double>.Build.Dense(1, 1, new[] { zs[i] });
                dkf.Update(z, H, R);
                // Test against the update state/covariance
                // Test against the prediction state/covariance
                Assert.IsTrue(dkf.State[0, 0].AlmostEqual(posu[i-2], tol), "State Prediction (" + i + ")");
                Assert.IsTrue(dkf.State[1, 0].AlmostEqual(velu[i-2], tol), "Covariance Prediction (" + i + ")");
        public LandmarkFilter(double timeInterval, double noise)
            ModelState initialState = new ModelState
                Position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0),
                Velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0),
                //Acceleration = new Vector3(0, 0, 0),

            double[,] initialStateError = ModelState.GetProcessNoise(noise, timeInterval);
            int measurementVectorDimension = 3;
            int controlVectorDimension     = 0;
            Func <ModelState, double[]>         stateConvertFunc       = ModelState.ToArray;
            Func <double[], ModelState>         stateConvertBackFunc   = ModelState.FromArray;
            Func <NormalizedLandmark, double[]> measurementConvertFunc = v => { return(new double[3] {
                    v.X, v.Y, v.Z
                }); };

            kalmanFilter = new DiscreteKalmanFilter <ModelState, NormalizedLandmark>(

            kalmanFilter.ProcessNoise      = ModelState.GetProcessNoise(noise, timeInterval);
            kalmanFilter.MeasurementNoise  = Matrix.Diagonal <double>(kalmanFilter.MeasurementVectorDimension, 1);
            kalmanFilter.MeasurementMatrix = ModelState.GetPositionMeasurementMatrix();
            kalmanFilter.TransitionMatrix  = ModelState.GetTransitionMatrix(timeInterval);
        public void TestDiscreteKalmanFilter()
            // Test constants
            double r   = 30.0;            // Measurement covariance
            double T   = 20.0;            // Time interval between measurements
            double q   = 0.1;             // Plant noise constant
            double tol = 0.0001;          // Accuracy tolerance

            // Reference values to test against (generated from a known filter)
            // Reference Measurements
            double[] zs = { 290.16851039, 654.55633793, 968.97141280, 1325.09197161, 1636.35947675, 1974.39053148, 2260.80770553, 2574.36119750, 2901.32285462, 3259.14709098 };
            // Expected position estimates (predictions)
            double[] posp = { 1018.94416547, 1237.00029618, 1754.97092716, 1855.62596430, 2400.27521403, 2446.47067625, 2978.94381631, 3173.63724675 };
            // Expected velocity estimates (predictions)
            double[] velp = { 18.21939138, 13.38351136, 21.52280841, 10.92729947, 21.32868461, 9.24370334, 20.26482836, 13.59419761 };
            // Expected position estimates (after measurement update)
            double[] posu = { 969.33006892, 1324.51475894, 1637.07997492, 1973.70152187, 2261.59660945, 2573.64724909, 2901.75329465, 3258.67447647 };
            // Expected velocity estimates (after measurement update)
            double[] velu = { 13.38351136, 21.52280841, 10.92729947, 21.32868461, 9.24370334, 20.26482836, 13.59419761, 20.93270702 };

            // Initial estimate based on two point differencing
            double z0 = zs[0];
            double z1 = zs[1];
            Matrix x0 = new Matrix(2, 1);

            x0[0, 0] = z1;
            x0[1, 0] = (z1 - z0) / T;
            Matrix P0 = new Matrix(2, 2);

            P0[0, 0] = r; P0[1, 0] = r / T; P0[0, 1] = r / T; P0[1, 1] = 2 * r / (T * T);
            // Setup a DiscreteKalmanFilter to filter
            DiscreteKalmanFilter dkf = new DiscreteKalmanFilter(x0, P0);

            double[] aF = { 1d, 0d, T, 1 };
            double[] aG = { (T * T) / 2d, T };
            Matrix   F  = new Matrix(aF, 2);                            // State transition matrix
            Matrix   G  = new Matrix(aG, 2);                            // Plant noise matrix
            Matrix   Q  = new Matrix(1, 1); Q[0, 0] = q;                // Plant noise variance
            Matrix   R  = new Matrix(1, 1); R[0, 0] = r;                // Measurement variance matrix
            Matrix   H  = new Matrix(1, 2); H[0, 0] = 1d; H[0, 1] = 0d; // Measurement matrix

            // Test the performance of this filter against the stored data from a proven
            // Kalman Filter of a one dimenional tracker.
            for (int i = 2; i < zs.Length; i++)
                // Perform the prediction
                dkf.Predict(F, G, Q);
                // Test against the prediction state/covariance
                Assert.IsTrue(Number.AlmostEqual(dkf.State[0, 0], posp[i - 2], tol), "State Prediction (" + i + ")");
                Assert.IsTrue(Number.AlmostEqual(dkf.State[1, 0], velp[i - 2], tol), "Covariance Prediction (" + i + ")");
                // Perform the update
                Matrix z = new Matrix(1, 1, zs[i]);
                dkf.Update(z, H, R);
                // Test against the update state/covariance
                // Test against the prediction state/covariance
                Assert.IsTrue(Number.AlmostEqual(dkf.State[0, 0], posu[i - 2], tol), "State Prediction (" + i + ")");
                Assert.IsTrue(Number.AlmostEqual(dkf.State[1, 0], velu[i - 2], tol), "Covariance Prediction (" + i + ")");
Exemplo n.º 4
        public TransformFilter(Vector3 initialPosition, Quaternion initialRotation, int framerate, float noise = 10f, float reliability = 1.3f)
            this.framerate = framerate;

            positionFilter        = KalmanGenerator.Generate3DimensionalFilter(initialPosition, framerate, noise, reliability);
            forwardRotationFilter = KalmanGenerator.Generate3DimensionalFilter(initialRotation * Vector3.forward, framerate, noise, reliability);
            upRotationFilter      = KalmanGenerator.Generate3DimensionalFilter(initialRotation * Vector3.up, framerate, noise, reliability);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static Tuple <Matrix <double>, Matrix <double> > PredictState(this DiscreteKalmanFilter dFilterSharp, TimeSpan ts, Matrix <double> F, Matrix <double> G, Matrix <double> Q)
            // F.UpdateTransition(ts);

            dFilterSharp.Predict(F, G, Q);

            return(Tuple.Create(dFilterSharp.State, dFilterSharp.Cov));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void UpdateQ(this DiscreteKalmanFilter dFilterSharp, IAdaptiveQ adaptiveQ, TimeSpan ts, Matrix <double> z, Matrix <double> H, Matrix <double> R)
            //Matrix<double> z = mBuilder.DenseOfColumnArrays(newMeas);
            var innovation = z - H * dFilterSharp.State;

            var kalmanGain = dFilterSharp.Cov * H.Transpose() * (H * dFilterSharp.Cov * H.Transpose() + R).Inverse();

            adaptiveQ.Update(ts, innovation, kalmanGain);/*Map(_ => Math.Abs(_)).AsColumnMajorArray();*/
        public void TestSquareRootFilter()
            System.Console.WriteLine("Filter 1 - DiscreteKalmanFilter, Filter 2 - SquareRootFilter");
            Matrix x0 = RangeBearingTracker.TwoPointDifferenceState(rM[0], rM[1], bM[0], bM[1], T);
            Matrix P0 = RangeBearingTracker.TwoPointDifferenceCovariance(rM[0], rM[1], bM[0], bM[1], re, the, T);
            DiscreteKalmanFilter dkf  = new DiscreteKalmanFilter(x0, P0);
            SquareRootFilter     sqrf = new SquareRootFilter(x0, P0);

            Assert.IsTrue(RunTest(dkf, sqrf, DefaultTolerance));
        public void TestInformationFilter()
            System.Console.WriteLine("Filter 1 - DiscreteKalmanFilter, Filter 2 - InformationFilter");
            Matrix <double>      x0  = RangeBearingTracker.TwoPointDifferenceState(rM[0], rM[1], bM[0], bM[1], T);
            Matrix <double>      P0  = RangeBearingTracker.TwoPointDifferenceCovariance(rM[0], rM[1], bM[0], bM[1], re, the, T);
            DiscreteKalmanFilter dkf = new DiscreteKalmanFilter(x0, P0);
            InformationFilter    inf = new InformationFilter(x0, P0);

            Assert.IsTrue(RunTest(dkf, inf, DefaultTolerance));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public Mapping(Context cntxt)
            context     = cntxt;
            activity    = (MainActivity)cntxt;
            velocity    = 0;
            velocityXYZ = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };
            positionXYZ = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                accelHist.Add(new List <float>());//Add a XYZ history
            sw = new Stopwatch();

            stateOld = state = getStateMat(velocityXYZ);
            stateCov = getStateCov();
            KFilter  = new DiscreteKalmanFilter(state, stateCov);
        private void initialize(double processNoise, double measNoise, DateTime dt, double initialPosition)
            accelNoise       = processNoise;
            measurementNoise = measNoise;

            State = new ConstantVelocity1DModel(dt.Ticks, initialPosition);/*process.GetNoisyState(accelNoise); //assuming we measured process params (noise)*/
            var initialStateError = State.GetProcessNoise(accelNoise);

            kalman = new DiscreteKalmanFilter <ModelState, double>(State, initialStateError,
                                                                   measurementDimension /*(position)*/, 0 /*no control*/,
                                                                   x => x.ToArray(), x => ModelState.FromArray(x), x => new double[] { x });

            kalman.ProcessNoise     = State.GetProcessNoise(accelNoise);
            kalman.MeasurementNoise = Matrix.Diagonal <double>(kalman.MeasurementVectorDimension, measurementNoise).Power(2); //assuming we measured process params (noise) - ^2 => variance

            kalman.MeasurementMatrix = new double[, ]                                                                         //just pick point coordinates for an observation [2 x 4] (look at ConstantVelocity2DModel)
                { 1, 0 }
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static Tuple <Matrix <double>, Matrix <double> > UpdateState(this DiscreteKalmanFilter dFilterSharp, Matrix <double> z, Matrix <double> H, Matrix <double> R)
            dFilterSharp.Update(z, H, R);

            return(Tuple.Create(dFilterSharp.State, dFilterSharp.Cov));
Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="initialLocation">Initial location object</param>
 public DiscreteKalman2d(Location2d initialLocation)
     _location = initialLocation ?? throw new ArgumentException("Initial location required");
     dkf       = new DiscreteKalmanFilter(initialLocation.Initial, initialLocation.Cov);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public void TestSquareRootFilter()
     System.Console.WriteLine("Filter 1 - DiscreteKalmanFilter, Filter 2 - SquareRootFilter");
     Matrix<double> x0 = RangeBearingTracker.TwoPointDifferenceState(rM[0], rM[1], bM[0], bM[1], T);
     Matrix<double> P0 = RangeBearingTracker.TwoPointDifferenceCovariance(rM[0], rM[1], bM[0], bM[1], re, the, T);
     DiscreteKalmanFilter dkf = new DiscreteKalmanFilter(x0, P0);
     SquareRootFilter sqrf = new SquareRootFilter(x0, P0);
     Assert.IsTrue(RunTest(dkf, sqrf, DefaultTolerance));
Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="initial_x">Initial x location</param>
 /// <param name="initial_y">Initial y location</param>
 /// <param name="covariance">Initial covariance value</param>
 public DiscreteKalman2d(double initial_x, double initial_y, double covariance)
     _location = new Location2d(initial_x, initial_y);
     dkf = new DiscreteKalmanFilter(_location.Initial, _location.Cov);
Exemplo n.º 15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            double[] IndividualValues = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            String[] SubStrings;
            float[]  q = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            double   x = 0, xq, y = 0, z = 0, t2 = 0, x1, y1, z1, time, velx, vely, velz, accx, accy, accz, temp;
            bool     correctRead;
            int      comaCount = 0;

            char[]     test;
            SerialPort port           = new SerialPort("COM3", 19200);
            String     CurrentReading = "ABCD";
            Matrix     initial        = Matrix.Build.DenseOfArray(new double[, ] {
                { 0 },
                { 0 },
                { 0 },
                { 0 },
                { 0 },
                { 0 },
                { 0 },
                { 0 },
                { 0 }
            Matrix covariance = Matrix.Build.DenseOfArray(new double[, ] {
                { 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1 }
            DiscreteKalmanFilter kalman = new DiscreteKalmanFilter(initial, covariance);

            port.ReadTimeout = 2000;
            if (!port.IsOpen)

            while (t2 <= 20000000000)
                CurrentReading = port.ReadLine();
                test           = CurrentReading.ToCharArray();
                correctRead    = true;
                comaCount      = 0;
                for (int i = test.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (Char.IsNumber(test[i]) == false & test[i] != ',' & test[i] != '.' & Char.IsWhiteSpace(test[i]) == false & test[i] != '-')
                        correctRead = false;
                    if (test[i] == ',')
                        comaCount = comaCount + 1;
                if (correctRead == true & comaCount == 9)
                    SubStrings = CurrentReading.Split(',');
                    q[0]       = Convert.ToSingle(SubStrings[0]);
                    q[1]       = Convert.ToSingle(SubStrings[1]);
                    q[2]       = Convert.ToSingle(SubStrings[2]);
                    q[3]       = Convert.ToSingle(SubStrings[3]);
                    Quaternion quaternion = new Quaternion(q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3]);
                    x1   = Convert.ToDouble(SubStrings[4]);
                    y1   = Convert.ToDouble(SubStrings[5]);
                    z1   = Convert.ToDouble(SubStrings[6]);
                    temp = Convert.ToDouble(SubStrings[7]);
                    time = Convert.ToSingle(SubStrings[8]);
                    velx = (x1 - x) / (time - t2);
                    vely = (y1 - y) / (time - t2);
                    velz = (z1 - z) / (time - t2);
                    accx = velx / (time - t2);
                    accy = vely / (time - t2);
                    accz = velz / (time - t2);
                    //Dummy Data : Generate a very noisy position estimate
                    Matrix Meassurement = Matrix.Build.DenseOfArray(new double[, ] {
                        { 0.1 },
                        { 0.1 },
                        { 0.1 },
                        { 0.1 },
                        { 0.1 },
                        { 0.1 },
                        { 0.1 },
                        { 0.1 },
                        { 0.1 }
                    Matrix Noise = Matrix.Build.DenseOfArray(new double[, ] {
                        { 50.94324709, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                        { 0, 345.3342043, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                        { 0, 0, 184.5258328, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                        { 0, 0, 0, 0.000105439, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                        { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.000107133, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                        { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.000586316, 0, 0, 0 },
                        { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.7569E-06, 0, 0 },
                        { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.20007E-05, 0 },
                        { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.71021E-052 }
                    Matrix startetrans = Matrix.Build.DenseOfArray(new double[, ] {
                        { x1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                        { 0, y1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                        { 0, 0, z1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                        { 0, 0, 0, velx, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                        { 0, 0, 0, 0, vely, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                        { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, velz, 0, 0, 0 },
                        { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, accx, 0, 0 },
                        { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, accy, 0 },
                        { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, accz }

                    kalman.Predict(startetrans, kalman.Cov);
                    kalman.Update(Meassurement, Noise, covariance);

                    x1 += kalman.State.At(0, 0);
                    y1 += kalman.State.At(1, 0);
                    z1 += kalman.State.At(2, 0);
                    Console.WriteLine("x: " + quaternion.ToEulerAngles().Alpha.Degrees + ", y: " + quaternion.ToEulerAngles().Beta.Degrees + ", z: " + z1 + ", temperature: " + temp + ", time: " + t2);
                    t2 = time;
                    x  = x1;
                    y  = y1;
                    z  = z1;
Exemplo n.º 16
        public RealtimeEngine()
            nsamples = new int[MainClass.devices.Length];

            bool usehpf =;
            bool uselpf =;

            double hpf = 0.016;

                hpf = Convert.ToDouble(;
                usehpf = false;
            double lpf = 0.5;

                lpf = Convert.ToDouble(;
                uselpf = false;

            fs = new double[MainClass.devices.Length];
            OnlineFIRFiltersHPF  = new OnlineFilter[MainClass.devices.Length][];
            OnlineFIRFiltersHPF2 = new OnlineFilter[MainClass.devices.Length][];
            OnlineFIRFiltersLPF  = new OnlineFilter[MainClass.devices.Length][];
            MocoKalman           = new DiscreteKalmanFilter[MainClass.devices.Length][];

            mBLLmappings = new MBLLmapping[MainClass.devices.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < MainClass.devices.Length; i++)
                int nSDpairs =[i].probe.numChannels /[i].probe.numWavelengths;

                mBLLmappings[i]                  = new MBLLmapping();
                mBLLmappings[i].distances        = new double[nSDpairs];
                mBLLmappings[i].hboIndex         = new int[nSDpairs][];
                mBLLmappings[i].measurementPairs = new int[nSDpairs][];

                mBLLmappings[i].ExtCoefHbO = new double[nSDpairs][];
                mBLLmappings[i].ExtCoefHbR = new double[nSDpairs][];

                int   cnt  = 0;
                int[] cnt2 = new int[nSDpairs];
                for (int ii = 0; ii < nSDpairs; ii++)
                    cnt2[ii] = 0;
                    mBLLmappings[i].hboIndex[ii]         = new int[2];
                    mBLLmappings[i].measurementPairs[ii] = new int[[i].probe.numWavelengths];
                    mBLLmappings[i].ExtCoefHbO[ii]       = new double[[i].probe.numWavelengths];
                    mBLLmappings[i].ExtCoefHbR[ii]       = new double[[i].probe.numWavelengths];

                nirs.Media media = new nirs.Media();
                for (int sI = 0; sI <[i].probe.numSrc; sI++)
                    for (int dI = 0; dI <[i].probe.numDet; dI++)
                        bool found = false;;
                        for (int mI = 0; mI <[i].probe.numChannels; mI++)
                            if ([i].probe.ChannelMap[mI].sourceindex == sI &
                      [i].probe.ChannelMap[mI].detectorindex == dI)
                                mBLLmappings[i].measurementPairs[cnt][cnt2[cnt]] = mI +[i].probe.numChannels;
                                if (mBLLmappings[i].hboIndex[cnt][0] == 0)
                                    mBLLmappings[i].hboIndex[cnt][0] = mI +[i].probe.numChannels * 2;
                                    mBLLmappings[i].hboIndex[cnt][1] = mI + nSDpairs +[i].probe.numChannels * 2;

                                mBLLmappings[i].distances[cnt] = 0;
                                                  out mBLLmappings[i].ExtCoefHbO[cnt][cnt2[cnt]], out mBLLmappings[i].ExtCoefHbR[cnt][cnt2[cnt]]);

                                mBLLmappings[i].distances[cnt] = Math.Sqrt(([i].probe.SrcPos[sI, 0] -
                                                                  [i].probe.DetPos[dI, 0]) *
                                                                           ([i].probe.SrcPos[sI, 0] -
                                                                  [i].probe.DetPos[dI, 0]) +
                                                                           ([i].probe.SrcPos[sI, 1] -
                                                                  [i].probe.DetPos[dI, 1]) *
                                                                           ([i].probe.SrcPos[sI, 1] -
                                                                  [i].probe.DetPos[dI, 1]));
                                found = true;
                        if (found)

                nsamples[i] = 0;
       info = MainClass.devices[i].GetInfo();
                fs[i] = info.sample_rate;
                OnlineFIRFiltersHPF[i]  = new OnlineFilter[[i].probe.numChannels];
                OnlineFIRFiltersLPF[i]  = new OnlineFilter[[i].probe.numChannels];
                OnlineFIRFiltersHPF2[i] = new OnlineFilter[[i].probe.numChannels];
                MocoKalman[i]           = new DiscreteKalmanFilter[[i].probe.numChannels];

                for (int j = 0; j <[i].probe.numChannels; j++)
                    OnlineFIRFiltersLPF[i][j]  = OnlineFilter.CreateLowpass(ImpulseResponse.Finite, fs[i], lpf);
                    OnlineFIRFiltersHPF[i][j]  = OnlineFilter.CreateHighpass(ImpulseResponse.Finite, fs[i], hpf);
                    OnlineFIRFiltersHPF2[i][j] = OnlineFilter.CreateHighpass(ImpulseResponse.Finite, fs[i], 0.001);


                    int order = 5;
                    var x0    = MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(order + 1, 1, 0);

                    var P0 = MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix <double> .Build.DenseIdentity(order + 1);

                    MocoKalman[i][j] = new DiscreteKalmanFilter(x0, P0);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public static void UpdateR(this DiscreteKalmanFilter dFilterSharp, IAdaptiveR adaptiveR, TimeSpan ts, Matrix <double> z, Matrix <double> H)
            var residual = z - H * dFilterSharp.State;

            adaptiveR.Update(ts, residual, H, dFilterSharp.Cov);/*Map(_ => Math.Abs(_)).AsColumnMajorArray();*/