Exemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Creats a new Presence object, copying values of the Rich Presence
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="presence">The rich presence, often received by discord.</param>
    public DiscordPresence(DiscordRPC.RichPresence presence)
        this.state   = presence.State;
        this.details = presence.Details;

        this.party   = presence.HasParty() ? new DiscordParty(presence.Party) : new DiscordParty();
        this.secrets = presence.HasSecrets() ? new DiscordSecrets(presence.Secrets) : new DiscordSecrets();

        if (presence.HasAssets())
            this.smallAsset = new DiscordAsset()
                image   = presence.Assets.SmallImageKey,
                tooltip = presence.Assets.SmallImageText

            this.largeAsset = new DiscordAsset()
                image   = presence.Assets.LargeImageKey,
                tooltip = presence.Assets.LargeImageText
            this.smallAsset = new DiscordAsset();
            this.largeAsset = new DiscordAsset();

        if (presence.HasTimestamps())
            this.startTime = presence.Timestamps.Start.HasValue ? new DiscordTimestamp(presence.Timestamps.Start.Value) : new DiscordTimestamp(0);
            this.endTime   = presence.Timestamps.End.HasValue ? new DiscordTimestamp(presence.Timestamps.End.Value) : new DiscordTimestamp(0);
        private void UpdatePresence(string artist, string track, string album, string duration, Boolean playing)
            DiscordRPC.RichPresence presence = new DiscordRPC.RichPresence();

            /* Discord RPC doesn't like strings that are only one character long, so I
             * add a space after each track to make sure it's over 1 character long */
            track  = Utility.Utf16ToUtf8(track + " ");
            artist = Utility.Utf16ToUtf8("by " + artist);                           // Next line, shows the artist
            // There are characters at the end of each line which Discord renders poorly
            // (side-effect of Utf8, I guess?) so we need touse a substring instead
            presence.state   = artist.Substring(0, artist.Length - 1);
            presence.details = track.Substring(0, track.Length - 1);

            // Hovering over the image presents the album name
            presence.largeImageText = album;

            /* Next block  is fetching the album image from Discord's
             *             server. They don't allow spaces in their file names, so
             *             we need to convert them into underscores. */

            char[] albumArray = album.ToCharArray();                // Create a char array because we can't edit strings

            // Search album string for spaces
            for (int i = 0; i < album.Length; i++)
                // If the current character is a space, turn it into an underscore
                // If the current character is an apostrophe, turn it into an underscore (discord doesnt support them and does this too)
                if (album[i] == ' ' || album[i] == '\'')
                    albumArray[i] = '_';
                // Otherwise, just continue on
                    albumArray[i] = album[i];
            // Create a string from the array, in lowercase
            string newAlbum = new String(albumArray).ToLower();

            newAlbum = checkAlbumList(newAlbum);
            // Set the album art to the manipulated album string.
            presence.largeImageKey = newAlbum;

            // Set the small image to the playback status.
            if (playing)
                presence.smallImageKey = "playing";
                presence.smallImageKey = "paused";

            DiscordRPC.UpdatePresence(ref presence);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public override void Update(DiscordRPC.RichPresence RP)
     // DiscordRpc.UpdatePresence(RP);
     //  RP.details = Text1;
     //  RP.state = Text2;
     //  RP.largeImageKey = ImgLarge;
     //  RP.largeImageText = TextLarge;
     //  RP.smallImageKey = ImgSmall;
     //  RP.smallImageText = TextSmall;
    /// <summary>
    /// Creats a new Presence object, copying values of the Rich Presence
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="presence">The rich presence, often received by discord.</param>
    public DiscordPresence(DiscordRPC.RichPresence presence)
        if (presence != null)
            this.state   = presence.State;
            this.details = presence.Details;

            this.party   = presence.HasParty() ? new DiscordParty(presence.Party) : new DiscordParty();
            this.secrets = presence.HasSecrets() ? new DiscordSecrets(presence.Secrets) : new DiscordSecrets();

            if (presence.HasAssets())
                this.smallAsset = new DiscordAsset()
                    image     = presence.Assets.SmallImageKey,
                    tooltip   = presence.Assets.SmallImageText,
                    snowflake = presence.Assets.SmallImageID.GetValueOrDefault(0)

                this.largeAsset = new DiscordAsset()
                    image     = presence.Assets.LargeImageKey,
                    tooltip   = presence.Assets.LargeImageText,
                    snowflake = presence.Assets.LargeImageID.GetValueOrDefault(0)
                this.smallAsset = new DiscordAsset();
                this.largeAsset = new DiscordAsset();

            if (presence.HasTimestamps())
                //This could probably be made simpler
                this.startTime = presence.Timestamps.Start.HasValue ? new DiscordTimestamp((long)presence.Timestamps.StartUnixMilliseconds.Value) : DiscordTimestamp.Invalid;
                this.endTime   = presence.Timestamps.End.HasValue ? new DiscordTimestamp((long)presence.Timestamps.EndUnixMilliseconds.Value) : DiscordTimestamp.Invalid;
            this.state      = "";
            this.details    = "";
            this.party      = new DiscordParty();
            this.secrets    = new DiscordSecrets();
            this.smallAsset = new DiscordAsset();
            this.largeAsset = new DiscordAsset();
            this.startTime  = DiscordTimestamp.Invalid;
            this.endTime    = DiscordTimestamp.Invalid;
Exemplo n.º 5
    /// <summary>
    /// Converts this object into a new instance of a rich presence, ready to be sent to the discord client.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>A new instance of a rich presence, ready to be sent to the discord client.</returns>
    public DiscordRPC.RichPresence ToRichPresence()
        var presence = new DiscordRPC.RichPresence();

        presence.State   = this.state;
        presence.Details = this.details;

        presence.Party   = !this.party.IsEmpty() ? this.party.ToRichParty() : null;
        presence.Secrets = !this.secrets.IsEmpty() ? this.secrets.ToRichSecrets() : null;

        if ((smallAsset != null && !smallAsset.IsEmpty()) || (largeAsset != null && !largeAsset.IsEmpty()))
            presence.Assets = new DiscordRPC.Assets()
                SmallImageKey  = smallAsset.image,
                SmallImageText = smallAsset.tooltip,

                LargeImageKey  = largeAsset.image,
                LargeImageText = largeAsset.tooltip

        if (startTime.IsValid() || endTime.IsValid())
            presence.Timestamps = new DiscordRPC.Timestamps();
            if (startTime.IsValid())
                presence.Timestamps.Start = startTime.GetDateTime();
            if (endTime.IsValid())
                presence.Timestamps.End = endTime.GetDateTime();

        if (buttons.Length > 0)
            presence.Buttons = new DiscordRPC.Button[buttons.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Length; i++)
                presence.Buttons[i] = new DiscordRPC.Button
                    Label = buttons[i].label,
                    Url   = buttons[i].url

Exemplo n.º 6
    /// <summary>
    /// Converts this object into a new instance of a rich presence, ready to be sent to the discord client.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>A new instance of a rich presence, ready to be sent to the discord client.</returns>
    public DiscordRPC.RichPresence ToRichPresence()
        var presence = new DiscordRPC.RichPresence();

        presence.State   = this.state;
        presence.Details = this.details;

        presence.Party   = !this.party.IsEmpty() ? this.party.ToRichParty() : null;
        presence.Secrets = !this.secrets.IsEmpty() ? this.secrets.ToRichSecrets() : null;

        if ((smallAsset != null && !smallAsset.IsEmpty()) || (largeAsset != null && !largeAsset.IsEmpty()))
            presence.Assets = new DiscordRPC.Assets()
                SmallImageKey  = smallAsset.image,
                SmallImageText = smallAsset.tooltip,

                LargeImageKey  = largeAsset.image,
                LargeImageText = largeAsset.tooltip

        if (startTime.IsValid() || endTime.IsValid())
            presence.Timestamps = new DiscordRPC.Timestamps();
            if (startTime.IsValid())
                presence.Timestamps.Start = startTime.GetDateTime();
            if (endTime.IsValid())
                presence.Timestamps.End = endTime.GetDateTime();

        if ((firstButton != null && !firstButton.IsEmpty()) || (secondButton != null && !secondButton.IsEmpty()))
            presence.Buttons = new DiscordRPC.Button[]
                new DiscordRPC.Button {
                    Label = firstButton.label, Url = firstButton.url
                new DiscordRPC.Button {
                    Label = secondButton.label, Url = secondButton.url

        private void UpdatePresence(string song, string duration, int position, string state = "Listening to music")
            DiscordRPC.RichPresence presence = new DiscordRPC.RichPresence();
            presence.state         = state;
            song                   = Utility.Utf16ToUtf8(song);
            presence.details       = song.Substring(0, song.Length - 1);
            presence.largeImageKey = "musicbee";
            long now = (long)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds;

            presence.startTimestamp = now - position;
            // string[] durations = duration.Split(':');
            // long end = now + System.Convert.ToInt64(durations[0]) * 60 + System.Convert.ToInt64(durations[1]);
            // presence.endTimestamp = end;
            DiscordRPC.UpdatePresence(ref presence);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public override void Update(DiscordRPC.RichPresence RP)
            //      RP.largeImageKey = "winmedia";
            //     RP.largeImageText = "Windoware is best";
            IntPtr            Handle   = FindWindow("WMPlayerApp", "Windows Media Player");
            TreeWalker        walker   = TreeWalker.ControlViewWalker;
            AutomationElement Player   = AutomationElement.FromHandle(Handle);
            AutomationElement AppHost  = walker.GetFirstChild(Player);
            AutomationElement SkinHost = walker.GetFirstChild(AppHost);
            AutomationElement Con      = walker.GetFirstChild(SkinHost);
            AutomationElement song     = walker.GetFirstChild(Con);

            foreach (object i in song.CachedChildren)

            //   DiscordRpc.UpdatePresence(RP);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public override void Update(DiscordRPC.RichPresence RP)
            WinType Type = WinType;

            if (WinType == WinType.Auto)
                // Insert code to detect windows version
            Type = WinType.Win10;
            //      RP.smallImageKey = "";
            //        RP.smallImageText = "";
            //       RP.startTimestamp = 0;
            //      RP.endTimestamp = 0;
            //      RP.largeImageText = "";
            switch (Type)
            case WinType.Win10:
                //            RP.details = "Windows 10";
                //           RP.largeImageKey = "win8";
                //          RP.largeImageText = "Inserting spyware...";
                long     ticks      = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
                double   uptime     = ((double)ticks) / Stopwatch.Frequency;
                TimeSpan uptimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(uptime);
                //RP.state = $"{uptimeSpan.Hours} h {uptimeSpan.Minutes} m";

            case WinType.Win8:
                // Windows 8 icon

            case WinType.Win7:
                // Windows 7 icon

            case WinType.WinXP:
                // Windows XP icon
            // Pick a random string
            //   DiscordRpc.UpdatePresence(RP);
Exemplo n.º 10
    /// <summary>
    /// Converts this object into a new instance of a rich presence, ready to be sent to the discord client.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>A new instance of a rich presence, ready to be sent to the discord client.</returns>
    public DiscordRPC.RichPresence ToRichPresence()
        var presence = new DiscordRPC.RichPresence();

        presence.State   = this.state;
        presence.Details = this.details;

        presence.Party   = !this.party.IsEmpty() ? this.party.ToRichParty() : null;
        presence.Secrets = !this.secrets.IsEmpty() ? this.secrets.ToRichSecrets() : null;

        if (!smallAsset.IsEmpty() || !largeAsset.IsEmpty())
            presence.Assets = new DiscordRPC.Assets()
                SmallImageKey  = smallAsset.image,
                SmallImageText = smallAsset.tooltip,

                LargeImageKey  = largeAsset.image,
                LargeImageText = largeAsset.tooltip

        if (startTime.IsValid() || endTime.IsValid())
            presence.Timestamps = new DiscordRPC.Timestamps();
            if (startTime.IsValid())
                presence.Timestamps.Start = startTime.GetDateTime();
            if (endTime.IsValid())
                presence.Timestamps.End = endTime.GetDateTime();

Exemplo n.º 11
        public override void Update(DiscordRPC.RichPresence RP)
            //     RP.state = "";
            Process[] p = Process.GetProcessesByName("firefox");
            //    RP.largeImageKey = "firefoxnightly";
            //    RP.largeImageText = "Browsing...";
            //    RP.details = Proc.MainWindowTitle;
            //    if (RP.details.Contains(" - Firefox Nightly"))
            //        RP.details = RP.details.Replace(" - Firefox Nightly", "");
            //    else
            //        RP.details = RP.details.Replace(" - Firefox", "");

            //int Count = 0;
            //     while (RP.details.StartsWith("("))
            //      {
            //         RP.details = RP.details.Replace($"({Count})", "");
            //         Count++;
            //     }

            //      Console.WriteLine(RP.details);
            //     if (RP.details.Contains(" - YouTube"))
            //   {
            //         RP.details = RP.details.Replace(" - YouTube", "");
            //        RP.smallImageKey = "youtube";
            //        RP.smallImageText = "YouTube";
            //         if (RP.details.Contains(" [Monstercat Release]"))
            //        {
            //             RP.details = RP.details.Replace(" [Monstercat Release]", "");
            //             RP.smallImageText = "YouTube - Monstercat";
            //         }
            //     }
            //     else if (RP.details == "Google" || RP.details.Contains("Google Search"))
            //    {
            //         RP.details = "Searching Google";
            //        RP.smallImageKey = "google";
            //         RP.smallImageText = "Never use bing";
            //    }
            //     else if (RP.details.EndsWith(" - Gmail"))
            //     {
            //         RP.details = "Gmail";
            //         RP.state = "Reading emails";
            //         RP.smallImageKey = "google";
            //         RP.smallImageText = "Never use bing";
            //     }
            //     else if (RP.details.StartsWith("Discord - "))
            //     {
            //         RP.state = RP.details.Replace("Discord - ", "");
            //         RP.details = "Discord";
            //         RP.smallImageKey = "discord";
            //         RP.smallImageText = "X days before outage";
            //     }
            //     else if (RP.details.EndsWith(" | Trello") && RP.details.Contains("("))
            //     {
            //         RP.state = RP.details.Replace(" | Trello", "");
            //         RP.smallImageKey = "trello";
            //        RP.smallImageText = "Playing with chalk";
            //        if (RP.state == "Home" || RP.state == "Boards" || RP.state == "Profile" || RP.state == "Cards" || RP.state == "Settings" || RP.state == "Billing" || RP.state == "Keyboard Shortcuts")
            //        {
            //            RP.details = "Trello";
            //            RP.state = "Viewing profile";
            //        }
            //         else
            //        {
            //             RP.details = "- Trello Board -";
            //         }
            //     }

            //     if (RP.details.Length > 25)
            //     {
            //          IEnumerable<string> Strings = ChunksUpto(RP.details, 25);
            //          int Count2 = 0;
            //         foreach (string S in Strings)
            //        {
            //             if (Count2 == 0) RP.details = S;
            //             if (Count2 != 0) RP.state += S;
            //             Count2++;
            //         }
            //     }

            //      DiscordRpc.UpdatePresence(RP);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public override void Update(DiscordRPC.RichPresence RP)
Exemplo n.º 13
 public static extern void UpdatePresence(ref DiscordRPC.RichPresence presence);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public virtual void Update(DiscordRPC.RichPresence rp)
Exemplo n.º 15
 public override void Update(DiscordRPC.RichPresence RP)