public void SpawnEnemy(Vector3 position, DiscType lootedDiscType) { if (spawned) { return; } spawned = true; damageReceiptionSystem.SetUpSystem(false); transform.position = position; gameObject.SetActive(true); SetUpInitiative(); _lootedDiscType = lootedDiscType; if (_lootedDiscType != DiscType.None) { Debug.Log(name + " will loot " + _lootedDiscType + " disc"); } if (lootDiscIndicator != null) { lootDiscIndicator.SetActive(_lootedDiscType != DiscType.None); } InitLifeBar(damageReceiptionSystem.GetCurrentLifeAmount); tooltipCollider.SetValueInInfos(damageReceiptionSystem.GetCurrentLifeAmount); enemyAnimator.SetBool("Dead", false); }
public ActionResult Index(string filter, EntryType searchType = EntryType.Undefined, bool allowRedirect = true, string tag = null, string sort = null, int? artistId = null, ArtistType? artistType = null, DiscType? discType = null, SongType? songType = null, bool? onlyWithPVs = null ) { filter = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter) ? filter.Trim() : string.Empty; if (allowRedirect && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter)) { var redirectResult = TryRedirect(filter, searchType); if (redirectResult != null) return redirectResult; } ViewBag.Query = filter; ViewBag.SearchType = searchType != EntryType.Undefined ? searchType.ToString() : "Anything"; ViewBag.Tag = tag; ViewBag.Sort = sort; ViewBag.ArtistId = artistId; ViewBag.ArtistType = artistType; ViewBag.DiscType = discType; ViewBag.SongType = songType; ViewBag.OnlyWithPVs = onlyWithPVs; SetSearchEntryType(searchType); return View(); }
public static Disc Create(this DiscType type, string path, Action <string> errorCallback) { //--- load the disc in a context which will let us abort if it's going to take too long var discMountJob = new DiscMountJob { IN_FromPath = path, IN_SlowLoadAbortThreshold = 8 }; discMountJob.Run(); var disc = discMountJob.OUT_Disc ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"Can't find the file specified: {path}"); if (discMountJob.OUT_SlowLoadAborted) { errorCallback("This disc would take too long to load. Run it through DiscoHawk first, or find a new rip because this one is probably junk"); return(null); } if (discMountJob.OUT_ErrorLevel) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"\r\n{discMountJob.OUT_Log}"); } var discType = new DiscIdentifier(disc).DetectDiscType(); if (discType != type) { errorCallback($"Not a {type} disc"); return(null); } return(disc); }
public void DiscOverload(DiscType overloadType) { switch (overloadType) { case DiscType.Piercing: PlayerExperienceManager.Instance.GainGold(discOverloadPiercingGainedExperience); break; case DiscType.Ghost: GameManager.Instance.GainActionPoints(discOverloadGhostGainedActionPoints); break; case DiscType.Explosive: EffectZone explosiveEffectZone = EffectZonesManager.Instance.GetEffectZoneFromPool(discOverloadExplosiveEffectZoneType); if (explosiveEffectZone != null) { explosiveEffectZone.StartZone(player.transform.position); } break; case DiscType.Heavy: GameManager.Instance.GetPlayer.damageReceiptionSystem.RegainLife(discOverloadHeavyGainedHP); break; case DiscType.Shockwave: EffectZone shockwaveEffectZone = EffectZonesManager.Instance.GetEffectZoneFromPool(discOverloadShockwaveEffectZoneType); if (shockwaveEffectZone != null) { shockwaveEffectZone.StartZone(player.transform.position); } break; } }
public IActionResult DiscTypeAdd(DiscType discType) { _context.Add(discType); _context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("DiscType")); }
public static ShapesMaterials GetDiscMaterial(DiscType type) { ShapesMaterials Load() { switch (type) { case DiscType.Disc: return(matDisc); case DiscType.Pie: return(matCircleSector); case DiscType.Ring: return(matRing); case DiscType.Arc: return(matRingSector); default: throw new IndexOutOfRangeException($"Failed to get disc material, invalid enum index of {(int)type} "); } } ShapesMaterials mat = Load(); #if UNITY_EDITOR if (mat == null) // editor only to save perf in builds { throw new NullReferenceException($"Loaded disc material {type} is null"); } #endif return(mat); }
public DiscScript GetDiscFromPool(DiscType discType) { if (allDiscPools.ContainsKey(discType)) { DiscScript newDisc = null; if (allDiscPools[discType].Count > 0) { newDisc = allDiscPools[discType].Dequeue(); newDisc.gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { newDisc = Instantiate(discTypeToPrefab[discType], discTypeToPoolParent[discType]); newDisc.SetUpModifiers(); newDisc.SetDiscType(discType); newDisc.gameObject.SetActive(true); } inGameDiscs.Add(newDisc); return(newDisc); } return(null); }
public PartialFindResult <AlbumContract> Find( SearchTextQuery textQuery, DiscType discType, int start, int maxResults, bool getTotalCount, AlbumSortRule sortRule = AlbumSortRule.Name, bool moveExactToTop = false) { var queryParams = new AlbumQueryParams(textQuery, discType, start, maxResults, getTotalCount, sortRule, moveExactToTop); return(Find(queryParams)); }
public PartialFindResult <AlbumContract> Find( string query, DiscType discType, int start, int maxResults, bool draftsOnly, bool getTotalCount, NameMatchMode nameMatchMode = NameMatchMode.Auto, AlbumSortRule sortRule = AlbumSortRule.Name, bool moveExactToTop = false) { var queryParams = new AlbumQueryParams(query, discType, start, maxResults, draftsOnly, getTotalCount, nameMatchMode, sortRule, moveExactToTop); return(Find(queryParams)); }
void DrawAngleProperties(DiscType selectedType) { using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(selectedType.HasSector() == false && serializedObject.isEditingMultipleObjects == false)) { ShapesUI.AngleProperty(propAngRadiansStart, "Angle start", propAngUnitInput, angLabelLayout); ShapesUI.AngleProperty(propAngRadiansEnd, "Angle end", propAngUnitInput, angLabelLayout); ShapesUI.DrawAngleSwitchButtons(propAngUnitInput); } }
public AlbumQueryParams(SearchTextQuery textQuery, DiscType discType, int start, int maxResults, bool getTotalCount, AlbumSortRule sortRule = AlbumSortRule.Name, bool moveExactToTop = false) { Common = new CommonSearchParams(textQuery, false, moveExactToTop); Paging = new PagingProperties(start, maxResults, getTotalCount); AlbumType = discType; SortRule = sortRule; }
public AlbumQueryParams(string query, DiscType discType, int start, int maxResults, bool draftsOnly, bool getTotalCount, NameMatchMode nameMatchMode = NameMatchMode.Auto, AlbumSortRule sortRule = AlbumSortRule.Name, bool moveExactToTop = false) { Common = new CommonSearchParams(query, draftsOnly, nameMatchMode, false, moveExactToTop); Paging = new PagingProperties(start, maxResults, getTotalCount); AlbumType = discType; SortRule = sortRule; }
public static IQueryable <Album> WhereHasType(this IQueryable <Album> query, DiscType albumType) { if (albumType == DiscType.Unknown) { return(query); } return(query.Where(m => m.DiscType == albumType)); }
public ActionResult Index(string query, DiscType discType = DiscType.Unknown, int start = 0, bool getTotalCount = false, AlbumSortRule sort = AlbumSortRule.Name, NameMatchMode nameMatchMode = NameMatchMode.Exact, DataFormat format = DataFormat.Auto) { var queryParams = new AlbumQueryParams(query, discType, start, maxResults, false, getTotalCount, nameMatchMode, sort); var entries = Service.Find(a => new AlbumForApiContract(a, LoginManager.LanguagePreference), queryParams); return(Object(entries, format)); }
public ActionResult Index(string query, DiscType discType = DiscType.Unknown, int start = 0, bool getTotalCount = false, AlbumSortRule sort = AlbumSortRule.Name, NameMatchMode nameMatchMode = NameMatchMode.Exact, DataFormat format = DataFormat.Auto) { var queryParams = new AlbumQueryParams(query, discType, start, maxResults, false, getTotalCount, nameMatchMode, sort); var entries = Service.Find(a => new AlbumForApiContract(a, LoginManager.LanguagePreference), queryParams); return Object(entries, format); }
public PartialFindResult <AlbumForApiContract> GetList( string query = "", DiscType discTypes = DiscType.Unknown, [FromUri] string[] tagName = null, [FromUri] int[] tagId = null, bool childTags = false, [FromUri] int[] artistId = null, ArtistAlbumParticipationStatus artistParticipationStatus = ArtistAlbumParticipationStatus.Everything, bool childVoicebanks = false, bool includeMembers = false, string barcode = null, EntryStatus?status = null, DateTime?releaseDateAfter = null, DateTime?releaseDateBefore = null, [FromUri] AdvancedSearchFilter[] advancedFilters = null, int start = 0, int maxResults = defaultMax, bool getTotalCount = false, AlbumSortRule?sort = null, bool preferAccurateMatches = false, bool deleted = false, NameMatchMode nameMatchMode = NameMatchMode.Exact, AlbumOptionalFields fields = AlbumOptionalFields.None, ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default) { var textQuery = SearchTextQuery.Create(query, nameMatchMode); var queryParams = new AlbumQueryParams(textQuery, discTypes, start, Math.Min(maxResults, absoluteMax), getTotalCount, sort ?? AlbumSortRule.Name, preferAccurateMatches) { ArtistParticipation = { ArtistIds = artistId, Participation = artistParticipationStatus, ChildVoicebanks = childVoicebanks, IncludeMembers = includeMembers }, Tags = tagName, TagIds = tagId, ChildTags = childTags, Barcode = barcode, Deleted = deleted, ReleaseDateAfter = releaseDateAfter, ReleaseDateBefore = releaseDateBefore, AdvancedFilters = advancedFilters, LanguagePreference = lang }; queryParams.Common.EntryStatus = status; var ssl = WebHelper.IsSSL(Request); var entries = service.Find(a => new AlbumForApiContract(a, null, lang, thumbPersister, ssl, fields, SongOptionalFields.None), queryParams); return(entries); }
internal ExtractedFile(DiscType discType, string discId8, string partitionId, long offset, long length, string path, string name, ExtractedFileType type) { DiscType = discType; DiscId8 = discId8; PartitionId = partitionId; Offset = offset; Length = length; Path = path; Name = name; Type = type; }
public void SetIcon(int indexSprite, int number) { RefreshImage(indexSprite); textValue.text = number.ToString(); discType = (DiscType)indexSprite; tooltipCollider.SetTooltipInformations(TooltipInformationFactory.GetDiscTypeInformations(DiscManager.Instance.GetDiscInformations(discType), tooltipCollider.GetTooltipInformations.forcedTooltipLPosition, tooltipCollider.GetTooltipInformations.tooltipForcedPositionType)); tooltipCollider.SetTooltipable(discType != DiscType.None); }
public Disc(DiscType type, string barcode ) { if (type == DiscType.CD) size = sizeCD; else size = sizeDVD; GoodType = CategoryHelper.CreateCategory("Диски"); GoodCategory = CategoryHelper.CreateCategory(type.ToString(), GoodType.Id); Barcode = barcode; }
void DrawAngleProperties(DiscType selectedType) { using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(selectedType.HasSector() == false && serializedObject.isEditingMultipleObjects == false)) { ShapesUI.AngleProperty(propAngRadiansStart, "Angle start", propAngUnitInput, angLabelLayout); ShapesUI.AngleProperty(propAngRadiansEnd, "Angle end", propAngUnitInput, angLabelLayout); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(" "); GUIContent[] angLabels = (Screen.width < 300) ? ShapesAssets.AngleUnitButtonContentsShort : ShapesAssets.AngleUnitButtonContents; ShapesUI.DrawTypeSwitchButtons(propAngUnitInput, angLabels, 15); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { base.BeginProperties(showColor: false); // Color properties EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(propColorMode); switch ((Disc.DiscColorMode)propColorMode.enumValueIndex) { case Disc.DiscColorMode.Single: base.PropertyFieldColor(); break; case Disc.DiscColorMode.Radial: base.PropertyFieldColor("Inner"); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(propColorOuterStart, new GUIContent("Outer")); break; case Disc.DiscColorMode.Angular: base.PropertyFieldColor("Start"); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(propColorInnerEnd, new GUIContent("End")); break; case Disc.DiscColorMode.Bilinear: base.PropertyFieldColor("Inner Start"); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(propColorOuterStart, new GUIContent("Outer Start")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(propColorInnerEnd, new GUIContent("Inner End")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(propColorOuterEnd, new GUIContent("Outer End")); break; } using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("Type"); ShapesUI.DrawTypeSwitchButtons(propType, ShapesAssets.DiscTypeButtonContents, 20); } DiscType selectedType = (DiscType)propType.enumValueIndex; if (propType.enumValueIndex == (int)DiscType.Arc) { ShapesUI.EnumToggleProperty(propArcEndCaps, "Round Caps"); } ShapesUI.FloatInSpaceField(propRadius, propRadiusSpace); using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(selectedType.HasThickness() == false && serializedObject.isEditingMultipleObjects == false)) ShapesUI.FloatInSpaceField(propThickness, propThicknessSpace); DrawAngleProperties(selectedType); ShapesUI.BeginGroup(); dashEditor.DrawProperties(); ShapesUI.EndGroup(); base.EndProperties(); }
public ActionResult Index(string query, DiscType discType = DiscType.Unknown, int start = 0, bool getTotalCount = false, AlbumSortRule sort = AlbumSortRule.Name, NameMatchMode nameMatchMode = NameMatchMode.Exact, bool includeArtists = true, bool includeNames = true, bool includePVs = false, bool includeTags = true, bool includeWebLinks = false, DataFormat format = DataFormat.Auto, ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default) { var queryParams = new AlbumQueryParams(query, discType, start, maxResults, false, getTotalCount, nameMatchMode, sort); var entries = Service.Find(a => new AlbumForApiContract(a, null, lang, includeArtists, includeNames, includePVs, includeTags, includeWebLinks), queryParams); return Object(entries, format); }
public Index(PartialFindResult<AlbumContract> result, string filter, DiscType discType, AlbumSortRule sortRule, EntryViewMode view, int? page, bool? draftsOnly, IndexRouteParams routeParams) { Page = page ?? 1; Albums = new StaticPagedList<AlbumContract>(result.Items, Page, 30, result.TotalCount); DiscType = discType; DraftsOnly = draftsOnly ?? false; Filter = filter; Sort = sortRule; View = view; RouteParams = routeParams; }
public Index(PartialFindResult <AlbumContract> result, string filter, DiscType discType, AlbumSortRule sortRule, EntryViewMode view, int?page, bool?draftsOnly, IndexRouteParams routeParams) { Page = page ?? 1; Albums = new StaticPagedList <AlbumContract>(result.Items, Page, 30, result.TotalCount); DiscType = discType; DraftsOnly = draftsOnly ?? false; Filter = filter; Sort = sortRule; View = view; RouteParams = routeParams; }
public ActionResult Index(string query, DiscType discType = DiscType.Unknown, int start = 0, bool getTotalCount = false, AlbumSortRule sort = AlbumSortRule.Name, NameMatchMode nameMatchMode = NameMatchMode.Exact, bool includeArtists = true, bool includeNames = true, bool includePVs = false, bool includeTags = true, bool includeWebLinks = false, DataFormat format = DataFormat.Auto, ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default) { var queryParams = new AlbumQueryParams(query, discType, start, maxResults, false, getTotalCount, nameMatchMode, sort); var entries = Service.Find(a => new AlbumForApiContract(a, null, lang, includeArtists, includeNames, includePVs, includeTags, includeWebLinks), queryParams); return(Object(entries, format)); }
public static ContentFocus GetContentFocus(DiscType t) { switch (t) { case DiscType.Artbook: return(ContentFocus.Illustration); case DiscType.Video: return(ContentFocus.Video); default: return(ContentFocus.Music); } }
public EnemyBase SpawnEnemyAtPosition(EnemyType enemyType, Vector3 position, DiscType lootedDiscType) { EnemyBase newEnemy = GetEnemyFromPool(enemyType); if (newEnemy == null) { return(null); } newEnemy.SpawnEnemy(position, lootedDiscType); AddEnemy(newEnemy); return(newEnemy); }
public override void UpdateData() { if (poly == null) { return; } type = disc.Type; cap = disc.ArcEndCaps; radius = disc.Radius; thickness = disc.Thickness; angRadStart = disc.AngRadiansStart; angRadEnd = disc.AngRadiansEnd; Refresh(type, radius, thickness, angRadStart, angRadEnd); }
public void StartSpawning(EnemyType enemyTypeToSpawn, bool autoDetectPlayer, DiscType lootedDiscType) { if (enemyTypeToSpawn == EnemyType.None) { return; } spawnPendingEnemyType = enemyTypeToSpawn; spawnPendingWillAutoDetectPlayer = autoDetectPlayer; spawnPendingLootedDiscType = lootedDiscType; TurnManager.Instance.AddPendingSpawnPoint(this); //spawnZoneDebugObject.SetActive(true); fxGameObject = FxManager.Instance.SendFx(FxType.enemySpawnPreparation, gameObject.transform.position + Vector3.up * 0.01f); tooltipCollider.gameObject.SetActive(true); fxGameObject.SetActive(true); }
public void ReturnDiscInPool(DiscScript disc) { DiscType discType = disc.GetDiscType; disc.gameObject.SetActive(false); inGameDiscs.Remove(disc); if (allDiscPools.ContainsKey(discType)) { allDiscPools[discType].Enqueue(disc); } else { Destroy(disc.gameObject); } }
public IActionResult DiscTypeAdd() { int id; try { id = _context.DiscTypes.Max(d => d.DiscTypeId) + 1; } catch { id = 1; } DiscType discType = new DiscType(); discType.DiscTypeId = id; return(View(discType)); }
void Awake() { TCForce[] forces = GetComponents <TCForce>(); if (this != forces[0]) { if (forces[0].IsGlobalShape) { shape = forces[0].shape; radius = forces[0].radius; boxSize = forces[0].boxSize; height = forces[0].height; discHeight = forces[0].discHeight; discRounding = forces[0].discRounding; discType = forces[0].discType; } } m_rigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); }
public DiscInformations GetDiscInformations(DiscType discType) { if (discInformations.Count == 0) { return(null); } if (discsDictionnary.Count == 0) { GenerateDiscsDictionary(); } if (discsDictionnary.ContainsKey(discType)) { return(discsDictionnary[discType]); } return(null); }
public void PlayerRetreiveDisc(DiscScript retreivedDisc) { SoundManager.Instance.PlaySound(Sound.RecallDisc, player.transform.position); throwedDiscs.Remove(retreivedDisc); ReturnDiscInPool(retreivedDisc); if (possessedDiscs.Count < maxNumberOfPossessedDiscs) { possessedDiscs.Push(retreivedDisc.GetDiscType); OnDiscAdded?.Invoke(retreivedDisc); OnDiscUpdate?.Invoke(possessedDiscs); } else { DiscType retreivedDiscType = retreivedDisc.GetDiscType; DiscOverload(retreivedDiscType); //Debug.Log("TOO MUCH DISCS, NOT ADDED BUT SUPPOSED TO BE SOMETHING"); } GameManager.Instance.CheckForCompetencesUsability(); }
public DVD(bool isoneside, string name, string model) { if (isoneside == true) { discType = DiscType.oneside; memorySizeMB = 4.7 * 1024; Name = name; Model = model; seizedMemoryMB = 0; freeMemoryMB = memorySizeMB; } else { discType = DiscType.bothside; memorySizeMB = 9 * 1024; Name = name; Model = model; seizedMemoryMB = 0; freeMemoryMB = memorySizeMB; } }
public DiscDataEx(DiscData disc, int slotId, int changerId) { this.DiscId = disc.DiscId; this.DiscType = disc.DiscType; this.DrivePath = disc.DrivePath; this.VolumeLabel = disc.VolumeLabel; this.SlotId = slotId; this.ChangerId = changerId; if (disc.DiscType == DiscType.MovieDvd) { //load additional movie crud this.Director = this.GetMetaString(disc.MediaMetadata, "Director"); this.Title = this.GetMetaString(disc.MediaMetadata, "Title"); this.ReleaseDate = this.GetMetaString(disc.MediaMetadata, "ReleaseDate"); this.MPAARating = this.GetMetaString(disc.MediaMetadata, "MPAARating"); this.Duration = this.GetMetaString(disc.MediaMetadata, "Duration"); } }
public PartialFindResult<AlbumForApiContract> GetList( string query = "", DiscType discTypes = DiscType.Unknown, string tag = null, int? artistId = null, ArtistAlbumParticipationStatus artistParticipationStatus = ArtistAlbumParticipationStatus.Everything, bool childVoicebanks = false, string barcode = null, EntryStatus? status = null, int start = 0, int maxResults = defaultMax, bool getTotalCount = false, AlbumSortRule? sort = null, NameMatchMode nameMatchMode = NameMatchMode.Exact, AlbumOptionalFields fields = AlbumOptionalFields.None, ContentLanguagePreference lang = ContentLanguagePreference.Default) { query = FindHelpers.GetMatchModeAndQueryForSearch(query, ref nameMatchMode); var queryParams = new AlbumQueryParams(query, discTypes, start, Math.Min(maxResults, absoluteMax), false, getTotalCount, nameMatchMode, sort ?? AlbumSortRule.Name) { Tag = tag, ArtistId = artistId ?? 0, ArtistParticipationStatus = artistParticipationStatus, ChildVoicebanks = childVoicebanks, Barcode = barcode }; queryParams.Common.EntryStatus = status; var ssl = WebHelper.IsSSL(Request); var entries = service.Find(a => new AlbumForApiContract(a, null, lang, thumbPersister, ssl, fields), queryParams); return entries; }
public static string DiscTypeName(DiscType discType) { return DiscTypeNames.ResourceManager.GetString(discType.ToString()); }
public static IQueryable<Album> WhereHasType(this IQueryable<Album> query, DiscType albumType) { if (albumType == DiscType.Unknown) return query; return query.Where(m => m.DiscType == albumType); }
public static bool IsAnimation(DiscType t) { return (t == DiscType.Video); }