Exemplo n.º 1
        public unsafe int SetCooperativeLevel(DirectInput8.IDirectInputDevice8 *This, IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 dwFlags)
            DSetCooperativeLevel del = (DSetCooperativeLevel)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(oldSetCooperativeLevel, typeof(DSetCooperativeLevel));

            /* Ask for non-exclusive, foreground-only access. Might need to revisit this for gamepads... */
            dwFlags = DirectInput8.DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE | DirectInput8.DISCL_FOREGROUND;
            return(del(This, hWnd, dwFlags));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public unsafe IDirectInputDevice8(DirectInput8.IDirectInputDevice8 *InDevice, YggdrasillInterface iface)
            Device    = InDevice;
            Interface = iface;

            /* Hook up any functions we care about */
Exemplo n.º 3
        public unsafe int GetDeviceState(DirectInput8.IDirectInputDevice8 *This, UInt32 cbData, IntPtr lpData)
            DGetDeviceState del = (DGetDeviceState)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(oldGetDeviceState, typeof(DGetDeviceState));
            int             rv  = del(This, cbData, lpData);

            /* XXXX: HACK!! 20 is the size of mouse data... Hopefully it isn't the size of anything else we care about. */
            if (cbData == 20)
                DirectInput8.DIMOUSESTATE2 *ms = (DirectInput8.DIMOUSESTATE2 *)lpData;
                Process p = Process.GetCurrentProcess();

                /* We only care when we go from not clicked to clicked... */
                if (buttonState == 0 && ms->rgbButtons_0 != 0)
                    User32.RECT  wndRect = new User32.RECT();
                    User32.POINT point   = new User32.POINT();

                    User32.GetWindowRect(p.MainWindowHandle, ref wndRect);
                    User32.GetCursorPos(out point);

                    /* Check bounds. */
                    if (point.X < wndRect.Left || point.X > wndRect.Right || point.Y < wndRect.Top || point.Y > wndRect.Bottom)
                        ms->rgbButtons_0 = 0;
                        ms->rgbButtons_1 = 0;

                buttonState = ms->rgbButtons_0;

            /* La de dah... Imma collect some garbage now. */
