Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override object SolvePart1()
            var(x, y) = (0, 0);
            var map = Input
                      .ToDictionary(l => l.ToArray()
                                    .ToDictionary(c => (X: x++, Y: y), c => c), c => (x, y) = (0, y + 1))
                      .SelectMany(i => i.Key)
                      .ToDictionary(i => i.Key, i => i.Value);

            var keys  = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".ToList();
            var doors = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".ToList();

            var gotKeys     = new List <char>();
            var openedDoors = new List <char>();

            var entrance = map.Single(p => p.Value == '@');

            //var manhattanKeys = allKeys.Select(k => NumberTheory.ManhattanDistance(entrance.Key, k.Key));
            //var manhattanDoors = allDoors.Select(k => NumberTheory.ManhattanDistance(entrance.Key, k.Key));

            var steps = 0;

            // The loop.

            var currentLocation = entrance.Key;

            while (keys.Count > 0)
                var allKeys  = map.Where(p => keys.Contains(p.Value)).ToList();
                var allDoors = map.Where(p => doors.Contains(p.Value)).ToList();

                //var possibleLocations = map.Where(p => p.Value != '#').ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value);
                var possibleLocations = map.Where(p => p.Value != '#' && !doors.Contains(p.Value) && !gotKeys.Contains(p.Value)).ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value);
                var pathCosts         = GetPathCosts(map, possibleLocations);

                var costsToKeys = new Dictionary <char, LinkedList <PathFindingBase <(int, int)> > >();

                foreach (var key in allKeys)
                    var shortPath = Dijkstras.CalculateShortestPathBetween(currentLocation, key.Key, pathCosts);
                    if (shortPath.Count > 0)
                        costsToKeys.Add(key.Value, shortPath);

                var closest = costsToKeys.First(c => c.Value.Count == costsToKeys.Min(p => p.Value.Count));
                map[currentLocation] = '.';
                map[closest.Value.Last().Destination] = '.';


                steps          += closest.Value.Count;
                currentLocation = closest.Value.Last().Destination;
            // Find cost to closest key and door or cost to available door.
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void GetShortestPath()
            var graph        = GetGraph();
            var shortestPath = Dijkstras <int> .GetShortestPath(graph, 1, 6);

            Assert.Equal(new[] { 1, 3, 6 }, shortestPath);
Exemplo n.º 3
    public void StartAlgorithmDijkstra()
        Dijkstras algo = new Dijkstras();

        algo.StartAlgorithm(map.GetStartPoint(), map.GetEndPoint(), this);

        Visualize(algo.GetPath(), algo.GetAlgoSteps());
Exemplo n.º 4
    IEnumerator Delayed()
        yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

        var nodes = FindObjectsOfType <Node>();

        Dijkstras.FindPath(nodes[0], nodes[200]);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public int NetworkDelayTime(int[][] times, int N, int K)
            var diGraph           = GraphUtilities.GetDiGraphFromWeightedEdges(times, N);
            var shortestDistances = Dijkstras <int> .GetShortestDistancesFrom(diGraph, K - 1);

            var maxTime = shortestDistances.Values.Max();

            return(maxTime == int.MaxValue? -1: maxTime);
Exemplo n.º 6
        private static (List <string> route, long totalTime) FindShortestRoute(string start, string destination)
            var(graph, stationMap) = GraphCreator.CreateGraphFromFile();
            var startIndex = stationMap[start];
            var endIndex   = stationMap[destination];

            var(distances, parents) = Dijkstras.Calculate(graph, startIndex, stationMap.Count);

            var path = Dijkstras.GetPath(endIndex, parents);

            var route = path?.Select(i => stationMap.Single(d => d.Value == i).Key).ToList();

            return(route, distances[stationMap[destination]]);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void GetShortestDirectedDistances()
            var graph = GetDirectedGraph();

            var distances = Dijkstras <int> .GetShortestDistancesFrom(graph, 0);

            Assert.Equal(0, distances[0]);
            Assert.Equal(7, distances[1]);
            Assert.Equal(9, distances[2]);
            Assert.Equal(20, distances[3]);
            Assert.Equal(26, distances[4]);
            Assert.Equal(11, distances[5]);
Exemplo n.º 8
		public HashSet<Vector3> paintRoomAroundLine (Edge e0, int w, int h){
			var edges = (Edge.straightenEdge(e0));
			var hallwayPoints = new HashSet<Vector3>();
			foreach (Edge e in edges){
				var angle = Vector3.Angle(e.slope,Vector3.forward);
				if ( Mathf.Approximately(90,angle)) {
					var path = Dijkstras.ASTAR(graph,e.v1,e.v2);
				} else {
			return hallwayPoints;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public void Refresh()
     Dijkstras.ConnectionList connections = Dijkstras.GetConnections(this);
     foreach (var connection in connections)
         if (Weight == 0 && !Mathf.Approximately(connection.to.getWeight(), 0) || Mathf.Sign(connection.to.getWeight()) != Mathf.Sign(Weight))
             var cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
             cube.tag = "Border";
             DestroyImmediate(cube.GetComponent <Collider>());
             Material standardShaderMaterial = cube.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = wallMat;
             cube.transform.position   = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, connection.to.transform.position, .5f);
             cube.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * .2f;
             cube.transform.localScale += Vector3.right * .25f;
             //Destroy(cube, 1f);
Exemplo n.º 10
    public Edge[] PopulateEdges(float option)
        foreach (var v in vertices)
            foreach (var w in vertices)
                if (v == w)

                if (edges.Find(e => (e.A == v && e.B == w) || (e.A == w && e.B == v)) == null)
                    CreateEdge(v, w);

        List <Edge> important = new List <Edge>();

        while (edges.Count > 0)
            edges.Sort((e1, e2) => e2.dist2().CompareTo(e1.dist2())); // ordena - mais longa primeiro
            var candidate = edges[0];

            var d = new Dijkstras();
            d.Initialize(vertices.ToArray(), candidate.A, candidate.B, gdh, gah);

            if (d.FindDistance() > 1000 || candidate.dist2() < option) //  remover a conexão causou a disconexão do grafo

        foreach (var i in important)
            CreateEdge(i.A, i.B); // restitui apenas os importantes
                public static void Test()
                    Dijkstras <char> g = new Dijkstras <char>();

                    g.add_vertex('A', new Dictionary <char, int>()
                        { 'B', 7 }, { 'C', 8 }
                    g.add_vertex('B', new Dictionary <char, int>()
                        { 'A', 7 }, { 'F', 2 }
                    g.add_vertex('C', new Dictionary <char, int>()
                        { 'A', 8 }, { 'F', 6 }, { 'G', 4 }
                    g.add_vertex('D', new Dictionary <char, int>()
                        { 'F', 8 }, { 'I', 3 }
                    g.add_vertex('E', new Dictionary <char, int>()
                        { 'H', 1 }
                    g.add_vertex('F', new Dictionary <char, int>()
                        { 'B', 2 }, { 'C', 6 }, { 'D', 8 }, { 'G', 9 }, { 'H', 3 }
                    g.add_vertex('G', new Dictionary <char, int>()
                        { 'C', 4 }, { 'F', 9 }
                    g.add_vertex('H', new Dictionary <char, int>()
                        { 'E', 1 }, { 'F', 3 }
                    g.add_vertex('I', new Dictionary <char, int>()

                    g.ShortestPath('A', 'I').ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(x));
Exemplo n.º 12
    private IEnumerator DijkstraTimeLeft()
        float distance = 0;
        float max      = 0;

            if (bModoStop)
                yield return(new WaitUntil(() => bModoStop == false));

            var d = new Dijkstras();
            d.Initialize(listOfNodes, firewallNode, inputNode,
                         findDistanceDij, findNeiDij);
            distance = d.FindDistance();
            max      = Mathf.Max(max, distance);
            hud.SetProgressBar(100f * distance / max);
            yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());
        }while(distance > 0);
Exemplo n.º 13
        void drawEntrancePath(Room room, List <Vector3> white)
            var entrances = room.getCellsByAttribute(FaceTypes.ENTRANCE);

            foreach (Cell c in entrances)
            var edgeMap = EdgeMap.constructEdgemapFromPoints(room.pointsInRoom);
            var edges   = GenerateMap.getDelaunayFromPoints(white).ToList();

            edges = new Prims().execute(edges).ToList();
            foreach (Edge e in edges)
                var path = Dijkstras.ASTAR(edgeMap, e.v1, e.v2);
                for (int i = 0; i < path.Count - 1; i++)
                    Debug.DrawLine(path[i], path[i + 1], Color.grey, float.PositiveInfinity, false);
Exemplo n.º 14
    private void readJson(JSONObject json)
        boxers = new List <Boxer>();
        foreach (JSONObject r in json.GetField("boxers").list)
            boxers.Add(new Boxer(r));

        managers = new List <Manager>();
        foreach (JSONObject r in json.GetField("managers").list)
            managers.Add(new Manager(r));

        capitols = new List <Capitol>();
        foreach (JSONObject r in json.GetField("capitols").list)
            capitols.Add(new Capitol(r));

        towns = new List <Town>();
        foreach (JSONObject r in json.GetField("towns").list)
            towns.Add(new Town(r));

        calendar = new Calendar(json.GetField("calendar"));

        regions = new List <Region>();
        foreach (JSONObject r in json.GetField("regions").list)
            regions.Add(new Region(r));

        dijkstras = new Dijkstras(json.GetField("dijkstras"));

Exemplo n.º 15
    public DataPool()
        boxers   = new List <Boxer> ();
        managers = new List <Manager> ();

        capitols = new List <Capitol>();
        towns    = new List <Town> ();

        exerciseDescriptions = new Dictionary <string, string> ();
        exerciseProgress     = new Dictionary <string, List <List <int> > > ();

        firstNames          = new List <string>();
        lastNames           = new List <string>();
        townNames           = new List <string>();
        tournamentNames     = new List <string>();
        backTournamentNames = new List <string>();

        calendar = new Calendar();

        dijkstras = new Dijkstras();
        regions   = new List <Region>();

Exemplo n.º 16
    public void Dijkstra(int startNode)
        Dijkstras dijkstra = new Dijkstras(adjacencyMatrix, startNode);
//		path = dijkstra.Path;
Exemplo n.º 17
        private double[][] initShortPathCost(List<MazeSpaceNodesArea> roomToSerch, Dijkstras.Graph graph)
            double[][] shortPathCostTemp = new double[roomToSerch.Count][];

            for (int i = 0; i < shortPathCostTemp.Length; i++)
                shortPathCostTemp[i] = new double[shortPathCostTemp.Length];

            MazeSpaceNodesArea tempStart,tempEnd;

            for (int i = 0; i < roomToSerch.Count; i++)
                tempStart = roomToSerch[i] as MazeSpaceNodesArea;

                for (int j = 0; j < roomToSerch.Count; j++)
                    tempEnd = roomToSerch[j] as MazeSpaceNodesArea;
                    shortPathCostTemp[i][j] =  graph.SumShortestPathConst(tempStart.NodeId,tempEnd.NodeId);

            return shortPathCostTemp;
Exemplo n.º 18
 void Start()
     djk = GetComponent <Dijkstras>();
     options.GetComponent <GraphicRaycaster>().enabled = false;
    public void GatherStats()
        avgPassageLength = 0;
        longestPassage   = 0;
        intersections    = 0;

        float passageLength;
        Cell  current;

        bool[,] visited = new bool[width, height];
        List <float> passageLengths = new List <float>();
        List <float> store          = new List <float>();

        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                if (cellArray[i, j].numLinks == 1)
                    // number of dead ends

                    // passage lengths
                    passageLength = 1;
                    current       = cellArray[i, j];
                    visited[i, j] = true;

                    while (current.numLinks <= 2)
                        foreach (Cell c in current.neighbours)
                            if (c != null)
                                if (current.Linked(c) && !visited[c.x, c.y] && c.numLinks <= 2)
                                    current = c;
                                    visited[current.x, current.y] = true;
                                else if (c.numLinks > 2)
                                    current = c;

                    // longest passage
                    if (passageLength > longestPassage)
                        longestPassage = (int)passageLength;

                    // avg passage length
                    if (avgPassageLength == 0)
                        avgPassageLength = passageLength;
                        avgPassageLength = (avgPassageLength + passageLength) / 2f;
                // intersections
                else if (cellArray[i, j].numLinks >= 3)

        // standard deviation
        foreach (float p in passageLengths)
            store.Add((p - passageLengths.Average()) * (p - passageLengths.Average()));

        stdDevPassageLength = Mathf.Sqrt(store.Sum() / store.Count);

        // distance array
        Dijkstras dijkstras = new Dijkstras(this);

        distances   = dijkstras.Distances();
        maxDistance = dijkstras.maxDistance;