Exemplo n.º 1
        public void SubtractImages()
            Image <Bgr, Byte>   Frame = null;      //current Frame from camera
            Image <Gray, float> Gray_Frame;        //gray_frame form camera
            Image <Gray, float> Background = null; //Average Background being formed
            Image <Gray, float> Previous_Frame;    //Previiousframe aquired
            Image <Gray, float> Difference;        //Difference between the two fra

            double alpha     = 0.003;              //stores alpha for thread access
            int    Threshold = 60;                 //stores threshold for thread access

            using (var _capture = new Capture())
                if (Frame == null) //we need at least one fram to work out running average so acquire one before doing anything
                    //display the frame aquired
                    Frame = _capture.RetrieveBgrFrame(); //we could use RetrieveGrayFrame if we didn't care about displaying colour image
                    //DisplayImage(Frame.ToBitmap(), captureBox); //display the image using thread safe call

                    //copy the frame to previousframe
                    //Previous_Frame = Frame.Convert<Gray, Byte>().Convert<Gray, float>(); //we can only convert one aspect at a time so wel call convert twice
                    Background = Frame.Convert <Gray, Byte>().Convert <Gray, float>(); //we can only convert one aspect at a time so wel call convert twice

                //acquire the frame
                Frame = _capture.RetrieveBgrFrame(); //we could use RetrieveGrayFrame if we didn't care about displaying colour image
                //DisplayImage(Frame.ToBitmap(), captureBox); //display the image using thread safe call

                //create a gray copy for processing
                Gray_Frame = Frame.Convert <Gray, Byte>().Convert <Gray, float>(); //we can only convert one aspect at a time so wel call convert twice

                //cvAbsDiff(pFrameMat, pBkMat, pFrMat);
                Difference = Background.AbsDiff(Gray_Frame); //find the absolute difference


                //CvInvoke.cvRunningAvg(Difference, Background, 0.003, Background);
                /*Play with the alpha weighting 0.001 */
                Background.RunningAvg(Difference, alpha); //performe the cvRunningAvg frame acumullation
                //DisplayImage(Background.ToBitmap(), resultbox); //display the image using thread safe call