private void WriteContentModel(DictionaryModel model)
            if (model == null)

            string itemKey = model.GenerateCodeItemKey(_config.UseNestedStructure);

            // Generate class name
            string className = itemKey.ToCodeString(true).ToPascalCase();
            // Generate field name
            string fieldName = itemKey.ToCodeString(false).ToCamelCase();

            // Write generated code attribute to prevent warnings
            // Write the static field
            WriteLine($"private static _{className} _{fieldName} = new _{className}();");

            // Write an empty line

            // Write the property
            WriteSummary($"The dictionary item: [{model.GetItemKey()}]");
            // Write generated code attribute to prevent warnings
            // If the model is the root model, then add static modifier to the property. Otherwise the property is initialized in the nested class structure
            WriteLine($"public{(model.IsRootModel(_config.UseNestedStructure) ? " static" : "")} _{className} {className} => _{fieldName};");

            // Write an empty line

            // Write the nested DictionaryItem class
            WriteLine($"public partial class _{className} : {nameof(DictionaryModel)}");
            WriteInBrackets(WriteConstructor, model);