Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ActivityProcessingTest()
            int storyId;

                var story = new Story
                    Name          = "Nouvelle histoire",
                    RequestedById = Constants.UserId,
                    StoryType     = StoryType.Feature,
                    Description   = "bla bla bla and more bla",
                    ProjectId     = Constants.ProjectId

                var savedStory = this.storyService.AddNewStory(Constants.ProjectId, story);

                var task1 = new Task {
                    Description = "stuff stuff stuff", StoryId = savedStory.Id, ProjectId = Constants.ProjectId
                var task2 = new Task {
                    Description = "stuff stuff stuff", StoryId = savedStory.Id, ProjectId = Constants.ProjectId

                var savedTask1 = this.storyService.AddNewTask(task1);

                savedStory.Labels = new List <Label>()
                    "Label1", "Label2"
                savedStory.Estimate = 3;

                savedStory = this.storyService.UpdateStory(Constants.ProjectId, savedStory);

                var savedTask2 = this.storyService.AddNewTask(task2);

                this.storyService.AddComment(savedStory.ProjectId, savedStory.Id, "Comment 1");
                this.storyService.AddComment(savedStory.ProjectId, savedStory.Id, "Comment 2");

                savedStory.Name     = "New story";
                savedStory.Deadline = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddDays(10);
                savedStory.Estimate = 3;

                savedStory = this.storyService.UpdateStory(Constants.ProjectId, savedStory);

                storyId = savedStory.Id;

            var activities = this.storyService.GetStoryActivity(Constants.ProjectId, storyId);

            activities = activities.OrderBy(a => a.OccurredAt).ToList();

            var accumulatedStoryValues   = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            var accumulatedTasksValues   = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, object> >();
            var accumulatedCommentValues = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, object> >();
            var accumulatedLabelValues   = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, object> >();

            var deserializer = new DictionaryDeserializer();

            var foundObjects = new List <object>();

            foreach (var activity in activities)
                foreach (var change in activity.Changes)
                    if (change.NewValues != null && change.NewValues.Count == 1 && change.NewValues.ContainsKey("updated_at"))
                        continue; // Skip story changes without any significat changes
                    switch (change.Kind)
                    case ResourceKind.Story:
                        if (change.NewValues != null)
                            change.NewValues.ToList().ForEach(kp => accumulatedStoryValues[kp.Key] = kp.Value);
                        else if (change.OriginalValues != null)
                            change.OriginalValues.ToList().ForEach(kp => accumulatedStoryValues[kp.Key] = kp.Value);

                        var story = deserializer.Deserialize <Story>(accumulatedStoryValues);

                        if (activity.OccurredAt != DateTimeOffset.MinValue ||
                            (change.NewValues != null && !change.NewValues.ContainsKey("updated_at")))
                            story.UpdatedAt = activity.OccurredAt;


                    case ResourceKind.Comment:
                        Dictionary <string, object> values;
                        if (!accumulatedTasksValues.TryGetValue(change.Id, out values))
                            values = accumulatedTasksValues[change.Id] = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                        if (change.NewValues != null)
                            change.NewValues.ToList().ForEach(kp => values[kp.Key] = kp.Value);
                        else if (change.OriginalValues != null)
                            change.OriginalValues.ToList().ForEach(kp => values[kp.Key] = kp.Value);

                        var comment = deserializer.Deserialize <Comment>(values);

                        if (activity.OccurredAt != DateTimeOffset.MinValue ||
                            (change.NewValues != null && !change.NewValues.ContainsKey("updated_at")))
                            comment.UpdatedAt = activity.OccurredAt;


                    case ResourceKind.Task:
                        Dictionary <string, object> values;
                        if (!accumulatedCommentValues.TryGetValue(change.Id, out values))
                            values = accumulatedCommentValues[change.Id] = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                        if (change.NewValues != null)
                            change.NewValues.ToList().ForEach(kp => values[kp.Key] = kp.Value);
                        else if (change.OriginalValues != null)
                            change.OriginalValues.ToList().ForEach(kp => values[kp.Key] = kp.Value);

                        var task = deserializer.Deserialize <Task>(values);

                        if (activity.OccurredAt != DateTimeOffset.MinValue ||
                            (change.NewValues != null && !change.NewValues.ContainsKey("updated_at")))
                            task.UpdatedAt = activity.OccurredAt;


                    case ResourceKind.Label:
                        Dictionary <string, object> values;
                        if (!accumulatedLabelValues.TryGetValue(change.Id, out values))
                            values = accumulatedLabelValues[change.Id] = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                        if (change.NewValues != null)
                            change.NewValues.ToList().ForEach(kp => values[kp.Key] = kp.Value);
                        else if (change.OriginalValues != null)
                            change.OriginalValues.ToList().ForEach(kp => values[kp.Key] = kp.Value);

                        var label = deserializer.Deserialize <Label>(values);

                        if (activity.OccurredAt != DateTimeOffset.MinValue ||
                            (change.NewValues != null && !change.NewValues.ContainsKey("updated_at")))
                            label.UpdatedAt = activity.OccurredAt;


                        throw new Exception("Unhandled resource kind: " + change.Kind);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, foundObjects.Where(o => o is Story).Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(2, foundObjects.Where(o => o is Comment).Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(2, foundObjects.Where(o => o is Task).Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(2, foundObjects.Where(o => o is Label).Count());
        public void ActivityProcessingTest()
            int storyId;

                var story = new Story
                    Name = "Nouvelle histoire",
                    RequestedById = Constants.UserId,
                    StoryType = StoryType.Feature,
                    Description = "bla bla bla and more bla",
                    ProjectId = Constants.ProjectId

                var savedStory = this.storyService.AddNewStory(Constants.ProjectId, story);

                var task1 = new Task { Description = "stuff stuff stuff", StoryId = savedStory.Id, ProjectId = Constants.ProjectId };
                var task2 = new Task { Description = "stuff stuff stuff", StoryId = savedStory.Id, ProjectId = Constants.ProjectId };

                var savedTask1 = this.storyService.AddNewTask(task1);

                savedStory.Labels = new List<Label>() { "Label1", "Label2" };
                savedStory.Estimate = 3;

                savedStory = this.storyService.UpdateStory(Constants.ProjectId, savedStory);

                var savedTask2 = this.storyService.AddNewTask(task2);

                this.storyService.AddComment(savedStory.ProjectId, savedStory.Id, "Comment 1");
                this.storyService.AddComment(savedStory.ProjectId, savedStory.Id, "Comment 2");

                savedStory.Name     = "New story";
                savedStory.Deadline = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddDays(10);
                savedStory.Estimate = 3;

                savedStory = this.storyService.UpdateStory(Constants.ProjectId, savedStory);

                storyId = savedStory.Id;

            var activities = this.storyService.GetStoryActivity(Constants.ProjectId, storyId);

            activities = activities.OrderBy(a => a.OccurredAt).ToList();

            var accumulatedStoryValues      = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            var accumulatedTasksValues      = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, object>>();
            var accumulatedCommentValues    = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, object>>();
            var accumulatedLabelValues      = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, object>>();

            var deserializer = new DictionaryDeserializer();

            var foundObjects = new List<object>();

            foreach (var activity in activities)
                foreach (var change in activity.Changes)
                    if (change.NewValues != null && change.NewValues.Count == 1 && change.NewValues.ContainsKey("updated_at"))
                        continue; // Skip story changes without any significat changes

                    switch (change.Kind)
                        case ResourceKind.Story:
                            if (change.NewValues != null)
                                change.NewValues.ToList().ForEach(kp => accumulatedStoryValues[kp.Key] = kp.Value);
                            else if (change.OriginalValues != null)
                                change.OriginalValues.ToList().ForEach(kp => accumulatedStoryValues[kp.Key] = kp.Value);

                            var story = deserializer.Deserialize<Story>(accumulatedStoryValues);

                            if (activity.OccurredAt != DateTimeOffset.MinValue || 
                                (change.NewValues != null && !change.NewValues.ContainsKey("updated_at")))
                                story.UpdatedAt = activity.OccurredAt;


                        case ResourceKind.Comment:
                            Dictionary<string, object> values;
                            if (!accumulatedTasksValues.TryGetValue(change.Id, out values))
                                values = accumulatedTasksValues[change.Id] = new Dictionary<string, object>();

                            if (change.NewValues != null)
                                change.NewValues.ToList().ForEach(kp => values[kp.Key] = kp.Value);
                            else if (change.OriginalValues != null)
                                change.OriginalValues.ToList().ForEach(kp => values[kp.Key] = kp.Value);

                            var comment = deserializer.Deserialize<Comment>(values);

                            if (activity.OccurredAt != DateTimeOffset.MinValue || 
                                (change.NewValues != null && !change.NewValues.ContainsKey("updated_at")))
                                comment.UpdatedAt = activity.OccurredAt;


                        case ResourceKind.Task:
                            Dictionary<string, object> values;
                            if (!accumulatedCommentValues.TryGetValue(change.Id, out values))
                                values = accumulatedCommentValues[change.Id] = new Dictionary<string, object>();

                            if (change.NewValues != null)
                                change.NewValues.ToList().ForEach(kp => values[kp.Key] = kp.Value);
                            else if (change.OriginalValues != null)
                                change.OriginalValues.ToList().ForEach(kp => values[kp.Key] = kp.Value);

                            var task = deserializer.Deserialize<Task>(values);

                            if (activity.OccurredAt != DateTimeOffset.MinValue || 
                                (change.NewValues != null && !change.NewValues.ContainsKey("updated_at")))
                                task.UpdatedAt = activity.OccurredAt;


                        case ResourceKind.Label:
                            Dictionary<string, object> values;
                            if (!accumulatedLabelValues.TryGetValue(change.Id, out values))
                                values = accumulatedLabelValues[change.Id] = new Dictionary<string, object>();

                            if (change.NewValues != null)
                                change.NewValues.ToList().ForEach(kp => values[kp.Key] = kp.Value);
                            else if (change.OriginalValues != null)
                                change.OriginalValues.ToList().ForEach(kp => values[kp.Key] = kp.Value);

                            var label = deserializer.Deserialize<Label>(values);

                            if (activity.OccurredAt != DateTimeOffset.MinValue || 
                                (change.NewValues != null && !change.NewValues.ContainsKey("updated_at")))
                                label.UpdatedAt = activity.OccurredAt;


                            throw new Exception("Unhandled resource kind: " + change.Kind);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, foundObjects.Where(o => o is Story).Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(2, foundObjects.Where(o => o is Comment).Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(2, foundObjects.Where(o => o is Task).Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(2, foundObjects.Where(o => o is Label).Count());
Exemplo n.º 3
 public T GetNewEntity <T>()
     return(Deserializer.Deserialize <T>(this.NewValues));