Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task GivenSupportedAcceptHeaders_WhenRetrieveFrame_ThenServerShouldReturnExpectedContent(string testDataFolder, string mediaType, string transferSyntax)
            TranscoderTestData transcoderTestData = TranscoderTestDataHelper.GetTestData(testDataFolder);
            DicomFile          inputDicomFile     = await DicomFile.OpenAsync(transcoderTestData.InputDicomFile);

            await EnsureFileIsStoredAsync(inputDicomFile);

            var instanceId = inputDicomFile.Dataset.ToInstanceIdentifier();


            DicomFile      outputDicomFile = DicomFile.Open(transcoderTestData.ExpectedOutputDicomFile);
            DicomPixelData pixelData       = DicomPixelData.Create(outputDicomFile.Dataset);

            DicomWebResponse <IReadOnlyList <Stream> > response = await _client.RetrieveFramesAsync(instanceId.StudyInstanceUid, instanceId.SeriesInstanceUid, instanceId.SopInstanceUid, mediaType, transferSyntax, frames : new[] { 1 });

            int frameIndex = 0;

            foreach (Stream item in response.Value)
                // TODO: verify media type once https://microsofthealth.visualstudio.com/Health/_workitems/edit/75185 is done
                Assert.Equal(item.ToByteArray(), pixelData.GetFrame(frameIndex).Data);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task GivenUnsupportedTransferSyntax_WhenRetrieveFrameWithOriginalTransferSyntax_ThenOriginalContentReturned()
            var studyInstanceUid  = TestUidGenerator.Generate();
            var seriesInstanceUid = TestUidGenerator.Generate();
            var sopInstanceUid    = TestUidGenerator.Generate();

            DicomFile dicomFile = Samples.CreateRandomDicomFileWith8BitPixelData(
                transferSyntax: DicomTransferSyntax.HEVCH265Main10ProfileLevel51.UID.UID,
                encode: false);

            await InternalStoreAsync(new[] { dicomFile });

            // Check for series
            DicomWebResponse <IReadOnlyList <Stream> > response = await _client.RetrieveFramesAsync(
                dicomTransferSyntax : "*",
                frames : new[] { 1 });

            Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);
            Assert.Equal(response.Value[0].ToByteArray(), DicomPixelData.Create(dicomFile.Dataset).GetFrame(0).Data);
        private static void TestRightAlignSigned(ushort[] testValues, int bitsStored, int highBit, short[] expectedValues, bool asBytes, bool asOpposingEndian)
            TestRightAlign(ref testValues, bitsStored, highBit, asBytes, asOpposingEndian);
            var newHighBit = highBit - DicomPixelData.GetLowBit(bitsStored, highBit);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedValues, DicomSignedToSigned(testValues, newHighBit));
Exemplo n.º 4
 public override void Encode(
     DicomPixelData oldPixelData,
     DicomPixelData newPixelData,
     DicomCodecParams parameters)
     DicomRleNativeCodec.Encode(oldPixelData.ToNativePixelData(), newPixelData.ToNativePixelData());
        public async Task GivenMultipleFrames_WhenRetrieveFrame_ThenServerShouldReturnExpectedContent()
            string studyInstanceUid = TestUidGenerator.Generate();

            DicomFile          dicomFile1    = Samples.CreateRandomDicomFileWithPixelData(studyInstanceUid, frames: 3);
            DicomPixelData     pixelData     = DicomPixelData.Create(dicomFile1.Dataset);
            InstanceIdentifier dicomInstance = dicomFile1.Dataset.ToInstanceIdentifier();

            await InternalStoreAsync(new[] { dicomFile1 });

            using DicomWebAsyncEnumerableResponse <Stream> response = await _client.RetrieveFramesAsync(
                      frames : new[] { 1, 2 },
                      dicomTransferSyntax : "*");

            Stream[] frames = await response.ToArrayAsync();

            Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);
            Assert.Equal(2, frames.Length);
            Assert.Equal(KnownContentTypes.MultipartRelated, response.ContentHeaders.ContentType.MediaType);
            Assert.Equal(pixelData.GetFrame(0).Data, frames[0].ToByteArray());
            Assert.Equal(pixelData.GetFrame(1).Data, frames[1].ToByteArray());
        public async Task GivenUnsupportedTransferSyntax_WhenRetrieveFrameWithOriginalTransferSyntax_ThenOriginalContentReturned()
            var studyInstanceUid  = TestUidGenerator.Generate();
            var seriesInstanceUid = TestUidGenerator.Generate();
            var sopInstanceUid    = TestUidGenerator.Generate();

            DicomFile dicomFile = Samples.CreateRandomDicomFileWith8BitPixelData(
                transferSyntax: DicomTransferSyntax.HEVCH265Main10ProfileLevel51.UID.UID,
                encode: false);

            await InternalStoreAsync(new[] { dicomFile });

            // Check for series
            using DicomWebAsyncEnumerableResponse <Stream> response = await _client.RetrieveFramesAsync(
                      dicomTransferSyntax : "*",
                      frames : new[] { 1 });

            Stream[] results = await response.ToArrayAsync();

                item => Assert.Equal(item.ToByteArray(), DicomPixelData.Create(dicomFile.Dataset).GetFrame(0).Data));
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize new instance of <seealso cref="PaletteColorPipeline"/> containing palette color LUT extracted from
        /// <paramref name="pixelData"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pixelData">Dicom Pixel Data containing paletter color LUT</param>
        public PaletteColorPipeline(DicomPixelData pixelData)
            var lut = pixelData.PaletteColorLUT;
            var first = pixelData.Dataset.Get<int>(DicomTag.RedPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor, 1);

            _lut = new PaletteColorLUT(first, lut);
Exemplo n.º 8
        private static DicomDataset Decode(
            DicomDataset oldDataset,
            DicomTransferSyntax outSyntax,
            IDicomCodec codec,
            DicomCodecParams parameters)
            if (codec == null)
                throw new DicomCodecException($"Decoding dataset with transfer syntax: {oldDataset.InternalTransferSyntax} is not supported.");

            var oldPixelData = DicomPixelData.Create(oldDataset);

            var newDataset = oldDataset.Clone();

            newDataset.InternalTransferSyntax = outSyntax;
            var newPixelData = DicomPixelData.Create(newDataset, true);

            codec.Decode(oldPixelData, newPixelData, parameters);

            ProcessOverlays(oldDataset, newDataset);


Exemplo n.º 9
 public override void Encode(
     DicomPixelData oldPixelData,
     DicomPixelData newPixelData,
     DicomCodecParams parameters)
     DicomJpegCodecImpl.Encode(oldPixelData, newPixelData, parameters as DicomJpegParams);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static NativePixelData ToNativePixelData(this DicomPixelData dicomPixelData)
     return(new NativePixelData
         NumberOfFrames = dicomPixelData.NumberOfFrames,
         Width = dicomPixelData.Width,
         Height = dicomPixelData.Height,
         SamplesPerPixel = dicomPixelData.SamplesPerPixel,
         HighBit = dicomPixelData.HighBit,
         BitsStored = dicomPixelData.BitsStored,
         BitsAllocated = dicomPixelData.BitsAllocated,
         BytesAllocated = dicomPixelData.BytesAllocated,
         UncompressedFrameSize = dicomPixelData.UncompressedFrameSize,
         PlanarConfiguration = (int)dicomPixelData.PlanarConfiguration,
         PixelRepresentation = (int)dicomPixelData.PixelRepresentation,
         TransferSyntaxIsLossy = dicomPixelData.Syntax.IsLossy,
         PhotometricInterpretation = dicomPixelData.PhotometricInterpretation.Value,
         GetFrameImpl = index => dicomPixelData.GetFrame(index).Data,
         AddFrameImpl = buffer => dicomPixelData.AddFrame(new MemoryByteBuffer(buffer)),
         SetPlanarConfigurationImpl =
             value => dicomPixelData.PlanarConfiguration = (PlanarConfiguration)value,
         SetPhotometricInterpretationImpl =
             value =>
             dicomPixelData.PhotometricInterpretation =
Exemplo n.º 11
        public override void Decode(DicomPixelData oldPixelData, DicomPixelData newPixelData, DicomCodecParams parameters)
            if (!RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux) && !RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported OS Platform");

            for (int frame = 0; frame < oldPixelData.NumberOfFrames; frame++)
                IByteBuffer jpegData = oldPixelData.GetFrame(frame);

                //Converting photmetricinterpretation YbrFull or YbrFull422 to RGB
                if (oldPixelData.PhotometricInterpretation == PhotometricInterpretation.YbrFull)
                    jpegData = PixelDataConverter.YbrFullToRgb(jpegData);
                    oldPixelData.PhotometricInterpretation = PhotometricInterpretation.Rgb;
                else if (oldPixelData.PhotometricInterpretation == PhotometricInterpretation.YbrFull422)
                    jpegData = PixelDataConverter.YbrFull422ToRgb(jpegData, oldPixelData.Width);
                    oldPixelData.PhotometricInterpretation = PhotometricInterpretation.Rgb;

                PinnedByteArray jpegArray = new PinnedByteArray(jpegData.Data);

                byte[] frameData = new byte[newPixelData.UncompressedFrameSize];

                PinnedByteArray frameArray = new PinnedByteArray(frameData);

                JlsParameters jls = new JlsParameters();

                char[] errorMessage = new char[256];

                // IMPORT JpegLsDecode
                    if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux))
                        CharlsApiResultType err = JpegLSDecode_Linux64((void *)frameArray.Pointer, frameData.Length, (void *)jpegArray.Pointer, Convert.ToUInt32(jpegData.Size), ref jls, errorMessage);
                    else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
                        CharlsApiResultType err = JpegLSDecode_Windows64((void *)frameArray.Pointer, frameData.Length, (void *)jpegArray.Pointer, Convert.ToUInt32(jpegData.Size), ref jls, errorMessage);

                    IByteBuffer buffer;
                    if (frameData.Length >= (1 * 1024 * 1024) || oldPixelData.NumberOfFrames > 1)
                        buffer = new TempFileBuffer(frameData);
                        buffer = new MemoryByteBuffer(frameData);
                    buffer = EvenLengthBuffer.Create(buffer);

Exemplo n.º 12
        public static void LosslessImageTestWithConversion(TransferSyntax syntax, DicomFile theFile)
            if (File.Exists(theFile.Filename))

            DicomFile saveCopy = new DicomFile(theFile.Filename, theFile.MetaInfo.Copy(), theFile.DataSet.Copy());



            DicomFile newFile = new DicomFile(theFile.Filename);



            string failureDescription;
            bool   result = Compare(DicomPixelData.CreateFrom(newFile),
                                    DicomPixelData.CreateFrom(saveCopy), out failureDescription);

            Assert.IsTrue(result, failureDescription);

Exemplo n.º 13
        public static void AppendRandomPixelData(int rows, int columns, int frames, params DicomFile[] dicomFiles)
            EnsureArg.IsGte(rows, 0, nameof(rows));
            EnsureArg.IsGte(columns, 0, nameof(columns));
            EnsureArg.IsNotNull(dicomFiles, nameof(dicomFiles));

            var          pixelDataSize = rows * columns;
            const ushort bitsAllocated = 8;

            dicomFiles.Each(x =>
                x.Dataset.AddOrUpdate(DicomTag.Rows, (ushort)rows);
                x.Dataset.AddOrUpdate(DicomTag.Columns, (ushort)columns);
                x.Dataset.AddOrUpdate(DicomTag.BitsAllocated, bitsAllocated);

                var pixelData                 = DicomPixelData.Create(x.Dataset, true);
                pixelData.SamplesPerPixel     = 1;
                pixelData.PixelRepresentation = PixelRepresentation.Unsigned;
                pixelData.BitsStored          = bitsAllocated;
                pixelData.HighBit             = bitsAllocated - 1;

                for (var i = 0; i < frames; i++)
Exemplo n.º 14
        public async Task <IReadOnlyCollection <Stream> > GetFramesResourceAsync(Stream stream, IEnumerable <int> frames, bool originalTransferSyntaxRequested, string requestedRepresentation)
            EnsureArg.IsNotNull(stream, nameof(stream));
            EnsureArg.IsNotNull(frames, nameof(frames));

            DicomFile dicomFile = await DicomFile.OpenAsync(stream);

            // Validate requested frame index exists in file and retrieve the pixel data associated with the file.
            DicomPixelData pixelData = dicomFile.GetPixelDataAndValidateFrames(frames);

            if (!originalTransferSyntaxRequested && !dicomFile.Dataset.InternalTransferSyntax.Equals(DicomTransferSyntax.Parse(requestedRepresentation)))
                return(frames.Select(frame => new LazyTransformReadOnlyStream <DicomFile>(
                                         df => _transcoder.TranscodeFrame(df, frame, requestedRepresentation)))
                           frame => new LazyTransformReadOnlyStream <DicomFile>(
                               df => GetFrameAsDicomData(pixelData, frame)))
Exemplo n.º 15
        public override void Encode(
            DicomPixelData oldPixelData,
            DicomPixelData newPixelData,
            DicomCodecParams parameters)
            if (oldPixelData.NumberOfFrames == 0) return;

            // IJG eats the extra padding bits. Is there a better way to test for this?
            if (oldPixelData.BitsAllocated == 16 && oldPixelData.BitsStored <= 8)
                // check for embedded overlays?
                newPixelData.BitsAllocated = 8;

            var jparams = parameters as DicomJpegParams ?? GetDefaultParameters() as DicomJpegParams;

            var codec = GetCodec(oldPixelData.BitsStored, jparams);

            var oldNativeData = oldPixelData.ToNativePixelData();
            var newNativeData = newPixelData.ToNativePixelData();
            var jNativeParams = jparams.ToNativeJpegParameters();
            for (var frame = 0; frame < oldPixelData.NumberOfFrames; frame++)
                codec.Encode(oldNativeData, newNativeData, jNativeParams, frame);
Exemplo n.º 16
        public override void Encode(
            DicomPixelData oldPixelData,
            DicomPixelData newPixelData,
            DicomCodecParams parameters)
            if (oldPixelData.NumberOfFrames == 0)

            // IJG eats the extra padding bits. Is there a better way to test for this?
            if (oldPixelData.BitsAllocated == 16 && oldPixelData.BitsStored <= 8)
                // check for embedded overlays?
                newPixelData.BitsAllocated = 8;

            var jparams = parameters as DicomJpegParams ?? GetDefaultParameters() as DicomJpegParams;

            var codec = GetCodec(oldPixelData.BitsStored, jparams);

            var oldNativeData = oldPixelData.ToNativePixelData();
            var newNativeData = newPixelData.ToNativePixelData();
            var jNativeParams = jparams.ToNativeJpegParameters();

            for (var frame = 0; frame < oldPixelData.NumberOfFrames; frame++)
                codec.Encode(oldNativeData, newNativeData, jNativeParams, frame);
		/// <summary>
		/// Create <see cref="IPixelData"/> form <see cref="DicomPixelData"/> 
		/// according to the input <paramref name="pixelData"/> <seealso cref="PhotometricInterpretation"/>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="pixelData">Input pixel data</param>
		/// <param name="frame">Frame number (0 based)</param>
		/// <returns>Implementation of <seealso cref="IPixelData"/> according to <seealso cref="PhotometricInterpretation"/></returns>
		public static IPixelData Create(DicomPixelData pixelData, int frame) {
			PhotometricInterpretation pi = pixelData.PhotometricInterpretation;

			if (pi == null) {
				// generally ACR-NEMA
				var samples = pixelData.SamplesPerPixel;
				if (samples == 0 || samples == 1) {
					if (pixelData.Dataset.Contains(DicomTag.RedPaletteColorLookupTableData))
						pi = PhotometricInterpretation.PaletteColor;
						pi = PhotometricInterpretation.Monochrome2;
				} else {
					// assume, probably incorrectly, that the image is RGB
					pi = PhotometricInterpretation.Rgb;

			if (pixelData.BitsStored == 1) {
				if (pixelData.Dataset.Get<DicomUID>(DicomTag.SOPClassUID) == DicomUID.MultiFrameSingleBitSecondaryCaptureImageStorage)
					// Multi-frame Single Bit Secondary Capture is stored LSB -> MSB
					return new SingleBitPixelData(pixelData.Width, pixelData.Height, PixelDataConverter.ReverseBits(pixelData.GetFrame(frame)));
					// Need sample images to verify that this is correct
					return new SingleBitPixelData(pixelData.Width, pixelData.Height, pixelData.GetFrame(frame));
			} else if (pi == PhotometricInterpretation.Monochrome1 || pi == PhotometricInterpretation.Monochrome2 || pi == PhotometricInterpretation.PaletteColor) {
				if (pixelData.BitsAllocated <= 8)
					return new GrayscalePixelDataU8(pixelData.Width, pixelData.Height, pixelData.GetFrame(frame));
				else if (pixelData.BitsAllocated <= 16) {
					if (pixelData.PixelRepresentation == PixelRepresentation.Signed)
						return new GrayscalePixelDataS16(pixelData.Width, pixelData.Height, pixelData.BitDepth, pixelData.GetFrame(frame));
						return new GrayscalePixelDataU16(pixelData.Width, pixelData.Height, pixelData.BitDepth, pixelData.GetFrame(frame));
				} else if (pixelData.BitsAllocated <= 32) {
                    if (pixelData.PixelRepresentation == PixelRepresentation.Signed)
						return new GrayscalePixelDataS32(pixelData.Width, pixelData.Height, pixelData.BitDepth, pixelData.GetFrame(frame));
						return new GrayscalePixelDataU32(pixelData.Width, pixelData.Height, pixelData.BitDepth, pixelData.GetFrame(frame));
				} else
					throw new DicomImagingException("Unsupported pixel data value for bits stored: {0}", pixelData.BitsStored);
			} else if (pi == PhotometricInterpretation.Rgb || pi == PhotometricInterpretation.YbrFull || pi == PhotometricInterpretation.YbrFull422 || pi == PhotometricInterpretation.YbrPartial422) {
				var buffer = pixelData.GetFrame(frame);

				if (pixelData.PlanarConfiguration == PlanarConfiguration.Planar)
					buffer = PixelDataConverter.PlanarToInterleaved24(buffer);

				if (pi == PhotometricInterpretation.YbrFull)
					buffer = PixelDataConverter.YbrFullToRgb(buffer);
				else if (pi == PhotometricInterpretation.YbrFull422)
					buffer = PixelDataConverter.YbrFull422ToRgb(buffer);
				else if (pi == PhotometricInterpretation.YbrPartial422)
					buffer = PixelDataConverter.YbrPartial422ToRgb(buffer);

				return new ColorPixelData24(pixelData.Width, pixelData.Height, buffer);
			} else {
				throw new DicomImagingException("Unsupported pixel data photometric interpretation: {0}", pi.Value);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public override void Encode(
            DicomPixelData oldPixelData,
            DicomPixelData newPixelData,
            DicomCodecParams parameters)
            var pixelCount = oldPixelData.Width * oldPixelData.Height;
            var numberOfSegments = oldPixelData.BytesAllocated * oldPixelData.SamplesPerPixel;

            for (var frame = 0; frame < oldPixelData.NumberOfFrames; frame++)
                var frameData = oldPixelData.GetFrame(frame);
                var frameArray = frameData.Data;

                using (var encoder = new RLEEncoder())
                    for (var s = 0; s < numberOfSegments; s++)

                        var sample = s / oldPixelData.BytesAllocated;
                        var sabyte = s % oldPixelData.BytesAllocated;

                        int pos;
                        int offset;

                        if (newPixelData.PlanarConfiguration == PlanarConfiguration.Interleaved)
                            pos = sample * oldPixelData.BytesAllocated;
                            offset = numberOfSegments;
                            pos = sample * oldPixelData.BytesAllocated * pixelCount;
                            offset = oldPixelData.BytesAllocated;

                        pos += oldPixelData.BytesAllocated - sabyte - 1;

                        for (var p = 0; p < pixelCount; p++)
                            if (pos >= frameArray.Length)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("Read position is past end of frame buffer");
                            pos += offset;


                    var data = encoder.GetBuffer();
 public override void Encode(
     DicomPixelData oldPixelData,
     DicomPixelData newPixelData,
     DicomCodecParams parameters)
Exemplo n.º 20
 public override void Decode(
     DicomPixelData oldPixelData,
     DicomPixelData newPixelData,
     DicomCodecParams parameters)
Exemplo n.º 21
        public override void Decode(
            DicomPixelData oldPixelData,
            DicomPixelData newPixelData,
            DicomCodecParams parameters)
            for (var frame = 0; frame < oldPixelData.NumberOfFrames; frame++)
                var rleData = oldPixelData.GetFrame(frame);

                // Create new frame data of even length
                var frameSize = newPixelData.UncompressedFrameSize;
                if ((frameSize & 1) == 1)

                var frameData = new MemoryByteBuffer(new byte[frameSize]);

                var pixelCount = oldPixelData.Width * oldPixelData.Height;
                var numberOfSegments = oldPixelData.BytesAllocated * oldPixelData.SamplesPerPixel;

                var decoder = new RLEDecoder(rleData);

                if (decoder.NumberOfSegments != numberOfSegments)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected number of RLE segments!");

                for (var s = 0; s < numberOfSegments; s++)
                    var sample = s / newPixelData.BytesAllocated;
                    var sabyte = s % newPixelData.BytesAllocated;

                    int pos, offset;

                    if (newPixelData.PlanarConfiguration == PlanarConfiguration.Interleaved)
                        pos = sample * newPixelData.BytesAllocated;
                        offset = newPixelData.SamplesPerPixel * newPixelData.BytesAllocated;
                        pos = sample * newPixelData.BytesAllocated * pixelCount;
                        offset = newPixelData.BytesAllocated;

                    pos += newPixelData.BytesAllocated - sabyte - 1;
                    decoder.DecodeSegment(s, frameData, pos, offset);

Exemplo n.º 22
        public override void Encode(
            DicomPixelData oldPixelData,
            DicomPixelData newPixelData,
            DicomCodecParams parameters)
            DicomJpeg2000CodecImpl.Encode(oldPixelData, newPixelData, parameters as DicomJpeg2000Params);
Exemplo n.º 23
		/// <summary>
		/// Create <see cref="IPixelData"/> form <see cref="DicomPixelData"/> 
		/// according to the input <paramref name="pixelData"/> <seealso cref="PhotometricInterpretation"/>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="pixelData">Input pixel data</param>
		/// <param name="frame">Frame number (0 based)</param>
		/// <returns>Implementation of <seealso cref="IPixelData"/> according to <seealso cref="PhotometricInterpretation"/></returns>
		public static IPixelData Create(DicomPixelData pixelData, int frame) {
			PhotometricInterpretation pi = pixelData.PhotometricInterpretation;

			if (pi == null) {
				// generally ACR-NEMA
				var samples = pixelData.SamplesPerPixel;
				if (samples == 0 || samples == 1) {
					if (pixelData.Dataset.Contains(DicomTag.RedPaletteColorLookupTableData))
						pi = PhotometricInterpretation.PaletteColor;
						pi = PhotometricInterpretation.Monochrome2;
				} else {
					// assume, probably incorrectly, that the image is RGB
					pi = PhotometricInterpretation.Rgb;

			if (pi == PhotometricInterpretation.Monochrome1 || pi == PhotometricInterpretation.Monochrome2 || pi == PhotometricInterpretation.PaletteColor) {
				if (pixelData.BitsAllocated <= 8)
					return new GrayscalePixelDataU8(pixelData.Width, pixelData.Height, pixelData.GetFrame(frame));
				else if (pixelData.BitsAllocated <= 16) {
					if (pixelData.PixelRepresentation == PixelRepresentation.Signed)
						return new GrayscalePixelDataS16(pixelData.Width, pixelData.Height, pixelData.BitDepth, pixelData.GetFrame(frame));
						return new GrayscalePixelDataU16(pixelData.Width, pixelData.Height, pixelData.BitDepth, pixelData.GetFrame(frame));
				} else if (pixelData.BitsAllocated <= 32) {
                    if (pixelData.PixelRepresentation == PixelRepresentation.Signed)
						return new GrayscalePixelDataS32(pixelData.Width, pixelData.Height, pixelData.BitDepth, pixelData.GetFrame(frame));
						return new GrayscalePixelDataU32(pixelData.Width, pixelData.Height, pixelData.BitDepth, pixelData.GetFrame(frame));
				} else
					throw new DicomImagingException("Unsupported pixel data value for bits stored: {0}", pixelData.BitsStored);
			} else if (pi == PhotometricInterpretation.Rgb || pi == PhotometricInterpretation.YbrFull) {
				var buffer = pixelData.GetFrame(frame);
				if (pixelData.PlanarConfiguration == PlanarConfiguration.Planar)
					buffer = PixelDataConverter.PlanarToInterleaved24(buffer);
				return new ColorPixelData24(pixelData.Width, pixelData.Height, buffer);
            } else if (pi == PhotometricInterpretation.YbrFull422)
                var buffer = pixelData.GetFrame(frame);
                if (pixelData.PlanarConfiguration == PlanarConfiguration.Planar)
                    throw new DicomImagingException("Unsupported planar configuration for YBR_FULL_422");
                return new ColorPixelData24(pixelData.Width, pixelData.Height, buffer);
            else {
				throw new DicomImagingException("Unsupported pixel data photometric interpretation: {0}", pi.Value);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public override void Decode(
            DicomPixelData oldPixelData,
            DicomPixelData newPixelData,
            DicomCodecParams parameters)
            if (oldPixelData.NumberOfFrames == 0) return;

            // IJG eats the extra padding bits. Is there a better way to test for this?
            if (newPixelData.BitsAllocated == 16 && newPixelData.BitsStored <= 8)
                // check for embedded overlays here or below?
                newPixelData.BitsAllocated = 8;

            var jparams = parameters as DicomJpegParams ?? GetDefaultParameters() as DicomJpegParams;

            var oldNativeData = oldPixelData.ToNativePixelData();
            int precision;
                    precision = JpegHelper.ScanJpegForBitDepth(oldPixelData);
                    // if the internal scanner chokes on an image, try again using ijg
                    precision = new Jpeg12Codec(JpegMode.Baseline, 0, 0).ScanHeaderForPrecision(oldNativeData);
                // the old scanner choked on several valid images...
                // assume the correct encoder was used and let libijg handle the rest
                precision = oldPixelData.BitsStored;

            if (newPixelData.BitsStored <= 8 && precision > 8) newPixelData.BitsAllocated = 16; // embedded overlay?

            var codec = GetCodec(precision, jparams);

            var newNativeData = newPixelData.ToNativePixelData();
            var jNativeParams = jparams.ToNativeJpegParameters();
            for (var frame = 0; frame < oldPixelData.NumberOfFrames; frame++)
                codec.Decode(oldNativeData, newNativeData, jNativeParams, frame);
Exemplo n.º 25
 public abstract void Encode(DicomPixelData oldPixelData, DicomPixelData newPixelData, DicomCodecParams parameters);
Exemplo n.º 26
            //DCMTK djcodecd.cxx
            public static int ScanJpegForBitDepth(DicomPixelData pixelData)
                DicomFragmentSequence element = pixelData.Dataset.Get<DicomFragmentSequence>(DicomTag.PixelData);
                IByteBuffer buffer = element.Fragments[0];
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(buffer.Data);
                BinaryReader br = EndianBinaryReader.Create(ms, Endian.Big);

                long length = ms.Length;
                while (ms.Position < length) {
                ushort marker = br.ReadUInt16();
                switch (marker) {
                case 0xffc0: // SOF_0: JPEG baseline
                case 0xffc1: // SOF_1: JPEG extended sequential DCT
                case 0xffc2: // SOF_2: JPEG progressive DCT
                case 0xffc3: // SOF_3: JPEG lossless sequential
                case 0xffc5: // SOF_5: differential (hierarchical) extended sequential, Huffman
                case 0xffc6: // SOF_6: differential (hierarchical) progressive, Huffman
                case 0xffc7: // SOF_7: differential (hierarchical) lossless, Huffman
                    ms.Seek(2, SeekOrigin.Current);
                    return (int)br.ReadByte();
                case 0xffc8: // Reserved for JPEG extentions
                    ms.Seek(br.ReadUInt16() - 2, SeekOrigin.Current);
                case 0xffc9: // SOF_9: extended sequential, arithmetic
                case 0xffca: // SOF_10: progressive, arithmetic
                case 0xffcb: // SOF_11: lossless, arithmetic
                case 0xffcd: // SOF_13: differential (hierarchical) extended sequential, arithmetic
                case 0xffce: // SOF_14: differential (hierarchical) progressive, arithmetic
                case 0xffcf: // SOF_15: differential (hierarchical) lossless, arithmetic
                    ms.Seek(2, SeekOrigin.Current);
                    return (int)br.ReadByte();
                case 0xffc4: // DHT
                case 0xffcc: // DAC
                    ms.Seek(br.ReadUInt16() - 2, SeekOrigin.Current);
                case 0xffd0: // RST m
                case 0xffd1:
                case 0xffd2:
                case 0xffd3:
                case 0xffd4:
                case 0xffd5:
                case 0xffd6:
                case 0xffd7:
                case 0xffd8: // SOI
                case 0xffd9: // EOI
                case 0xffda: // SOS
                case 0xffdb: // DQT
                case 0xffdc: // DNL
                case 0xffdd: // DRI
                case 0xffde: // DHP
                case 0xffdf: // EXP
                case 0xffe0: // APPn
                case 0xffe1:
                case 0xffe2:
                case 0xffe3:
                case 0xffe4:
                case 0xffe5:
                case 0xffe6:
                case 0xffe7:
                case 0xffe8:
                case 0xffe9:
                case 0xffea:
                case 0xffeb:
                case 0xffec:
                case 0xffed:
                case 0xffee:
                case 0xffef:
                case 0xfff0: // JPGn
                case 0xfff1:
                case 0xfff2:
                case 0xfff3:
                case 0xfff4:
                case 0xfff5:
                case 0xfff6:
                case 0xfff7:
                case 0xfff8:
                case 0xfff9:
                case 0xfffa:
                case 0xfffb:
                case 0xfffc:
                case 0xfffd:
                case 0xfffe: // COM
                    ms.Seek(br.ReadUInt16() - 2, SeekOrigin.Current);
                case 0xff01: // TEM
                    int b1 = br.ReadByte();
                    int b2 = br.ReadByte();
                    if (b1 == 0xff && b2 > 2 && b2 <= 0xbf) // RES reserved markers
                        throw new DicomCodecException("Unable to determine bit depth: JPEG syntax error!");
                throw new DicomCodecException("Unable to determine bit depth: no JPEG SOF marker found!");
Exemplo n.º 27
 public static IPixelData Create(DicomPixelData pixelData, int frame)
     PhotometricInterpretation pi = pixelData.PhotometricInterpretation;
     if (pi == PhotometricInterpretation.Monochrome1 || pi == PhotometricInterpretation.Monochrome2 || pi == PhotometricInterpretation.PaletteColor) {
         if (pixelData.BitsStored <= 8)
             return new GrayscalePixelDataU8(pixelData.Width, pixelData.Height, pixelData.GetFrame(frame));
         else if (pixelData.BitsStored <= 16) {
             if (pixelData.PixelRepresentation == PixelRepresentation.Signed)
                 return new GrayscalePixelDataS16(pixelData.Width, pixelData.Height, pixelData.BitDepth, pixelData.GetFrame(frame));
                 return new GrayscalePixelDataU16(pixelData.Width, pixelData.Height, pixelData.BitDepth, pixelData.GetFrame(frame));
         } else
             throw new DicomImagingException("Unsupported pixel data value for bits stored: {0}", pixelData.BitsStored);
     } else if (pi == PhotometricInterpretation.Rgb || pi == PhotometricInterpretation.YbrFull) {
         var buffer = pixelData.GetFrame(frame);
         if (pixelData.PlanarConfiguration == PlanarConfiguration.Planar)
             buffer = PixelDataConverter.PlanarToInterleaved24(buffer);
         return new ColorPixelData24(pixelData.Width, pixelData.Height, buffer);
     } else {
         throw new DicomImagingException("Unsupported pixel data photometric interpretation: {0}", pi.Value);
Exemplo n.º 28
        public static bool Compare(DicomPixelData pixels1, DicomPixelData pixels2, out string failureDescription)
            failureDescription = string.Empty;
            if (pixels1.BitsAllocated != pixels2.BitsAllocated)
                failureDescription = String.Format("Tag (7fe0,0010) Pixel Data: Bits Allocated varies: {0} , {1}", pixels1.BitsAllocated, pixels2.BitsAllocated);
                return false;

            if (pixels1.BitsStored != pixels2.BitsStored)
                failureDescription = String.Format("Tag (7fe0,0010) Pixel Data: Bits Stored varies: {0} , {1}", pixels1.BitsStored, pixels2.BitsStored);
                return false;

            if (pixels1.ImageHeight != pixels2.ImageHeight)
                failureDescription = String.Format("Tag (7fe0,0010) Pixel Data: Rows varies: {0} , {1}", pixels1.ImageHeight, pixels2.ImageHeight);
                return false;

            if (pixels1.ImageWidth != pixels2.ImageWidth)
                failureDescription = String.Format("Tag (7fe0,0010) Pixel Data: Columns varies: {0} , {1}", pixels1.ImageWidth, pixels2.ImageWidth);
                return false;

            if (pixels1.SamplesPerPixel != pixels2.SamplesPerPixel)
                failureDescription = String.Format("Tag (7fe0,0010) Pixel Data: Samples per pixel varies: {0} , {1}", pixels1.SamplesPerPixel, pixels2.SamplesPerPixel);
                return false;

            if (pixels1.NumberOfFrames != pixels2.NumberOfFrames)
                failureDescription = String.Format("Tag (7fe0,0010) Pixel Data: Number of frames varies: {0} , {1}", pixels1.NumberOfFrames, pixels2.NumberOfFrames);
                return false;

            long pixelsVarying = 0;
            long totalVariation = 0;

            int pixels = pixels1.ImageHeight * pixels1.ImageWidth * pixels1.SamplesPerPixel;

            if (pixels1.BitsAllocated == 8)
                for (int frame = 0; frame < pixels1.NumberOfFrames; frame++)
                    byte[] pixel1 = pixels1.GetFrame(frame);
                    byte[] pixel2 = pixels2.GetFrame(frame);

                    if (pixels1.HighBit != pixels2.HighBit)
                        // Justify the pixel, if needed
                        if (DicomUncompressedPixelData.RightAlign(pixel1, pixels1.BitsAllocated, pixels1.BitsStored,
                            //pixels1.HighBit = (ushort)(pixels1.BitsStored - 1);
                            DicomUncompressedPixelData.ZeroUnusedBits(pixel1, pixels1.BitsAllocated, pixels1.BitsStored,
                                                                      pixels1.BitsStored - 1);
                        if (DicomUncompressedPixelData.RightAlign(pixel2, pixels2.BitsAllocated, pixels2.BitsStored,
                            //pixels2.HighBit = (ushort)(pixels2.BitsStored - 1);
                            DicomUncompressedPixelData.ZeroUnusedBits(pixel2, pixels2.BitsAllocated, pixels2.BitsStored,
                                                                      pixels2.BitsStored - 1);

                    int[] intPixels1 = pixels1.IsSigned
                                           ? Convert8BitSigned(pixel1, pixels, (DicomUncompressedPixelData)pixels1)
                                           : Convert8BitUnsigned(pixel1, pixels, (DicomUncompressedPixelData)pixels1);

                    int[] intPixels2 = pixels2.IsSigned
                                           ? Convert8BitSigned(pixel2, pixels, (DicomUncompressedPixelData)pixels2)
                                           : Convert8BitUnsigned(pixel2, pixels, (DicomUncompressedPixelData)pixels2);

                    for (int i = 0; i < pixels; i++)
                        if (intPixels1[i] != intPixels2[i])
                            totalVariation += Math.Abs(intPixels1[i] - intPixels2[i]);
                if (pixelsVarying > 0)
                    failureDescription = String.Format(
                            "Tag (7fe0,0010) Pixel Data: {0} of {1} pixels varying, average difference: {2}",
                            pixelsVarying, pixels * pixels1.NumberOfFrames, totalVariation / pixelsVarying);
                    return false;
                for (int frame = 0; frame < pixels1.NumberOfFrames; frame++)
                    byte[] pixel1 = pixels1.GetFrame(frame);
                    byte[] pixel2 = pixels2.GetFrame(frame);

                    if (pixels1.HighBit != pixels2.HighBit)
                        // Justify the pixel, if needed
                        if (DicomUncompressedPixelData.RightAlign(pixel1, pixels1.BitsAllocated, pixels1.BitsStored,
                            //pixels1.HighBit = (ushort) (pixels1.BitsStored - 1);
                            DicomUncompressedPixelData.ZeroUnusedBits(pixel1, pixels1.BitsAllocated, pixels1.BitsStored,
                                                                     pixels1.BitsStored - 1);
                        if (DicomUncompressedPixelData.RightAlign(pixel2, pixels2.BitsAllocated, pixels2.BitsStored,
                            //pixels2.HighBit = (ushort)(pixels2.BitsStored - 1);

                            DicomUncompressedPixelData.ZeroUnusedBits(pixel2, pixels2.BitsAllocated, pixels2.BitsStored,
                                                    pixels2.BitsStored - 1);

                    int[] intPixels1 = pixels1.IsSigned
                                           ? Convert16BitSigned(pixel1, pixels, (DicomUncompressedPixelData)pixels1)
                                           : Convert16BitUnsigned(pixel1, pixels, (DicomUncompressedPixelData)pixels1);

                    int[] intPixels2 = pixels2.IsSigned
                                           ? Convert16BitSigned(pixel2, pixels, (DicomUncompressedPixelData)pixels2)
                                           : Convert16BitUnsigned(pixel2, pixels, (DicomUncompressedPixelData)pixels2);

                    for (int i = 0; i < pixels; i++)
                        if (intPixels1[i] != intPixels2[i])
                            totalVariation += Math.Abs(intPixels1[i] - intPixels2[i]);

                if (pixelsVarying > 0)
                    failureDescription = String.Format("Tag (7fe0,0010) Pixel Data: {0} of {1} pixels varying, average difference: {2}", pixelsVarying, pixels, totalVariation / pixelsVarying);
                    return false;

            return true;