        /// <summary>This method executes the new command.</summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sender of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event arguments.</param>
        private void NewExecuted(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
            DiagramViewModel view = DataContext as DiagramViewModel;

            if (view != null)
                Point currentPosition = MouseUtilities.GetMousePosition(this);
                dialog         = new Window();
                dialog.Height  = 350 * UserSettingsHelper.Instance.ControlSize;
                dialog.Width   = 300 * UserSettingsHelper.Instance.ControlSize;
                dialog.Left    = Math.Max(currentPosition.X, 20);
                dialog.Top     = Math.Max(currentPosition.Y, 20);
                dialog.Content = new EntityDialogControl();
                Entity newEntity = new Entity();
                newEntity.EntityID = Guid.NewGuid();
                newEntity.Solution = view.Solution;
                EntityViewModel newEntityView = new EntityViewModel(newEntity, view.Solution);
                dialog.DataContext          = newEntityView;
                dialog.Title                = newEntityView.Title;
                newEntityView.RequestClose += new EventHandler(newEntityView_RequestClose);

                if (newEntityView.IsOK == true)
                    // TODO: investigate why this workflow needs to be different than other elements in the model
                    newEntityView.Entity.TransformDataFromObject(newEntityView.EditEntity, null, false);
                    newEntityView.EditEntity = null;
                    view.AddEntity(newEntityView, currentPosition, true);