Exemplo n.º 1
 //End Get and Set methods
 //Parses a dialogue tree from an XML string. The resulting dialogues are stored as a hash map in diaHash (<string title>,
 //<DialogueObject>). These are displayed in the OnGUI function - edit there if you want to change their display. This
 //function just creates the hashMap and the Objects inside it.
 //XML tags:
 //<XML> - encloses the document
 //    <DOb name = "name"> - encloses a piece of dialogue; name is how this dialogue piece is referenced
 //        <DText> - encloses the text for this piece of dialogue, it is assummed that DOb will have exactly 1 of these
 //            the text
 //        </DText>
 //        <DOp (GoTo="name")> - encloses a response to the dialogue which is selectable by the player; GoTo is a reference
 //                            to a DOb name, it is where the dialogue will go when this response is selected, it is optional
 //            <DResp> - encloses the text for this response, it is assumed that DOp will have exactly 1 of these
 //                the text
 //            </DResp>
 //            <Com  Obj="name" Fn="name" (Par="par" (ParType = "type"))/> - represents a command to be executed
 //                    Obj - the name of the GameObject which has the script containing the function attached. This is *not*
 //                        the name of the script
 //                    Fn - the name of the function to be called (such as "setScreenWidth"). Do not include parentheses.
 //                    Par - Optional, a parameter to be passed to the fn. This must be in string form, and convertable to
 //                        the desired type from a string
 //                    ParType - Optional, what type to convert Par to. If not specified, it assumed that it should remain
 //                        a string. Possible values:
 //                            "i" - convert to int
 //                            "f" - convert to float
 //                            "b" - convert to bool
 //        </DOp>
 //    </DOb>
 public void parseDialogueTree(string XML)
     PT_XMLHashtable xht;
     int tempCount;
     int tempCount2;
     string[][] commands;
     DiaOptObj[] tempdoo;
     DialogueObj tempdob;
     xht = reader.xml["XML"][0];
     foreach(PT_XMLHashtable DOBxht in xht["DOb"]){
         tempdob = new DialogueObj();
         tempdob.text = DOBxht["DText"][0].text;
             tempdoo = new DiaOptObj[DOBxht["DOp"].Count];
             tempCount = 0;
             foreach(PT_XMLHashtable DOPxht in DOBxht["DOp"]){
                 tempdoo[tempCount] = new DiaOptObj();
                 tempdoo[tempCount].response = DOPxht["DResp"][0].text;
                     tempdoo[tempCount].GoTo = DOPxht.att("GoTo");
                     commands = new string[DOPxht["Com"].Count][];
                     tempCount2 = 0;
                     foreach(PT_XMLHashtable option in DOPxht["Com"]){
                             commands[tempCount2] = new string[4];
                             commands[tempCount2][3] = option.att("ParType");
                             commands[tempCount2][2] = option.att ("Par");
                         }else if(option.HasAtt("Par")){
                             commands[tempCount2] = new string[3];
                             commands[tempCount2][2] = option.att("Par");
                             commands[tempCount2] = new string[2];
                         commands[tempCount2][0] = option.att("Obj");
                         commands[tempCount2][1] = option.att("Fn");
                     tempdoo[tempCount].commands = commands;
             tempdob.options = tempdoo;
    //End Get and Set methods

    //Parses a dialogue tree from an XML string. The resulting dialogues are stored as a hash map in diaHash (<string title>,
    //<DialogueObject>). These are displayed in the OnGUI function - edit there if you want to change their display. This
    //function just creates the hashMap and the Objects inside it.

    //XML tags:
    //<XML> - encloses the document
    //	<DOb name = "name"> - encloses a piece of dialogue; name is how this dialogue piece is referenced
    //		<DText> - encloses the text for this piece of dialogue, it is assummed that DOb will have exactly 1 of these
    //			the text
    //		</DText>
    //		<DOp (GoTo="name")> - encloses a response to the dialogue which is selectable by the player; GoTo is a reference
    //							to a DOb name, it is where the dialogue will go when this response is selected, it is optional
    //			<DResp> - encloses the text for this response, it is assumed that DOp will have exactly 1 of these
    //				the text
    //			</DResp>
    //			<Com  Obj="name" Fn="name" (Par="par" (ParType = "type"))/> - represents a command to be executed
    //					Obj - the name of the GameObject which has the script containing the function attached. This is *not*
    //						the name of the script
    //					Fn - the name of the function to be called (such as "setScreenWidth"). Do not include parentheses.
    //					Par - Optional, a parameter to be passed to the fn. This must be in string form, and convertable to
    //						the desired type from a string
    //					ParType - Optional, what type to convert Par to. If not specified, it assumed that it should remain
    //						a string. Possible values:
    //							"i" - convert to int
    //							"f" - convert to float
    //							"b" - convert to bool
    //		</DOp>
    //	</DOb>
    public void parseDialogueTree(string XML)
        PT_XMLHashtable xht;
        int             tempCount;
        int             tempCount2;

        string[][]  commands;
        DiaOptObj[] tempdoo;
        DialogueObj tempdob;

        xht = reader.xml["XML"][0];
        foreach (PT_XMLHashtable DOBxht in xht["DOb"])
            tempdob      = new DialogueObj();
            tempdob.text = DOBxht["DText"][0].text;
            if (DOBxht.HasKey("DOp"))
                tempdoo   = new DiaOptObj[DOBxht["DOp"].Count];
                tempCount = 0;
                foreach (PT_XMLHashtable DOPxht in DOBxht["DOp"])
                    tempdoo[tempCount]          = new DiaOptObj();
                    tempdoo[tempCount].response = DOPxht["DResp"][0].text;
                    if (DOPxht.ContainsAtt("GoTo"))
                        tempdoo[tempCount].GoTo = DOPxht.att("GoTo");
                    if (DOPxht.HasKey("Com"))
                        commands   = new string[DOPxht["Com"].Count][];
                        tempCount2 = 0;
                        foreach (PT_XMLHashtable option in DOPxht["Com"])
                            if (option.HasAtt("ParType"))
                                commands[tempCount2]    = new string[4];
                                commands[tempCount2][3] = option.att("ParType");
                                commands[tempCount2][2] = option.att("Par");
                            else if (option.HasAtt("Par"))
                                commands[tempCount2]    = new string[3];
                                commands[tempCount2][2] = option.att("Par");
                                commands[tempCount2] = new string[2];
                            commands[tempCount2][0] = option.att("Obj");
                            commands[tempCount2][1] = option.att("Fn");
                        tempdoo[tempCount].commands = commands;
                tempdob.options = tempdoo;
            diaHash.Add(DOBxht.att("name"), tempdob);