Exemplo n.º 1
        private bool WriteOtp(byte[] data)
            var       devices = DfuContext.Current.GetDevices();
            DfuDevice device  = devices[0];

            device.Upload(data, 0x1FFF7800, 2);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void Upload(DfuDevice device, string path, int address)
            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(path);

            byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            totalBytes = bytes.Length;

            Console.WriteLine($"Uploading {fi.Name}");
            uploadedByteCount = 0;
            device.Upload(bytes, (int)address);
            Console.WriteLine("\rdone                    ");
        public Task EraseAndUploadDevice(int deviceIndex, int productID, string configPath, string flashPath, string bootFile)
            int uploadedByteCount = 0;
            int totalBytes        = 0;

            var devices = DfuContext.Current.GetDevices();

            if (devices.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("Device not found");

            DfuDevice device = devices[deviceIndex];


            var deviceConfig = Globals.DeviceTypes.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ProductID == productID);

            int sectorCount = 0;

            foreach (var sector in deviceConfig.Sectors)
                eraseProgress = (sectorCount + 1) * 100 / deviceConfig.Sectors.Count();

            // get bytes for progress

            using (System.IO.StreamReader streamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(configPath))
                string hexFileString = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
                byte[] hexFileBytes  = SrecHexEncoding.GetBytes(hexFileString, deviceConfig.ConfigBaseAddress);
                totalBytes += hexFileBytes.Length;

            using (System.IO.StreamReader streamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(flashPath))
                string hexFileString = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
                byte[] hexFileBytes  = SrecHexEncoding.GetBytes(hexFileString, deviceConfig.FlashBaseAddress);
                totalBytes += hexFileBytes.Length;

            // load tinybooter

            using (System.IO.StreamReader streamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(bootFile))
                string hexFileString = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
                byte[] hexFileBytes  = SrecHexEncoding.GetBytes(hexFileString, bootloaderBaseAddress);
                device.Upload(hexFileBytes, (int)bootloaderBaseAddress);

            device.Uploading += (sender, e) =>
                uploadedByteCount += e.BytesUploaded;
                uploadProgress     = uploadedByteCount * 100 / totalBytes;

            // load config

            using (System.IO.StreamReader streamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(configPath))
                string hexFileString = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
                byte[] hexFileBytes  = SrecHexEncoding.GetBytes(hexFileString, deviceConfig.ConfigBaseAddress);
                device.Upload(hexFileBytes, (int)deviceConfig.ConfigBaseAddress);

            // load flash

            using (System.IO.StreamReader streamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(flashPath))
                string hexFileString = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
                byte[] hexFileBytes  = SrecHexEncoding.GetBytes(hexFileString, deviceConfig.FlashBaseAddress);
                device.Upload(hexFileBytes, (int)deviceConfig.FlashBaseAddress);

            //// step 4: restart board
            device.SetAddress(0x08000001);             // NOTE: for thumb2 instructinos, we added 1 to the "base address".  Otherwise our board will not restart properly.
            RaiseFirmwareUpdateProgress("Update Complete");

            //                                    // leave DFU mode.
        public Task EraseAndUploadDevice(int deviceIndex, byte productID)
            int uploadedByteCount = 0;
            int totalBytes        = 0;

            List <Firmware> firmwares = LoadFirmwareFiles();
            Firmware        firmware  = firmwares.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ProductID == productID);

            var devices = DfuContext.Current.GetDevices();

            if (devices.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("Device not found");

            DfuDevice device = devices[deviceIndex];


            // TODO: make sure we are in DFU mode; if we are in app mode (runtime) then we need to detach and re-enumerate.

            // get our total sectors and block counts
            List <uint> allSectorBaseAddresses = new List <uint>();

            foreach (Firmware.FirmwareRegion region in firmware.FirmwareRegions)

            // erase each sector
            for (int iSector = 0; iSector < allSectorBaseAddresses.Count; iSector++)
                eraseProgress = (iSector + 1) * 100 / allSectorBaseAddresses.Count();

            device.Uploading += (sender, e) =>
                uploadedByteCount += e.BytesUploaded;
                uploadProgress     = uploadedByteCount * 100 / totalBytes;

            for (int i = 0; i < firmware.FirmwareRegions.Count; i++)
                var region = firmware.FirmwareRegions[i];
                if (region.Filename != null)
                    using (System.IO.StreamReader streamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(firmware.FolderPath + "/" + region.Filename))
                        string hexFileString = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
                        byte[] hexFileBytes  = SrecHexEncoding.GetBytes(hexFileString, region.BaseAddress);
                        totalBytes += hexFileBytes.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < firmware.FirmwareRegions.Count; i++)
                var region = firmware.FirmwareRegions[i];
                if (region.Filename != null)
                    using (System.IO.StreamReader streamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(firmware.FolderPath + "/" + region.Filename))
                        string hexFileString = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
                        byte[] hexFileBytes  = SrecHexEncoding.GetBytes(hexFileString, region.BaseAddress);
                        device.Upload(hexFileBytes, (int)region.BaseAddress);

            //// step 4: restart board
            device.SetAddress(0x08000001);             // NOTE: for thumb2 instructinos, we added 1 to the "base address".  Otherwise our board will not restart properly.
            RaiseFirmwareUpdateProgress("Update Complete");

            //                                    // leave DFU mode.
Exemplo n.º 5
        // Write the concatonated header and configuration data to the Flash config sector
        private void WriteConfig(string configName, byte[] data, bool staticSize, bool updateConfigSector)
            if (!isInitialized)

            // updating the config
            if (cfgHash.ContainsKey(configName))
                ConfigIndexData cid = (ConfigIndexData)cfgHash[configName];

                // If old and new data are different sizes
                if (cid.Size != data.Length)
                    // If data comes from a well defined structure, its size cannot vary
                    //if (staticSize) throw new MFInvalidConfigurationDataException();

                    uint   newNextIndex, oldNextIndex;
                    byte[] temp;
                    int    diff = 0;

                    // Figure out where any following configuration data will start
                    newNextIndex = (uint)(cid.Index + data.Length);
                    while (0 != (newNextIndex % 4))
                        newNextIndex++;                                // Force a 4 byte boundary

                    // Figure out where any following configuration data previously started
                    oldNextIndex = (uint)(cid.Index + cid.Size);
                    while (0 != (oldNextIndex % 4))
                        oldNextIndex++;                                // Force a 4 byte boundary

                    diff = (int)newNextIndex - (int)oldNextIndex;                             // Find the adjusted difference in size between old and new config data
                    temp = new byte[lastCfgIndex + diff];                                     // Create a new byte array to contain all the configuration data

                    Array.Copy(all_cfg_data, temp, cid.Index);                                // Copy all preceding data to new array
                    Array.Copy(data, 0, temp, cid.Index, data.Length);                        // Copy new configuration to new array
                    if (oldNextIndex < lastCfgIndex)                                          // Copy all following data (if it exists) to new array
                        Array.Copy(all_cfg_data, oldNextIndex, temp, newNextIndex, (all_cfg_data.Length - oldNextIndex));

                    // Update the local copy of the configuration list
                    all_cfg_data  = temp;
                    lastCfgIndex += diff;
                    // Copy the new configuration data on top of the old
                    Array.Copy(data, 0, all_cfg_data, cid.Index, data.Length);
            else                    // adding a new configuration to the end of the current list
                uint newLastIndex;

                if (lastCfgIndex == -1)
                    throw new OutOfMemoryException();

                // Find the new size of the whole configuration list
                newLastIndex = (uint)(lastCfgIndex + data.Length);

                while (0 != (newLastIndex % 4))
                    newLastIndex++;                            // Force a 4 byte boundary

                byte[] temp = new byte[lastCfgIndex >= all_cfg_data.Length ? lastCfgIndex + data.Length : all_cfg_data.Length];

                Array.Copy(all_cfg_data, 0, temp, 0, all_cfg_data.Length);
                Array.Copy(data, 0, temp, lastCfgIndex, data.Length);

                // Update the local copy of the configuration list
                all_cfg_data = temp;
                lastCfgIndex = (int)newLastIndex;

            if (!updateConfigSector)

            // Rewrite entire configuration list to Flash
            var       devices = DfuContext.Current.GetDevices();
            DfuDevice device  = devices[0];

            byte[] clear = new byte[all_cfg_data.Length];

            device.Upload(all_cfg_data, configAddress);

            // Rebuild hash table
            uint hal_config_block_size = 0;

                hal_config_block_size = (uint)sizeof(HAL_CONFIG_BLOCK);
            int index = (int)staticConfig.ConfigurationLength;

            byte[]           headerData = new byte[hal_config_block_size];
            HAL_CONFIG_BLOCK cfg_header;

            while (index < lastCfgIndex)
                // Read in next configuration header
                Array.Copy(all_cfg_data, index, headerData, 0, hal_config_block_size);
                cfg_header = (HAL_CONFIG_BLOCK)UnmarshalData(headerData, typeof(HAL_CONFIG_BLOCK));

                cfgHash[cfg_header.DriverNameString] = new ConfigIndexData(index, (int)(cfg_header.Size + hal_config_block_size));

                // Index of next configuration header must lie on a 4 byte boundary
                index += (int)(cfg_header.Size + hal_config_block_size);
                while (0 != (index % 4))
                    index++;                            // Force a 4 byte boundary