Exemplo n.º 1
        public int Read(IntPtr pItem)
            int           eumT = 0, eumU = 0;
            DfsSimpleType dataT = DfsSimpleType.Int;

            DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetItemInfo(pItem, out eumT, out EUMTypeString, out Name, out eumU, out EUMUnitString, out dataT);

            EUMType  = (eumItem)eumT;
            EUMUnit  = (eumUnit)eumU;
            dataType = (DfsSimpleType)dataT;

            //if (dataType != UfsSimpleType.UFS_FLOAT)return err("Only float dataType supported.");

            dim = DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetItemDim(pItem);

            dataValType = DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetItemValueType(pItem);

            sAxisType = (SpaceAxisType)DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetItemAxisType(pItem);
            switch (sAxisType)
            case SpaceAxisType.EqD0:
                DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetItemAxisEqD0(pItem, out eumU, out axisEUMUnitString);
                nPointsX = 1;

            case SpaceAxisType.EqD1:
                DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetItemAxisEqD1(pItem, out eumU, out axisEUMUnitString, out m_nPointsX, out XMinLimit, out DX);

            case SpaceAxisType.EqD2:
                DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetItemAxisEqD2(pItem, out eumU, out axisEUMUnitString, out m_nPointsX, out m_nPointsY, out XMinLimit, out YMinLimit, out DX, out DY);

            case SpaceAxisType.EqD3:
                DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetItemAxisEqD3(pItem, out eumU, out axisEUMUnitString, out m_nPointsX, out m_nPointsY, out m_nPointsZ, out XMinLimit, out YMinLimit, out ZMinLimit, out DX, out DY, out DZ);

                return(_err("Unsupported space axis " + sAxisType.ToString()));

            axisEUMUnit = (eumUnit)eumU;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Introductory example of how to load a dfs0 file.
        /// <para>
        /// The method assumes that the Rain_stepaccumulated.dfs0 test file
        /// is the input file.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">path and name of Rain_stepaccumulated.dfs0 test file</param>
        public static double ReadDfs0File(string filename)
            // Open the file as a generic dfs file
            IDfsFile dfs0File = DfsFileFactory.DfsGenericOpen(filename);

            // Header information is contained in the IDfsFileInfo
            IDfsFileInfo fileInfo = dfs0File.FileInfo;
            int          steps    = fileInfo.TimeAxis.NumberOfTimeSteps; // 19

            // Information on each of the dynamic items, here the first one
            IDfsSimpleDynamicItemInfo dynamicItemInfo = dfs0File.ItemInfo[0];
            string        nameOfFirstDynamicItem      = dynamicItemInfo.Name;     // "Rain"
            DfsSimpleType typeOfFirstDynamicItem      = dynamicItemInfo.DataType; // Double
            ValueType     valueType = dynamicItemInfo.ValueType;                  // StepAccumulated

            // Read data of first item, third time step (items start by 1, timesteps by 0),
            IDfsItemData datag  = dfs0File.ReadItemTimeStep(1, 2);
            double       value1 = System.Convert.ToDouble(datag.Data.GetValue(0)); // 0.36
            // Assuming this is a double value, the item data object can be converted to the correct type
            IDfsItemData <double> data = (IDfsItemData <double>)datag;
            double value2 = data.Data[0];                                  // 0.36

            // This iterates through all timesteps and items in the file
            // For performance reasons it is important to iterate over time steps
            // first and items second.
            double sum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j <= dfs0File.ItemInfo.Count; j++)
                    data = (IDfsItemData <double>)dfs0File.ReadItemTimeStep(j, i);
                    double value = data.Data[0];
                    sum += value;

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Introductory example of how to load a dfs2 file.
        /// <para>
        /// The method assumes that the OresundHD.dfs2 test file
        /// is the input file.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">path and name of OresundHD.dfs2 test file</param>
        public static void ReadingDfs2File(string filename)
            // Open the file as a dfs2 file
            Dfs2File dfs2File = DfsFileFactory.Dfs2FileOpen(filename);

            // Spatial axis for this file is a 2D equidistant axis
            IDfsAxisEqD2 axisEqD2 = ((IDfsAxisEqD2)dfs2File.SpatialAxis);
            double       dx       = axisEqD2.Dx;                         // 900
            double       dy       = axisEqD2.Dy;                         // 900

            // Header information is contained in the IDfsFileInfo
            IDfsFileInfo fileInfo         = dfs2File.FileInfo;
            int          steps            = fileInfo.TimeAxis.NumberOfTimeSteps; // 13
            string       projectionString = fileInfo.Projection.WKTString;       // "UTM-33"

            // Information on each of the dynamic items, here the first one
            IDfsSimpleDynamicItemInfo dynamicItemInfo = dfs2File.ItemInfo[0];
            string        nameOfFirstDynamicItem      = dynamicItemInfo.Name;     // "H Water Depth m"
            DfsSimpleType typeOfFirstDynamicItem      = dynamicItemInfo.DataType; // Float

            // Read data of first item, third time step (items start by 1, timesteps by 0),
            // assuming data is of type float.
            IDfsItemData2D <float> data2D = (IDfsItemData2D <float>)dfs2File.ReadItemTimeStep(1, 2);
            // Get the value at (i,j) = (3,4) of the item and timestep
            float value = data2D[3, 4];                                  // 11.3634329

            // This iterates through all the timesteps and items in the file
            // For performance reasons it is important to iterate over time steps
            // first and items second.
            for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j <= dfs2File.ItemInfo.Count; j++)
                    data2D = (IDfsItemData2D <float>)dfs2File.ReadItemTimeStep(j, i);
                    value  = data2D[3, 4];
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Introductory example of how to load a dfs0 file with a non-time axis
        /// as the primary axis. The important part here is to NOT call
        /// the <code>data.TimeInSeconds()</code>, because that will fail.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">path and name of Added_Mass.dfs0 test file</param>
        public static double ReadNonTimeAxisDfs0(string filename)
            // Open the file as a generic dfs file
            IDfsFile dfs0File = DfsFileFactory.DfsGenericOpen(filename);

            // Header information is contained in the IDfsFileInfo
            IDfsFileInfo fileInfo = dfs0File.FileInfo;
            // The TimeAxis is not a time axis, but a regular axis
            int          steps        = fileInfo.TimeAxis.NumberOfTimeSteps; // 256
            TimeAxisType timeAxisType = fileInfo.TimeAxis.TimeAxisType;      // TimeNonEquidistant
            eumUnit      timeUnit     = fileInfo.TimeAxis.TimeUnit;          // radian-per-second

            // Information on each of the dynamic items, here the first one
            IDfsSimpleDynamicItemInfo dynamicItemInfo = dfs0File.ItemInfo[0];
            string        nameOfFirstDynamicItem      = dynamicItemInfo.Name;     // "DOF_1-1"
            DfsSimpleType typeOfFirstDynamicItem      = dynamicItemInfo.DataType; // Float
            ValueType     valueType = dynamicItemInfo.ValueType;                  // Instantaneous

            // This iterates through all timesteps and items in the file
            // For performance reasons it is important to iterate over time steps
            // first and items second.
            double sum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j <= dfs0File.ItemInfo.Count; j++)
                    var data = (IDfsItemData <float>)dfs0File.ReadItemTimeStep(j, i);
                    // The Time axis value is not a time value but in radian-per-second.
                    double axisValue = data.Time;
                    float  value     = data.Data[0];
                    sum += value;

Exemplo n.º 5
    /// <summary>
    /// Introductory example of how to load a dfs1 file.
    /// <para>
    /// The method assumes that the wln.dfs1 test file
    /// is the input file.
    /// </para>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="filename">path and name of wln.dfs1 test file</param>
    public static void ReadingDfs1File(string filename)
      // Open the file as a dfs1 file
      Dfs1File dfs1File = DfsFileFactory.Dfs1FileOpen(filename);

      // Spatial axis for this file is a 2D equidistant axis
      IDfsAxisEqD1 axisEqD1 = ((IDfsAxisEqD1)dfs1File.SpatialAxis);
      double dx = axisEqD1.Dx;                                           // 900

      // Header information is contained in the IDfsFileInfo
      IDfsFileInfo fileInfo = dfs1File.FileInfo;
      int steps = fileInfo.TimeAxis.NumberOfTimeSteps;                   // 577
      // Information on each of the dynamic items, here the first one
      IDfsSimpleDynamicItemInfo dynamicItemInfo = dfs1File.ItemInfo[0];
      string nameOfFirstDynamicItem = dynamicItemInfo.Name;              // "WL-N (m)"
      DfsSimpleType typeOfFirstDynamicItem = dynamicItemInfo.DataType;   // Float

      // Read data of first item, third time step (items start by 1, timesteps by 0),
      // assuming data is of type float.
      IDfsItemData<float> data = (IDfsItemData<float>)dfs1File.ReadItemTimeStep(1, 2);

Exemplo n.º 6
        public int ReadDfsFile(string dfsFileName)
            int rc;

            DfsDLLWrapper.dfsFileRead(dfsFileName, out pHeader, out pFile);
            m_fileName = dfsFileName;

            compressed = (DfsDLLWrapper.dfsIsFileCompressed(pHeader));
            if (compressed)
                encodeKeySize = DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetEncodeKeySize(pHeader);
                if (encodeKeySize > 0)
                    compress_XKey = new int[encodeKeySize];
                    compress_YKey = new int[encodeKeySize];
                    compress_ZKey = new int[encodeKeySize];
                    DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetEncodeKey(pHeader, compress_XKey, compress_YKey, compress_ZKey);
                    compressed = false;

            // general info about file
            dfsFileType = (FileType)DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetFileType(pHeader);
            DataType    = DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetDataType(pHeader);

            //delete value
            delVal = DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetDeleteValFloat(pHeader);

            //statisics type
            statType = DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetItemStatsType(pHeader);

            //Custom blocks
            DfsSimpleType iDataType   = DfsSimpleType.Float;
            int           iMiscVarNos = 0;
            IntPtr        pData       = pHeader;
            IntPtr        pNextBlock  = pHeader;
            IntPtr        pBlock      = pHeader;

            pBlock = DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetCustomBlockRef(pHeader);

            if (pBlock.ToInt32() != 0)
                DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetCustomBlock(pBlock, out iDataType, out CustomBlockName, out iMiscVarNos, ref pData, out pNextBlock);
                switch ((DfsSimpleType)iDataType)
                case DfsSimpleType.Float:
                    custBlockDataFloat = new float[iMiscVarNos];
                    Marshal.Copy(pData, custBlockDataFloat, 0, custBlockDataFloat.Length);     // copy data from pointer to array

                case DfsSimpleType.Int:
                    custBlockDataInt = new int[iMiscVarNos];
                    Marshal.Copy(pData, custBlockDataInt, 0, custBlockDataInt.Length);     // copy data from pointer to array

                    throw new Exception("Unsupported CustomBlock data tyoe encountered (" + iDataType + ".");
                if (CustomBlockName == "MIKE_FM")
                    if (custBlockDataInt.Length > 0)
                        dfsuCustBlock.NoNodesTot = custBlockDataInt[0];
                    if (custBlockDataInt.Length > 1)
                        dfsuCustBlock.NoElemTot = custBlockDataInt[1];
                    if (custBlockDataInt.Length > 2)
                        dfsuCustBlock.Dim = custBlockDataInt[2];
                    if (custBlockDataInt.Length > 3)
                        dfsuCustBlock.NoLayers = custBlockDataInt[3];
                else if (CustomBlockName == "M21_Misc")
                    if (custBlockDataFloat.Length > 0)
                        m21CustBlock.ori = custBlockDataFloat[0];                                //m_LITOrientation
                    if (custBlockDataFloat.Length > 1)
                        m21CustBlock.f1 = custBlockDataFloat[1];
                    if (custBlockDataFloat.Length > 2)
                        m21CustBlock.f2 = custBlockDataFloat[2];
                    if (custBlockDataFloat.Length > 3)
                        m21CustBlock.f3 = custBlockDataFloat[3];                                //m_LandValue
                    if (custBlockDataFloat.Length > 4)
                        m21CustBlock.f4 = custBlockDataFloat[4];
                    if (custBlockDataFloat.Length > 5)
                        m21CustBlock.f5 = custBlockDataFloat[5];
                    if (custBlockDataFloat.Length > 6)
                        m21CustBlock.f6 = custBlockDataFloat[6];                                //m_GISLITOrientation

            //time axis
            tAxisType = (TimeAxisType)DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetTimeAxisType(pHeader);
            switch (tAxisType)
            case TimeAxisType.CalendarEquidistant:
                DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetEqCalendarAxis(pHeader, out tAxis_StartDateStr, out tAxis_StartTimeStr, out tAxis_EUMUnit, out tAxis_EUMUnitStr, out tAxis_dTStart, out tAxis_dTStep, out tAxis_nTSteps, out tAxis_indexTStart);

            case TimeAxisType.Undefined:
                DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetEqCalendarAxis(pHeader, out tAxis_StartDateStr, out tAxis_StartTimeStr, out tAxis_EUMUnit, out tAxis_EUMUnitStr, out tAxis_dTStart, out tAxis_dTStep, out tAxis_nTSteps, out tAxis_indexTStart);

            case TimeAxisType.CalendarNonEquidistant:
                DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetNeqCalendarAxis(pHeader, out tAxis_StartDateStr, out tAxis_StartTimeStr, out tAxis_EUMUnit, out tAxis_EUMUnitStr, out tAxis_dTStart, out tAxis_dTStep, out tAxis_nTSteps, out tAxis_indexTStart);

            case TimeAxisType.TimeEquidistant:
                DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetEqTimeAxis(pHeader, out tAxis_EUMUnit, out tAxis_EUMUnitStr, out tAxis_dTStart, out tAxis_dTStep, out tAxis_nTSteps, out tAxis_indexTStart);

            case TimeAxisType.TimeNonEquidistant:
                DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetNeqTimeAxis(pHeader, out tAxis_EUMUnit, out tAxis_EUMUnitStr, out tAxis_dTStart, out tAxis_dTStep, out tAxis_nTSteps, out tAxis_indexTStart);

                return(_err(tAxisType.ToString() + " not supported"));

            Projection_type = (ProjectionType)DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetGeoInfoType(pHeader);
            if (Projection_type == ProjectionType.Projection)
                DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetGeoInfoUTMProj(pHeader, out Projection, out Longitude, out Latitude, out Orientation);

            //Dynamic Items
            int ItemCount = DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetNoOfItems(pHeader);

            Items = new DfsItemInfo[ItemCount];
            for (int i = 1; i < Items.Length + 1; i++)
                Items[i - 1]             = new DfsItemInfo();
                Items[i - 1].fileInfoRef = this;
                Items[i - 1].Read(i); // reads header

            //Static Items
            rc = 0;
            int sItemNo = 0;

            while (true)
                { DfsDLLWrapper.dfsFindItemStatic(pHeader, pFile, sItemNo); }
                { break; }// no more static items
            if (sItemNo > 0)
                staticItems = new DfsItemInfo[sItemNo - 2];
                for (int i = 0; i < staticItems.Length; i++)
                    staticItems[i]             = new DfsItemInfo();
                    staticItems[i].fileInfoRef = this;
                    rc = staticItems[i].ReadStatic(i + 1); // read header
                if (readStaticDataOnRead)
                    rc = ReadStaticData();
