IEnumerator SendData(int weight, string postfix)
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f));

        var client = new FhirClient("");

        Debug.Log("TOAN111: DEVICEINFO:" + DEVICEINFO.ID.STR);
        Device device = client.Read <Device>("" + DEVICEINFO.ID.STR);

        if (device != null)
            Debug.Log("TOAN113: DEVICEINFO:" + DEVICEINFO.ID.STR);
            //Quantity quantityValue = new Quantity();
            Quantity quantityValue;
            if (device.Property.Count > 0 && device.Property[0].ValueQuantity.Count > 0)
                quantityValue = device.Property[0].ValueQuantity[0];
                quantityValue = new Quantity();

            quantityValue.Value  = (decimal)(weight * 0.005f);
            quantityValue.System = ("");
            quantityValue.Code   = postfix;

            Coding weightCoding = new Coding("", "29463-7", "Body Weight");
            Device.PropertyComponent weightProperty = new Device.PropertyComponent();
            CodeableConcept          code           = new CodeableConcept();
            weightProperty.Type = code;

            if (device.Property.Count == 0)
                device.Property[0] = weightProperty;
            var result = client.Update(device);
            TW.I.AddWarning("", "Updated ID " + result.Id);
            Debug.Log("TOAN112: DEVICEINFO:" + DEVICEINFO.ID.STR);
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Hl7.Fhir.Rest.FhirClient clientFhir = new Hl7.Fhir.Rest.FhirClient("", false);
            //Hl7.Fhir.Rest.FhirClient clientFhir = new Hl7.Fhir.Rest.FhirClient("", false);
            clientFhir.Timeout = 1000 * 720; // give the call a while to execute (particularly while debugging).

                var res = clientFhir.Get("Patient/8b2179c6-811d-492a-9c8e-6856be319af3");
            catch (Exception exec)
                string m = exec.Message;

            //string PatientResourceId = string.Empty;

            ////Add a Patient resource by Update
            //Patient PatientOne = new Patient();
            //PatientOne.BirthDateElement = new Date("1979-09-30");
            //string PatientOneMRNIdentifer = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            //PatientOne.Identifier.Add(new Identifier(StaticTestData.TestIdentiferSystem, PatientOneMRNIdentifer));
            //PatientOne.Gender = AdministrativeGender.Unknown;

            //Patient PatientResult = null;
            //  PatientResult = clientFhir.Create(PatientOne);
            //catch (Exception Exec)
            //  Assert.True(false, "Exception thrown on resource Create: " + Exec.Message);
            //Assert.NotNull(PatientResult, "Resource create by Updated returned resource of null");
            //PatientResourceId = PatientResult.Id;
            //PatientResult = null;

            var Dev = new Device();

            Dev.Property = new List <Device.PropertyComponent>();
            var TestProp = new Device.PropertyComponent();

            TestProp.Type        = new CodeableConcept();
            TestProp.Type.Coding = new List <Coding>();
            TestProp.Type.Coding.Add(new Coding()
                System = "urn:iso:std:iso:11073:10101",
                Code   = "68221"
            TestProp.Type.Text     = "MDC_TIME_SYNC_ACCURACY: null";
            TestProp.ValueQuantity = new List <Quantity>();
            TestProp.ValueQuantity.Add(new Quantity()
                Value = 120000000,
                Code  = "us"

            FhirJsonSerializer FhirJsonSerializer = new FhirJsonSerializer();
            string             JasonDevice        = FhirJsonSerializer.SerializeToString(Dev, Hl7.Fhir.Rest.SummaryType.False);
            //FhirJsonSerializer.Serialize(Resource, jsonwriter, Summary);