//Will be called by the TableView when a cell needs to be created for display
        public TableViewCell GetCellForRowInTableView(TableView tableView, int row)
            DetailTableCell cell = tableView.GetReusableCell(m_cellPrefab.reuseIdentifier) as DetailTableCell;

            if (cell == null)
                cell      = (DetailTableCell)GameObject.Instantiate(m_cellPrefab);
                cell.name = "DynamicHeightCellInstance_" + (++m_numInstancesCreated).ToString();
            cell.rowNumber            = row;
            cell.height               = GetHeightOfRow(row);
            cell.m_rowNumberText.text = fileinfo [row].Name;
        void Update()
            m_tableView.scrollY -= Time.deltaTime * scrollingVelocity;

            if (playIsGazing)
                playGazeActivationTime += Time.deltaTime;
                float r = 1.0f - (playGazeActivationTime / playGazeActivationThreshold);
                float g = r;
                float b = r;
                btnPlay.GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(r, 1.0f, b, 1.0f);
                if (playGazeActivationTime > playGazeActivationThreshold)
                    play();                     //run the activation method for the play button
                    playGazeActivationTime = 0.0f;
                playGazeActivationTime = 0.0f;

            //DetailTableCell temp = m_tableView.GetCellAtRow (0) as DetailTableCell;
            //temp.GetComponent<Image> ().color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.75f);
            //Debug.Log (m_tableView.visibleRowRange.from );

            selectedCellIndex = (int)(m_numRows * (m_tableView.scrollY / m_tableView.scrollableHeight));
            selectedCellIndex = Mathf.Clamp(selectedCellIndex, 0, m_numRows - 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < m_numRows; i++)
                DetailTableCell temp = m_tableView.GetCellAtRow(i) as DetailTableCell;
                if (temp != null)
                    temp.GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.white;
                    if (temp.rowNumber == selectedCellIndex)
                        temp.GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f);