public FrEntryScore(Student student, DetailScore score, FrInputScore inputscore)
     this.student    = student;
     this.score      = score;
     this.inputscore = inputscore;
     va = new Validation(this.Controls, EVAlidation);
 private void UpdateToDatabase()
     using (SampleDataContext db = new SampleDataContext())
         DetailScore detail = db.DetailScores.Where(ds => ds.ScoreDetailId == score.ScoreDetailId).FirstOrDefault();
         detail.Assignment = Convert.ToInt32(TbxAssignment.Text);
         detail.MidExam    = Convert.ToInt32(TbxMidExam.Text);
         detail.FinalExam  = Convert.ToInt32(TbxFinalExam.Text);
Exemplo n.º 3
 private void DGVStudents_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
     if (e.RowIndex >= 0)
         DataGridViewRow row = DGVStudents.Rows[e.RowIndex];
         using (SampleDataContext db = new SampleDataContext())
             student        = db.Students.Where(s => s.StudentId == row.Cells["StudentId"].Value.ToString()).FirstOrDefault();
             selecteddetail = db.DetailScores.Where(ds => ds.StudentId == student.StudentId).FirstOrDefault();
Exemplo n.º 4
        private async void MyList_ItemSelected(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs e)
            this.Title = "Cours N° " + idCr.ToString();
            List <Chapitre> ChapitreList;

            //get index of listView itemSelected
            var         index = (MyList.ItemsSource as ObservableCollection <Chapitre>).IndexOf(e.SelectedItem as Chapitre);
            DetailScore sc    = new DetailScore();
            int         x     = 20;

            if (idCr == 1)
                var result = await DisplayAlert("Commencer un test", "Votre meilleur score pour ce chapitre est " + sc.score, "Ok", "annuler"); // since we are using async, we should specify the DisplayAlert as awaiting.

                if (result)
                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new Ch1Q1(0, index + 1, 0, idCr));

            else if (idCr > 1)
                ChapitreList = await App.ChapitreDb.GetChapitreForCours1(idCr - 1);

                var indice = ChapitreList[ChapitreList.Count - 1].IdChapitre;
                indice += index;
                //if (index == 0)
                //    indice += index;
                //else if (index > 0)
                //    indice += 1;

                var result = await DisplayAlert("Commencer un test", "Votre meilleur score pour ce chapitre est 50 %", "Ok", "annuler"); // since we are using async, we should specify the DisplayAlert as awaiting.

                if (result)
                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new Ch1Q1(0, indice + 1, 0, idCr));
            //else if ((idCr > 1) && (index > 0))

            //List<Question> QuestionPreviousList = await App.QuestionDb.GetQuestionByChapter();

            //if (index == 0)
            //    var result = await DisplayAlert("Commencer un test", "Votre meilleur score pour ce chapitre est 50 %", "Ok", "annuler"); // since we are using async, we should specify the DisplayAlert as awaiting.
            //    if (result)
            //    {
            //        await Navigation.PushAsync(new Ch1Q1(0, index +1,0));
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        return;
            //    }

            //if (index == 2)
            //    var result = await DisplayAlert("Commencer un test", "Votre meilleur score pour ce chapitre est 75 %", "Ok", "annuler"); // since we are using async, we should specify the DisplayAlert as awaiting.
            //    if (result)
            //    {
            //        await Navigation.PushAsync(new Ch2Q1(0));
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        return;
            //    }

            //if (index == 4)
            //    var result = await DisplayAlert("Commencer un test", "Votre meilleur score pour ce chapitre est 45 %", "Ok", "annuler"); // since we are using async, we should specify the DisplayAlert as awaiting.
            //    if (result)
            //    {
            //        await Navigation.PushAsync(new Ch4Q1(0));
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        return;
            //    }