Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <ActionResult> CheckForUpdateTwin(string SourceGateway, string SourceHub, string SourceGroup, int SourceSlot, string TargetGateway, string TargetHub, string TargetGroup, int TargetSlot)
            DesiredNode desiredSourceNode = await getNode(SourceGateway, SourceHub, SourceGroup, SourceSlot);

            DesiredNode targetSourceNode = await getNode(TargetGateway, TargetHub, TargetGroup, TargetSlot);

            DesiredNode desiredUpdatedNode = new DesiredNode();

            if ((targetSourceNode.device_id == "0") || (targetSourceNode.device_id == ""))
                await UpdateTwin(TargetGateway, TargetHub, TargetGroup, TargetSlot, desiredSourceNode);

                desiredUpdatedNode = await getNode(TargetGateway, TargetHub, TargetGroup, TargetSlot);

                if (desiredUpdatedNode.device_id == desiredSourceNode.device_id)
                    await UpdateTwin(SourceGateway, SourceHub, SourceGroup, SourceSlot, new DesiredNode());
            ViewBag.gateway = TargetGateway;
            ViewBag.hub     = TargetHub;
            ViewBag.group   = TargetGroup;
            ViewBag.slot    = TargetSlot;

            return(View("~/Views/Node/ShowDesired.cshtml", desiredUpdatedNode));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <DesiredNode> getNode(string gateway, string hub, string group, int slot)
            var registryManager = _dm.registryMangerForHub(hub, group);
            var twin            = await registryManager.GetTwinAsync(gateway);

            var desired     = twin.Properties.Desired.ToJson();
            var desiredDict = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(desired);

            var nodeKey  = string.Format("node_settings_{0}", slot.ToString("D2"));
            var nodeJson = desiredDict[nodeKey];

            DesiredNode desiredNode = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DesiredNode>(nodeJson.ToString());

Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <ActionResult> ShowDesired(string gateway, string hub, string group, int slot)
            DesiredNode desiredSourceNode = await getNode(gateway, hub, group, slot);

            ViewBag.gateway = gateway;
            ViewBag.hub     = hub;
            ViewBag.group   = group;

            ViewBag.slot = slot;

            // move the sensor node from slot <slot> to another gateway and slot of choice

            // hints:
            // - modify desired properties of the gateways device twin
            // - use `UpdateTwin` below to update a specific part (e.g. a desired node property) of a device twin
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <ActionResult> Move(string sourceGateway, string sourceHub, string sourceGroup, int sourceSlot)
            var resourceGroups = await _dm.azureClient().ResourceGroups.ListAsync();

            List <MoveViewModels> MoveModels = new List <MoveViewModels>();

            foreach (var group in resourceGroups)
                var hubs = await _dm.rmClient().ResourceGroups.ListResourcesAsync(group.Name, "resourceType eq 'Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs'");

                foreach (var hub in hubs)
                    MoveViewModels MoveModel = new MoveViewModels();
                    MoveModel.hub   = hub.Name;
                    MoveModel.group = group.Name;

                    var registryManager = _dm.registryMangerForHub(hub.Name, group.Name);
                    var gateways        = await registryManager.GetDevicesAsync(9999);

                    MoveModel.gateways = new List <Gateway>();

                    foreach (var gateway in gateways)
                        Gateway HubGateway = new Gateway();
                        HubGateway.Id = gateway.Id;
                        HubGateway.ConnectionState            = gateway.ConnectionState.ToString();
                        HubGateway.ConnectionStateUpdatedTime = gateway.ConnectionStateUpdatedTime.ToString();

                        var twin = await registryManager.GetTwinAsync(gateway.Id);

                        var desired     = twin.Properties.Desired.ToJson();
                        var desiredDict = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(desired);

                        var nodes = new Dictionary <int, DesiredNode>();
                        for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                            var         nodeKey     = string.Format("node_settings_{0}", i.ToString("D2"));
                            var         nodeJson    = desiredDict[nodeKey];
                            DesiredNode desiredNode = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DesiredNode>(nodeJson.ToString());
                            nodes[i] = desiredNode;

                        HubGateway.Nodes = nodes;

            ViewBag.gateway = sourceGateway;
            ViewBag.hub     = sourceHub;
            ViewBag.group   = sourceGroup;

            ViewBag.slot = sourceSlot;

            // move the sensor node from slot <slot> to another gateway and slot of choice

            // hints:
            // - modify desired properties of the gateways device twin
            // - use `UpdateTwin` below to update a specific part (e.g. a desired node property) of a device twin
Exemplo n.º 5
        private async Task UpdateTwin(string gateway, string hub, string group, int slot, DesiredNode node)
            // this function updates the desired properties of the gateway,
            // and replaces the sensor node in at position <slot> with
            // the new sensor node information in contained in <node>.

            var registryManager = _dm.registryMangerForHub(hub, group);
            var twin            = await registryManager.GetTwinAsync(gateway);

            var desired = twin.Properties.Desired.ToJson();

            var desiredObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(desired);
            var slotKey    = string.Format("node_settings_{0}", slot.ToString("D2"));

            //var bck = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DesiredNode>(desiredObj[slotKey].ToString());

            // patch device twin
            var patch = string.Format("{{properties : {{ desired : {{ {0} : {1} }} }} }}", slotKey, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(node));

            twin = await registryManager.UpdateTwinAsync(gateway, patch, twin.ETag);