//Button Open Preview
        private void Button_OpenPreview(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //Return IDText Parent
            string MyIDTextParent = DesignUtils.ReturnCurrentFileIDText();

            //Get Encoding
            Encoding encoding = DesignUtils.GetEncodingIDText(MyIDTextParent);

            //Open Form Preview Extraction
            DesignUtils.CallformPreviewExtraction(null, "Split Text By Blank Lines", MyIDTextParent, encoding);
        //Button Open Preview
        private void Button_OpenPreview(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //Get the File Path
            string FilePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/StorageTextToolbox/Infos/" + MyIDText + ".txt";

            //Check if file exists
            bool bExists = File.Exists(FilePath);

            if (bExists == true)
                #region Open Preview Extraction

                //Auto Fill Controls

                //Get Item from the ComboBox
                string MyEncoding = ReturnEncoding();

                if (MyEncoding != null)
                    Encoding encoding = Utils.ConvertStringToEncoding(MyEncoding);

                    //Read Text File
                    string Source = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(FilePath, encoding);

                    //Check if all Parameters are in the File
                    string[] searchWords = { "FileName" + Utils.DefaultSeparator(), "Encoding" + Utils.DefaultSeparator() };
                    double   PercResults = Utils.FindWordsInString(Source, searchWords, false);

                    //Case all Parameters are found
                    if (PercResults == 1)
                        //Button Refresh Current File

                        //Open Form Preview Extraction
                        DesignUtils.CallformPreviewExtraction(MyIDText, "Text Application Scope", MyIDText, encoding);
                        //Error Message
                        MessageBox.Show("Please fill in all arguments", "Validation Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
                    //Error Message
                    MessageBox.Show("Please fill in all arguments", "Validation Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

        //Button Open Preview
        private void Button_OpenPreview(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Encoding encoding = Encoding.Default;

            //Return IDText Parent
            string MyIDTextParent = DesignUtils.ReturnCurrentFileIDText();

            //Get Encoding
            encoding = DesignUtils.GetEncodingIDText(MyIDTextParent);

            //Get the File Path
            string FilePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/StorageTextToolbox/Infos/" + MyIDText + ".txt";

            //Occurence Position
            MyArgument = "Occurence Position";
            string OccurencePosition = ReturnOccurrenceNumber();

            if (OccurencePosition != null)
                //Update Text File Row Argument
                DesignUtils.CallUpdateTextFileRowArgument(FilePath, MyArgument, OccurencePosition, encoding);
                //Delete Argument in case it is null
                DesignUtils.DeleteTextFileRowArgument(FilePath, MyArgument, encoding);

            #region Open Preview Extraction

            //Read Text File
            string Source = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(FilePath, encoding);

            //Check if all Parameters are in the File
            string[] searchWords = { "Words" + Utils.DefaultSeparator(), "Occurence Parameter" + Utils.DefaultSeparator() };
            double   PercResults = Utils.FindWordsInString(Source, searchWords, false);

            //Case all Parameters are found
            if (PercResults == 1)
                //Open Form Preview Extraction
                DesignUtils.CallformPreviewExtraction(MyIDText, "Remove Words", MyIDTextParent, encoding);
                //Error Message
                MessageBox.Show("Please fill in all arguments", "Validation Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

        //Button Open Preview
        private void Button_OpenPreview(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Encoding encoding = Encoding.Default;

            //Return IDText Parent
            string MyIDTextParent = DesignUtils.ReturnCurrentFileIDText();

            //Get Encoding
            encoding = DesignUtils.GetEncodingIDText(MyIDTextParent);

            //Get the File Path
            string FilePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/StorageTextToolbox/Infos/" + MyIDText + ".txt";

            #region Open Preview Extraction

            //Read Text File
            string Source = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(FilePath, encoding);

            //Check if all Parameters are in the File
            string[] searchWords = { "Beg Words" + Utils.DefaultSeparator(), "Regex Parameter" + Utils.DefaultSeparator() };
            double   PercResults = Utils.FindWordsInString(Source, searchWords, false);

            //Case all Parameters are found
            if (PercResults == 1)
                //Open Form Preview Extraction
                DesignUtils.CallformPreviewExtraction(MyIDText, "Extract Text Between Two Anchor Words", MyIDTextParent, encoding);
                //Error Message
                MessageBox.Show("Please fill in all arguments", "Validation Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

        //Button Open Preview
        private void Button_OpenPreview(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Encoding encoding = Encoding.Default;

            //Return IDText Parent
            string MyIDTextParent = DesignUtils.ReturnCurrentFileIDText();

            //Get Encoding
            encoding = DesignUtils.GetEncodingIDText(MyIDTextParent);

            //Get the File Path
            string FilePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/StorageTextToolbox/Infos/" + MyIDText + ".txt";

            //Lines Below
            MyArgument = "Lines Below";
            string LinesAbove = ReturnLinesBelow();

            if (LinesAbove != null)
                //Update Text File Row Argument
                DesignUtils.CallUpdateTextFileRowArgument(FilePath, MyArgument, LinesAbove, encoding);
                //Delete Argument in case it is null
                DesignUtils.DeleteTextFileRowArgument(FilePath, MyArgument, encoding);

            //Number of Lines
            MyArgument = "Number of Lines";
            string NumberofLines = ReturnNumberofLines();

            if (NumberofLines != null)
                //Update Text File Row Argument
                DesignUtils.CallUpdateTextFileRowArgument(FilePath, MyArgument, NumberofLines, encoding);
                //Delete Argument in case it is null
                DesignUtils.DeleteTextFileRowArgument(FilePath, MyArgument, encoding);

            //Anchor Words Parameter
            MyArgument = "Anchor Words Parameter";
            string MyAnchorWordsParameter = ReturnAnchorTextParam();

            if (MyAnchorWordsParameter != null)
                //Update Text File Row Argument
                DesignUtils.CallUpdateTextFileRowArgument(FilePath, MyArgument, MyAnchorWordsParameter, encoding);
                //Delete Argument in case it is null
                DesignUtils.DeleteTextFileRowArgument(FilePath, MyArgument, encoding);

            #region Open Preview Extraction

            //Read Text File
            string Source = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(FilePath, encoding);

            //Check if all Parameters are in the File
            string[] searchWords = { "Anchor Words" + Utils.DefaultSeparator(), "Lines Below" + Utils.DefaultSeparator(), "Number of Lines" + Utils.DefaultSeparator(), "Anchor Words Parameter" + Utils.DefaultSeparator() };
            double   PercResults = Utils.FindWordsInString(Source, searchWords, false);

            //Case all Parameters are found
            if (PercResults == 1)
                //Open Form Preview Extraction
                DesignUtils.CallformPreviewExtraction(MyIDText, "Extract Text Below Anchor Words", MyIDTextParent, encoding);
                //Error Message
                MessageBox.Show("Please fill in all arguments", "Validation Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
