Exemplo n.º 1
        // ====================================================================================================
        public override object Execute(CPBaseClass CP)
            // -- read instanceId, guid created uniquely for this instance of the addon on a page
            var result = string.Empty;
            AddonMockDataModel settings = null;

            try {
                // -- this is a dev tool -- catch excerptions and display
                // -- edit tool is outside to let them edit content on exception
                var settingsGuid = DesignBlockController.getSettingsGuid(CP, "Addon Mock", ref result);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settingsGuid))
                // -- locate or create a data record for this guid
                settings = AddonMockDataModel.createOrAddSettings(CP, settingsGuid);
                if (settings == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Could not create the design block settings record.");
                // -- translate the Db model to a view model and mustache it into the layout
                var viewModel = AddonMockViewModel.create(CP, settings);
                if (viewModel == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Could not create design block view model.");
                object dataObject = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(viewModel.jsonData);
                result = Nustache.Core.Render.StringToString(viewModel.layout, dataObject);
            } catch (ArgumentException ex) {
                // -- argument error
                result = "<div class=\"ccError\">" + ex.Message + "</div>";
            } catch (ApplicationException ex) {
                // -- app error
                result = "<div class=\"ccError\">" + ex.Message + "</div>";
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // -- tool, just return the exception
                result = "<div class=\"ccError\">" + ex.Message + "</div>";
            // -- if editing enabled, add the link and wrapperwrapper
            if (settings == null)
            return(CP.Content.GetEditWrapper(result, AddonMockDataModel.tableMetadata.contentName, settings.id));
Exemplo n.º 2
 // ====================================================================================================
 /// <summary>
 /// Populate the view model from the entity model
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cp"></param>
 /// <param name="settings"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static SampleViewModel create(CPBaseClass cp, SampleModel settings)
     try {
         // -- base fields
         var result = create <SampleViewModel>(cp, settings);
         // -- custom
         result.imageUrl          = string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.imageFilename) ? "" : (cp.Site.FilePath + settings.imageFilename).Replace(" ", "%20");
         result.styleAspectRatio  = DesignBlockController.getAspectRationStyle(settings.imageAspectRatioId);
         result.manageAspectRatio = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.styleAspectRatio);
         bool isTopElement = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result.imageUrl);
         result.headline            = settings.headline;
         result.headlineTopPadClass = isTopElement & (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.headline)) ? "" : "pt-3";
         isTopElement = isTopElement & string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result.headline);
         result.embed = settings.embed;
         result.headlineTopPadClass = isTopElement ? "" : "pt-3";
         isTopElement                  = isTopElement & string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result.embed);
         result.description            = settings.description;
         result.descriptionTopPadClass = isTopElement ? "" : "pt-3";
         isTopElement            = isTopElement & string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result.description);
         result.buttonUrl        = GenericController.verifyProtocol(settings.buttonUrl);
         result.buttonText       = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.buttonText) ? string.Empty : settings.buttonText;
         result.btnStyleSelector = settings.btnStyleSelector;
         if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.buttonText) | string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.buttonUrl)))
             result.buttonText = "";
             result.buttonUrl  = "";
         result.buttonTopPadClass = isTopElement ? "" : "pt-3";
     } catch (Exception ex) {
Exemplo n.º 3
            // ====================================================================================================
            public override object Execute(CPBaseClass CP)
                const string designBlockName = "Forum";

                try {
                    using (var ae = new ApplicationController(CP)) {
                        // -- read instanceId, guid created uniquely for this instance of the addon on a page
                        var result       = string.Empty;
                        var settingsGuid = DesignBlockController.getSettingsGuid(CP, designBlockName, ref result);
                        if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(settingsGuid)))
                        // -- locate or create a data record for this guid
                        var settings = ForumModel.createOrAddSettings(CP, settingsGuid);
                        if ((settings == null))
                            throw new ApplicationException("Could not create the design block settings record.");
                        // -- process buttons
                        ae.processButtonSubmit(CP, settings);
                        // -- translate the Db model to a view model and mustache it into the layout
                        var viewModel = ForumViewModel.create(CP, settings, ae);
                        if ((viewModel == null))
                            throw new ApplicationException("Could not create design block view model.");
                        result = Nustache.Core.Render.StringToString(DesignBlockController.getLayoutByGuid(CP, guidForumLayout, "Forum Layout", Contensive.Addon.Forum.Properties.Resources.ForumLayout), viewModel);
                        // -- if editing enabled, add the link and wrapperwrapper
                        return(CP.Content.GetEditWrapper(result, ForumModel.tableMetadata.contentName, settings.id));
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    return("<!-- " + designBlockName + ", Unexpected Exception -->");
Exemplo n.º 4
            // ====================================================================================================
            /// <summary>
            /// Populate the view model from the entity model
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="cp"></param>
            /// <param name="settings"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public static ForumViewModel create(CPBaseClass cp, ForumModel settings, ApplicationController ae)
                int hint = 10;

                try {
                    // -- base fields
                    string avatar = (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ae.user.thumbnailFilename) ? ae.user.imageFilename : ae.user.thumbnailFilename);
                    var    result = create <ForumViewModel>(cp, settings);
                    result.forumId                 = settings.id;
                    result.forumName               = settings.name;
                    result.headline                = settings.headline;
                    result.description             = settings.description;
                    result.recaptcha               = settings.recaptcha;
                    result.userAuthenticated       = cp.User.IsAuthenticated;
                    result.addCommentName          = ae.user.name;
                    result.addCommentEmail         = ae.user.email;
                    result.addCommentImageFilename = DesignBlockController.getAvatarLink(cp, ae, ae.user.thumbnailFilename, ae.user.imageFilename);
                    result.addCommentCopy          = "";
                    result.commentList             = new List <ForumComment>();
                    using (var cs = cp.CSNew()) {
                        hint = 20;
                        if (cs.OpenSQL(Contensive.Addon.Forum.Properties.Resources.selectSql.Replace("{forumId}", settings.id.ToString())))
                            //int lastCommentId = 0;
                            ForumComment      comment = new ForumComment();
                            ForumCommentReply reply   = new ForumCommentReply();
                                hint = 30;
                                int commentId = cs.GetInteger("commentId");
                                if (commentId != 0)
                                    hint = 40;
                                    // -- this row has a valid comment
                                    if (commentId != comment.commentId)
                                        hint = 50;
                                        // -- this row is a new comment
                                        string   commentBody   = cs.GetText("comment");
                                        string   cmName        = cs.GetText("cmName");
                                        string   cmEmail       = cs.GetText("cmEmail");
                                        DateTime cDateAdded    = cs.GetDate("cDateAdded");
                                        DateTime rightNow      = DateTime.Now;
                                        string   cDateCaption  = (rightNow.AddDays(7).CompareTo(cDateAdded) > 0) ? cDateAdded.ToString("dddd, d MMMM") : cDateAdded.ToString("d MMMM yyyy");
                                        string   commentByLine = cmName;
                                        commentByLine += ((!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(commentByLine) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cDateCaption)) ? " &bull; " : "") + cDateCaption;
                                        commentByLine += ((!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(commentByLine)) ? " &bull; " : "");
                                        comment        = new ForumComment()
                                            commentId            = commentId,
                                            comment              = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(commentBody) ? "(empty)" : commentBody,
                                            commentUserName      = cmName,
                                            commentUserEmail     = cmEmail,
                                            commentByLine        = commentByLine,
                                            commentImageFilename = DesignBlockController.getAvatarLink(cp, ae, cs.GetText("cmthumbfilename"), cs.GetText("cmImageFilename")),
                                            replyList            = new List <ForumCommentReply>()
                                    hint = 60;
                                    int replyId = cs.GetInteger("replyId");
                                    if (replyId != 0)
                                        hint = 70;
                                        // -- this row has a valid reply
                                        if (replyId != reply.replyId)
                                            // -- this row has a new reply
                                            DateTime rDateAdded   = cs.GetDate("rDateAdded");
                                            DateTime rightNow     = DateTime.Now;
                                            string   rDateCaption = (rightNow.AddDays(7).CompareTo(rDateAdded) > 0) ? rDateAdded.ToString("dddd, d MMMM") : rDateAdded.ToString("d MMMM yyyy");
                                            string   replyByLine  = cs.GetText("rmName");
                                            replyByLine += ((!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(replyByLine) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rDateCaption)) ? " &bull; " : "") + rDateCaption;
                                            reply        = new ForumCommentReply()
                                                replyId            = cs.GetInteger("replyId"),
                                                reply              = cs.GetText("reply"),
                                                replyUserName      = cs.GetText("rmName"),
                                                replyUserEmail     = cs.GetText("rmEmail"),
                                                replyByLine        = replyByLine,
                                                replyImageFilename = DesignBlockController.getAvatarLink(cp, ae, cs.GetText("cmthumbfilename"), cs.GetText("rmImageFilename"))
                                hint = 80;
                            } while (cs.OK());
                    // -- now reverse the list for display
                    hint = 90;
                    foreach (var comment in result.commentList)
                    // -- return the list
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    cp.Site.ErrorReport(ex, "hint-" + hint.ToString());