Exemplo n.º 1
 public void DumpAndLogLocals(Desharp.Level logLevel)
     Delegates.TestBaseDelegate(delegate(object o, EventArgs e) {
         Console.Write("Handler first");
     }, logLevel);
     Delegates.TestTypedDelegate(delegate(object o, CustomEventArgs e) {
     }, logLevel);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void DumpAndLogLocals(Desharp.Level logLevel)
            Func <int, int, int, string, bool?> fn1 = (a, b, c, d) => {
            Func <int> fn2 = () => {

            Desharp.Debug.Log(fn1, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(fn2, logLevel);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void DumpAndLogLocals(Desharp.Level logLevel)
            System.DateTimeOffset     a = DateTimeOffset.Now;
            System.DateTime           b = DateTime.Now;
            System.TimeSpan           c = TimeSpan.FromTicks(DateTime.Now.Ticks);
            System.DBNull             d = System.DBNull.Value;
            System.Guid               e = this.GetType().GUID;
            System.Text.StringBuilder f = new System.Text.StringBuilder("String builder test value");

            Desharp.Debug.Dump(a, b, c, d, e, f);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(a, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(b, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(c, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(d, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(e, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(f, logLevel);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Write(string msg, LogType logType = LogType.Info)
            // frame 1, true for source info
            StackFrame frame      = new StackFrame(1, true);
            var        method     = frame.GetMethod();
            var        fileName   = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(frame.GetFileName());
            var        lineNumber = frame.GetFileLineNumber();

            //Log to Desharp
            Desharp.Level desharpLevel = Desharp.Level.DEBUG;
            if (logType == LogType.Info)
                desharpLevel = Desharp.Level.INFO;
            if (logType == LogType.Warning)
                desharpLevel = Desharp.Level.WARNING;
            if (logType == LogType.Error)
                desharpLevel = Desharp.Level.ERROR;
            Desharp.Debug.Log(msg, desharpLevel);

            //Log to Console
            if (logType == LogType.Error) //Always log errors
                kobberLan.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                    if (kobberLan != null)
            else if (logType == LogType.Warning) //Always log warnings
                kobberLan.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                    if (kobberLan != null)
            else //Information
Exemplo n.º 5
        public sbyte?CP = null;                 // @

        public void DumpAndLogLocals(Desharp.Level logLevel)
            Int16   aa = -1;
            UInt16  ab = 2;
            Int32   ac = -3;
            UInt32  ad = 4;
            Int64   ae = -5;
            UInt64  af = 6;
            IntPtr  ag = new IntPtr(-7);
            UIntPtr ah = new UIntPtr(8);

            float   ai = -9.5E+10F;
            double  aj = -10.5E+10;
            decimal ak = -11.5E+10M;

            char   al = '@';
            string am = "Hi";

            bool  an = true;
            byte  ao = 0x40;                    // @
            sbyte ap = -0x25;                   // %

                aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, af, ag, ah, ai, aj, ak, al, am, an, ao, ap
            Desharp.Debug.Log(aa, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ab, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ac, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ad, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ae, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(af, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ag, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ah, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ai, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(aj, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ak, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(al, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(am, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(an, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ao, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ap, logLevel);

            Int16?  ba = -10;
            UInt16? bb = 20;
            Int32?  bc = -30;
            UInt32? bd = 40;
            Int64?  be = -50;
            UInt64? bf = 60;
            IntPtr? bg = new IntPtr(-70);
            UIntPtr?bh = new UIntPtr(80);

            float?  bi = -90.5E+10F;
            double? bj = -100.5E+10;
            decimal?bk = -101.5E+10M;

            char?bl = '@';
            //string? bm = '@';

            bool? bn = true;
            byte? bo = 0x25;                    // %
            sbyte?bp = -0x40;                   // @

                ba, bb, bc, bd, be, bf, bg, bh, bi, bj, bk, bl, /*bm,*/ bn, bo, bp
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ba, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bb, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bc, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bd, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(be, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bf, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bg, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bh, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bi, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bj, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bk, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bl, logLevel);
            //Desharp.Debug.Log(bm, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bn, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bo, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bp, logLevel);

            Int16?  ca = null;
            UInt16? cb = null;
            Int32?  cc = null;
            UInt32? cd = null;
            Int64?  ce = null;
            UInt64? cf = null;
            IntPtr? cg = null;
            UIntPtr?ch = null;

            float?  ci = null;
            double? cj = null;
            decimal?ck = null;

            char?cl = null;
            //string? cm = null;

            bool? cn = null;
            byte? co = null;                // %
            sbyte?cp = null;                // @

                ca, cb, cc, cd, ce, cf, cg, ch, ci, cj, ck, cl, /*cm,*/ cn, co, cp
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ca, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(cb, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(cc, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(cd, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ce, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(cf, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(cg, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ch, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ci, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(cj, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ck, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(cl, logLevel);
            //Desharp.Debug.Log(cm, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(cn, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(co, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(cp, logLevel);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void DumpAndLogLocals(Desharp.Level logLevel)
            Int16[]   aa = new Int16[] { 1, -1 };
            UInt16[]  ab = new UInt16[] { 2, 22 };
            Int32[]   ac = new Int32[] { -3, 3 };
            UInt32[]  ad = new UInt32[] { 4, 44 };
            Int64[]   ae = new Int64[] { -5, 5 };
            UInt64[]  af = new UInt64[] { 6, 66 };
            IntPtr[]  ag = new IntPtr[] { new IntPtr(-7), new IntPtr(7) };
            UIntPtr[] ah = new UIntPtr[] { new UIntPtr(8), new UIntPtr(88) };

            float[]   ai = new float[] { -9.5E+10F, 9.5E+10F };
            double[]  aj = new double[] { -10.5E+10, 10.5E+10 };
            decimal[] ak = new decimal[] { -11.5E+10M, 11.5E+10M };

            char[]   al = new char[] { '@', '#' };
            string[] am = new string[] { "Hi", "how", "are", "you?" };

            bool[]  an = new bool[] { true, false };
            byte[]  ao = new byte[] { 0x40, 0x23 };                         // @, #
            sbyte[] ap = new sbyte[] { -0x25, -0x24 };                      // %, $

            int[][] aJaggedArr = new int[][] {
                new int[] { 1, 2, 3 },
                new int[] { 10, 20, 30 }
                aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, af, ag, ah, ai, aj, ak, al, am, an, ao, ap, aJaggedArr
            Desharp.Debug.Log(aa, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ab, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ac, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ad, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ae, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(af, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ag, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ah, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ai, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(aj, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ak, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(al, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(am, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(an, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ao, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ap, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(aJaggedArr, logLevel);

            Int16?[]   ba = new Int16?[] { null, 1, -1 };
            UInt16?[]  bb = new UInt16?[] { 2, null, 22 };
            Int32?[]   bc = new Int32?[] { -3, 3, null };
            UInt32?[]  bd = new UInt32?[] { null, 4, 44 };
            Int64?[]   be = new Int64?[] { -5, null, 5 };
            UInt64?[]  bf = new UInt64?[] { 6, 66, null };
            IntPtr?[]  bg = new IntPtr?[] { null, new IntPtr(-7), new IntPtr(7) };
            UIntPtr?[] bh = new UIntPtr?[] { new UIntPtr(8), null, new UIntPtr(88) };

            float?[]   bi = new float?[] { -9.5E+10F, 9.5E+10F, null };
            double?[]  bj = new double?[] { null, -10.5E+10, 10.5E+10 };
            decimal?[] bk = new decimal?[] { -11.5E+10M, null, 11.5E+10M };

            char?[]  bl = new char?[] { '@', '#', null };
            string[] bm = new string[] { "Hi", null, "are", "you?" };

            bool?[]  bn = new bool?[] { true, false, null };
            byte?[]  bo = new byte?[] { 0x40, null, 0x23 };                             // @, #
            sbyte?[] bp = new sbyte?[] { null, -0x25, 0x24 };                           // %, $

            int?[][] bJaggedArrNullable = new int?[][] {
                new int?[] { 1, 2, 3, null },
                new int?[] { 10, 20, null, 30 }
                ba, bb, bc, bd, be, bf, bg, bh, bi, bj, bk, bl, bm, bn, bo, bp, bJaggedArrNullable
            Desharp.Debug.Log(ba, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bb, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bc, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bd, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(be, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bf, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bg, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bh, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bi, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bj, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bk, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bl, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bm, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bn, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bo, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bp, logLevel);
            Desharp.Debug.Log(bJaggedArrNullable, logLevel);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static void TestTypedDelegate(CustomHandler handler, Desharp.Level logLevel)
     Desharp.Debug.Log(handler, logLevel);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static void TestBaseDelegate(EventHandler handler, Desharp.Level logLevel)
     Desharp.Debug.Log(handler, logLevel);