public DeploymentBasedQueueBalancer(
            ISiloStatusOracle siloStatusOracle,
            IDeploymentConfiguration deploymentConfig,
            DeploymentBasedQueueBalancerOptions options)
            if (siloStatusOracle == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("siloStatusOracle");
            if (deploymentConfig == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("deploymentConfig");

            this.siloStatusOracle = siloStatusOracle;
            this.deploymentConfig = deploymentConfig;
            immatureSilos         = new ConcurrentDictionary <SiloAddress, bool>();
            this.options          = options;

            isStarting = true;

            // register for notification of changes to silo status for any silo in the cluster

            // record all already active silos as already mature.
            // Even if they are not yet, they will be mature by the time I mature myself (after I become !isStarting).
            foreach (var silo in siloStatusOracle.GetApproximateSiloStatuses(true).Keys.Where(s => !s.Equals(siloStatusOracle.SiloAddress)))
                immatureSilos[silo] = false;     // record as mature
        public DeploymentBasedQueueBalancer(
            ISiloStatusOracle siloStatusOracle,
            IDeploymentConfiguration deploymentConfig,
            DeploymentBasedQueueBalancerOptions options,
            IServiceProvider services,
            ILogger <DeploymentBasedQueueBalancer> logger)
            : base(services, logger)
            this.siloStatusOracle = siloStatusOracle ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(siloStatusOracle));
            this.deploymentConfig = deploymentConfig ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(deploymentConfig));
            this.options          = options;

            isStarting = true;

            // record all already active silos as already mature.
            // Even if they are not yet, they will be mature by the time I mature myself (after I become !isStarting).
            immatureSilos = new ConcurrentDictionary <SiloAddress, bool>(
                from s in siloStatusOracle.GetApproximateSiloStatuses(true).Keys
                where !s.Equals(siloStatusOracle.SiloAddress)
                select new KeyValuePair <SiloAddress, bool>(s, false));