/// <returns>Generic List of CategoryInfo</returns>
        /// <summary>
        /// This method acts as a proxy between the web and business components to check whether the
        /// underlying data has already been cached.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>List of CategoryInfo from Cache or Business component</returns>
        public UserLogin Create(UserGroup Base, UserLogin login, User info, UserRegister register)

            orderQueue.Send(Base, login, info, register);
            if (!enableCaching)
            string       group_key  = "UserReg_Group" + login.LoginID;
            string       login_key  = "UserReg_Login" + login.LoginID;
            string       user_key   = "UserReg_User" + login.LoginID;
            string       regist_key = "UserReg_Register" + login.LoginID;
            UserGroup    groups     = (UserGroup)HttpRuntime.Cache[group_key];
            UserLogin    logins     = (UserLogin)HttpRuntime.Cache[group_key];
            User         users      = (User)HttpRuntime.Cache[group_key];
            UserRegister regs       = (UserRegister)HttpRuntime.Cache[group_key];

            // Check if the data exists in the data cache
            if (groups == null && logins == null && users == null && regs == null)
                //// If the data is not in the cache then fetch the data from the business logic tier
                //data = cat.GetCategories();
                // Create a AggregateCacheDependency object from the factory
                AggregateCacheDependency cd = DependencyFacade.GetUserRegistDependency();
                // Store the output in the data cache, and Add the necessary AggregateCacheDependency object
                // HttpRuntime.Cache.Add(group_key, Base, cd, DateTime.Now.AddHours(UserRegTimeout), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.High, null);
                HttpRuntime.Cache.Add(login_key, login, cd, DateTime.Now.AddHours(UserRegTimeout), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.High, null);
                // HttpRuntime.Cache.Add(user_key, info, cd, DateTime.Now.AddHours(UserRegTimeout), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.High, null);
                // HttpRuntime.Cache.Add(regist_key, register, cd, DateTime.Now.AddHours(UserRegTimeout), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.High, null);