Exemplo n.º 1
        private float ComputeMecanumDriveMotorSpeed(DenseVector desiredMovement, VectorComponent wheelForceVectorInput)
            var wheelForceVector     = new DenseVector(new[] { wheelForceVectorInput.X, wheelForceVectorInput.Y });
            var wheelForceVectorUnit = wheelForceVector.Normalize(2);
            var scale = wheelForceVectorUnit.DotProduct(desiredMovement);

//         Console.WriteLine(wheelForceVector + " " + wheelForceVectorUnit + " " + desiredMovement + " " + scale);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void CalculateRotationMatrix()
            Vector3D startPos = startNode.Position, endPos = endNode.Position;
            double   dx, dy, dz;
            double   nx, ny, nz;
            double   theta, alpha1, alpha2;

            dx = endPos.x - startPos.x;
            dy = endPos.y - startPos.y;
            dz = endPos.z - startPos.z;

            alpha1 = Math.Atan2(dy, dx);
            alpha2 = Math.Atan2(dz, Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(dx, 2) + Math.Pow(dy, 2)));

            DenseVector n = (new DenseVector(new double[] { 0, -1.0 * Math.Sin(alpha2), Math.Sin(alpha1) * Math.Cos(alpha2) }));

            n = DenseVector.OfVector(n.Normalize(2));

            nx = n[0];
            ny = n[1];
            nz = n[2];

            theta = Math.Acos(Math.Cos(alpha1) * Math.Cos(alpha2));

            //Mount quaternion parts

            double q1 = Math.Cos(theta / 2);
            double q2 = nx * Math.Sin(theta / 2);
            double q3 = ny * Math.Sin(theta / 2);
            double q4 = nz * Math.Sin(theta / 2);

            DenseMatrix q  = new DenseMatrix(1, 3, new double[] { q2, q3, q4 });
            DenseMatrix qT = new DenseMatrix(3, 1, new double[] { q2, q3, q4 });
            DenseMatrix I  = DenseMatrix.CreateIdentity(3);
            DenseMatrix qS = new DenseMatrix(3);

            qS[0, 1] = -q4;
            qS[0, 2] = q3;
            qS[1, 2] = -q2;

            qS[1, 0] = q4;
            qS[2, 0] = -q3;
            qS[2, 1] = q2;

            DenseMatrix sub_RotationMatrix = (Math.Pow(q1, 2) - (q * qT)[0, 0]) * I + 2 * qT * q + 2 * q1 * qS;

            DenseMatrix temp_RotationMatrix = new DenseMatrix(nodesAmount * 6);

            for (int i = 0; i < nodesAmount * 6; i += 3)
                temp_RotationMatrix.SetSubMatrix(i, i, sub_RotationMatrix);

            RotationMatrix = temp_RotationMatrix;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private Vector <double> GetUnitVector(WiimoteLib.Point pixelcoords)
            int PIXELS_X = 1024;
            int PIXELS_Y = 768;
            //const double FOV_X = .578; unused

            int    pxFromOriginX = pixelcoords.X - (PIXELS_X / 2);
            int    pxFromOriginY = pixelcoords.Y - (PIXELS_Y / 2);
            double pxFromOriginZ = PIXELS_Z; //PIXELS_X / Math.Tan(FOV_X / 2);
            var    unitVector    = new DenseVector(new double[] { pxFromOriginX, pxFromOriginY, pxFromOriginZ });

Exemplo n.º 4
        private void CreateOffsetVectors()
            foreach (var indexNormal in indexToNormal)
                int index = indexNormal.Key;

                Vector <double>[] distinctNormals = indexNormal.Value.Distinct(new VectorEqualityComparer()).ToArray();

                Vector <double> offsetVector = new DenseVector(3);
                foreach (var normal in distinctNormals)
                    offsetVector = offsetVector + normal;

                offsetVector = (offsetVector / distinctNormals.Length);

                //for normal pointing to the outside *-1
                offsetVectors[index] = offsetVector.Normalize(2) * (-1);
        public static Vector <double> GradientProjection(Vector <double> x0, double eps)
            var             xCur = x0.GetProjectionHyperplane(HyperPlane, 1);
            Vector <double> grad = new DenseVector(3)
                [0] = Df_dx(xCur[0], xCur[1], xCur[2], eps),
                [1] = Df_dy(xCur[0], xCur[1], xCur[2], eps),
                [2] = Df_dz(xCur[0], xCur[1], xCur[2], eps)

            //подбираем длину шага в направлении проекции
            var alpha = GoldenRatioAlpha(xCur, eps, grad.Normalize(2).GetProjectionHyperplane(HyperPlane, 1)); //project???
            //.GetProjectionHyperplane(HyperPlane, 1)

            var xNext     = (xCur - alpha * grad.Normalize(2)).GetProjectionHyperplane(HyperPlane, 1); //нормируем направление шага
            var iteration = 1;                                                                         // normalized

                #region Output

                if (iteration < 100000)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Iter {iteration++}: xCur:{(xCur).ToStR()}" + $" F: {F(xCur)}" +
                                      $"||Grad||:{grad.L2Norm()} " +
                                      $"||xCur-xNext||:{(xCur - xNext).L2Norm()}");


                if (!IsOnPlane(HyperPlane, xCur, eps))
                    throw new Exception();

                xCur = xNext;

                grad[0] = Df_dx(xCur[0], xCur[1], xCur[2], eps / 1000);
                grad[1] = Df_dy(xCur[0], xCur[1], xCur[2], eps / 1000);
                grad[2] = Df_dz(xCur[0], xCur[1], xCur[2], eps / 1000);

                //подбираем длину шага в направлении проекции
                alpha = GoldenRatioAlpha(xCur, eps, grad);  //project???

                xNext = (xCur - alpha * grad)
                        .GetProjectionHyperplane(HyperPlane, 1); //вводим нормированный градиент
            }while (!((xCur - xNext).L2Norm() < eps));           //normalized now

            Console.WriteLine($"Iter {iteration}: xCur:{xNext.ToStR()} " +
                              $"||xCur-xNext||:{(xCur - xNext).L2Norm()} " +
                              $"F = : {F(xNext)}");