Exemplo n.º 1
 public override void Process(DemoParsingInfo infoObj)
     infoObj.PrintOptionMessage("looking for pauses");
     try {
         bool any = false;
         foreach (int pauseTick in GetPauseTicks(infoObj.CurrentDemo))
             any = true;
             Console.Write($"[{pauseTick}] pause");
             if (pauseTick > infoObj.CurrentDemo.EndAdjustmentTick)
                 Console.Write(" (after last adjusted tick)");
             else if (pauseTick < infoObj.CurrentDemo.StartAdjustmentTick)
                 Console.Write(" (before first adjusted tick)");
         if (!any)
             Console.WriteLine("no pauses found");
     } catch (Exception) {
         Utils.Warning("Search for pauses failed.\n");
 protected override void Process(DemoParsingInfo infoObj, FilterFlags flags, bool isDefault)
     infoObj.PrintOptionMessage("looking for teleports");
     try {
         bool any = false;
         foreach ((EntityPortalled userMessage, int tick) in FindTeleports(infoObj.CurrentDemo, flags))
             any = true;
             if ((flags & FilterFlags.VerboseInfo) != 0)
                 Console.Write((flags & FilterFlags.PlayerOnly) != 0
                                                 ? " player"
                                                 : $" entity {userMessage.Portalled}");
                 Console.WriteLine($" went through portal {userMessage.Portal}");
         if (!any)
             Console.WriteLine((flags & FilterFlags.PlayerOnly) != 0
                                         ? "player never teleported"
                                         : "no entities were teleported");
     } catch (Exception) {
         Utils.Warning("Search for teleports failed.\n");
        protected override void Process(DemoParsingInfo infoObj, DataTableDumpMode mode, bool isDefault)
            infoObj.PrintOptionMessage("creating data table dump");
            TextWriter tw = infoObj.StartWritingText("datatables");

            try {
                WriteDataTableDump((StreamWriter)tw, infoObj.CurrentDemo, mode);
            } catch (Exception) {
                Utils.Warning("Data table dump failed.\n");
        public override void Process(DemoParsingInfo infoObj)
            infoObj.PrintOptionMessage("creating string table dump");
            TextWriter tw = infoObj.StartWritingText("stringtables");

            try {
                WriteStringTableDump((StreamWriter)tw, infoObj.CurrentDemo);
            } catch (Exception) {
                Utils.Warning("String table dump failed.\n");
 protected override void Process(DemoParsingInfo infoObj, InputDisplayMode mode, bool isDefault)
     infoObj.PrintOptionMessage("getting user inputs");
     try {
         foreach ((int tick, string repr) in GetUserInputs(infoObj.CurrentDemo, mode))
             Console.WriteLine($"[{tick}] {repr}");
     } catch (Exception) {
         Utils.Warning("Getting user inputs failed.\n");
Exemplo n.º 6
        protected override void Process(DemoParsingInfo infoObj, int arg, bool isDefault)
            infoObj.PrintOptionMessage("smoothing jumps");
            Stream s = infoObj.StartWritingBytes("smooth-jumps", ".dem");

            try {
                SmoothJumps(infoObj.CurrentDemo, s, arg);
            } catch (Exception) {
                Utils.Warning("Smoothing jumps failed.\n");
                infoObj.CancelOverwrite = true;
Exemplo n.º 7
        protected override void Process(DemoParsingInfo infoObj, string arg, bool isDefault)
            infoObj.PrintOptionMessage("changing demo dir");
            Stream s = infoObj.StartWritingBytes("new_dir", ".dem");

            try {
                ChangeDemoDir(infoObj.CurrentDemo, s, arg);
            } catch (Exception) {
                Utils.Warning("Changing demo directory failed.\n");
                infoObj.CancelOverwrite = true;
        public override void Process(DemoParsingInfo infoObj)
            infoObj.PrintOptionMessage("removing captions");
            Stream s = infoObj.StartWritingBytes("no-captions", ".dem");

            try {
                RemoveCaptions(infoObj.CurrentDemo, s);
            } catch (Exception) {
                Utils.Warning("Caption removal failed.\n");
                infoObj.CancelOverwrite = true;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public override void Process(DemoParsingInfo infoObj)
            infoObj.PrintOptionMessage("writing demo dump");
            TextWriter tw = infoObj.StartWritingText("demo-dump");

            try {
                PrettyStreamWriter pw = new PrettyStreamWriter(((StreamWriter)tw).BaseStream);
                pw.Flush();                 // see note at PrettyStreamWriter
            } catch (Exception) {
                Utils.Warning("Failed to create demo dump.\n");
Exemplo n.º 10
        protected override void PostProcess(DemoParsingInfo infoObj, TimeFlags arg, bool isDefault)
            bool showTotal    = _sdt.ValidFlags.HasFlag(SimpleDemoTimer.Flags.TotalTimeValid);
            bool showAdjusted = _sdt.ValidFlags.HasFlag(SimpleDemoTimer.Flags.AdjustedTimeValid);
            bool overwrite    = (arg & TimeFlags.AlwaysShowTotalTime) != 0;

            if (!overwrite && infoObj.NumDemos == 1)

            // show message if only one is invalid, or if we're overwriting and either is invalid
            if ((showTotal ^ showAdjusted) || (overwrite && (!showTotal || !showAdjusted)))
                string which;
                if (!showTotal && !showAdjusted)
                    which = "Total and adjusted";
                else if (!showTotal)
                    which = "Total";
                    which = "Adjusted";
                Utils.Warning($"{which} time may not be valid.\n\n");
            if (showTotal || overwrite)
                Console.WriteLine($"{"Total measured time", FmtIdt}: {Utils.FormatTime(_sdt.TotalTime)}");
                Console.WriteLine($"{"Total measured ticks", FmtIdt}: {_sdt.TotalTicks}");
                showAdjusted &= _sdt.TotalTicks != _sdt.AdjustedTicks;
            if (showAdjusted || overwrite)
                Console.WriteLine($"{"Total adjusted time", FmtIdt}: {Utils.FormatTime(_sdt.AdjustedTime)}");
                Console.WriteLine($"{"Total adjusted ticks", FmtIdt}: {_sdt.AdjustedTicks}");
            if (!showTotal && !showAdjusted && !overwrite)
                Console.WriteLine($"Not showing total time from {DefaultAliases[0]} since it may not be valid. Use '{DefaultAliases[0]} {TimeFlags.AlwaysShowTotalTime}' to show it regardless.");
Exemplo n.º 11
 public override void Process(DemoParsingInfo infoObj)
     infoObj.PrintOptionMessage("dumping player position");
     try {
         int prevTick = int.MinValue;
         foreach (Packet packet in infoObj.CurrentDemo.FilterForPacket <Packet>())
             if (packet.Tick == prevTick || packet.Tick < 0)
             prevTick = packet.Tick;
             CmdInfo     cmdInfo = packet.PacketInfo[0];
             ref Vector3 pos     = ref cmdInfo.ViewOrigin;
             ref Vector3 ang     = ref cmdInfo.ViewAngles;
 public override void Process(DemoParsingInfo infoObj)
     infoObj.PrintOptionMessage("searching for cheat commands");
     try {
         bool any = false;
         foreach (ConsoleCmd cmd in GetCheatCommands(infoObj.CurrentDemo))
             any = true;
             Console.WriteLine($"[{cmd.Tick}] {cmd.Command}");
         if (!any)
             Console.WriteLine("no cheat commands found");
     } catch (Exception) {
         Utils.Warning("Search for cheat commands failed.\n");
Exemplo n.º 13
 // todo: implement legit jump verification and convert cmd num to key
 public override void Process(DemoParsingInfo infoObj)
     infoObj.PrintOptionMessage("searching for jumps");
     try {
         bool any = false;
         foreach ((ConsoleCmd cmd, MatchCollection matches) in infoObj.CurrentDemo.CmdRegexMatches("[+-]jump"))
             any = true;
             Console.WriteLine($"[{cmd.Tick}] {cmd.Command}");
         if (!any)
             Console.WriteLine("no jumps found");
     } catch (Exception) {
         Utils.Warning("Search for jumps failed.\n");
Exemplo n.º 14
 protected override void Process(DemoParsingInfo infoObj, TimeFlags arg, bool isDefault)
     infoObj.PrintOptionMessage("timing demo");
     try {
         if ((arg & TimeFlags.NoHeader) == 0)
             WriteHeader(infoObj.CurrentDemo, Console.Out, infoObj.SetupInfo.ExecutableOptions != 1);
         if (!infoObj.FailedLastParse)
             WriteAdjustedTime(infoObj.CurrentDemo, Console.Out, (arg & TimeFlags.TimeFirstTick) != 0);
     } catch (Exception) {
         Utils.Warning("Timing demo failed.\n");
Exemplo n.º 15
 protected override void Process(DemoParsingInfo infoObj, Regex r, bool isDefault)
     infoObj.PrintOptionMessage("looking for regex matches");
     try {
         bool any = false;
         foreach ((ConsoleCmd cmd, MatchCollection _) in infoObj.CurrentDemo.CmdRegexMatches(r))
             any = true;
             Console.WriteLine($"[{cmd.Tick}] {cmd.ToString()}");
         if (!any)
             Console.WriteLine("no matches found");
     } catch (Exception) {
         Utils.Warning("Regex match search failed.\n");
Exemplo n.º 16
        // todo check if portal shots are on cap
        public override void Process(DemoParsingInfo infoObj)
            infoObj.PrintOptionMessage("searching for fired portals");
            try {
                bool any = false;
                foreach ((Rumble userMessage, int tick) in GetPortalsFiredByPlayer(infoObj.CurrentDemo))
                    any = true;
                    switch (userMessage.RumbleType)
                    case RumbleLookup.PortalgunLeft:
                        Console.WriteLine($"[{tick}] BLUE PORTAL fired by player");

                    case RumbleLookup.PortalgunRight:
                        Utils.PushForegroundColor(ConsoleColor.Red);                                 // closest we've got is red :/
                        Console.WriteLine($"[{tick}] ORANGE PORTAL fired by player");

                    case RumbleLookup.PortalPlacementFailure:
                        Utils.PushForegroundColor(Console.ForegroundColor);                                 // unchanged
                        Console.WriteLine($"[{tick}] portal fired and missed");

                        throw new ArgProcessProgrammerException($"invalid rumble type: {userMessage.RumbleType}");
                if (!any)
                    Console.WriteLine("no portals fired by player");
            } catch (Exception) {
                Utils.Warning("Search for portal shots failed.\n");
Exemplo n.º 17
 protected override void Process(DemoParsingInfo infoObj, string arg, bool isDefault)
Exemplo n.º 18
 protected override void PostProcess(DemoParsingInfo infoObj, int arg, bool isDefault)
 protected override void PostProcess(DemoParsingInfo infoObj, FilterFlags flags, bool isDefault)
Exemplo n.º 20
 public override void PostProcess(DemoParsingInfo infoObj)
 protected override void PostProcess(DemoParsingInfo infoObj, DataTableDumpMode mode, bool isDefault)