public NonAggregatingLogHandlerWithMockExecutor(TestNonAggregatingLogHandler _enclosing
                                                 , Dispatcher dispatcher, DeletionService delService, LocalDirsHandlerService dirsHandler
     : this(dispatcher, delService, dirsHandler, new NMNullStateStoreService())
     this._enclosing = _enclosing;
 public NonAggregatingLogHandlerWithMockExecutor(TestNonAggregatingLogHandler _enclosing
                                                 , Dispatcher dispatcher, DeletionService delService, LocalDirsHandlerService dirsHandler
                                                 , NMStateStoreService stateStore)
     : base(dispatcher, delService, dirsHandler, stateStore)
     this._enclosing = _enclosing;
Exemplo n.º 3
 internal ResourceRetentionSet(DeletionService delService, long targetSize, SortedDictionary
                               <LocalizedResource, LocalResourcesTracker> retain)
     this.retain     = retain;
     this.delService = delService;
     this.targetSize = targetSize;
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to verify that the DeletionService object received the right
        /// requests.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="delService">the DeletionService mock which we verify against</param>
        /// <param name="user">the user name to use when verifying the deletion</param>
        /// <param name="timeout">
        /// amount in milliseconds to wait before we decide the calls
        /// didn't come through
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="matchPaths">the paths to match in the delete calls</param>
        /// <exception cref="Org.Mockito.Exceptions.Verification.WantedButNotInvoked">if the calls could not be verified
        ///     </exception>
        internal static void TestDeletionServiceCall(DeletionService delService, string user
                                                     , long timeout, params Path[] matchPaths)
            long verifyStartTime = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis();
            WantedButNotInvoked notInvokedException = null;
            bool matched = false;

            while (!matched && Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis() < verifyStartTime + timeout)
                    Org.Mockito.Mockito.Verify(delService).Delete(Org.Mockito.Matchers.Eq(user), (Path
                                                                                                  )Org.Mockito.Matchers.Eq(null), Org.Mockito.Mockito.ArgThat(new TestNonAggregatingLogHandler.DeletePathsMatcher
                    matched = true;
                catch (WantedButNotInvoked e)
                    notInvokedException = e;
                    catch (Exception)
            if (!matched)
                throw notInvokedException;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public virtual void Setup()
            localFS.Delete(new Path(localDir.GetAbsolutePath()), true);
            localFS.Delete(new Path(tmpDir.GetAbsolutePath()), true);
            localFS.Delete(new Path(localLogDir.GetAbsolutePath()), true);
            localFS.Delete(new Path(remoteLogDir.GetAbsolutePath()), true);
            Log.Info("Created localDir in " + localDir.GetAbsolutePath());
            Log.Info("Created tmpDir in " + tmpDir.GetAbsolutePath());
            string bindAddress = "";

            conf.Set(YarnConfiguration.NmAddress, bindAddress);
            conf.Set(YarnConfiguration.NmLocalDirs, localDir.GetAbsolutePath());
            conf.Set(YarnConfiguration.NmLogDirs, localLogDir.GetAbsolutePath());
            conf.Set(YarnConfiguration.NmRemoteAppLogDir, remoteLogDir.GetAbsolutePath());
            conf.SetLong(YarnConfiguration.NmLogRetainSeconds, 1);
            // Default delSrvc
            delSrvc = CreateDeletionService();
            exec = CreateContainerExecutor();
            nodeHealthChecker = new NodeHealthCheckerService();
            dirsHandler      = nodeHealthChecker.GetDiskHandler();
            containerManager = CreateContainerManager(delSrvc);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public _ContainerManagerImpl_69(TestNMProxy _enclosing, Context baseArg1, ContainerExecutor
                                 baseArg2, DeletionService baseArg3, NodeStatusUpdater baseArg4, NodeManagerMetrics
                                 baseArg5, ApplicationACLsManager baseArg6, LocalDirsHandlerService baseArg7)
     : base(baseArg1, baseArg2, baseArg3, baseArg4, baseArg5, baseArg6, baseArg7)
     this._enclosing = _enclosing;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public virtual bool Remove(LocalizedResource rem, DeletionService delService)
            // current synchronization guaranteed by crude RLS event for cleanup
            LocalizedResource rsrc = localrsrc[rem.GetRequest()];

            if (null == rsrc)
                Log.Error("Attempt to remove absent resource: " + rem.GetRequest() + " from " + GetUser
            if (rsrc.GetRefCount() > 0 || ResourceState.Downloading.Equals(rsrc.GetState()) ||
                rsrc != rem)
                // internal error
                Log.Error("Attempt to remove resource: " + rsrc + " with non-zero refcount");
                // ResourceState is LOCALIZED or INIT
                if (ResourceState.Localized.Equals(rsrc.GetState()))
                    delService.Delete(GetUser(), GetPathToDelete(rsrc.GetLocalPath()));
                Log.Info("Removed " + rsrc.GetLocalPath() + " from localized cache");
 public RedirectController(RedirectService redirectService, ILogger <RedirectController> logger,
                           IEnumerable <IHostedService> services)
     _redirectService = redirectService;
     _logger          = logger;
     // Have to do this because we can't directly injected DeletionService
     _deletionService = (DeletionService)services.FirstOrDefault(w => w.GetType() == typeof(DeletionService));
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to run a log handler with directories failing the getFileStatus
        /// call.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Function to run a log handler with directories failing the getFileStatus
        /// call. The function accepts the log handler, setup the mocks to fail with
        /// specific exceptions and ensures the deletion service has the correct calls.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="logHandler">the logHandler implementation to test</param>
        /// <param name="appId">
        /// the application id that we wish when sending events to the log
        /// handler
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="user">the user name to use</param>
        /// <param name="mockDelService">
        /// a mock of the DeletionService which we will verify
        /// the delete calls against
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="dirsHandler">
        /// a spy or mock on the LocalDirsHandler service used to
        /// when creating the logHandler. It needs to be a spy so that we can intercept
        /// the getAllLogDirs() call.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="conf">the configuration used</param>
        /// <param name="spylfs">a spy on the AbstractFileSystem object used when creating lfs
        ///     </param>
        /// <param name="lfs">
        /// the FileContext object to be used to mock the getFileStatus()
        /// calls
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="localLogDirs">
        /// list of the log dirs to run the test against, must have
        /// at least 7 entries
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public static void RunMockedFailedDirs(LogHandler logHandler, ApplicationId appId
                                               , string user, DeletionService mockDelService, LocalDirsHandlerService dirsHandler
                                               , Configuration conf, AbstractFileSystem spylfs, FileContext lfs, FilePath[] localLogDirs
            IDictionary <ApplicationAccessType, string> appAcls = new Dictionary <ApplicationAccessType
                                                                                  , string>();

            if (localLogDirs.Length < 7)
                throw new ArgumentException("Argument localLogDirs must be at least of length 7");
            Path[] localAppLogDirPaths = new Path[localLogDirs.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < localAppLogDirPaths.Length; i++)
                localAppLogDirPaths[i] = new Path(localLogDirs[i].GetAbsolutePath(), appId.ToString
            IList <string> localLogDirPaths = new AList <string>(localLogDirs.Length);

            for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < localLogDirs.Length; i_1++)
            // setup mocks
            FsPermission defaultPermission = FsPermission.GetDirDefault().ApplyUMask(lfs.GetUMask
            FileStatus fs = new FileStatus(0, true, 1, 0, Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis(), 0, defaultPermission
                                           , string.Empty, string.Empty, new Path(localLogDirs[0].GetAbsolutePath()));

            Org.Mockito.Mockito.DoReturn(fs).When(spylfs).GetFileStatus(Matchers.IsA <Path>());
            logHandler.Handle(new LogHandlerAppStartedEvent(appId, user, null, ContainerLogsRetentionPolicy
                                                            .AllContainers, appAcls));
            // test case where some dirs have the log dir to delete
            // mock some dirs throwing various exceptions
            // verify deletion happens only on the others
            Org.Mockito.Mockito.DoThrow(new FileNotFoundException()).When(spylfs).GetFileStatus
            Org.Mockito.Mockito.DoThrow(new AccessControlException()).When(spylfs).GetFileStatus
            Org.Mockito.Mockito.DoThrow(new IOException()).When(spylfs).GetFileStatus(Matchers.Eq
            Org.Mockito.Mockito.DoThrow(new UnsupportedFileSystemException("test")).When(spylfs
            logHandler.Handle(new LogHandlerAppFinishedEvent(appId));
            TestDeletionServiceCall(mockDelService, user, 5000, localAppLogDirPaths[1], localAppLogDirPaths
                                    [3], localAppLogDirPaths[6]);
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <returns>
        /// <see cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.FS.Path"/>
        /// absolute path for localization which includes local
        /// directory path and the relative hierarchical path (if use local
        /// cache directory manager is enabled)
        /// </returns>
        /// <?/>
        /// <?/>
        /// <?/>
        public virtual Path GetPathForLocalization(LocalResourceRequest req, Path localDirPath
                                                   , DeletionService delService)
            Path rPath = localDirPath;

            if (useLocalCacheDirectoryManager && localDirPath != null)
                if (!directoryManagers.Contains(localDirPath))
                    directoryManagers.PutIfAbsent(localDirPath, new LocalCacheDirectoryManager(conf));
                LocalCacheDirectoryManager dir = directoryManagers[localDirPath];
                rPath = localDirPath;
                string hierarchicalPath = dir.GetRelativePathForLocalization();
                // For most of the scenarios we will get root path only which
                // is an empty string
                if (!hierarchicalPath.IsEmpty())
                    rPath = new Path(localDirPath, hierarchicalPath);
                inProgressLocalResourcesMap[req] = rPath;
            while (true)
                Path uniquePath = new Path(rPath, System.Convert.ToString(uniqueNumberGenerator.IncrementAndGet
                FilePath file = new FilePath(uniquePath.ToUri().GetRawPath());
                if (!file.Exists())
                    rPath = uniquePath;
                // If the directory already exists, delete it and move to next one.
                Log.Warn("Directory " + uniquePath + " already exists, " + "try next one.");
                if (delService != null)
                    delService.Delete(GetUser(), uniquePath);
            Path localPath         = new Path(rPath, req.GetPath().GetName());
            LocalizedResource rsrc = localrsrc[req];

            LocalResource lr = LocalResource.NewInstance(req.GetResource(), req.GetType(), req
                                                         .GetVisibility(), req.GetSize(), req.GetTimestamp());

                stateStore.StartResourceLocalization(user, appId, ((LocalResourcePBImpl)lr).GetProto
                                                         (), localPath);
            catch (IOException e)
                Log.Error("Unable to record localization start for " + rsrc, e);
 public _ContainerManagerImpl_319(LogHandler logHandler, ResourceLocalizationService
                                  rsrcSrv, ContainersLauncher launcher, Context baseArg1, ContainerExecutor baseArg2
                                  , DeletionService baseArg3, NodeStatusUpdater baseArg4, NodeManagerMetrics baseArg5
                                  , ApplicationACLsManager baseArg6, LocalDirsHandlerService baseArg7)
     : base(baseArg1, baseArg2, baseArg3, baseArg4, baseArg5, baseArg6, baseArg7)
     this.logHandler = logHandler;
     this.rsrcSrv    = rsrcSrv;
     this.launcher   = launcher;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public NonAggregatingLogHandler(Dispatcher dispatcher, DeletionService delService
                                 , LocalDirsHandlerService dirsHandler, NMStateStoreService stateStore)
     : base(typeof(Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Server.Nodemanager.Containermanager.Loghandler.NonAggregatingLogHandler
     this.dispatcher  = dispatcher;
     this.delService  = delService;
     this.dirsHandler = dirsHandler;
     this.stateStore  = stateStore;
     this.appOwners   = new ConcurrentHashMap <ApplicationId, string>();
 public virtual void Setup()
     mockDelService  = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <DeletionService>();
     conf            = new YarnConfiguration();
     dispatcher      = CreateDispatcher(conf);
     appEventHandler = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <EventHandler>();
     dispatcher.Register(typeof(ApplicationEventType), appEventHandler);
     appId        = BuilderUtils.NewApplicationId(1234, 1);
     appAttemptId = BuilderUtils.NewApplicationAttemptId(appId, 1);
     container11  = BuilderUtils.NewContainerId(appAttemptId, 1);
     dirsHandler  = new LocalDirsHandlerService();
Exemplo n.º 14
 public EventManagementController(
     ISearchService searchService,
     DeletionService deletionService,
     CreationService creationService,
     EditService editService,
     IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment)
     _searchService      = searchService;
     _deletionService    = deletionService;
     _creationService    = creationService;
     _editService        = editService;
     _hostingEnvironment = hostingEnvironment;
        public virtual void TestHandlingApplicationFinishedEvent()
            DeletionService          delService            = new DeletionService(null);
            NonAggregatingLogHandler aggregatingLogHandler = new NonAggregatingLogHandler(new
                                                                                          InlineDispatcher(), delService, dirsHandler, new NMNullStateStoreService());

            // It should NOT throw RejectedExecutionException
            aggregatingLogHandler.Handle(new LogHandlerAppFinishedEvent(appId));
            // It should NOT throw RejectedExecutionException after stopping
            // handler service.
            aggregatingLogHandler.Handle(new LogHandlerAppFinishedEvent(appId));
Exemplo n.º 16
 public LogAggregationService(Dispatcher dispatcher, Context context, DeletionService
                              deletionService, LocalDirsHandlerService dirsHandler)
     : base(typeof(Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Server.Nodemanager.Containermanager.Logaggregation.LogAggregationService
      * Expected deployment TLD will be 1777, owner=<NMOwner>, group=<NMGroup -
      * Group to which NMOwner belongs> App dirs will be created as 770,
      * owner=<AppOwner>, group=<NMGroup>: so that the owner and <NMOwner> can
      * access / modify the files.
      * <NMGroup> should obviously be a limited access group.
     this.dispatcher        = dispatcher;
     this.context           = context;
     this.deletionService   = deletionService;
     this.dirsHandler       = dirsHandler;
     this.appLogAggregators = new ConcurrentHashMap <ApplicationId, AppLogAggregator>();
     this.threadPool        = Executors.NewCachedThreadPool(new ThreadFactoryBuilder().SetNameFormat
                                                                ("LogAggregationService #%d").Build());
Exemplo n.º 17
        public virtual void TestRsrcUnused()
            DeletionService      delService = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <DeletionService>();
            long                 TargetMb   = 10 << 20;
            ResourceRetentionSet rss        = new ResourceRetentionSet(delService, TargetMb);
            // 3MB files @{10, 15}
            LocalResourcesTracker pubTracker = CreateMockTracker(null, 3 * 1024 * 1024, 2, 10
                                                                 , 5);
            // 1MB files @{3, 6, 9, 12}
            LocalResourcesTracker trackerA = CreateMockTracker("A", 1 * 1024 * 1024, 4, 3, 3);
            // 4MB file @{1}
            LocalResourcesTracker trackerB = CreateMockTracker("B", 4 * 1024 * 1024, 1, 10, 5
            // 2MB files @{7, 9, 11}
            LocalResourcesTracker trackerC = CreateMockTracker("C", 2 * 1024 * 1024, 3, 7, 2);

            // Total cache: 20MB; verify removed at least 10MB
            long deleted = 0L;
            ArgumentCaptor <LocalizedResource> captor = ArgumentCaptor.ForClass <LocalizedResource

            Org.Mockito.Mockito.Verify(pubTracker, Org.Mockito.Mockito.AtMost(2)).Remove(captor
                                                                                         .Capture(), IsA <DeletionService>());
            Org.Mockito.Mockito.Verify(trackerA, Org.Mockito.Mockito.AtMost(4)).Remove(captor
                                                                                       .Capture(), IsA <DeletionService>());
            Org.Mockito.Mockito.Verify(trackerB, Org.Mockito.Mockito.AtMost(1)).Remove(captor
                                                                                       .Capture(), IsA <DeletionService>());
            Org.Mockito.Mockito.Verify(trackerC, Org.Mockito.Mockito.AtMost(3)).Remove(captor
                                                                                       .Capture(), IsA <DeletionService>());
            foreach (LocalizedResource rem in captor.GetAllValues())
                deleted += rem.GetSize();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(deleted >= 10 * 1024 * 1024);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(deleted < 15 * 1024 * 1024);
 public _ResourceLocalizationService_287(Dispatcher baseArg1, ContainerExecutor baseArg2
                                         , DeletionService baseArg3, LocalDirsHandlerService baseArg4, Context baseArg5)
     : base(baseArg1, baseArg2, baseArg3, baseArg4, baseArg5)
Exemplo n.º 19
 public _ContainerManagerImpl_191(Context baseArg1, ContainerExecutor baseArg2, DeletionService
                                  baseArg3, NodeStatusUpdater baseArg4, NodeManagerMetrics baseArg5, ApplicationACLsManager
                                  baseArg6, LocalDirsHandlerService baseArg7)
     : base(baseArg1, baseArg2, baseArg3, baseArg4, baseArg5, baseArg6, baseArg7)
Exemplo n.º 20
 protected internal virtual ContainerManagerImpl CreateContainerManager(DeletionService
     return(new _ContainerManagerImpl_191(context, exec, delSrvc, nodeStatusUpdater, metrics
                                          , new ApplicationACLsManager(conf), dirsHandler));
Exemplo n.º 21
 internal ResourceRetentionSet(DeletionService delService, long targetSize)
     : this(delService, targetSize, new ResourceRetentionSet.LRUComparator())
Exemplo n.º 22
        public virtual void TestLocalFilesCleanup()
            // Real del service
            delSrvc = new DeletionService(exec);
            containerManager = CreateContainerManager(delSrvc);
            // ////// Create the resources for the container
            FilePath dir = new FilePath(tmpDir, "dir");

            FilePath    file       = new FilePath(dir, "file");
            PrintWriter fileWriter = new PrintWriter(file);

            fileWriter.Write("Hello World!");
            // ////// Construct the Container-id
            ContainerId   cId   = CreateContainerId(0);
            ApplicationId appId = cId.GetApplicationAttemptId().GetApplicationId();
            // ////// Construct the container-spec.
            ContainerLaunchContext containerLaunchContext = recordFactory.NewRecordInstance <ContainerLaunchContext
            //    containerLaunchContext.resources =
            //        new HashMap<CharSequence, LocalResource>();
            URL resource_alpha = ConverterUtils.GetYarnUrlFromPath(FileContext.GetLocalFSFileContext
                                                                       ().MakeQualified(new Path(file.GetAbsolutePath())));
            LocalResource rsrc_alpha = recordFactory.NewRecordInstance <LocalResource>();

            string destinationFile = "dest_file";
            IDictionary <string, LocalResource> localResources = new Dictionary <string, LocalResource

            localResources[destinationFile] = rsrc_alpha;
            StartContainerRequest scRequest = StartContainerRequest.NewInstance(containerLaunchContext
                                                                                , CreateContainerToken(cId, DummyRmIdentifier, context.GetNodeId(), user, context
            IList <StartContainerRequest> list = new AList <StartContainerRequest>();

            StartContainersRequest allRequests = StartContainersRequest.NewInstance(list);

            BaseContainerManagerTest.WaitForContainerState(containerManager, cId, ContainerState
            BaseContainerManagerTest.WaitForApplicationState(containerManager, cId.GetApplicationAttemptId
                                                                 ().GetApplicationId(), ApplicationState.Running);
            // Now ascertain that the resources are localised correctly.
            string   appIDStr       = ConverterUtils.ToString(appId);
            string   containerIDStr = ConverterUtils.ToString(cId);
            FilePath userCacheDir   = new FilePath(localDir, ContainerLocalizer.Usercache);
            FilePath userDir        = new FilePath(userCacheDir, user);
            FilePath appCache       = new FilePath(userDir, ContainerLocalizer.Appcache);
            FilePath appDir         = new FilePath(appCache, appIDStr);
            FilePath containerDir   = new FilePath(appDir, containerIDStr);
            FilePath targetFile     = new FilePath(containerDir, destinationFile);
            FilePath sysDir         = new FilePath(localDir, ResourceLocalizationService.NmPrivateDir
            FilePath appSysDir       = new FilePath(sysDir, appIDStr);
            FilePath containerSysDir = new FilePath(appSysDir, containerIDStr);

            // AppDir should still exist
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("AppDir " + appDir.GetAbsolutePath() + " doesn't exist!!"
                                          , appDir.Exists());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("AppSysDir " + appSysDir.GetAbsolutePath() + " doesn't exist!!"
                                          , appSysDir.Exists());
            foreach (FilePath f in new FilePath[] { containerDir, containerSysDir })
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(f.GetAbsolutePath() + " exists!!", f.Exists());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(targetFile.GetAbsolutePath() + " exists!!", targetFile
            // Simulate RM sending an AppFinish event.
            containerManager.Handle(new CMgrCompletedAppsEvent(Arrays.AsList(new ApplicationId
                                                                             [] { appId }), CMgrCompletedAppsEvent.Reason.OnShutdown));
            BaseContainerManagerTest.WaitForApplicationState(containerManager, cId.GetApplicationAttemptId
                                                                 ().GetApplicationId(), ApplicationState.Finished);
            // Now ascertain that the resources are localised correctly.
            foreach (FilePath f_1 in new FilePath[] { appDir, containerDir, appSysDir, containerSysDir })
                // Wait for deletion. Deletion can happen long after AppFinish because of
                // the async DeletionService
                int timeout = 0;
                while (f_1.Exists() && timeout++ < 15)
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(f_1.GetAbsolutePath() + " exists!!", f_1.Exists());
            // Wait for deletion
            int timeout_1 = 0;

            while (targetFile.Exists() && timeout_1++ < 15)
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(targetFile.GetAbsolutePath() + " exists!!", targetFile
Exemplo n.º 23
 internal ResourceRetentionSet(DeletionService delService, long targetSize, IComparer
                               <LocalizedResource> cmp)
     : this(delService, targetSize, new SortedDictionary <LocalizedResource, LocalResourcesTracker
 protected internal override LogHandler CreateLogHandler(Configuration conf, Context
                                                         context, DeletionService deletionService)
 protected internal override ResourceLocalizationService CreateResourceLocalizationService
     (ContainerExecutor exec, DeletionService deletionContext, Context context)
Exemplo n.º 26
        public AppLogAggregatorImpl(Dispatcher dispatcher, DeletionService deletionService
                                    , Configuration conf, ApplicationId appId, UserGroupInformation userUgi, NodeId
                                    nodeId, LocalDirsHandlerService dirsHandler, Path remoteNodeLogFileForApp, ContainerLogsRetentionPolicy
                                    retentionPolicy, IDictionary <ApplicationAccessType, string> appAcls, LogAggregationContext
                                    logAggregationContext, Context context, FileContext lfs)
            // This is temporary solution. The configuration will be deleted once
            // we find a more scalable method to only write a single log file per LRS.
            // This configuration is for debug and test purpose. By setting
            // this configuration as true. We can break the lower bound of
            // This variable is only for testing
            this.dispatcher                 = dispatcher;
            this.conf                       = conf;
            this.delService                 = deletionService;
            this.appId                      = appId;
            this.applicationId              = ConverterUtils.ToString(appId);
            this.userUgi                    = userUgi;
            this.dirsHandler                = dirsHandler;
            this.remoteNodeLogFileForApp    = remoteNodeLogFileForApp;
            this.remoteNodeTmpLogFileForApp = GetRemoteNodeTmpLogFileForApp();
            this.retentionPolicy            = retentionPolicy;
            this.pendingContainers          = new LinkedBlockingQueue <ContainerId>();
            this.appAcls                    = appAcls;
            this.lfs = lfs;
            this.logAggregationContext = logAggregationContext;
            this.context = context;
            this.nodeId  = nodeId;
            int configuredRentionSize = conf.GetInt(NmLogAggregationNumLogFilesSizePerApp, DefaultNmLogAggregationNumLogFilesSizePerApp

            if (configuredRentionSize <= 0)
                this.retentionSize = DefaultNmLogAggregationNumLogFilesSizePerApp;
                this.retentionSize = configuredRentionSize;
            long configuredRollingMonitorInterval = conf.GetLong(YarnConfiguration.NmLogAggregationRollMonitoringIntervalSeconds
                                                                 , YarnConfiguration.DefaultNmLogAggregationRollMonitoringIntervalSeconds);
            bool debug_mode = conf.GetBoolean(NmLogAggregationDebugEnabled, DefaultNmLogAggregationDebugEnabled

            if (configuredRollingMonitorInterval > 0 && configuredRollingMonitorInterval < NmLogAggregationMinRollMonitoringIntervalSeconds)
                if (debug_mode)
                    this.rollingMonitorInterval = configuredRollingMonitorInterval;
                    Log.Warn("rollingMonitorIntervall should be more than or equal to " + NmLogAggregationMinRollMonitoringIntervalSeconds
                             + " seconds. Using " + NmLogAggregationMinRollMonitoringIntervalSeconds + " seconds instead."
                    this.rollingMonitorInterval = NmLogAggregationMinRollMonitoringIntervalSeconds;
                if (configuredRollingMonitorInterval <= 0)
                    Log.Warn("rollingMonitorInterval is set as " + configuredRollingMonitorInterval +
                             ". " + "The log rolling mornitoring interval is disabled. " + "The logs will be aggregated after this application is finished."
                    Log.Warn("rollingMonitorInterval is set as " + configuredRollingMonitorInterval +
                             ". " + "The logs will be aggregated every " + configuredRollingMonitorInterval
                             + " seconds");
                this.rollingMonitorInterval = configuredRollingMonitorInterval;
            this.logAggregationInRolling = this.rollingMonitorInterval <= 0 || this.logAggregationContext
                                           == null || this.logAggregationContext.GetRolledLogsIncludePattern() == null ||
                                           this.logAggregationContext.GetRolledLogsIncludePattern().IsEmpty() ? false : true;