Exemplo n.º 1
 public void RemoveEventHandler(object target, Delegate handler)
     var removeMethod = GetRemoveMethod();
     if (removeMethod == null)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("no public remove method");
     removeMethod.Invoke(target, new object[] { handler });
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void AddEventHandler(object target, Delegate handler)
     var addMethod = GetAddMethod();
     if (addMethod == null)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("no public add method");
     addMethod.Invoke(target, new object[] { handler });
Exemplo n.º 3
 // track methods
 public void addTrack(String name, Delegate onCompleteHandler=null)
     if(_tracks.ContainsKey(name) == false){
         _tracks[name] = new SoundTrack( new Sound( name ), gameObject, onCompleteHandler );
         _tracks[name].volume = _trackVolume;
 public InterestCalculator(decimal money, decimal interest, int years, Delegate del)
     this.Money = money;
     this.Interest = interest;
     this.Years = years;
     this.PayOutValue = del(money, interest, years);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public sealed override void AddEventHandler(Object target, Delegate handler)
     MethodInfo addMethod = this.AddMethod;
     if (!addMethod.IsPublic)
         throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_NoPublicAddMethod);
     addMethod.Invoke(target, new Object[] { handler });
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Concatenates an invocation list of 2 delegates.
 /// </summary>
 public static Delegate Combine(Delegate a, Delegate b)
     if (a == null) return b;
     if (b == null) return a;
     return a;
Exemplo n.º 7
    private float _volumeRatio = 1; // sound volume ratio

    #endregion Fields

    #region Constructors

     * INIT soundTrack, hook up controls
     *  @param soundObject: Sound
     *  @param gameObject: GameObject
     * 	@param onCompleteHandler: Delegate
    public SoundTrack(Sound soundObject, GameObject gameObject, Delegate onCompleteHandler=null)
        _soundObj = soundObject;
        _channel = gameObject.AddComponent("AudioSource") as AudioSource;
        _channel.clip = _soundObj.clip;
        _complete = onCompleteHandler;
Exemplo n.º 8
 // Adds an EventKey -> Delegate mapping if it doesn't exist or 
 // combines a delegate to an existing EventKey
 public void Add(EventKey eventKey, Delegate handler) {
    Delegate d;
    m_events.TryGetValue(eventKey, out d);
    m_events[eventKey] = Delegate.Combine(d, handler);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public void Unbind()
     if (!this.isBound)
     this.isBound = false;
     if (this.startEventField != null)
         this.unbindEvent(this.startEventField, this.startEventHandler);
         this.startEventField = null;
         this.startEventHandler = null;
     if (this.stopEventField != null)
         this.unbindEvent(this.stopEventField, this.stopEventHandler);
         this.stopEventField = null;
         this.stopEventHandler = null;
     if (this.resetEventField != null)
         this.unbindEvent(this.resetEventField, this.resetEventHandler);
         this.resetEventField = null;
         this.resetEventHandler = null;
Exemplo n.º 10
		protected override Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate d)
			MulticastDelegate ret = null, cur = null;

			for (MulticastDelegate del = this; del != null; del = (MulticastDelegate)del.mNext)
				// Miss out the one we're removing
				if (!del.Equals(d))
					if (ret == null)
						ret = (MulticastDelegate)object.MemberwiseClone(del);
						cur = ret;
						cur.mNext = (MulticastDelegate)object.MemberwiseClone(del);
						cur = (MulticastDelegate)cur.mNext;
			if (cur != null)
				cur.mNext = null;

			return ret;
 public DelegateData(Delegate del, Type delType, Type module, BuildingEvents[] ID)
     delegateInstance = del;
     moduleType = module;
     eventID = ID;
     delegateType = delType;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public ContinuationTaskFromTask(Task antecedent, Delegate action, object state, TaskCreationOptions creationOptions, InternalTaskOptions internalOptions)
     : base(action, state, InternalCurrentIfAttached(creationOptions), default(CancellationToken), creationOptions, internalOptions, antecedent.Scheduler)
     Contract.Requires(action is Action<Task> || action is Action<Task, object>, "Invalid delegate type in ContinuationTaskFromTask");
     _antecedent = antecedent;
     CapturedContext = ExecutionContext.Capture();
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void registerDelegate(Delegate newOne)
        /* pre:  Have a list of delegates which could be empty. For the new delegate, have delegate identifier, name, topic 
         *       and whether presenting (true) or not (false).
         * post: Register a delegate by adding him/her to the top of the delegates stack. A delegate may only be a presenter
         *       if there is a presentation slot available (use availSlots), otherwise register the delegate and display an
         *       appropriate message. NO DUPLICATE DELEGATES ARE REGISTERED (on delegate identifier) - display an appropriate 
         *       message in such a case. 

            Stack temp = new Stack();
            Delegate cur;
            bool foundPos = false;
            while ((Delegates.Count > 0) && (!foundPos))
                cur = (Delegate)Delegates.Pop();
                if (cur.Equals(newOne))
                    foundPos = true;
            while (temp.Count > 0)
            if (foundPos)
                Console.WriteLine("Delegate " + newOne.DelID + " already registered.");
                if (newOne.Presenter)
                    if (availSlots() < 1)
                        Console.WriteLine("Delegate {0} registered but cannot present - not enough slots", newOne.DelID);
                        newOne.Presenter = false;
Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Executes the specified delegate with the specified arguments
 /// asynchronously on a thread pool thread
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="d"></param>
 /// <param name="args"></param>
 public static void FireAndForget(Delegate d, params object[] args)
     // Invoke the wrapper asynchronously, which will then
     // execute the wrapped delegate synchronously (in the
     // thread pool thread)
     if (d != null) wrapperInstance.BeginInvoke(d, args, callback, null);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Gets the current value of the parameter given (optional) compiled query arguments.
        /// </summary>
        internal object EvaluateParameter(object[] arguments)
            if (_cachedDelegate == null)
                if (_funcletizedExpression.NodeType
                    == ExpressionType.Constant)
                    return ((ConstantExpression)_funcletizedExpression).Value;
                ConstantExpression ce;
                if (TryEvaluatePath(_funcletizedExpression, out ce))
                    return ce.Value;

                if (_cachedDelegate == null)
                    // Get the Func<> type for the property evaluator
                    var delegateType = TypeSystem.GetDelegateType(_compiledQueryParameters.Select(p => p.Type), _type);

                    // Now compile delegate for the funcletized expression
                    _cachedDelegate = Lambda(delegateType, _funcletizedExpression, _compiledQueryParameters).Compile();
                return _cachedDelegate.DynamicInvoke(arguments);
            catch (TargetInvocationException e)
                throw e.InnerException;
Exemplo n.º 16
        public static MethodInfo GetDelegateMethodInfo(Delegate del)
            if (del == null)
                throw new ArgumentException();
            Delegate[] invokeList = del.GetInvocationList();
            del = invokeList[invokeList.Length - 1];
            RuntimeTypeHandle typeOfFirstParameterIfInstanceDelegate;
            bool isOpenResolver;
            IntPtr originalLdFtnResult = RuntimeAugments.GetDelegateLdFtnResult(del, out typeOfFirstParameterIfInstanceDelegate, out isOpenResolver);
            if (originalLdFtnResult == (IntPtr)0)
                return null;

            MethodHandle methodHandle = default(MethodHandle);
            RuntimeTypeHandle[] genericMethodTypeArgumentHandles = null;

            bool callTryGetMethod = true;

                if (isOpenResolver)
                    OpenMethodResolver* resolver = (OpenMethodResolver*)originalLdFtnResult;
                    if (resolver->ResolverType == OpenMethodResolver.OpenNonVirtualResolve)
                        originalLdFtnResult = resolver->CodePointer;
                        // And go on to do normal ldftn processing.
                    else if (resolver->ResolverType == OpenMethodResolver.DispatchResolve)
                        callTryGetMethod = false;
                        methodHandle = resolver->Handle.AsMethodHandle();
                        genericMethodTypeArgumentHandles = null;
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(resolver->ResolverType == OpenMethodResolver.GVMResolve);

                        callTryGetMethod = false;
                        methodHandle = resolver->Handle.AsMethodHandle();

                        RuntimeTypeHandle declaringTypeHandleIgnored;
                        MethodNameAndSignature nameAndSignatureIgnored;
                        if (!TypeLoaderEnvironment.Instance.TryGetRuntimeMethodHandleComponents(resolver->GVMMethodHandle, out declaringTypeHandleIgnored, out nameAndSignatureIgnored, out genericMethodTypeArgumentHandles))
                            return null;

            if (callTryGetMethod)
                if (!ReflectionExecution.ExecutionEnvironment.TryGetMethodForOriginalLdFtnResult(originalLdFtnResult, ref typeOfFirstParameterIfInstanceDelegate, out methodHandle, out genericMethodTypeArgumentHandles))
                    return null;
            MethodBase methodBase = ReflectionCoreExecution.ExecutionDomain.GetMethod(typeOfFirstParameterIfInstanceDelegate, methodHandle, genericMethodTypeArgumentHandles);
            MethodInfo methodInfo = methodBase as MethodInfo;
            if (methodInfo != null)
                return methodInfo;
            return null; // GetMethod() returned a ConstructorInfo.
Exemplo n.º 17
		protected virtual Delegate RemoveImpl(Delegate d)
			if (d.Equals(this))
				return null;
			return this;
Exemplo n.º 18
		public static Delegate Remove(Delegate source, Delegate value)
			if (source == null)
				return null;
			return source.RemoveImpl(value);
Exemplo n.º 19
Arquivo: test.cs Projeto: mono/gert
	static void Main ()
		Delegate [] d = new Delegate [] { new Function<int, int, bool> (f1) };
		Assert.AreEqual (1, d.Length, "#1");
		MethodInfo mi = d [0].Method;
		Assert.AreEqual (typeof (Program), mi.DeclaringType, "#2");
		Assert.AreEqual ("Boolean f1(Int32, Int32)", mi.ToString (), "#2");
Exemplo n.º 20
        public virtual void AddEventHandler(Object target, Delegate handler)
            MethodInfo addMethod = AddMethod;
            if (!addMethod.IsPublic)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_NoPublicAddMethod);

            addMethod.Invoke(target, new object[] { handler });
Exemplo n.º 21
        public virtual void RemoveEventHandler(Object target, Delegate handler)
            MethodInfo removeMethod = RemoveMethod;
            if (!removeMethod.IsPublic)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_NoPublicRemoveMethod);

            removeMethod.Invoke(target, new object[] { handler });
Exemplo n.º 22
 public static void DisplayDelegateInfo(Delegate del)
     foreach (var item in del.GetInvocationList())
         Console.WriteLine("Method Name {0}", del.Method);
         Console.WriteLine("Type Name {0}", del.Target);
    public void Add(EventPrivateKey key, Delegate handler)
      if (_directEventHandlers == null)
        _directEventHandlers = new EventHandlerList();

      _directEventHandlers.AddHandler(key, handler);
    public void AddRoutedEventHandler(RoutedEvent routedEvent, Delegate handler, bool handledEventsToo)
      if (_routedEventHandlers == null)
        _routedEventHandlers = new RoutedEventHandlerInfoList();

      _routedEventHandlers.AddHandler(routedEvent, handler, handledEventsToo);
    public void Remove(EventPrivateKey key, Delegate handler)
      if (_directEventHandlers == null)

      _directEventHandlers.RemoveHandler(key, handler);
Exemplo n.º 26
 public static void PrintInvocationList(Delegate someDelegate)
     Delegate[] list = someDelegate.GetInvocationList();
     foreach (Delegate del in list)
         Console.Write(" {0}", del.Method.Name);
     Console.WriteLine(" )");
Exemplo n.º 27
 static void Main()
     int t = 2000;
     Delegate d = new Delegate(TestMethod);
     while (true)
Exemplo n.º 28
	internal void UnregisterEvent(string eventName, Delegate eventMethod)
			if(_eventTable[eventName].GetInvocationList().Length <= 0)
				_eventTable.Remove (eventName);
				_eventTable[eventName] -= eventMethod;
Exemplo n.º 29
		static MacSupport () {
			foreach (Assembly asm in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies ()) {
				if (String.Equals (asm.GetName ().Name, "System.Windows.Forms")) {
					Type driver_type = asm.GetType ("System.Windows.Forms.XplatUICarbon");
					if (driver_type != null) {
						hwnd_delegate = (Delegate) driver_type.GetField ("HwndDelegate", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static).GetValue (null);
Exemplo n.º 30
    static public void OnListenerAdding(string eventType, Delegate listenerBeingAdded) {
        if (!eventTable.ContainsKey(eventType)) {
            eventTable.Add(eventType, null);

        Delegate d = eventTable[eventType];
        if (d != null && d.GetType() != listenerBeingAdded.GetType()) {
            throw new ListenerException(string.Format("Attempting to add listener with inconsistent signature for event type {0}. Current listeners have type {1} and listener being added has type {2}", eventType, d.GetType().Name, listenerBeingAdded.GetType().Name));
#pragma warning disable 0169
		static Delegate GetSetSmsFormat_Ljava_lang_String_Ljava_lang_String_Handler ()
			if (cb_setSmsFormat_Ljava_lang_String_Ljava_lang_String_ == null)
				cb_setSmsFormat_Ljava_lang_String_Ljava_lang_String_ = JNINativeWrapper.CreateDelegate ((Action<IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr>) n_SetSmsFormat_Ljava_lang_String_Ljava_lang_String_);
			return cb_setSmsFormat_Ljava_lang_String_Ljava_lang_String_;
Exemplo n.º 32
#pragma warning disable 0169
		static Delegate GetGetTabSelectedIconHandler ()
			if (cb_getTabSelectedIcon == null)
				cb_getTabSelectedIcon = JNINativeWrapper.CreateDelegate ((Func<IntPtr, IntPtr, int>) n_GetTabSelectedIcon);
			return cb_getTabSelectedIcon;
Exemplo n.º 33
 /// <summary>
 /// Declare user function into the PHP runtime context.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Global PHP function name.</param>
 /// <param name="delegate">Delegate to represent the PHP function.</param>
 public void DeclareFunction(string name, Delegate @delegate) => _functions.DeclarePhpRoutine(RoutineInfo.CreateUserRoutine(name, @delegate));
Exemplo n.º 34
        private void Awake()
            List <Assembly> assemblies = new List <Assembly>();

            foreach (string assemblyName in BHPath.RootAssemblies)
                var asName = new AssemblyName();
                asName.Name = assemblyName;
                Assembly asm = Assembly.Load(asName);
                if (asm == null)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Unable to load " + assemblyName);

            if (m_menuPanel == null)
                m_menuPanel = gameObject;

            if (m_topMenu == null)
                m_topMenu = gameObject;

            if (m_menuButtonPrefab == null)
                Debug.LogError("Set Menu Button Prefab");

            if (m_menuPrefab == null)
                Debug.LogError("Set Menu Prefab");

            bool wasButtonPrefabActive = m_menuButtonPrefab.gameObject.activeSelf;
            bool wasMenuPrefabActive   = m_menuPrefab.gameObject.activeSelf;

            Dictionary <string, Menu> menuDictionary = new Dictionary <string, Menu>();
            Dictionary <string, List <MenuItemInfo> > menuItemsDictionary = new Dictionary <string, List <MenuItemInfo> >();

            Menu[] menus = m_menuPanel.GetComponentsInChildren <Menu>(true);
            for (int i = 0; i < menus.Length; ++i)
                if (!menuDictionary.ContainsKey(menus[i].name))
                    menuDictionary.Add(menus[i].name, menus[i]);

                    if (menus[i].Items != null)
                        menuItemsDictionary.Add(menus[i].name, menus[i].Items.ToList());
                        menuItemsDictionary.Add(menus[i].name, new List <MenuItemInfo>());

            Type[] menuDefinitions = assemblies.SelectMany(asm => asm.GetTypesWithAttribute(typeof(MenuDefinitionAttribute))).ToArray();
            foreach (Type menuDef in menuDefinitions)
                MethodInfo[] methods = menuDef.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
                for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; ++i)
                    MethodInfo           mi  = methods[i];
                    MenuCommandAttribute cmd = (MenuCommandAttribute)mi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MenuCommandAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd.Path))

                    string[] pathParts = cmd.Path.Split('/');
                    if (pathParts.Length < 1)

                    string menuName = pathParts[0];

                    Menu menu;
                    if (!menuDictionary.ContainsKey(menuName))

                        menu       = Instantiate(m_menuPrefab, m_menuPanel.transform, false);
                        menu.Items = null;

                        MainMenuButton btn = Instantiate(m_menuButtonPrefab, m_topMenu.transform, false);
                        btn.name = menuName;
                        btn.Menu = menu;

                        Text txt = btn.GetComponentInChildren <Text>(true);
                        if (txt != null)
                            txt.text = menuName;


                        menuDictionary.Add(menuName, menu);
                        menuItemsDictionary.Add(menuName, new List <MenuItemInfo>());
                        menu = menuDictionary[menuName];

                    if (pathParts.Length == 1)
                        if (cmd.Hide)

                    if (pathParts.Length < 2)

                    string path = string.Join("/", pathParts.Skip(1));
                    List <MenuItemInfo> menuItems = menuItemsDictionary[menuName];
                    MenuItemInfo        menuItem  = menuItems.Where(item => item.Path == path).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (menuItem == null)
                        menuItem = new MenuItemInfo();

                    menuItem.Path = string.Join("/", pathParts.Skip(1));
                    menuItem.Icon = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd.IconPath) ? Resources.Load <Sprite>(cmd.IconPath) : null;
                    menuItem.Text = pathParts.Last();

                    if (cmd.Validate)
                        Func <bool> validate = (Func <bool>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func <bool>), mi, false);
                        if (validate == null)
                            Debug.LogWarning("method signature is invalid. bool Func() is expected. " + string.Join("/", pathParts));
                            menuItem.Validate = new MenuItemValidationEvent();
                            menuItem.Validate.AddListener(new UnityAction <MenuItemValidationArgs>(args => args.IsValid = validate()));
                        Action action = (Action)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action), mi, false);
                        if (action == null)
                            Debug.LogWarning("method signature is invalid. void Action() is expected. " + string.Join("/", pathParts));
                            menuItem.Action = new MenuItemEvent();
                            menuItem.Action.AddListener(new UnityAction <string>(args => action()));

                    if (cmd.Hide)


            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <MenuItemInfo> > kvp in menuItemsDictionary)
                menuDictionary[kvp.Key].SetMenuItems(kvp.Value.ToArray(), false);
Exemplo n.º 35
 public sealed override MethodInfo GetDelegateMethod(Delegate del)
Exemplo n.º 36
 public Hook(MethodBase method, Delegate to)
     : this(method, to.Method, to.Target)
Exemplo n.º 37
 // Helper to create a delegate on a runtime-supplied type.
 public static Delegate CreateDelegate(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandleForDelegate, IntPtr ldftnResult, Object thisObject, bool isStatic, bool isOpen)
     return(Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeHandleForDelegate.ToEETypePtr(), ldftnResult, thisObject, isStatic: isStatic, isOpen: isOpen));
Exemplo n.º 38
 /// <summary>
 /// create a delegate from a method
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="TDelegate"></typeparam>
 /// <param name="methodInfo"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static TDelegate CreateDelegate <TDelegate>(MethodInfo methodInfo) where TDelegate : Delegate
     return((TDelegate)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(TDelegate), methodInfo));
Exemplo n.º 39
 public Hook(MethodBase method, Delegate to, HookConfig config)
     : this(method, to.Method, to.Target, ref config)
Exemplo n.º 40
        /// <summary>
        /// Important method that wires and connects all the classes and interfaces together to run the application.
        /// If object A (this) has a private field of an interface, and object B implements the interface, then wire them together. Returns this for fluent style programming.
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// WireTo methods five important keys:
        /// 1. wires match interfaces, A (calls interface) and B (implements)
        /// 2. interfaces must be all private for matching to happen
        /// 3. can wire multiple matching interfaces
        /// 4. wires in order form top to bottom of not yet wired
        /// 5. can ovveride order by specifying port names as second parameter
        /// 6. looks for list as well (be careful of blocking other interfaces from wiring)
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="A">
        /// The object on which the method is called is the object being wired from
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="B">The object being wired to (must implement the interface)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If A has two private fields of the same interface, the first compatible B object wired goes to the first one and the second compatible B object wired goes to the second.
        /// If A has multiple private interfaces of different types, only the first matching interface that B implements will be wired.
        /// In other words, by default, only one interface is wired between A and B
        /// To override this behaviour you can get give multiple interfaces in A a prefix "Pn_" where n is 0..9:
        /// Then a single wiring operation will wire all fieldnames with a consistent port prefix to the same B.
        /// These remarks apply only to single fields, not Lists.
        /// e.g.
        /// private IOneable client1Onabale;
        /// private ITwoable client1Twoable;
        /// private IThreeable client2;
        /// Clearly we want to wire two different clients. But if the first client wired implements all three interfaces, it will be wired to all three fields.
        /// So name the field like this:
        /// private IOneable P1_clientOnabale;
        /// private ITwoable P1_clientTwoable;
        /// private IThreeable P2_client;
        /// </remarks>
        public static T WireTo <T>(this T A, object B, string APortName = null, bool reverse = false)
            string multiportExceptionMessage = $"The following wiring failed because the two instances are already wired together by another port.";

            multiportExceptionMessage += "\nPlease use a new WireTo with this additional port name specified:";

            if (A == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("A cannot be null");
            if (B == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("B cannot be null");

            // achieve the following via reflection
            // A.field = (<type of interface>)B;
            // A.list.Add( (<type of interface>)B );

            // Get the two instance name first for the Debug Output WriteLines
            var AinstanceName = A.GetType().GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == "InstanceName")?.GetValue(A);

            if (AinstanceName == null)
                AinstanceName = A.GetType().GetFields().FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == "InstanceName")?.GetValue(A);
            var BinstanceName = B.GetType().GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == "InstanceName")?.GetValue(B);

            if (BinstanceName == null)
                BinstanceName = B.GetType().GetFields().FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == "InstanceName")?.GetValue(B);

            var BType       = B.GetType();
            var AfieldInfos = A.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
                              .Where(f => (APortName == null || f.Name == APortName) && (!reverse ^ EndsIn_B(f.Name))).ToList(); // find the fields that the name meets all criteria
                                                                                                                                 // TODO: when not reverse ports ending in _B should be excluded

            //if (A.GetType().Name=="DragDrop" && AinstanceName=="Initial Tag")
            //{ // for breakpoint
            var wiredSomething = false;

            firstPortName = null;
            foreach (var BimplementedInterface in BType.GetInterfaces())                                                         // consider every interface implemented by B
                var AfieldInfo = AfieldInfos.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FieldType == BimplementedInterface && f.GetValue(A) == null); // find the first field in A that matches the interface type of B
                                                                                                                                 // TODO: the list case below should have the SamePort constraint as well

                // look for normal private fields first
                if (AfieldInfo != null)  // there is a match
                    if (SamePort(AfieldInfo.Name))
                        if (wiredSomething)
                            string exceptionMessage = multiportExceptionMessage + "\n" + OutputWiring(A, B, AfieldInfo, save: false);
                            // throw new Exception(exceptionMessage);

                        AfieldInfo.SetValue(A, B);  // do the wiring
                        wiredSomething = true;
                        OutputWiring(A, B, AfieldInfo);
                    continue;  // could be more than one interface to wire

                // do the same as above for private fields that are a list of the interface of the matching type
                foreach (var AlistFieldInfo in AfieldInfos)
                    if (!AlistFieldInfo.FieldType.IsGenericType) //not matching interface
                    var AListFieldValue = AlistFieldInfo.GetValue(A);

                    var AListGenericArguments = AlistFieldInfo.FieldType.GetGenericArguments();
                    if (AListGenericArguments.Length != 1)
                        continue;                                                         // A list should only have one type anyway
                    if (AListGenericArguments[0].IsAssignableFrom(BimplementedInterface)) // JRS: There was some case where == didn't work, maybe in the gamescoring application
                        if (AListGenericArguments[0] != BimplementedInterface)
                            var g = AListGenericArguments[0];
                            if (g != typeof(object))
                                throw new Exception("Different types");
                        if (AListFieldValue == null)
                            var    listType  = typeof(List <>);
                            Type[] listParam = { BimplementedInterface };
                            AListFieldValue = Activator.CreateInstance(listType.MakeGenericType(listParam));
                            if (wiredSomething)
                                string exceptionMessage = multiportExceptionMessage + "\n" + OutputWiring(A, B, AListFieldValue, save: false);
                                throw new Exception(exceptionMessage);

                            AlistFieldInfo.SetValue(A, AListFieldValue);

                        AListFieldValue.GetType().GetMethod("Add").Invoke(AListFieldValue, new[] { B });
                        wiredSomething = true;
                        OutputWiring(A, B, AlistFieldInfo);

            if (!reverse && !wiredSomething)
                if (APortName != null)
                    // a specific port was specified so see if the port was already wired
                    var value = AfieldInfos.FirstOrDefault()?.GetValue(A);
                    if (value != null && !(value is IList))
                        throw new Exception($"Port already wired {A.GetType().Name}[{AinstanceName}].{APortName} to {BType.Name}[{BinstanceName}]");
                //throw new Exception($"Failed to wire {A.GetType().Name}[{AinstanceName}].{APortName} to {BType.Name}[{BinstanceName}]");

            // PostWiringInitialize for A
            var postWiringMethod = A.GetType().GetMethod("PostWiringInitialize", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            if (postWiringMethod != null)
                InitializeDelegate handler = (InitializeDelegate)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(InitializeDelegate), A, postWiringMethod);
                PostWiring -= handler;  // instances can be wired to/from more than once, so only register their PostWiringInitialize once
                PostWiring += handler;

            // PostWiringInitialize for B
            postWiringMethod = B.GetType().GetMethod("PostWiringInitialize", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            if (postWiringMethod != null)
                InitializeDelegate handler = (InitializeDelegate)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(InitializeDelegate), B, postWiringMethod);
                PostWiring -= handler;  // instances can be wired to/from more than once, so only register their PostWiringInitialize once
                PostWiring += handler;

            var onWiringMethod = A.GetType().GetMethod("OnWiringInitialize", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            if (onWiringMethod != null)
                InitializeDelegate handler = (InitializeDelegate)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(InitializeDelegate), A, onWiringMethod);
                OnWiring += handler;
                OnWiring -= handler; // OnWiringInitialize() is always called after wiring, so we remove the handler to avoid it being invoked again on the next wiring

Exemplo n.º 41
 public Engine SetValue(string name, Delegate value)
     Global.FastAddProperty(name, new DelegateWrapper(this, value), true, false, true);
Exemplo n.º 42
        /// <summary>Default constructor, creates the UIElements including a PropertyInspector</summary>
        public WpfPropertyGrid()
            this.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());
            this.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition()
                Height = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)
            this.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition()
                Height = new GridLength(0)
            this.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition()
                Height = new GridLength(0)

            this.Designer = new WorkflowDesigner();
            TextBlock title = new TextBlock()
                Visibility   = Windows.Visibility.Visible,
                TextWrapping = TextWrapping.NoWrap,
                TextTrimming = TextTrimming.CharacterEllipsis,
                FontWeight   = FontWeights.Bold
            TextBlock descrip = new TextBlock()
                Visibility   = Windows.Visibility.Visible,
                TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap,
                TextTrimming = TextTrimming.CharacterEllipsis
            DockPanel dock = new DockPanel()
                Visibility    = Windows.Visibility.Visible,
                LastChildFill = true,
                Margin        = new Thickness(3, 0, 3, 0)

            title.SetValue(DockPanel.DockProperty, Dock.Top);
            this.HelpText = new Border()
                Visibility      = Windows.Visibility.Visible,
                BorderBrush     = SystemColors.ActiveBorderBrush,
                Background      = SystemColors.ControlBrush,
                BorderThickness = new Thickness(1),
                Child           = dock
            this.Splitter = new GridSplitter()
                Visibility          = Windows.Visibility.Visible,
                ResizeDirection     = GridResizeDirection.Rows,
                Height              = 5,
                HorizontalAlignment = Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Stretch

            var inspector = Designer.PropertyInspectorView;

            inspector.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            inspector.SetValue(FrameworkElement.VerticalAlignmentProperty, VerticalAlignment.Stretch);

            this.Splitter.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, 1);
            this.Splitter.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 0);

            this.HelpText.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, 2);
            this.HelpText.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 0);

            Binding binding = new Binding("Parent.Background");

            title.SetBinding(BackgroundProperty, binding);
            descrip.SetBinding(BackgroundProperty, binding);


            Type inspectorType = inspector.GetType();
            var  props         = inspectorType.GetProperties(Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance |

            var methods = inspectorType.GetMethods(Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance |

            this.RefreshMethod = inspectorType.GetMethod("RefreshPropertyList",
                                                         Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | Reflection.BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
            this.IsInAlphaViewMethod = inspectorType.GetMethod("set_IsInAlphaView",
                                                               Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | Reflection.BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
            this.OnSelectionChangedMethod = inspectorType.GetMethod("OnSelectionChanged",
                                                                    Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | Reflection.BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
            this.SelectionTypeLabel = inspectorType.GetMethod("get_SelectionTypeLabel",
                                                              Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance |
                                                              Reflection.BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly).Invoke(inspector, new object[0]) as TextBlock;
            this.PropertyToolBar = inspectorType.GetMethod("get_PropertyToolBar",
                                                           Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance |
                                                           Reflection.BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly).Invoke(inspector, new object[0]) as Control;
                                                               Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(RoutedEventHandler), this, "GotFocusHandler", false));

            this.SelectionTypeLabel.Text = string.Empty;
Exemplo n.º 43
 // Used to mutate the first parameter in a closed static delegate.  Note that this does no synchronization of any kind;
 // use only on delegate instances you're sure nobody else is using.
 public static void SetClosedStaticDelegateFirstParameter(Delegate del, object firstParameter)
Exemplo n.º 44
 public Hook(Delegate from, IntPtr to, ref HookConfig config)
     : this(from.Method, to, ref config)
Exemplo n.º 45
 // Helper to extract the artifact that uniquely identifies a method in the runtime mapping tables.
 public static IntPtr GetDelegateLdFtnResult(Delegate d, out RuntimeTypeHandle typeOfFirstParameterIfInstanceDelegate, out bool isOpenResolver)
     return(d.GetFunctionPointer(out typeOfFirstParameterIfInstanceDelegate, out isOpenResolver));
Exemplo n.º 46
 public Hook(Delegate from, IntPtr to)
     : this(from.Method, to)
Exemplo n.º 47
 public static Delegate CreateObjectArrayDelegate(Type delegateType, Func <object[], object> invoker)
     return(Delegate.CreateObjectArrayDelegate(delegateType, invoker));
Exemplo n.º 48
 public Hook(Delegate from, Delegate to, HookConfig config)
     : this(from.Method, to, ref config)
Exemplo n.º 49
        /// <summary>
        /// Unsubscribes from all auto subscribed events.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Dispose()
            var type    = this.GetType();
            var methods = this.GetType().GetMethods();

            foreach (var method in methods)
                var attrs = method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(OnAttribute), false);
                if (attrs.Length == 0)

                var attr = attrs[0] as OnAttribute;

                var eventHandlerInfo = ChannelServer.Instance.Events.GetType().GetEvent(attr.Event);
                if (eventHandlerInfo == null)
                    // Erroring on load should be enough.
                    //Log.Error("Dispose: Unknown event '{0}' on '{1}.{2}'.", attr.Event, type.Name, method.Name);

                    eventHandlerInfo.RemoveEventHandler(ChannelServer.Instance.Events, Delegate.CreateDelegate(eventHandlerInfo.EventHandlerType, this, method));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Exception(ex, "Dispose: Failed to unsubscribe '{1}.{2}' from '{0}'.", attr.Event, type.Name, method.Name);

Exemplo n.º 50
 public Hook(Delegate from, Delegate to)
     : this(from.Method, to)
Exemplo n.º 51
 internal Delegate _CreateDelegate(Type delegateType, string handler)
   return Delegate.CreateDelegate(delegateType, (object) this, handler);
Exemplo n.º 52
 public Hook(Expression from, Delegate to, HookConfig config)
     : this(((MethodCallExpression)from).Method, to, ref config)
Exemplo n.º 53
        protected static Delegate GetMethod <T>(string methodName)
            MethodInfo methodInfo = inputType.GetMethod(methodName);

            return(Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(T), methodInfo));
Exemplo n.º 54
 public Hook(Expression from, Delegate to)
     : this(((MethodCallExpression)from).Method, to)
 public override void RemoveEventHandler(object component, Delegate value)
     (component as FastColoredTextBox).BindingTextChanged -= value as EventHandler;
Exemplo n.º 56
 public Hook(Expression <Action> from, Delegate to, HookConfig config)
     : this(from.Body, to, ref config)
Exemplo n.º 57
#pragma warning disable 0169
		static Delegate GetGetTabTitleHandler ()
			if (cb_getTabTitle == null)
				cb_getTabTitle = JNINativeWrapper.CreateDelegate ((Func<IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr>) n_GetTabTitle);
			return cb_getTabTitle;
Exemplo n.º 58
 public Hook(Expression <Action> from, Delegate to)
     : this(from.Body, to)
Exemplo n.º 59
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new <see cref="ReflectedMemberProperty{TContainer,TValue}"/> instance. This is an internal constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info">The reflected info object backing this property.</param>
        internal ReflectedMemberProperty(IMemberInfo info)
            m_Info = info;
            m_IsStructContainerType = RuntimeTypeInfoCache <TContainer> .IsValueType;

            var isReadOnly = m_Info.IsReadOnly || HasAttribute <ReadOnlyAttribute>();

            IsReadOnly = isReadOnly;

            if (m_Info is FieldMember fieldMember)
                // TODO: optimize for NET_STANDARD, where DynamicMethod is not available by default
#if NET_4_6 && !ENABLE_IL2CPP
                var fieldInfo = fieldMember.m_FieldInfo;

                // getter
                var dynamicMethod = new DynamicMethod(string.Empty, fieldInfo.FieldType, new Type[]
                    m_IsStructContainerType?fieldInfo.ReflectedType.MakeByRefType() : fieldInfo.ReflectedType
                }, true);

                var ilGenerator = dynamicMethod.GetILGenerator();
                ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, fieldInfo);

                if (m_IsStructContainerType)
                    m_GetStructValueAction = (GetStructValueAction)dynamicMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(GetStructValueAction));
                    m_GetClassValueAction = (GetClassValueAction)dynamicMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(GetClassValueAction));

                // settter
                if (!isReadOnly)
                    dynamicMethod = new DynamicMethod(string.Empty, typeof(void), new Type[]
                        m_IsStructContainerType?fieldInfo.ReflectedType.MakeByRefType() : fieldInfo.ReflectedType,
                    }, true);

                    ilGenerator = dynamicMethod.GetILGenerator();
                    ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, fieldInfo);

                    if (m_IsStructContainerType)
                        m_SetStructValueAction = (SetStructValueAction)dynamicMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(SetStructValueAction));
                        m_SetClassValueAction = (SetClassValueAction)dynamicMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(SetClassValueAction));
            else if (m_Info is PropertyMember propertyMember)
                if (m_IsStructContainerType)
                    var getMethod = propertyMember.m_PropertyInfo.GetGetMethod(true);
                    m_GetStructValueAction = (GetStructValueAction)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(GetStructValueAction), getMethod);
                    if (!isReadOnly)
                        var setMethod = propertyMember.m_PropertyInfo.GetSetMethod(true);
                        m_SetStructValueAction = (SetStructValueAction)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(SetStructValueAction), setMethod);
                    var getMethod = propertyMember.m_PropertyInfo.GetGetMethod(true);
                    m_GetClassValueAction = (GetClassValueAction)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(GetClassValueAction), getMethod);
                    if (!isReadOnly)
                        var setMethod = propertyMember.m_PropertyInfo.GetSetMethod(true);
                        m_SetClassValueAction = (SetClassValueAction)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(SetClassValueAction), setMethod);
Exemplo n.º 60
        public List <string> CompilePeriod()
            var CSHarpProvider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("CSharp");
            CompilerParameters compilerParams = new CompilerParameters()
                GenerateExecutable = false,
                GenerateInMemory   = true,

            compilerParams.ReferencedAssemblies.AddRange(new string[]
            compilerParams.IncludeDebugInformation = false;

            var compilerResultPeriod = CSHarpProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(compilerParams, FormulaDataSource.CompRangeEnvironment.Replace("{formula}", PeriodFormula));
            var compilerResultLow    = CSHarpProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(compilerParams, FormulaDataSource.CompRangeEnvironment.Replace("{formula}", LowLimFormula));
            var compilerResultHigh   = CSHarpProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(compilerParams, FormulaDataSource.CompRangeEnvironment.Replace("{formula}", HighLimFormula));

            if (compilerResultLow.Errors.Count == 0 && compilerResultHigh.Errors.Count == 0 && compilerResultPeriod.Errors.Count == 0)
                    var _baseTypeLow    = compilerResultLow.CompiledAssembly.GetType("Func.Function");
                    var _baseTypeHigh   = compilerResultHigh.CompiledAssembly.GetType("Func.Function");
                    var _baseTypePeriod = compilerResultPeriod.CompiledAssembly.GetType("Func.Function");
                    Period  = ((Func <float>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func <float>), _baseTypePeriod.GetMethod("MainFunction"))).Invoke();
                    HighLim = ((Func <float>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func <float>), _baseTypeHigh.GetMethod("MainFunction"))).Invoke();
                    LowLim  = ((Func <float>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func <float>), _baseTypeLow.GetMethod("MainFunction"))).Invoke();
                catch (Exception e)
                    var res = new List <string>();
                    res.Add(e.Message + ". Stack Trace: " + e.StackTrace);
                var res = new List <string>();
                if (compilerResultLow.Errors.Count != 0)
                    foreach (var a in compilerResultLow.Errors)
                        var b = a.ToString();
                        res.Add('/' + b.Substring(b.IndexOf("CS")));
                if (compilerResultHigh.Errors.Count != 0)
                    foreach (var a in compilerResultHigh.Errors)
                        var b = a.ToString();
                        res.Add('\\' + b.Substring(b.IndexOf("CS")));
                if (compilerResultPeriod.Errors.Count != 0)
                    foreach (var a in compilerResultPeriod.Errors)
                        var b = a.ToString();
                        res.Add('|' + b.Substring(b.IndexOf("CS")));