Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override void LoadContent(GraphicInfo GraphicInfo, GraphicFactory factory, IContentManager contentManager)
            base.LoadContent(GraphicInfo, factory, contentManager);

            SimpleModel          simpleModel = new SimpleModel(factory, "Model//cenario");
            TriangleMeshObject   tmesh       = new TriangleMeshObject(simpleModel, Vector3.Zero, Matrix.Identity, Vector3.One, MaterialDescription.DefaultBepuMaterial());
            DeferredNormalShader shader      = new DeferredNormalShader();
            DeferredMaterial     fmaterial   = new DeferredMaterial(shader);
            IObject obj = new IObject(fmaterial, simpleModel, tmesh);


            //    List<Vector3> poss = new List<Vector3>();
            //    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            //    {
            //        for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
            //        {
            //            float x, y;
            //            x = i * 100;
            //            y = j * 100;
            //            poss.Add(new Vector3(x, 5, y));
            //        }
            //    }
            //    StaticBilboardModel bm = new StaticBilboardModel(factory, "Bilbs", "..\\Content\\Textures\\tree", poss);
            //    DeferredCilindricGPUBilboardShader cb = new DeferredCilindricGPUBilboardShader();
            //    DeferredMaterial matfor = new DeferredMaterial(cb);
            //    GhostObject go = new GhostObject();
            //    IObject obj2 = new IObject(matfor, bm, go);
            //    this.World.AddObject(obj2);

            //    List<Vector3> poss = new List<Vector3>();
            //    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            //    {
            //        for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
            //        {
            //            float x, y;
            //            x = i * 100;
            //            y = j * 100;
            //            poss.Add(new Vector3(x, 5, y));
            //        }
            //    }
            //    StaticBilboardModel bm = new StaticBilboardModel(factory, "Bilbs", "..\\Content\\Textures\\tree", poss);
            //    DeferredSphericalBilboardShader cb = new DeferredSphericalBilboardShader();
            //    DeferredMaterial matfor = new DeferredMaterial(cb);
            //    GhostObject go = new GhostObject();
            //    IObject obj2 = new IObject(matfor, bm, go);
            //    this.World.AddObject(obj2);

            //            {
            //    List<Vector3> poss = new List<Vector3>();
            //    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            //    {
            //        for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
            //        {
            //            float x, y;
            //            x = i * 100;
            //            y = j * 100;
            //            poss.Add(new Vector3(x, 5, y));
            //        }
            //    }
            //    StaticBilboardModel bm = new StaticBilboardModel(factory, "Bilbs", "Textures\\grama1", poss);
            //    DeferredProceduralAnimatedcilindricBilboardShader cb = new DeferredProceduralAnimatedcilindricBilboardShader();
            //    DeferredMaterial matfor = new DeferredMaterial(cb);
            //    GhostObject go = new GhostObject();
            //    IObject obj2 = new IObject(matfor, bm, go);
            //    this.World.AddObject(obj2);

                List <Vector3> poss = new List <Vector3>();
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                        float x, y;
                        x = i * 100;
                        y = j * 100;
                        poss.Add(new Vector3(x, 5, y));
                StaticBilboardModel           bm = new StaticBilboardModel(factory, "Bilbs", "Textures\\wizard", poss);
                DeferredAnimatedTextureShader cb = new DeferredAnimatedTextureShader(3, 100, BilboardType.Cilindric);
                cb.Amplitude  = 0f;
                cb.Scale      = new Vector2(50, 50);
                cb.Atenuation = new Vector4(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1);
                DeferredMaterial matfor = new DeferredMaterial(cb);
                GhostObject      go     = new GhostObject(new Vector3(0, 10, 0), Matrix.Identity, Vector3.One);
                IObject          obj2   = new IObject(matfor, bm, go);

            //    List<BilboardInstance> poss = new List<BilboardInstance>();
            //    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            //    {
            //        for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
            //        {
            //            float x, y;
            //            x = i * 100;
            //            y = j * 100;
            //            BilboardInstance bi = new BilboardInstance();
            //            bi.Scale = new Vector2(100, 100);
            //            bi.Position = new Vector3(x, 5, y);
            //            poss.Add(bi);
            //        }
            //    }

            //    InstancedBilboardModel bm = new InstancedBilboardModel(factory, "Bilbs", "..\\Content\\Textures\\tree",poss.ToArray());
            //    DeferredInstancedBilboardShader cb = new DeferredInstancedBilboardShader(BilboardType.Cilindric);
            //    DeferredMaterial matfor = new DeferredMaterial(cb);
            //    GhostObject go = new GhostObject();
            //    IObject obj2 = new IObject(matfor, bm, go);
            //    this.World.AddObject(obj2);

            #region NormalLight
            DirectionalLightPE ld1 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Left, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld2 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Right, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld3 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Backward, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld4 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Forward, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld5 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Down, Color.White);
            float li = 0.5f;
            ld1.LightIntensity = li;
            ld2.LightIntensity = li;
            ld3.LightIntensity = li;
            ld4.LightIntensity = li;
            ld5.LightIntensity = li;

            this.World.CameraManager.AddCamera(new CameraFirstPerson(true, GraphicInfo));

            SkyBoxSetTextureCube stc = new SkyBoxSetTextureCube("Textures//cubemap");
        protected override void LoadContent(GraphicInfo GraphicInfo, GraphicFactory factory, IContentManager contentManager)
            base.LoadContent(GraphicInfo, factory, contentManager);

            ///The Animated Bilboard
                ///A lits with all the bilboards positions
                List <Vector3> poss = new List <Vector3>();
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                        float x, y;
                        x = i * 100;
                        y = j * 100;
                        poss.Add(new Vector3(x, 5, y));

                ///Create the Bilboard Model
                ///the Textures\\coin Texture is a Horizontal animated texture
                StaticBilboardModel bm = new StaticBilboardModel(factory, "Bilbs", "Textures\\coin", poss);
                ///The shader that will render it, pass the number of frames, the time to wait between frames and the type of the bilboard
                ///Spherical ALWAYS face the camera
                ///Cilindric has a axis that the bilboard can rotate around, to face the camera
                DeferredAnimatedTextureShader cb = new DeferredAnimatedTextureShader(6, 100, BilboardType.Cilindric);
                ///We can animated the two up vertices of the bilboard quad (useful in grass for example)
                cb.Amplitude = 0f;
                ///Quad Scale
                cb.Scale = new Vector2(50, 50);
                ///Color atenuation, this will multiply the Texture colors
                cb.Atenuation = new Vector4(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1);
                DeferredMaterial matfor = new DeferredMaterial(cb);
                ///no physical representation (REMEMBER; all bilboards are the SAME OBJECT)
                GhostObject go   = new GhostObject(new Vector3(70, 0, 0), Matrix.Identity, Vector3.One);
                IObject     obj2 = new IObject(matfor, bm, go);

            #region NormalLight
            DirectionalLightPE ld1 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Left, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld2 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Right, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld3 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Backward, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld4 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Forward, Color.White);
            DirectionalLightPE ld5 = new DirectionalLightPE(Vector3.Down, Color.White);
            float li = 0.5f;
            ld1.LightIntensity = li;
            ld2.LightIntensity = li;
            ld3.LightIntensity = li;
            ld4.LightIntensity = li;
            ld5.LightIntensity = li;

            CameraFirstPerson cam = new CameraFirstPerson(MathHelper.ToRadians(-60), MathHelper.ToRadians(-10), new Vector3(-200, 150, 250), GraphicInfo);

            SkyBoxSetTextureCube stc = new SkyBoxSetTextureCube("Textures//grassCube");