Exemplo n.º 1
    //doesnt have to be a remote procedure call, since only the defender calls such a function
    //instead we'll just make it public
    public GameObject upgradeTower()
        //if already at max level, we can't upgrade anymore
        if (towerLevel == 3)

        //if we are not the defenders (owners of this tower, we cannot upgrade it)
        //this will prevent a malicious opponent from hacking and upgrading a weak tower to cost the defender money
        if (!photonView.isMine)
        //safety check on the defender manager
        if (dms == null)
            dms = GameObject.Find("DefenderManager").GetComponent <DefenderManagerScript> ();
            Debug.Log("dms was null");
        //now that we're sure we want to upgrade the tower:
        int newTowerLevel = towerLevel + 1;

        //set free the spot that the old tower occupied, since we want to create a new upgraded tower
        dms.availableSpots [gridPositionX, gridPositionY] = true;

        //create a new tower (with a higher level) and destroy the old one
        GameObject newTower = dms.buildTower(towerName, newTowerLevel, gridPositionX, gridPositionY);

        if (gameObject.GetComponent <PhotonView> ().isMine)
Exemplo n.º 2
    public void spawnTower(string towerType)
        //make sure the player is in a room
        if (!PhotonNetwork.inRoom)
        //safety check. if defender manager script is null, look for it
        if (dms == null)
            dms = defenderManager.GetComponent <DefenderManagerScript> ();

        //create a ray to see where the user is pointing
        Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

        RaycastHit hitInfo;

        //check on what the ray hits
        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo))
            //Debug.Log("Mouse is over: " + hitInfo.collider.name);
            float x, y, z;
            //storing the location of the collision
            x = hitInfo.point.x;
            y = hitInfo.point.y;
            z = hitInfo.point.z;

            //Debug.Log("at position: " + x + "," + y + "," + z);
            GameObject hitObject = hitInfo.transform.root.gameObject;

            //now we determine if they ray casted is on which of the cells. The details are in this comment:
            //the droppable area goes from (233,0.01,251)  till (412,0.01,366)
            //it is divided into a grid of 6 cells by 9 cells. IE along the x-z axis it looks like:
            // (233,366)                                       (412,366)
            // (233, 251)                                      (412,251)
            //if the mouse is on the grid dedicated for towers, then try to place a tower
            if (hitInfo.collider.name == "Droppable Area")
                float xDifference = x - 233;                               //goes from 0 to 179
                float zDifference = z - 251;                               //goes from 0 to 115
                //adding a 5 to maximum differences as a safety margin
                const float maxXDifference = 412 - 233 + 5;                //179  --> 184
                const float maxZDifference = 366 - 251 + 5;                //115  --> 120

                int xCoordinate = (int)(xDifference * 9 / maxXDifference); //going form 0 to 8
                int zCoordinate = (int)(zDifference * 6 / maxZDifference); //going from 0 to 5

                //if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown (0)) {
                //TODO: ask a game designer for specific tower prices. This will do for now
                int towerBuildCost = 50;
                //if the tower is affordable, build it
                if (dms.souls >= towerBuildCost)
                    dms.souls -= towerBuildCost;
                    dms.buildTower(towerType, 1, xCoordinate, zCoordinate);