Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void AddingAdditionalEdgesInToASubgraph()
            //Construct the graph with the same identity provider as will be used for the vertices, edge and subgraphs
            IIdentityProvider <Guid> identityProvider = new DefaultIdentityProvider();
            Graph <Guid>             graph            = new Graph <Guid>(identityProvider);

            //There must be at least one vertex in the graph before adding a subgraph,
            //so the subgraph has something to connect to
            Vertex <Guid> graph_v1 = new Vertex <Guid>(identityProvider);


            //Create a second graph which will become the subgraph, providing the same identity provider
            Chain        chainHelper = new Chain(identityProvider);
            Graph <Guid> subGraph    = chainHelper.Create(10, false).Graph;

            //Add the subgraph
            //The source is the vertex in the main graph that the subgraph will connect to
            //The vertex producer should return the vertex in the subgraph which will be connected in to the main graph
            graph.AddSubgraph(graph_v1, subGraph, (g) => g.Vertices.First());

            //Add a subgraph edge
            //The subgraph parameter must be a graph which is already a subgraph of the supergraph
            //And the result of VertexProducer must a vertex in the supplied subgraph
            graph.AddSubgraphEdge(graph_v1, subGraph, (g) => g.Vertices.ElementAt(1));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void AddingAVertex()
            //Construct the graph with the same identity provider as will be used for the vertices
            IIdentityProvider <Guid> identityProvider = new DefaultIdentityProvider();
            Graph <Guid>             graph            = new Graph <Guid>(identityProvider);

            //Create a vertex, ensuring the graph and the vertex have the same identity provider
            Vertex <Guid> v = new Vertex <Guid>(identityProvider);

            //Add the vertex
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void AddingAnEdge()
            //Construct the graph with the same identity provider as will be used for the vertices and edges
            IIdentityProvider <Guid> identityProvider = new DefaultIdentityProvider();
            Graph <Guid>             graph            = new Graph <Guid>(identityProvider);

            Vertex <Guid> v1 = new Vertex <Guid>(identityProvider);
            Vertex <Guid> v2 = new Vertex <Guid>(identityProvider);

            //Create an edge, providing the same identity provider as the vertices and graph
            Edge <Guid> edge = new Edge <Guid>(v1, v2, identityProvider);

            //Add it to the graph.
            //If Directed is false, the graph adds an edge the opposite way (destination to source)
            graph.AddEdge(edge, false);
        private static void VerifyElementInsertion <TSource, TTarget>(IQuery query, MockLinqToDbDataBuilder ermDb, TSource sourceObject)
            where TSource : class, IIdentifiable <long>, new()
            where TTarget : class, IIdentifiable <long>, IFactObject, new()
            var entityId = new DefaultIdentityProvider().GetId(sourceObject);


            var factory = new VerifiableRepositoryFactory();

            Transformation.Create(query, factory)
            .ApplyChanges <TTarget>(entityId);

            factory.Verify <TTarget>(
                x => x.Add(It.Is(Predicate.ById <TTarget>(entityId))),
                string.Format("The {0} element was not inserted.", typeof(TTarget).Name));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void UsingAManuallyBuiltGraph()
            IIdentityProvider <Guid> identity = new DefaultIdentityProvider();
            Graph <Guid>             graph    = new Graph <Guid>(identity);

            StatefulVertex <Guid, VertexState> v1 = new StatefulVertex <Guid, VertexState>(identity, new EnumState(VertexState.MUTANT));
            StatefulVertex <Guid, VertexState> v2 = new StatefulVertex <Guid, VertexState>(identity, new EnumState(VertexState.MUTANT));
            StatefulVertex <Guid, VertexState> v3 = new StatefulVertex <Guid, VertexState>(identity, new EnumState(VertexState.MUTANT));
            StatefulVertex <Guid, VertexState> v4 = new StatefulVertex <Guid, VertexState>(identity, new EnumState(VertexState.MUTANT));
            StatefulVertex <Guid, VertexState> v5 = new StatefulVertex <Guid, VertexState>(identity, new EnumState(VertexState.MUTANT));


            graph.AddEdge(new Edge <Guid>(v1, v2, identity), false);
            graph.AddEdge(new Edge <Guid>(v1, v3, identity), false);
            graph.AddEdge(new Edge <Guid>(v1, v4, identity), false);
            graph.AddEdge(new Edge <Guid>(v4, v5, identity), false);
            graph.AddEdge(new Edge <Guid>(v4, v3, identity), false);

            MoranProcessRunner moranProcess = new MoranProcessRunner(new StateSelector(), new VertexSelector(), new VictimSelector());
            MoranProcessResult result       = moranProcess.RunOn(graph, 1000, 10000, 3.0d);

            Console.WriteLine("UsingAManuallyBuiltGraph :: Result");
            Console.WriteLine("\t Repetitions " + result.RepetitionsPerformed);
            Console.WriteLine("\t Fixations " + result.Fixations);
            Console.WriteLine("\t Extinctions " + result.Extinctions);
            Console.WriteLine("\t Timeouts" + result.Timeout);
            Console.WriteLine("\t p(Fixation) " + result.FixationProbability);
            Console.WriteLine("\t p(Extinction) " + result.ExtinctionProbability);
            Console.WriteLine("\t p(Timeout) " + result.TimeoutProbability);