Exemplo n.º 1
        public ReceiptVoucher SaveFailedReceiptVoucher(ReceiptVoucherViewModel receiptVoucher, long transactionId)
            //Insert into failed reciept vouchers only
                using (var paymentMgr = new PaymentManager())
                    return(paymentMgr.SaveFailedReceiptVoucher(receiptVoucher, transactionId));
            catch (Exception ex)
                IExceptionLogger logger = new DefaultExceptionLogger();
                logger.Log("Error", ex);
                //string ToEmails = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PaymentFailureEmails"].ToString();
                SettingStoreBase _storeBase;
                _storeBase = new SettingStoreBase(new LaborServicesDbContext());
                string ToEmails = _storeBase.GetSettingValueByName("PaymentFailureEmails");
                string CCEmail  = "";
                string subject  = "خطأ في إنشاء سند قبض للعميل من علي البورتال";
                string body     = " خطأ في إنشاء سند قبض للعميل رقم ";
                body += receiptVoucher.Customerid;
                body += " من علي البورتال لعقد رقم ";
                body += receiptVoucher.contractid;

                MailSender.SendEmail02(ToEmails, CCEmail, subject, body, false, "");
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void LogException(Exception ex)
            string tenant = TenantConvention.GetTenant();
            var    meta   = AppUsers.GetCurrent();

            DefaultExceptionLogger.Log(tenant, meta.UserId, meta.Name, meta.OfficeName, ex.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 3
        public PaymentTransaction AddSuccessTransaction(string customerId, string invoiceNum, string invoiceId, decimal amount, HyperPayResponse hyperPay)
                PaymentTransaction transaction = new PaymentTransaction()
                    CustomerId        = customerId,
                    ContractId        = invoiceId,
                    PaymentStatus     = hyperPay.RequiredCode,
                    PaymentStatusName = hyperPay.RequiredValue,
                    Amount            = Convert.ToDecimal(amount),
                    Who                 = 2,
                    EntityName          = "Successfull Payment Transaction for Domestic Invoice No [ " + invoiceNum + " ] with Total price of : [ " + amount + " SR ] and customer : [ " + customerId + " ]",
                    IsVoucherSaved      = false,
                    CreatedDate         = DateTime.Now,
                    ModifiedDate        = DateTime.Now,
                    TransactionType     = (int)TransactionType.DomesticInvoice,
                    TransactionTypeName = TransactionType.DomesticInvoice.ToString()

                using (var paymentMgr = new PaymentManager())
                    transaction = paymentMgr.CreatePaymentTransaction(transaction);
            catch (Exception ex)
                IExceptionLogger logger = new DefaultExceptionLogger();
                logger.Log("Error", ex);
        public PaymentTransaction AddFailedPaymentTransactionWithNoCheckoutId(ServiceContractPerHour contractToPay)
                PaymentTransaction transaction = new PaymentTransaction()
                    CustomerId        = contractToPay.CustomerId,
                    ContractId        = contractToPay.ContractId,
                    PaymentStatus     = "000000",
                    PaymentStatusName = "Checkout payment failed",
                    Amount            = Convert.ToDecimal(contractToPay.FinalPrice),
                    Who                 = 2,
                    EntityName          = "Failed Payment Transaction for Contract Number [ " + contractToPay.ContractNum + " ] with Total price of : [ " + contractToPay.FinalPrice + " SR ] and customer : [ " + contractToPay.CustomerId + " ]",
                    IsVoucherSaved      = false,
                    CreatedDate         = DateTime.Now,
                    ModifiedDate        = DateTime.Now,
                    TransactionType     = (int)TransactionType.ServiceContractPerHour,
                    TransactionTypeName = TransactionType.ServiceContractPerHour.ToString()

                transaction = CreatePaymentTransaction(transaction);

            catch (Exception ex)
                IExceptionLogger logger = new DefaultExceptionLogger();
                logger.Log("Error", ex);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public virtual Task <APIResponseModel <ReceiptVoucherViewModel> > CreateReceiptVoucher(DomesticInvoice invoice)
            CultureInfo             info = new CultureInfo("en-us");
            ReceiptVoucherViewModel data = new ReceiptVoucherViewModel()
                contractid     = invoice.ContractId,
                Customerid     = invoice.CustomerId,
                Contractnumber = invoice.Contract,
                InvoiceNumber  = invoice.Number,
                amount         = invoice.InvoiceAmount.ToString(),
                datatime       = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy", info.DateTimeFormat),
                paymentcode    = "2",
                vatrate        = "0.0",
                who            = AppConstants.Who_WebSource,
                InvoiceId      = invoice.Id

                var caller = new ApiCaller(Lang);
                var apiUrl = String.Format("api/Payment/Individual/AddRecieptVoucher");
                return(caller.PostResourceAsync <ReceiptVoucherViewModel>(apiUrl, data));
            catch (Exception ex)
                IExceptionLogger logger = new DefaultExceptionLogger();
                logger.Log("Error", ex);

                return(new Task <APIResponseModel <ReceiptVoucherViewModel> >(() => new APIResponseModel <ReceiptVoucherViewModel>()
                    StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, Result = data
Exemplo n.º 6
        public async Task <ActionResult> SystemicBankTransfer(HttpPostedFileBase BankFile, string id)
                using (var client = new HttpClient())
                    string apiServiceUrl = SharedClass.ApiServerUrl + (Lang == Language.English ? "en" : "ar") + "/api/HourlyContract/BankTransferStatementFile/" + id;

                    using (var content =
                               new MultipartFormDataContent("Upload----" + DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)))
                        content.Add(new StreamContent(BankFile.InputStream), "BankFile", BankFile.FileName);

                        using (
                            var message =
                                await client.PostAsync(apiServiceUrl, content))
                            var input = await message.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                            if (message.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                                var successMsg = new ResultMessageVM()
                                    Title              = DbRes.T("BankTransferIsUploaded", "DalalResources"),
                                    Message            = DbRes.T("UploadedBankTransferMsg", "DalalResources"),
                                    IsWithAutoRedirect = true,
                                    UrlToRedirect      = Url.Action("Details", "HourlyWorkers", new { id, lang = (Lang == Language.Arabic ? "ar" : "en") }),
                                    RedirectTimeout    = 10
                                return(View("Success", successMsg));
            catch (Exception ex)
                IExceptionLogger logger = new DefaultExceptionLogger();
                logger.Log("Error", ex);

            var failMsg = new ResultMessageVM()
                Title              = DbRes.T("ProblemInUploadingBankTransfer", "DalalResources"),
                Message            = DbRes.T("ProblemInUploadingBankTransferMsg", "DalalResources"),
                IsWithAutoRedirect = false,
                //UrlToRedirect = Url.Action("Index", "Home", new { lang = Lang == Language.Arabic ? "ar" : "en" }),
                //RedirectTimeout = 10

            return(View("Failure", failMsg));
        public PaymentTransaction UpdatePaymentTransaction(PaymentTransaction model)
                var paymentModel = new PaymentTransaction();
                paymentModel = _PaymentTransactionStoreBase.Update(model);

            catch (Exception ex)
                IExceptionLogger logger = new DefaultExceptionLogger();
                logger.Log("Error", ex);
        public ReceiptVoucherViewModel SaveFailedReceiptVoucher(ContractViewModel contractToPay, PaymentTransaction newTransaction)
            //Insert into failed reciept vouchers only
                //string ToEmails = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["PaymentFailureEmails"].ToString();
                string ToEmails = _storeBase.GetSettingValueByName("PaymentFailureEmails");
                string CCEmail  = "";
                string subject  = "خطأ في إنشاء سند قبض للعميل من علي البورتال";
                string body     = " خطأ في إنشاء سند قبض للعميل رقم ";
                body += contractToPay.CustomerId;
                body += " من علي البورتال لعقد رقم ";
                body += contractToPay.ContractId;

                var receipt = new ReceiptVoucher();
                receipt.ContractId     = contractToPay.ContractId;
                receipt.CustomerId     = contractToPay.CustomerId;
                receipt.ContractNumber = contractToPay.ContractNum;
                receipt.Amount         = Convert.ToDecimal(contractToPay.PriceBeforeDiscount);

                CultureInfo info1 = new CultureInfo("en-us");
                receipt.Date          = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy", info1.DateTimeFormat);
                receipt.PaymentCode   = "2";//ToDo
                receipt.PaymentType   = 2;
                receipt.VatRate       = Convert.ToDecimal(contractToPay.VatRate);
                receipt.Who           = 2;
                receipt.IsSaved       = false;
                receipt.CreatedDate   = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy", info1.DateTimeFormat);
                receipt.ModifiedDate  = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy", info1.DateTimeFormat);
                receipt.TransactionId = newTransaction.Id;


                MailSender.SendEmail02(ToEmails, CCEmail, subject, body, false, "");
                return(new ReceiptVoucherViewModel());
            catch (Exception ex)
                IExceptionLogger logger = new DefaultExceptionLogger();
                logger.Log("Error", ex);

Exemplo n.º 9
        public PaymentTransaction AddFailTransaction(string customerId, string invoiceNum, string invoiceId, decimal amount, HyperPayResponse hyperPay)
                PaymentTransaction transaction = new PaymentTransaction()
                    CustomerId          = customerId,
                    ContractId          = invoiceId,
                    Amount              = amount,
                    Who                 = 2,
                    EntityName          = "Failed Payment Transaction for Contract Number [ " + invoiceNum + " ] with Total price of : [ " + amount + " SR ] and customer : [ " + customerId + " ]",
                    IsVoucherSaved      = false,
                    CreatedDate         = DateTime.Now,
                    ModifiedDate        = DateTime.Now,
                    TransactionType     = (int)TransactionType.DomesticInvoice,
                    TransactionTypeName = TransactionType.DomesticInvoice.ToString()

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(hyperPay.CheckoutId))
                    transaction.PaymentStatus     = "000000";
                    transaction.PaymentStatusName = "Checkout payment failed";
                    transaction.PaymentStatus     = hyperPay.RequiredCode;
                    transaction.PaymentStatusName = hyperPay.RequiredValue;

                using (var paymentMgr = new PaymentManager())
                    transaction = paymentMgr.CreatePaymentTransaction(transaction);
            catch (Exception ex)
                IExceptionLogger logger = new DefaultExceptionLogger();
                logger.Log("Error", ex);
        public async Task <ReceiptVoucherViewModel> CreateReceiptVoucher(ContractViewModel contractToPay, PaymentTransaction newTransaction)
                var data = new ReceiptVoucherViewModel();
                data.contractid     = contractToPay.ContractId;
                data.Customerid     = contractToPay.CustomerId;
                data.Contractnumber = contractToPay.ContractNum;
                data.amount         = contractToPay.PriceBeforeDiscount;

                CultureInfo info = new CultureInfo("en-us");
                data.datatime    = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy", info.DateTimeFormat);
                data.paymentcode = "2";//ToDo
                data.paymenttype = 2;
                data.vatrate     = contractToPay.VatRate;
                data.who         = 2;
                var newVoucher = await PostResourceAsync <ReceiptVoucherViewModel>("api/Payment/AddRecieptVoucher", data);

                if (newVoucher.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    //SaveFailedReceiptVoucher(contractToPay, newTransaction);
                    return(SaveFailedReceiptVoucher(contractToPay, newTransaction));
            catch (Exception ex)
                IExceptionLogger logger = new DefaultExceptionLogger();
                logger.Log("Error", ex);

                return(SaveFailedReceiptVoucher(contractToPay, newTransaction));
        public void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
            IExceptionLogger logger = new DefaultExceptionLogger();

            logger.Log("Error", filterContext.Exception);