Inheritance: Component
Exemplo n.º 1
        public static Composite CreateShamanEnhancementHeal()
            Composite healBT =
                    new Decorator(
                        ret => !Group.Healers.Any(h => h.IsAlive && h.Distance < 40),
                        Spell.Heal("Healing Surge", ret => StyxWoW.Me, ret => StyxWoW.Me.GetPredictedHealthPercent() <= 60)

            // group healing logic ONLY if we are configured for it and in an Instance
            if (SingularRoutine.CurrentWoWContext == WoWContext.Instances && SingularSettings.Instance.Shaman.EnhancementHeal)
                healBT =new Decorator(
                            ret => !StyxWoW.Me.GroupInfo.IsInRaid,
                            new PrioritySelector(
                                // Off Heal the party in dungeons if the healer is dead
                                new Decorator(
                                    ret => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentMap.IsDungeon && !Group.Healers.Any(h => h.IsAlive),


            return healBT;
Exemplo n.º 2
        static DecoratorTests()
            QUnit.module("Decorator tests");

            QUnit.test("Set Decorator.Child succeeds with null", delegate
                Decorator d = new Decorator();
                d.Child = null;

            QUnit.test("Set Decorator.Child succeeds with Control", delegate
                Decorator d = new Decorator();
                UiElement c = new UiElement();
                d.Child = c;

                QUnit.ok(d.Child == c, "child should be the control");
                QUnit.ok(c.Parent == d, "parent should be the decorator");

            QUnit.test("Reset Decorator.Child clears child's parent", delegate
                Decorator d = new Decorator();
                UiElement c = new UiElement();
                d.Child = c;

                d.Child = null;

                QUnit.ok(d.Child == null, "child should be null");
                QUnit.ok(c.Parent == null, "parent should be null");
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for the <c>ElementLabel</c> object. This is
 /// used to create a label that can convert a XML node into a
 /// composite object or a primitive type from an XML element.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="contact">
 /// this is the field that this label represents
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="label">
 /// this is the annotation for the contact
 /// </param>
 public ElementLabel(Contact contact, Element label) {
    this.detail = new Signature(contact, this);
    this.decorator = new Qualifier(contact);
    this.type = contact.Type; =;
    this.label = label;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static Composite CreateShamanElementalHeal()
            Composite healBT =
                new Decorator(
                    ret => !StyxWoW.Me.Combat || (Group.Healers.Any() && !Group.Healers.Any(h => h.IsAlive)),

            // only include group healing logic if we are configured for group heal and in an Instance
            if (SingularRoutine.CurrentWoWContext == WoWContext.Instances && SingularSettings.Instance.Shaman.ElementalHeal )
                healBT =new Decorator(
                            ret => !StyxWoW.Me.GroupInfo.IsInRaid,
                            new PrioritySelector(
                                // Heal the party in dungeons if the healer is dead
                                new Decorator(
                                    ret => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentMap.IsDungeon && Group.Healers.Count(h => h.IsAlive) == 0,


            return healBT;
Exemplo n.º 5
        static RegionTests()
            QUnit.module("Region tests");

            QUnit.test("Region.GetRegion succeeds with null", delegate
                QUnit.equals(Region.GetRegion(null), null, "should return null");

            QUnit.test("Region.GetRegion succeeds with unparented control", delegate
                UiElement c = new UiElement();
                QUnit.equals(Region.GetRegion(c), null, "should return null");

            QUnit.test("Region.GetRegion succeeds with parented control", delegate
                Region r = new Region();
                UiElement c = new UiElement();
                r.Child = c;

                QUnit.ok(Region.GetRegion(c) == r, "should return the region");

            QUnit.test("Region.GetRegion succeeds with parented control chain", delegate
                Region r = new Region();
                Decorator d = new Decorator();
                UiElement c = new UiElement();
                d.Child = c;
                r.Child = d;

                QUnit.ok(Region.GetRegion(c) == r, "should return the region");
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void Content_Control_Should_Appear_In_LogicalChildren()
            var decorator = new Decorator();
            var child = new Control();

            decorator.Child = child;

            Assert.Equal(new[] { child }, ((ILogical)decorator).LogicalChildren.ToList());
Exemplo n.º 7
 public RuntimeDecorator(Node parent, Decorator decorator, int oaType, float tick, bool inversed, bool activeSelf)
     this.parent = parent;
     this.decorator = decorator;
     this.observerAbortsType = oaType;
     this.tick = tick;
     this.inversed = inversed;
     this.activeSelf = activeSelf;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void LogicalParent_Should_Be_Set_To_Parent()
            var parent = new Decorator();
            var target = new TestControl();

            parent.Child = target;

            Assert.Equal(parent, target.InheritanceParent);
Exemplo n.º 9
    public void DrawBehaviorTree(BehaviorTree behaviorTree)
        if(behaviorTree == null || BehaviorTreeEditor.BTEditorWindow == null)

        if(behaviorTree != _behaviorTree)
            BehaviorTreeEditorHelper.GenerateQueue(_drawingQueue, behaviorTree);

        _behaviorTree = behaviorTree;

        if (_behaviorTree.Child == null)
            int i = EditorGUI.Popup(_addRootRect, "Add root: ", 0, _addChildOptions, BehaviorTreeEditorSettings.Instance.AddButtonStyle);
            switch (i)
                case 1:
                    Sequence newSequence = new Sequence();
                case 2:
                    Selector newSelector = new Selector();
                case 3:
                    Decorator newDecorator = new Decorator();
                case 4:
                    Task t = new Task();

            BehaviorTreeEditorHelper.GenerateQueue(_drawingQueue, _behaviorTree);

        _scrollPos = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(0, 100, BehaviorTreeEditor.BTEditorWindow.position.width - BehaviorTreeEditorSettings.Instance.SideMenuRect.width - 10, BehaviorTreeEditor.BTEditorWindow.position.height - _addRootRect.height - 100),
                                        new Rect(0, 100, BehaviorTreeEditorHelper.GetWidth() * (BehaviorTreeEditorSettings.Instance.ElementWidth + BehaviorTreeEditorSettings.Instance.HorizontalSpaceBetweenElements) + 110 + _infoRect.x,
                                                        BehaviorTreeEditorHelper.GetDepth(_drawingQueue) * (BehaviorTreeEditorSettings.Instance.ElementHeight + BehaviorTreeEditorSettings.Instance.VerticalSpaceBetweenElements) + 100));


        GUILayout.Window(-1, _infoRect, DrawInfo, "Behavior Tree Info");

Exemplo n.º 10
        public void Setting_Content_Should_Set_Child_Controls_Parent()
            var decorator = new Decorator();
            var child = new Control();

            decorator.Child = child;

            Assert.Equal(child.Parent, decorator);
            Assert.Equal(((ILogical)child).LogicalParent, decorator);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void LogicalParent_Should_Be_Cleared_When_Removed_From_Parent()
            var parent = new Decorator();
            var target = new TestControl();

            parent.Child = target;
            parent.Child = null;

Exemplo n.º 12
        public void Materialize_Should_Create_Containers()
            var items = new[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" };
            var owner = new Decorator();
            var target = new ItemContainerGenerator(owner);
            var containers = target.Materialize(0, items, null);
            var result = containers.OfType<TextBlock>().Select(x => x.Text).ToList();

            Assert.Equal(items, result);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void Clearing_Content_Should_Remove_From_LogicalChildren()
            var decorator = new Decorator();
            var child = new Control();

            decorator.Child = child;
            decorator.Child = null;

            Assert.Equal(new ILogical[0], ((ILogical)decorator).LogicalChildren.ToList());
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void Setting_Parent_Should_Also_Set_InheritanceParent()
            var parent = new Decorator();
            var target = new TestControl();

            parent.Child = target;

            Assert.Equal(parent, target.Parent);
            Assert.Equal(parent, target.InheritanceParent);
        public void ContainerFromIndex_Should_Return_Materialized_Containers()
            var items = new[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" };
            var owner = new Decorator();
            var target = new ItemContainerGenerator(owner);
            var containers = Materialize(target, 0, items);

            Assert.Equal(containers[0].ContainerControl, target.ContainerFromIndex(0));
            Assert.Equal(containers[1].ContainerControl, target.ContainerFromIndex(1));
            Assert.Equal(containers[2].ContainerControl, target.ContainerFromIndex(2));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void IndexFromContainer_Should_Return_Index()
            var items = new[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" };
            var owner = new Decorator();
            var target = new ItemContainerGenerator(owner);
            var containers = target.Materialize(0, items, null).ToList();

            Assert.Equal(0, target.IndexFromContainer(containers[0]));
            Assert.Equal(1, target.IndexFromContainer(containers[1]));
            Assert.Equal(2, target.IndexFromContainer(containers[2]));
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void Clearing_Content_Should_Clear_Child_Controls_Parent()
            var decorator = new Decorator();
            var child = new Control();

            decorator.Child = child;
            decorator.Child = null;

        public void Dematerialize_Should_Return_Removed_Containers()
            var items = new[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" };
            var owner = new Decorator();
            var target = new ItemContainerGenerator(owner);
            var containers = Materialize(target, 0, items);
            var expected = target.Containers.Take(2).ToList();
            var result = target.Dematerialize(0, 2);

            Assert.Equal(expected, result);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void ContainerFromIndex_Should_Return_Materialized_Containers()
            var items = new[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" };
            var owner = new Decorator();
            var target = new ItemContainerGenerator(owner);
            var containers = target.Materialize(0, items, null).ToList();

            Assert.Equal(containers[0], target.ContainerFromIndex(0));
            Assert.Equal(containers[1], target.ContainerFromIndex(1));
            Assert.Equal(containers[2], target.ContainerFromIndex(2));
        public void IndexFromContainer_Should_Return_Index()
            var items = new[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" };
            var owner = new Decorator();
            var target = new ItemContainerGenerator(owner);
            var containers = Materialize(target, 0, items);

            Assert.Equal(0, target.IndexFromContainer(containers[0].ContainerControl));
            Assert.Equal(1, target.IndexFromContainer(containers[1].ContainerControl));
            Assert.Equal(2, target.IndexFromContainer(containers[2].ContainerControl));
Exemplo n.º 21
        public void Setting_Parent_Should_Not_Set_InheritanceParent_If_Already_Set()
            var parent = new Decorator();
            var inheritanceParent = new Decorator();
            var target = new TestControl();

            parent.Child = target;

            Assert.Equal(parent, target.Parent);
            Assert.Equal(inheritanceParent, target.InheritanceParent);
Exemplo n.º 22
        public void InheritanceParent_Should_Be_Cleared_When_Removed_From_Parent_When_Has_Different_InheritanceParent()
            var parent = new Decorator();
            var inheritanceParent = new Decorator();
            var target = new TestControl();

            parent.Child = target;
            parent.Child = null;

Exemplo n.º 23
        public void RemoveRange_Should_Alter_Successive_Container_Indexes()
            var items = new[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" };
            var owner = new Decorator();
            var target = new ItemContainerGenerator(owner);
            var containers = target.Materialize(0, items, null).ToList();

            var removed = target.RemoveRange(1, 1).Single();

            Assert.Equal(containers[0].ContainerControl, target.ContainerFromIndex(0));
            Assert.Equal(containers[2].ContainerControl, target.ContainerFromIndex(1));
            Assert.Equal(containers[1], removed);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void Setting_Content_Should_Fire_LogicalChildren_CollectionChanged()
            var decorator = new Decorator();
            var child = new Control();
            var called = false;

            ((ILogical)decorator).LogicalChildren.CollectionChanged += (s, e) =>
                called = e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add;

            decorator.Child = child;

        public void Dematerialize_Should_Remove_Container()
            var items = new[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" };
            var owner = new Decorator();
            var target = new ItemContainerGenerator(owner);
            var containers = Materialize(target, 0, items);

            target.Dematerialize(1, 1);

            Assert.Equal(containers[0].ContainerControl, target.ContainerFromIndex(0));
            Assert.Equal(null, target.ContainerFromIndex(1));
            Assert.Equal(containers[2].ContainerControl, target.ContainerFromIndex(2));
Exemplo n.º 26
 protected override Composite CreateBehavior()
     var children=new Composite[2];
     var compositeArray=new Composite[2];
     compositeArray[0]=new Action(new ActionSucceedDelegate(FlagTagAsCompleted));
     children[0]=new Decorator(CheckDistanceWithinPathPrecision, new Sequence(compositeArray));
     ActionDelegate actionDelegateMove=GilesMoveToLocation;
     var sequenceblank=new Sequence(
         new Action(actionDelegateMove)
     return new PrioritySelector(children);
        public void Materialize_Should_Create_Containers()
            var items = new[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" };
            var owner = new Decorator();
            var target = new ItemContainerGenerator<ListBoxItem>(owner, ListBoxItem.ContentProperty);
            var containers = target.Materialize(0, items, null);
            var result = containers
                .Select(x => x.ContainerControl)
                .Select(x => x.Content)

            Assert.Equal(items, result);
        public void Materialize_Should_Create_Containers()
            var items = new[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" };
            var owner = new Decorator();
            var target = new ItemContainerGenerator(owner);
            var containers = Materialize(target, 0, items);
            var result = containers
                .Select(x => x.ContainerControl)
                .Select(x => x.Content)

            Assert.Equal(items, result);
Exemplo n.º 29
        public void Changing_Content_Should_Fire_LogicalChildren_CollectionChanged()
            var decorator = new Decorator();
            var child1 = new Control();
            var child2 = new Control();
            var called = false;

            decorator.Child = child1;

            ((ILogical)decorator).LogicalChildren.CollectionChanged += (s, e) => called = true;

            decorator.Child = child2;

Exemplo n.º 30
        private void Initialize()
            // Popup root has a decorator used for
            // applying the transforms
            _transformDecorator = new Decorator();


            // Clip so animations do not extend beyond its bounds
            _transformDecorator.ClipToBounds = true;

            // Under the transfrom decorator is an Adorner
            // decorator that handles rendering adorners
            // and the animated popup translations
            _adornerDecorator = new NonLogicalAdornerDecorator();
            _transformDecorator.Child = _adornerDecorator;
Exemplo n.º 31
        public void VisualBrush_SourceRect_DestinationRect_Percent()
            Decorator target = new Decorator
                Padding = new Thickness(8),
                Width   = 200,
                Height  = 200,
                Child   = new Rectangle
                    Fill = new VisualBrush
                        SourceRect      = new RelativeRect(0.22, 0.22, 0.56, 0.56, OriginUnit.Percent),
                        DestinationRect = new RelativeRect(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, OriginUnit.Percent),
                        Visual          = new Border
                            Width           = 180,
                            Height          = 180,
                            Background      = Brushes.Red,
                            BorderBrush     = Brushes.Black,
                            BorderThickness = 2,
                            Child           = new Ellipse
                                Width               = 100,
                                Height              = 100,
                                Fill                = Brushes.Yellow,
                                VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,

Exemplo n.º 32
        public void Does_Not_Call_Converter_ConvertBack_On_OneWay_Binding()
            var control = new Decorator {
                Name = "foo"
            var style   = Mock.Of <IStyle>();
            var binding = new Binding("Name", BindingMode.OneWay)
                Converter      = new TestConverter(),
                RelativeSource = new RelativeSource(RelativeSourceMode.Self),
            var setter = new Setter(Decorator.TagProperty, binding);

            var instance = setter.Instance(control);


            Assert.Equal("foobar", control.Tag);

            // Issue #1218 caused TestConverter.ConvertBack to throw here.
Exemplo n.º 33
 public static T FindVisualChild <T> (DependencyObject obj) where T : DependencyObject
     if (VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(obj) > 0)
         Decorator border = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(obj, 0) as Decorator;
         if (border != null)
             Decorator borderChild = border.Child as Decorator;
             if (borderChild != null)
                 ScrollViewer scroll = borderChild.Child as ScrollViewer;
                 if (scroll != null)
                     scroll.ScrollChanged += new ScrollChangedEventHandler(Flags.CurrentSqlViewer.Scroll_ScrollChanged);
     for (int i = 0; i < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(obj); i++)
         DependencyObject child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(obj, i);
         if (child != null && child is T)
             T childOfChild = FindVisualChild <T> (child);
             if (childOfChild != null)
Exemplo n.º 34
        public void DataContext_Binding_Should_Produce_Correct_Results()
            var viewModel = new { Foo = "bar" };
            var root      = new Decorator
                DataContext = viewModel,

            var child  = new Control();
            var values = new List <object>();

            child.GetObservable(Control.DataContextProperty).Subscribe(x => values.Add(x));
            child.Bind(Control.DataContextProperty, new Binding("Foo"));

            // When binding to DataContext and the target isn't found, the binding should produce
            // null rather than UnsetValue in order to not propagate incorrect DataContexts from
            // parent controls while things are being set up. This logic is implemented in
            // `Avalonia.Markup.Data.Binding.Initiate`.

            root.Child = child;

            Assert.Equal(new[] { null, "bar" }, values);
Exemplo n.º 35
        public async Task VisualBrush_NoStretch_NoTile_Alignment_BottomRight()
            Decorator target = new Decorator
                Padding = new Thickness(8),
                Width   = 200,
                Height  = 200,
                Child   = new Rectangle
                    Fill = new VisualBrush
                        Stretch    = Stretch.None,
                        TileMode   = TileMode.None,
                        AlignmentX = AlignmentX.Right,
                        AlignmentY = AlignmentY.Bottom,
                        Visual     = Visual,

            await RenderToFile(target);

        public bool CreateAndStartTreeFromLoadedProfile()
            if (Settings.LoadedProfile == null)

            if (Settings.LoadedProfile.Composite == null)
                LogMessage(Name + ": Profile " + Settings.LoadedProfile.Name + " was loaded, but it had no composite.", 5);

            if (TreeCoroutine != null)
            var extensionParameter = new ExtensionParameter(this);

            Tree = new ProfileTreeBuilder(ExtensionCache, extensionParameter).BuildTreeFromTriggerComposite(Settings.LoadedProfile.Composite);

            // Append the cache action to the built tree
            Tree = new Decorator(x => TreeHelper.CanTick(),
                                 new Sequence(
                                     new TreeSharp.Action(x => ExtensionCache.LoadedExtensions.ForEach(ext => ext.UpdateCache(extensionParameter, ExtensionCache.Cache))),

            // Add this as a coroutine for this plugin
            TreeCoroutine = new Coroutine(() => TickTree(Tree), new WaitTime(1000 / Settings.TicksPerSecond), this, "BuildYourOwnRoutine Tree");


            LogMessage(Name + ": Profile " + Settings.LoadedProfile.Name + " was loaded successfully!", 5);

Exemplo n.º 37
        public static T AddDecorator <T>(Node parent, BehaviorTree bt)
            if (parent == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("Can't add a decorator to the behavior trees, because the behavior trees are null.");
            Decorator decorator = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(T)) as Decorator;

            decorator.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy;

            decorator.Name    = BehaviorTreeEditorUtility.GenerateName <T>();
            decorator.comment = decorator.Name;
            decorator.parent  = parent;
            parent.decorators = ArrayUtility.Add <Decorator>(parent.decorators, decorator);

            if (EditorUtility.IsPersistent(bt))
                AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(decorator, bt);

        public ResourceBenchmarks()
            _searchStart = new Button();

            _app = CreateApp();

            Decorator root = new TestRoot(true, null)
                Renderer = new NullRenderer()

            var current = root;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var child = new Decorator();

                current.Child = child;

                current = child;

            current.Child = _searchStart;
Exemplo n.º 39
 public static IObservable <EventPattern <RoutedEventArgs> > LostFocusObserver(this Decorator This)
     return(Observable.FromEventPattern <RoutedEventHandler, RoutedEventArgs>(h => This.LostFocus += h, h => This.LostFocus -= h));
Exemplo n.º 40
    // ReadDeck parses the XML file passed to it into CardDefinitions
    public void ReadDeck(string deckXMLText)
        xmlr = new PT_XMLReader();         // Create a new PT_XMLReader
        xmlr.Parse(deckXMLText);           // Use that PT_XMLReader to parse DeckXML

        // The following prints a test line to show you how xmlr can be used.
        // For more information read about XML in the Useful Concepts Appendix
        string s = "xml[0] decorator[0] ";

        s += "type=" + xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att("type");
        s += " x=" + xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att("x");
        s += " y=" + xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att("y");
        s += " scale=" + xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att("scale");
        //print(s); // Comment out this line, since we're done with the test

        // Read decorators for all Cards
        decorators = new List <Decorator>();        // Init the List of Decorators
        // Grab an PT_XMLHashList of all <decorator>s in the XML file
        PT_XMLHashList xDecos = xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"];
        Decorator      deco;

        for (int i = 0; i < xDecos.Count; i++)
            // For each <decorator> in the XML
            deco = new Decorator();             // Make a new Decorator
            // Copy the attributes of the <decorator> to the Decorator
            deco.type = xDecos[i].att("type");
            // bool deco.flip is true if the text of the flip attribute is "1"
            deco.flip = (xDecos[i].att("flip") == "1");                                              // a
            // floats need to be parsed from the attribute strings
            deco.scale = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att("scale"));
            // Vector3 loc initializes to [0,0,0], so we just need to modify it
            deco.loc.x = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att("x"));
            deco.loc.y = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att("y"));
            deco.loc.z = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att("z"));
            // Add the temporary deco to the List decorators

        // Read pip locations for each card number
        cardDefs = new List <CardDefinition>();        // Init the List of Cards
        // Grab an PT_XMLHashList of all the <card>s in the XML file
        PT_XMLHashList xCardDefs = xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["card"];

        for (int i = 0; i < xCardDefs.Count; i++)
            // For each of the <card>s
            // Create a new CardDefinition
            CardDefinition cDef = new CardDefinition();
            // Parse the attribute values and add them to cDef
            cDef.rank = int.Parse(xCardDefs[i].att("rank"));
            // Grab an PT_XMLHashList of all the <pip>s on this <card>
            PT_XMLHashList xPips = xCardDefs[i]["pip"];
            if (xPips != null)
                for (int j = 0; j < xPips.Count; j++)
                    // Iterate through all the <pip>s
                    deco = new Decorator();
                    // <pip>s on the <card> are handled via the Decorator Class
                    deco.type  = "pip";
                    deco.flip  = (xPips[j].att("flip") == "1");
                    deco.loc.x = float.Parse(xPips[j].att("x"));
                    deco.loc.y = float.Parse(xPips[j].att("y"));
                    deco.loc.z = float.Parse(xPips[j].att("z"));
                    if (xPips[j].HasAtt("scale"))
                        deco.scale = float.Parse(xPips[j].att("scale"));
            // Face cards (Jack, Queen, & King) have a face attribute
            if (xCardDefs[i].HasAtt("face"))
                cDef.face = xCardDefs[i].att("face");                                         // b
Exemplo n.º 41
    // Readdeck parses the XML file passed to it into CardDefinitions
    public void ReadDeck(string deckXMLText)
        xmlr = new PT_XMLReader();                        // Create a new PT_XMLReader
        xmlr.Parse(deckXMLText);                          // Use that PT_XMLReader to parse DeckXML

        //This prints a test line to show you how xmlr can be used.
        string s = "xml[0] decorator[0] ";

        s += "type=" + xmlr.xml ["xml"] [0] ["decorator"] [0].att("type");
        s += " x=" + xmlr.xml ["xml"] [0] ["decorator"] [0].att("x");
        s += " y=" + xmlr.xml ["xml"] [0] ["decorator"] [0].att("y");
        s += " scale" + xmlr.xml ["xml"] [0] ["decorator"] [0].att("scale");
        // print (s); // Commented out as this is just for testing

        //Read decorators for all Cards
        decorators = new List <Decorator> ();        //Init the List of Decorators
        //Grab a PT_XMLHashList of all <decorator>s in the XML file
        PT_XMLHashList xDecos = xmlr.xml ["xml"] [0] ["decorator"];
        Decorator      deco;

        for (int i = 0; i < xDecos.Count; i++)
            // For each <decorator> in the XML
            deco = new Decorator();                                      // Make a new Decorator
            //Copy the attributes of the <decorator> to the Decorator
            deco.type = xDecos [i].att("type");
            // Set the bool flip based on whetherthe text of the attribute is "1" or something else.
            // This is an atrypical but perfectly fine use of the == comparison operator.
            // It will return a true or false, which will be assigned to deco.flip
            deco.flip = (xDecos [i].att("flip") == "1");
            // floats need to be parsed from the attribute strings
            deco.scale = float.Parse(xDecos [i].att("scale"));
            // Vector3 loc initializes to [0,0,0], so we just need to modify it
            deco.loc.x = float.Parse(xDecos [i].att("x"));
            deco.loc.y = float.Parse(xDecos [i].att("y"));
            deco.loc.z = float.Parse(xDecos [i].att("z"));
            // Add the temporary deco to the List decorators

        // Read pip locations for each card number
        cardDefs = new List <CardDefinition> ();        // Init the List of Cards
        // Grab a PT_XMLHashList of all the <card>s in the XML file
        PT_XMLHashList xCardDefs = xmlr.xml ["xml"] [0] ["card"];

        for (int i = 0; i < xCardDefs.Count; i++)
            // For each of the <card>s
            // Create a new CardDefinition
            CardDefinition cDef = new CardDefinition();
            // Parse the attribute values and add them to cDef
            cDef.rank = int.Parse(xCardDefs [i].att("rank"));
            // Grab a PT_XMLHastlist of all the <pip>s on this <card>
            PT_XMLHashList xPips = xCardDefs [i] ["pip"];
            if (xPips != null)
                for (int j = 0; j < xPips.Count; j++)
                    //Iterate through all the <pip>s
                    deco = new Decorator();
                    // <pip>s on the <card> are handled via the Decorator Class
                    deco.type  = "pip";
                    deco.flip  = (xPips [j].att("flip") == "1");
                    deco.loc.x = float.Parse(xPips [j].att("x"));
                    deco.loc.y = float.Parse(xPips [j].att("y"));
                    deco.loc.z = float.Parse(xPips [j].att("z"));
                    if (xPips [j].HasAtt("scale"))
                        deco.scale = float.Parse(xPips [j].att("scale"));
            // Face cards (Jack, Queen, & King) have a face attribute
            // cDef.face is the base name of the face card Sprite
            // e.g., FaceCard_11 is the base name for the Jack face Sprites
            // the Jack of CLubs is FaceCard_11C, hearts is FaceCard_11H, etc.
            if (xCardDefs [i].HasAtt("face"))
                cDef.face = xCardDefs [i].att("face");
Exemplo n.º 42
 public static IObservable <EventPattern <ManipulationBoundaryFeedbackEventArgs> > ManipulationBoundaryFeedbackObserver(this Decorator This)
     return(Observable.FromEventPattern <EventHandler <ManipulationBoundaryFeedbackEventArgs>, ManipulationBoundaryFeedbackEventArgs>(h => This.ManipulationBoundaryFeedback += h, h => This.ManipulationBoundaryFeedback -= h));
Exemplo n.º 43
    // ReadDeck parses the XML file passed to it into Card Definitions
    public void ReadDeck(string deckXMLText)
        xmlr = new PT_XMLReader();

        // print a test line
        string s = "xml[0] decorator [0] ";

        s += "type=" + xmlr.xml ["xml"] [0] ["decorator"] [0].att("type");
        s += " x=" + xmlr.xml ["xml"] [0] ["decorator"] [0].att("x");
        s += " y=" + xmlr.xml ["xml"] [0] ["decorator"] [0].att("y");
        s += " scale=" + xmlr.xml ["xml"] [0] ["decorator"] [0].att("scale");

        //Read decorators for all cards
        // these are the small numbers/suits in the corners
        decorators = new List <Decorator>();
        // grab all decorators from the XML file
        PT_XMLHashList xDecos = xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"];
        Decorator      deco;

        for (int i = 0; i < xDecos.Count; i++)
            // for each decorator in the XML, copy attributes and set up location and flip if needed
            deco       = new Decorator();
            deco.type  = xDecos[i].att("type");
            deco.flip  = (xDecos[i].att("flip") == "1");               // too cute by half - if it's 1, set to 1, else set to 0
            deco.scale = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att("scale"));
            deco.loc.x = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att("x"));
            deco.loc.y = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att("y"));
            deco.loc.z = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att("z"));

        // read pip locations for each card rank
        // read the card definitions, parse attribute values for pips
        cardDefs = new List <CardDefinition>();
        PT_XMLHashList xCardDefs = xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["card"];

        for (int i = 0; i < xCardDefs.Count; i++)
            // for each carddef in the XML, copy attributes and set up in cDef
            CardDefinition cDef = new CardDefinition();
            cDef.rank = int.Parse(xCardDefs[i].att("rank"));

            PT_XMLHashList xPips = xCardDefs[i]["pip"];
            if (xPips != null)
                for (int j = 0; j < xPips.Count; j++)
                    deco      = new Decorator();
                    deco.type = "pip";
                    deco.flip = (xPips[j].att("flip") == "1");                        // too cute by half - if it's 1, set to 1, else set to 0

                    deco.loc.x = float.Parse(xPips[j].att("x"));
                    deco.loc.y = float.Parse(xPips[j].att("y"));
                    deco.loc.z = float.Parse(xPips[j].att("z"));
                    if (xPips[j].HasAtt("scale"))
                        deco.scale = float.Parse(xPips[j].att("scale"));
                }        // for j
            }            // if xPips

            // if it's a face card, map the proper sprite
            // foramt is ##A, where ## in 11, 12, 13 and A is letter indicating suit
            if (xCardDefs[i].HasAtt("face"))
                cDef.face = xCardDefs[i].att("face");
        } // for i < xCardDefs.Count
    }     // ReadDeck
Exemplo n.º 44
 private static bool IsGetterDecorator(Decorator decoration)
     return(decoration.className.segs.Count == 1 &&
            decoration.className.segs[0].Name == "property");
        private void DoInitialization(TelemetryConfiguration configuration)
            this.TelemetryClient = new TelemetryClient(configuration);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.RootOperationIdHeaderName))
                this.RootOperationIdHeaderName = CorrelationHeaders.HttpStandardRootIdHeader;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ParentOperationIdHeaderName))
                this.ParentOperationIdHeaderName = CorrelationHeaders.HttpStandardParentIdHeader;

            if (this.SoapHeaderNamespace == null)
                this.SoapHeaderNamespace = CorrelationHeaders.SoapStandardNamespace;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.SoapParentOperationIdHeaderName))
                this.SoapParentOperationIdHeaderName = CorrelationHeaders.SoapStandardParentIdHeader;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.SoapRootOperationIdHeaderName))
                this.SoapRootOperationIdHeaderName = CorrelationHeaders.SoapStandardRootIdHeader;

            if (Decorator.IsHostEnabled())
                WcfClientEventSource.Log.ClientDependencyTrackingInfo("Profiler is attached");
                WcfClientEventSource.Log.ClientDependencyTrackingInfo("Agent version: " + Decorator.GetAgentVersion());
                if (!this.DisableRuntimeInstrumentation)
                    this.wcfClientProcessing = new ProfilerWcfClientProcessing(this);
                    WcfClientEventSource.Log.ClientDependencyTrackingInfo("Runtime Instrumentation is disabled.");
Exemplo n.º 46
 public ContentManager(TabControl tabControl, Decorator border)
     _tabControl = tabControl;
     _border     = border;
     _tabControl.SelectionChanged += (sender, args) => { UpdateSelectedTab(); };
Exemplo n.º 47
 public static IObservable <EventPattern <DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs> > FocusableChangedObserver(this Decorator This)
     return(Observable.FromEventPattern <DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs>(h => This.FocusableChanged += h, h => This.FocusableChanged -= h));
Exemplo n.º 48
 public static IObservable <EventPattern <MouseButtonEventArgs> > PreviewMouseUpObserver(this Decorator This)
     return(Observable.FromEventPattern <MouseButtonEventHandler, MouseButtonEventArgs>(h => This.PreviewMouseUp += h, h => This.PreviewMouseUp -= h));
Exemplo n.º 49
 public static IObservable <EventPattern <ContextMenuEventArgs> > ContextMenuClosingObserver(this Decorator This)
     return(Observable.FromEventPattern <ContextMenuEventHandler, ContextMenuEventArgs>(h => This.ContextMenuClosing += h, h => This.ContextMenuClosing -= h));
Exemplo n.º 50
 public static IObservable <EventPattern <ToolTipEventArgs> > ToolTipClosingObserver(this Decorator This)
     return(Observable.FromEventPattern <ToolTipEventHandler, ToolTipEventArgs>(h => This.ToolTipClosing += h, h => This.ToolTipClosing -= h));
Exemplo n.º 51
 public static IObservable <EventPattern <ManipulationCompletedEventArgs> > ManipulationCompletedObserver(this Decorator This)
     return(Observable.FromEventPattern <EventHandler <ManipulationCompletedEventArgs>, ManipulationCompletedEventArgs>(h => This.ManipulationCompleted += h, h => This.ManipulationCompleted -= h));
 public static void DeleteDecorator(Decorator decorator)
     decorator.parent.decorators = ArrayUtility.Remove <Decorator>(decorator.parent.decorators, decorator);
Exemplo n.º 53
 public static IObservable <EventPattern <EventArgs> > LayoutUpdatedObserver(this Decorator This)
     return(Observable.FromEventPattern <EventHandler, EventArgs>(h => This.LayoutUpdated += h, h => This.LayoutUpdated -= h));
Exemplo n.º 54
    public void ReadDeck(string deckXMLText)
        xmlr = new PT_XMLReader();
        xmlr.Parse(deckXMLText);   //用PT_XMLReader脚本的Parse方法读xml
        string s = "xml[0] decorator[0] ";

        s += "type=" + xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att("type");
        s += " x=" + xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att("x");
        s += " y=" + xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att("y");
        s += " scale=" + xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"][0].att("scale");
        // print(s);

        //read decorators for all Cards
        decorators = new List <Decorator>();
        PT_XMLHashList xDecos = xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["decorator"]; //得到全部“decorator”下的信息
        Decorator      deco;                                     //声明其中一个<decorator>

        //对于xml中的每个<decorator>, 这个项目中为Count=4
        for (int i = 0; i < xDecos.Count; i++)
            deco = new Decorator();
            deco.type  = xDecos[i].att("type");
            deco.flip  = (xDecos[i].att("flip") == "1");  //true if flip att is "1"
            deco.scale = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att("scale"));
            deco.loc.x = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att("x"));
            deco.loc.y = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att("y"));
            deco.loc.z = float.Parse(xDecos[i].att("z"));

        cardDefs = new List <CardDefinition>();
        PT_XMLHashList xCardDefs = xmlr.xml["xml"][0]["card"];  //得到全部<card>下的信息

        for (int i = 0; i < xCardDefs.Count; i++)
            CardDefinition cDef = new CardDefinition();
            cDef.rank = int.Parse(xCardDefs[i].att("rank"));
            PT_XMLHashList xPips = xCardDefs[i]["pip"]; //"pip"不是xml中的att
            if (xPips != null)                          //针对1-10
                for (int j = 0; j < xPips.Count; j++)
                    deco       = new Decorator();
                    deco.type  = "pip";
                    deco.flip  = (xPips[j].att("flip") == "1");
                    deco.loc.x = float.Parse(xPips[j].att("x"));
                    deco.loc.y = float.Parse(xPips[j].att("y"));
                    deco.loc.z = float.Parse(xPips[j].att("z"));
                    if (xPips[j].HasAtt("scale"))     //针对1
                        deco.scale = float.Parse(xPips[j].att("scale"));
            if (xCardDefs[i].HasAtt("face"))    //针对JQK,“face”是此xml中的att
                cDef.face = xCardDefs[i].att("face");
Exemplo n.º 55
        private BTNode KaI_BossFightBehaviour()
            long _guidForCtm = 0;

            GameObject ick = null;

            var prep = new LeafAction(() =>
                tank.ExecLua("print('KaI bhv ON!')");

                ick = tank.ObjectManager.FirstOrDefault(obj => obj.EntryID == IckId);

                return(ick != null ?  BTStatus.Success : BTStatus.Running);

            var bossDeadCheck = new Decorator((() =>
                return(ick.Health == 0);
            }), new LeafAction(() =>

            var nova = new Decorator((() =>
                /* act when Ick casting Poison Nova */
                return(ick.CastingSpellId == 68989);
            }), new LeafAction(() =>
                var targetCoords = ick.Coordinates;

                var desiredDistance = 20;

                foreach (var client in mbox.clients)
                    var playerCoords = client.Player.Coordinates;
                    var diff         = (targetCoords - playerCoords);
                    var distance     = diff.Length();

                    if (distance < desiredDistance)
                        var adjusted          = ((diff * desiredDistance) / distance);
                        var finalTargetCoords = targetCoords - adjusted;

                            client.Player.GetAddress(), ClickToMoveType.Move, ref _guidForCtm, ref finalTargetCoords, 1f);


            var mines = new Decorator((() =>
            }), new LeafAction(() =>

            var pursuit = new Decorator((() =>
                /* act when Ick casting Pursuit */
                return(ick.CastingSpellId == 68987);
            }), new LeafAction(() =>
                var targetCoords = ick.Coordinates;

                var desiredDistance = 20;

                foreach (var client in mbox.clients)
                    var playerCoords = client.Player.Coordinates;
                    var diff         = (targetCoords - playerCoords);
                    var distance     = diff.Length();

                    if (distance < desiredDistance)
                        var adjusted          = ((diff * desiredDistance) / distance);
                        var finalTargetCoords = targetCoords - adjusted;

                            client.Player.GetAddress(), ClickToMoveType.Move, ref _guidForCtm, ref finalTargetCoords, 1f);


            var basic = new Decorator((() =>
            }), new LeafAction(() =>
                mbox.GroupTargetGuids[0] = ick.GUID;

                // step out of puddles (if not tank)
                foreach (var client in mbox.clients.Where(cli => cli != tank))
                    if (client.Player.Auras.Select(aura => aura.auraID).Any(auraId => ToxicWasteIds.Contains(auraId)))
                        var playerCoords      = client.Player.Coordinates;
                        var finalTargetCoords = playerCoords + new Vector3(2.5f, 0f, 0f);
                            client.Player.GetAddress(), ClickToMoveType.Move, ref _guidForCtm, ref finalTargetCoords, 1f);


            var stratSelector = new Selector(bossDeadCheck, nova, mines, pursuit, basic);

            return(new Sequence(false, prep, stratSelector));
Exemplo n.º 56
 void OnQuickAccessClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
     ToggleButton button = (ToggleButton)sender;
     if ((!IsOpen) && (!IsSnapped))
         if (popup == null)
             // Trying to load control
             RibbonTabItem item = Parent as RibbonTabItem;
             if (item != null)
                 RibbonTabControl tabControl = item.Parent as RibbonTabControl;
                 if (tabControl != null)
                     RibbonTabItem selectedItem = tabControl.SelectedItem as RibbonTabItem;
                     tabControl.SelectedItem = item;
                     tabControl.SelectedItem = selectedItem;
         IsSnapped = true;
         savedState = this.State;
         this.State = RibbonGroupBoxState.Collapsed;
         if (!IsVisible)
             UIElement element = popup.Child;
             popup.Child = null;
             if (element != null)
                 Decorator parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(element) as Decorator;
                 if (parent != null) parent.Child = null;
             quickAccessPopup = new RibbonPopup();
             quickAccessPopup.AllowsTransparency = popup.AllowsTransparency;
             quickAccessPopup.Child = element;
         else quickAccessPopup = popup as RibbonPopup;
         quickAccessPopup.Closed += OnMenuClosed;
         popupPlacementTarget = popup.PlacementTarget;
         quickAccessPopup.PlacementTarget = button;
         quickAccessPopup.Tag = button;
         if (IsVisible)
             Width = ActualWidth;
             Height = ActualHeight;
         savedScale = Scale;
         Scale = -100;
         quickAccessPopup.IsOpen = true;
         RaiseEvent(new RoutedEventArgs(RibbonControl.ClickEvent, this));
         if (quickAccessPopup.Child != null)
             Decorator parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(quickAccessPopup.Child) as Decorator;
             if (parent != null) parent.UpdateLayout();
         if (quickAccessPopup.Child != null) quickAccessPopup.Child.InvalidateMeasure();
         button.IsChecked = true;
         e.Handled = true;
 internal virtual bool IsProfilerAvailable()
Exemplo n.º 58
        public void Should_Update_When_Control_Moved_Causing_Layout_Change()
            using (UnitTestApplication.Start(TestServices.MockPlatformRenderInterface))
                Decorator moveFrom;
                Decorator moveTo;
                Canvas    moveMe;
                var       tree = new TestRoot
                    Width  = 100,
                    Height = 100,
                    Child  = new DockPanel
                        Children =
                            (moveFrom      = new Decorator
                                Child      = moveMe = new Canvas
                                    Width  = 100,
                                    Height =        100,
                            (moveTo        = new Decorator()),

                tree.Arrange(new Rect(tree.DesiredSize));

                var scene        = new Scene(tree);
                var sceneBuilder = new SceneBuilder();

                var moveFromNode = (VisualNode)scene.FindNode(moveFrom);
                var moveToNode   = (VisualNode)scene.FindNode(moveTo);

                Assert.Equal(1, moveFromNode.Children.Count);
                Assert.Same(moveMe, moveFromNode.Children[0].Visual);

                moveFrom.Child = null;
                moveTo.Child   = moveMe;

                scene        = scene.CloneScene();
                moveFromNode = (VisualNode)scene.FindNode(moveFrom);
                moveToNode   = (VisualNode)scene.FindNode(moveTo);

                sceneBuilder.Update(scene, moveFrom);
                sceneBuilder.Update(scene, moveTo);
                sceneBuilder.Update(scene, moveMe);

                Assert.Equal(1, moveToNode.Children.Count);
                Assert.Same(moveMe, moveToNode.Children[0].Visual);
Exemplo n.º 59
 public static IObservable <EventPattern <MouseButtonEventArgs> > MouseLeftButtonDownObserver(this Decorator This)
     return(Observable.FromEventPattern <MouseButtonEventHandler, MouseButtonEventArgs>(h => This.MouseLeftButtonDown += h, h => This.MouseLeftButtonDown -= h));
Exemplo n.º 60
 public static IObservable <EventPattern <ManipulationInertiaStartingEventArgs> > ManipulationInertiaStartingObserver(this Decorator This)
     return(Observable.FromEventPattern <EventHandler <ManipulationInertiaStartingEventArgs>, ManipulationInertiaStartingEventArgs>(h => This.ManipulationInertiaStarting += h, h => This.ManipulationInertiaStarting -= h));