Exemplo n.º 1
        internal static TypeKind ToTypeKind(this DeclarationKind kind)
            switch (kind)
            case DeclarationKind.Class:
            case DeclarationKind.Script:
            case DeclarationKind.ImplicitClass:
            case DeclarationKind.SimpleProgram:
            case DeclarationKind.Record:

            case DeclarationKind.Submission:

            case DeclarationKind.Delegate:

            case DeclarationKind.Enum:

            case DeclarationKind.Interface:

            case DeclarationKind.Struct:

                throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(kind);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private SingleNamespaceOrTypeDeclaration VisitTypeDeclaration(
            TypeDeclarationSyntax node,
            DeclarationKind kind
            SingleTypeDeclaration.TypeDeclarationFlags declFlags = node.AttributeLists.Any()
              ? SingleTypeDeclaration.TypeDeclarationFlags.HasAnyAttributes
              : SingleTypeDeclaration.TypeDeclarationFlags.None;

            if (node.BaseList != null)
                declFlags |= SingleTypeDeclaration.TypeDeclarationFlags.HasBaseDeclarations;

            var diagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance();

            if (node.Arity == 0)
                Symbol.ReportErrorIfHasConstraints(node.ConstraintClauses, diagnostics);

            var memberNames = GetNonTypeMemberNames(
                ref declFlags

            // A record with parameters at least has a primary constructor
            if (
                ((declFlags & SingleTypeDeclaration.TypeDeclarationFlags.HasAnyNontypeMembers) == 0) &&
                node is RecordDeclarationSyntax {
                ParameterList : { }
Exemplo n.º 3
 internal static SyntaxKind GetTypeDeclarationKeywordKind(DeclarationKind kind)
     switch (kind)
         case DeclarationKind.Class:
             return SyntaxKind.ClassKeyword;
         case DeclarationKind.Struct:
             return SyntaxKind.StructKeyword;
         case DeclarationKind.Interface:
             return SyntaxKind.InterfaceKeyword;
             throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(kind);
        internal static SyntaxKind GetTypeDeclarationKeywordKind(DeclarationKind kind)
            switch (kind)
            case DeclarationKind.Class:

            case DeclarationKind.Struct:

            case DeclarationKind.Interface:

                throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(kind);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private DMember ResolveExactName(QualifiedName qualifiedName, ref string /*!*/ fullName,
                                         DeclarationKind kind, Scope currentScope, bool mustResolve)
            switch (kind)
            case DeclarationKind.Type:
                return(compilationUnit.GetVisibleType(qualifiedName, ref fullName, currentScope, mustResolve));

            case DeclarationKind.Function:
                return(compilationUnit.GetVisibleFunction(qualifiedName, ref fullName, currentScope));

            case DeclarationKind.Constant:
                return(compilationUnit.GetVisibleConstant(qualifiedName, ref fullName, currentScope));

                throw null;
Exemplo n.º 6
        internal SingleTypeDeclaration(
            DeclarationKind kind,
            string name,
            int arity,
            DeclarationModifiers modifiers,
            TypeDeclarationFlags declFlags,
            SyntaxReference syntaxReference,
            SourceLocation nameLocation,
            ImmutableHashSet <string> memberNames,
            ImmutableArray <SingleTypeDeclaration> children,
            ImmutableArray <Diagnostic> diagnostics
            ) : base(name, syntaxReference, nameLocation, diagnostics)
            Debug.Assert(kind != DeclarationKind.Namespace);

            _kind       = kind;
            _arity      = (ushort)arity;
            _modifiers  = modifiers;
            MemberNames = memberNames;
            _children   = children;
            _flags      = declFlags;
        internal SingleTypeDeclaration(
            DeclarationKind kind,
            string name,
            int arity,
            DeclarationModifiers modifiers,
            TypeDeclarationFlags declFlags,
            SyntaxReference syntaxReference,
            SourceLocation nameLocation,
            ICollection <string> memberNames,
            ImmutableArray <SingleTypeDeclaration> children)
            : base(name,
            Debug.Assert(kind != DeclarationKind.Namespace);

            this.kind        = kind;
            this.arity       = (ushort)arity;
            this.modifiers   = modifiers;
            this.memberNames = memberNames;
            this.children    = children;
            this.flags       = declFlags;
Exemplo n.º 8
        private SingleNamespaceOrTypeDeclaration VisitTypeDeclaration(TypeDeclarationSyntax node, DeclarationKind kind)
            SingleTypeDeclaration.TypeDeclarationFlags declFlags = node.AttributeLists.Any() ?
                                                                   SingleTypeDeclaration.TypeDeclarationFlags.HasAnyAttributes :

            if (node.BaseList != null)
                declFlags |= SingleTypeDeclaration.TypeDeclarationFlags.HasBaseDeclarations;

            var memberNames = GetNonTypeMemberNames(((Syntax.InternalSyntax.TypeDeclarationSyntax)(node.Green)).Members,
                                                    node.Kind == SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration ?
                                                    ((ClassDeclarationSyntax)node).ParameterList != null :
                                                    node.Kind == SyntaxKind.StructDeclaration ?
                                                    ((StructDeclarationSyntax)node).ParameterList != null :
                                                    ref declFlags);

            return(new SingleTypeDeclaration(
                       kind: kind,
                       name: node.Identifier.ValueText,
                       modifiers: node.Modifiers.ToDeclarationModifiers(),
                       arity: node.Arity,
                       declFlags: declFlags,
                       syntaxReference: syntaxTree.GetReference(node),
                       nameLocation: new SourceLocation(node.Identifier),
                       memberNames: memberNames,
                       children: VisitTypeChildren(node)));
Exemplo n.º 9
        private SingleNamespaceOrTypeDeclaration VisitTypeDeclaration(TypeDeclarationSyntax node, DeclarationKind kind)
            SingleTypeDeclaration.TypeDeclarationFlags declFlags = node.AttributeLists.Any() ?
                                                                   SingleTypeDeclaration.TypeDeclarationFlags.HasAnyAttributes :

            if (node.BaseList != null)
                declFlags |= SingleTypeDeclaration.TypeDeclarationFlags.HasBaseDeclarations;

            var diagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance();

            if (node.Arity == 0)
                Symbol.ReportErrorIfHasConstraints(node.ConstraintClauses, diagnostics);

            var memberNames = GetNonTypeMemberNames(((Syntax.InternalSyntax.TypeDeclarationSyntax)(node.Green)).Members,
                                                    ref declFlags);

            var modifiers = node.Modifiers.ToDeclarationModifiers(diagnostics: diagnostics);

            return(new SingleTypeDeclaration(
                       kind: kind,
                       name: node.Identifier.ValueText,
                       modifiers: modifiers,
                       arity: node.Arity,
                       declFlags: declFlags,
                       syntaxReference: _syntaxTree.GetReference(node),
                       nameLocation: new SourceLocation(node.Identifier),
                       memberNames: memberNames,
                       children: VisitTypeChildren(node),
                       diagnostics: diagnostics.ToReadOnlyAndFree()));
Exemplo n.º 10

        #region Name Resolving

        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves a function or type name using aliases and imported namespaces of the source unit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qualifiedName">Function qualified name to resolve. Doesn't resolve special names ("self", "parent").</param>
        /// <param name="kind">Declaration kind.</param>
        /// <param name="currentScope">Current scope.</param>
        /// <param name="alias">
        /// <B>null</B>, if the function name is resolved immediately.
        /// Otherwise, if the <paramref name="qualifiedName"/> is simple and an alias exists, contains its qualified target.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="errors">Error sink or <B>null</B> if errors shouldn't be reported.</param>
        /// <param name="position">Position where to report an error.</param>
        /// <param name="mustResolve">Whether name must be resolved if possible.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Resolved member, the unknown member, or <B>null</B> if error reporting is disabled (errors == null).
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If the name is simple, is not resolved and has an alias then the run-time resolve should be run on the alias.
        /// If the name is simple, is not resolved and hasn't an alias, the run-time resolve should be run on the name
        ///		within the naming context of the source unit (i.e. imported namespaces should be considered).
        /// If the name is fully qualified and is not resolved then then the run-time resolve should be run on the name itself.
        /// </remarks>
        private DMember ResolveName(QualifiedName qualifiedName, DeclarationKind kind, Scope currentScope,
                                    out QualifiedName?alias, ErrorSink errors, Position position, bool mustResolve)
            string  full_name = null;
            DMember result;

            alias = null;

            // try exact match:
            result = ResolveExactName(qualifiedName, ref full_name, kind, currentScope, mustResolve);
            if (result != null)

            /*  // aliases are resolved in parse-time
             *          // try explicit aliases:
             *          if (qualifiedName.IsSimpleName)
             *          {
             *                  QualifiedName alias_qualified_name;
             *                  Dictionary<Name, QualifiedName> aliases = null;
             *                  switch (kind)
             *                  {
             *                          case DeclarationKind.Type: aliases = typeAliases; break;
             *                          case DeclarationKind.Function: aliases = functionAliases; break;
             *                          case DeclarationKind.Constant: aliases = constantAliases; break;
             *                  }
             *                  // try alias:
             *                  if (aliases != null && aliases.TryGetValue(qualifiedName.Name, out alias_qualified_name))
             *                  {
             *                          // alias exists //
             *                          full_name = null;
             *                          result = ResolveExactName(alias_qualified_name, ref full_name, kind, currentScope, mustResolve);
             *                          if (result != null)
             *                                  return result;
             *                          alias = alias_qualified_name;
             *                          switch (kind)
             *                          {
             *                                  case DeclarationKind.Type: result = new UnknownType(full_name); break;
             *                                  case DeclarationKind.Function: result = new UnknownFunction(full_name); break;
             *                                  case DeclarationKind.Constant: result = new UnknownGlobalConstant(full_name); break;
             *                          }
             *                          return result;
             *                  }
             *          }

            // try imported namespaces:
            if (!qualifiedName.IsFullyQualifiedName && HasImportedNamespaces)
                result = null;

                foreach (QualifiedName imported_ns in importedNamespaces)
                    QualifiedName combined_qualified_name = new QualifiedName(qualifiedName, imported_ns);
                    full_name = null;

                    DMember candidate = ResolveExactName(combined_qualified_name, ref full_name, kind, currentScope, mustResolve);
                    if (candidate != null)
                        if (result != null)
                            if (errors != null)
                                ErrorInfo error;
                                switch (kind)
                                case DeclarationKind.Type: error = Errors.AmbiguousTypeMatch; break;

                                case DeclarationKind.Function: error = Errors.AmbiguousFunctionMatch; break;

                                case DeclarationKind.Constant: error = Errors.AmbiguousConstantMatch; break;

                                default: throw null;

                                errors.Add(error, this, position, result.FullName, candidate.FullName, qualifiedName.Name);
                            result = candidate;

                if (result != null)

            // unknown qualified name:
            if (errors != null)
                switch (kind)
                case DeclarationKind.Type: result = new UnknownType(qualifiedName.ToString()); break;

                case DeclarationKind.Function: result = new UnknownFunction(qualifiedName.ToString()); break;

                case DeclarationKind.Constant: result = new UnknownGlobalConstant(qualifiedName.ToString()); break;


Exemplo n.º 11
 public TypedefNameDecl(DeclarationKind kind) : base(kind)
Exemplo n.º 12
 public DeclarationContext(DeclarationKind kind) : base(kind)
Exemplo n.º 13
 public Declaration(DeclarationKind kind)
Exemplo n.º 14
 public TemplateParameter(DeclarationKind kind) : base(kind)
Exemplo n.º 15
 public Template(DeclarationKind kind) : base(DeclarationKind.Template)
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves a function or type name using aliases and imported namespaces of the source unit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qualifiedName">Function qualified name to resolve. Doesn't resolve special names ("self", "parent").</param>
        /// <param name="kind">Declaration kind.</param>
        /// <param name="currentScope">Current scope.</param>
        /// <param name="alias">
        /// <B>null</B>, if the function name is resolved immediately.
        /// Otherwise, if the <paramref name="qualifiedName"/> is simple and an alias exists, contains its qualified target.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="errors">Error sink or <B>null</B> if errors shouldn't be reported.</param>
        /// <param name="position">Position where to report an error.</param>
        /// <param name="mustResolve">Whether name must be resolved if possible.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Resolved member, the unknown member, or <B>null</B> if error reporting is disabled (errors == null).
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If the name is simple, is not resolved and has an alias then the run-time resolve should be run on the alias.
        /// If the name is simple, is not resolved and hasn't an alias, the run-time resolve should be run on the name
        ///		within the naming context of the source unit (i.e. imported namespaces should be considered).
        /// If the name is fully qualified and is not resolved then then the run-time resolve should be run on the name itself.
        /// </remarks>
        private DMember ResolveName(QualifiedName qualifiedName, DeclarationKind kind, Scope currentScope,
                                    out QualifiedName?alias, ErrorSink errors, Text.Span position, bool mustResolve)
            string  full_name = null;
            DMember result;

            alias = null;

            // try exact match:
            result = ResolveExactName(qualifiedName, ref full_name, kind, currentScope, mustResolve);
            if (result != null)

            // try imported namespaces:
            if (!qualifiedName.IsFullyQualifiedName && HasImportedNamespaces)
                result = null;

                foreach (QualifiedName imported_ns in this.ImportedNamespaces)
                    QualifiedName combined_qualified_name = new QualifiedName(qualifiedName, imported_ns);
                    full_name = null;

                    DMember candidate = ResolveExactName(combined_qualified_name, ref full_name, kind, currentScope, mustResolve);
                    if (candidate != null)
                        if (result != null)
                            if (errors != null)
                                ErrorInfo error;
                                switch (kind)
                                case DeclarationKind.Type: error = Errors.AmbiguousTypeMatch; break;

                                case DeclarationKind.Function: error = Errors.AmbiguousFunctionMatch; break;

                                case DeclarationKind.Constant: error = Errors.AmbiguousConstantMatch; break;

                                default: throw null;

                                errors.Add(error, this, position, result.FullName, candidate.FullName, qualifiedName.Name);
                            result = candidate;

                if (result != null)

            // unknown qualified name:
            if (errors != null)
                switch (kind)
                case DeclarationKind.Type: result = new UnknownType(qualifiedName.ToString()); break;

                case DeclarationKind.Function: result = new UnknownFunction(qualifiedName.ToString()); break;

                case DeclarationKind.Constant: result = new UnknownGlobalConstant(qualifiedName.ToString()); break;

