private DeclarationBlock GetUnchangingPathDeclarationItems(DeclarationBlock unchangedDeclareBlock)
            var result = new DeclarationBlock();

            // Note: Can't directly add items because the original values would be overwritten.
            foreach (var item in unchangedDeclareBlock.Items)
                if (item.Type == ITEM_PATH_TYPE) // same type for all paths
                    // fully copy unchanged declaration items to the updated declaration block
                    result.Items.Add(new DeclarationItem()
                        Id        = item.Id,
                        Name      = item.Name,
                        Namespace = item.Namespace,
                        Type      = item.Type,
                        Depends   = item.Depends,
                        Item6     = item.Item6,
                        Items     = item.Items

Exemplo n.º 2
 public override string AST(int depth = 0)
     return($"{Spaces(depth)}[{Name}\n" +
            $"{Id.AST(depth + 1)}" +
            $"{DeclarationBlock.AST(depth + 1)}" +
            $"{MainBlock.AST(depth + 1)}{Spaces(depth)}]\n");
        // Note: Original order is actually based on path name; see my notes for more info (different file).
        public DeclarationBlock UpdateDeclareBlock(DeclarationBlock unchangedDeclareBlock)
            var comparer = new DeclarationComparer();

            // Get all unchanging path items
            var pathsDeclareBlock = GetUnchangingPathDeclarationItems(unchangedDeclareBlock);

            // Get all modifiable path items

            // Sort path items to mimic the original's sort order
            pathsDeclareBlock.Items = pathsDeclareBlock.Items
                                      .OrderBy(item => item.Name)
                                      .ThenBy(item => item.Item6)

            // for each item in path list, find the path in the VM's list
            //   and add the item's name property (as a declaration item) to a new list (in order)
            //     reminder: logically, unchanging name items are added here as well

            var modifiedDeclareBlock = new DeclarationBlock();

            // For each item path, search for a corresponding item name; create a declaration item for each found name

            // add any other types of items to list (e.g. non-animation, non-package items)
            //  note: can't directly add items because the original values would be overwritten
            foreach (var item in unchangedDeclareBlock.Items)
                if (item.Type != ITEM_PATH_TYPE) // same type for all paths
                    modifiedDeclareBlock.Items.Add(new DeclarationItem()
                        Id        = item.Id,
                        Name      = item.Name,
                        Namespace = item.Namespace,
                        Type      = item.Type,
                        Depends   = item.Depends,
                        Item6     = item.Item6,
                        Items     = item.Items

            // add paths to end of the names list

            // remove duplicates
            modifiedDeclareBlock.Items = modifiedDeclareBlock.Items
                                         .OrderBy(item => item.Type)

            // re-assign IDs based on index
            for (var i = 0; i < modifiedDeclareBlock.Count; i++)
                modifiedDeclareBlock.Items[i].Id = i;

            // assign Depends where needed
            UpdateDepends(ref modifiedDeclareBlock);

            // Update Depends of unchanging items (e.g. non-animation, non-vfx items)
            foreach (var unchangedPathItem in unchangedDeclareBlock.Items.Where(item => item.Type == ITEM_PATH_TYPE))
                // find the new id of the path item
                var newId = modifiedDeclareBlock.Items
                            .Find(pathItem => comparer.Equals(pathItem, unchangedPathItem)).Id;
                // find the item and update its Depends value to the new ID
                // get the name of the item whose Depends value is this path item's old ID. That is the item to update.
                var dependentItemName = unchangedDeclareBlock.Items.Find(item => item.Depends == (-unchangedPathItem.Id - 1)).Name;
                // use the name to find the [item to update] in the modifiedDeclareBlock
                modifiedDeclareBlock.Items.Find(item => item.Name == dependentItemName).Depends = -newId - 1;

 abstract public StructProperty GetModifiedContent(DeclarationBlock declare);
 internal abstract void UpdateDepends(ref DeclarationBlock modifiedDeclareBlock);
 internal abstract IList <DeclarationItem> GetNameDeclarationItems(DeclarationBlock pathsDeclareBlock);